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4/19/2018 Document 311231.

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iSupplier Portal Responsibility Does Not Display Any PO's (Doc ID 311231.1)


Oracle iSupplier Portal - Version 11.5.10 and later

Information in this document applies to any platform.


Responsibility. iSupplier Portal Full Access

Does not allow Supplier users to view any PO'S

Steps To Reproduce.

1. Sign on to Application
2. Responsibility: Select: iSupplier Portal Full Access
3. Navigate: Home page > Orders Tab > Returns No Records



There are 3 securing attributes. All 3 attributes should be present for the external Responsibility.
The VALUES of the SITE and CONTACT attributes at the RESPONSIBILITY level will be -9999 or similar. If the -9999 value is
missing for SITE or CONTACT attribute at the RESPONSIBILITY level this will cause problems. The values may be checked at:
System Administrator / Security / Responsibility / Define

The VALUES at the USER level are required or optional as described below:
ICX_SUPPLIER_ORG_ID - mandatory / required, one and only one value per user
ICX_SUPPLIER_SITE_ID - optional, zero or more values per user to restrict (or not) the user to transactions for certain
supplier site(s) for this supplier
ICX_SUPPLIER_CONTACT_ID - optional, zero or more values per user to restrict (or not) the user to transactions by certain
supplier contact(s) for this supplier

The user level values may be VIEWED (not modified) at System Administrator / Security / User / Define
The user level values may be MODIFIED at Supplier Management Administrator / Supplier User Management / Approve and
Manage Supplier User Profile.
- Query for the supplier user, view details, and assign or remove responsibilities, site restrictions, and contact restrictions as
desired. It is fine to allow a supplier user to access transactions for all sites and all contacts if that fits the business model. Or
use the restriction features in this page to limit access to transactions from specific sites and / or contacts. The values set
here will be reflected in the ICX_SUPPLIER_SITE_ID and ICX_SUPPLIER_CONTACT_ID values, therefore the values should
always be modified using the UI page described here. (The user level securing attribute values should ** NOT ** be updated
using System Administrator responsibility / security / user define) 1/2
4/19/2018 Document 311231.1

The issue described in this note is due to not setting the Securing Attributes for the Responsibility to a default value.

When a Supplier is Registered, And only the Supplier Name is given the following Securing Attribute is

Set on the Login: ICX_SUPPLIER_ORG_ID.

This leaves the other Two Securing Attributes, Not Set .



This raises the need for a default value - which in this case should be -9999 Set on the New Responsibility that was created.
When using the New iSupplier Responsibility

Note: When the Securing Attributes are not set on the login - then the system drives off of the Responsibility Setting for the
Securing Attributes.


To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

1. Login as System Administrator.

2. Navigate Security/Responsibilty/Define
3. Query on the Responsibility - iSupplier Portal Full Access.
4. Click on the Securing Attributes Tab
5. Give selection to the Securing Attribute ICX_SUPPLIER_SITE_ID
6. Choose the Values Button, Set this value to -9999
7. Save and then click onto the other Securing Attribute - ICX_SUPPLIER_CONTACT_ID
8. Click on Values Button , Set this value to -9999
9. Save your Work, And Exist the Form
10. Login and Test the Custom Responsibility

Confirm that now the Purchase Orders are being returned to the Screen..

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