The Life of The Students During The Time of Covid

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The Life of the students during the time of covid 19 pandemic

COVID-19 pandemic changes a lot of things. It has created an impact on our society. It rapidly affected
our day-to-day life. It caused of killing millions of people around the world. It caused also the
disruption of the celebration of some events, social distancing with our peers and family members,
and closure of public or private places like schools and universities are closing down and they
postponement the classes. A lot of people are happy about it especially that they postpone the
classes, however, some are not happy about it. They are not happy because of the change in their
lifestyle and with the changed of school calendars. After so many months of being in a lockdown,
Usec. Briones allows the education department to continue but with these new normal modalities of

In this change, moving abruptly from face-to-face classes to online platforms and remote education,
the students are having a hard time especially the college students who are learning online. They have
to deal with so many things. They have to deal with their internet connection. Sometimes they just
came into their classes and suddenly they get kicked out because of the poor connection. They are
also financially challenged because online class needs wi-fi or load. And students should have also
gadgets that are needed for the online class. Also, have to deal load of school works. Students are
bombarded with a load of school works especially online class learners. They have so many works,
assignments, and projects to be done. And lastly, they have to deal with the noise around them. The
noise coming from the people talking and laughing loudly, noise from the dogs and chickens, and the
noise from the motorcycles or cars.
With all of that changes, I could say that we are still blessed. As an online learning student, this new
normal gives me an opportunity. Opportunity to bond more with my parents. Opportunity to help the
ministry of the Lord. And lastly, an opportunity to appreciate the beautiful side of this Covid-19. I
know that it is so hard especially with the online class but this makes me realize as a student to
appreciate the education. As I see the situation of my family during the time of the pandemic, it
makes me realize to strive more and to finish my studies. And that is the reason I continue even with
the challenges and trials I experienced.

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