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Looking at the sales revenue graph, we can interpret that from 2018 to 2024 the two companies were at

par because in a particular year, either jazz had their revenue on a higher side or strenz had but after
2024 we can see a huge increase in the revenue of Jazz. It can be interpreted that Manada was a closed
economy till 2024 and after that it opened its doors for FDI, so there was a drop in sales of Strenz, which
could be the future of Jazz also.

If we compare the Sales revenue to the GDP growth rate we see a similar trend for both the companies
across all the years.

By looking at their Sales revenue tables we can see that Jazz is having an operating margin of 18-20%
whereas on the other side Strenz is having only 9-11%. But the interest expense in case of Jazz is 12-13%
whereas for strenz it is 7-9%. Here strenz is having a lower interest rate advantage.

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