Self-Diary For Volunteerism Assignment

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Self-Diary for Volunteerism Assignment

Hello everyone!

My name is Nurul Syahira Binti Johari, my matric number is

H19A0721 I’m 23 years old, from Malacca. Today I will
write about my experienced to do a assignment about my
subject which is Volunteerism. At the first day that I got the
assignment, I afraid to do it because at the same time our
country is in pandemic phase Covid-19. When the name of
group are listed and i get groupmate we are so exciting to do
the assignment together but we lack of idea because we don’t
know the actual guideline that our lecture want we to do.
After the guideline is out we rapidly discuss in group WhatsApp. We discussed and get a lot
of idea to do for our of our idea is we want to help people who had a cancer
which is we help in give some donation like a pieces of hair from barbershop and take it in
large amount then give to the charity cancer foundation.

The next discusses, we discuss in group discussion to think what another event that suitable
for our volunteer assignment. At the same time every group, we get one supervisor to help us
to think the best idea for our assignment and then they also are evaluate us. We get Dr Velan
as our evaluation. We do a meeting with him and discuss our topic and idea for our
assignment. He said he want physical volunteer activity for our assignment such as clean a
beach, give donation to orphan foundation. Then, our group get some idea which is help B40
people who are get into business. We market their product to tourist then from that they can
get a lot of customers. Other than that, we also help to boost up that place to tourist like the
interaction of that place. So, we decided to choose Malacca to our assignment. We choose
Uptown Malacca because at that place had a lot of stalls that B40 people and many of
interaction. So, we decided to go 3 days 2 night to settle all the assignment.

Then, we give our task for each. To be

more efficient and faster to settle it down.
We do a fair way to devided a task for
each person. We do in Google Meet by
using spinning wheel. After get all task
we plan the trip to go to our place
Malacca. The planned have to think about
the budget, the transport and hotel. So,
we choose one of our groupmate to be
trip planner.


We go to the city of Malacca on actual date that we choose is 24 untill 26 of December 2021.

We gon 8 person of 10 because the others three person have a financial problem. We arrived
at noon and straight away to the hotel to rest. Then at 9.00 pm we go to Uptown Malacca to
looks how the place organize and how many people go to the place.
For fist day, we saw many of stall are they and lot of food also traditional food they sold. But
not many people are coming because they not know the interesting of Uptown Malacca. After
side visit, we discuss how we want to give the brochure tomorrow to tourist.


At tomorrow morning, we briefing at the hotel to let our teamwork know about their scope of
job. We decide to go attraction place like Bangunan Merah, Jonker Walk and at Malacca
River to give the brochure. Because that place always a lo of tourist come.

The Poster & Brochure

At afternoon
We go the place that we decide to go to give the brochure. We form into two small group to
get more easier and faster to finish. We separate into two different place and after finish we
meet again at the first point. We bought in 50 brochure and 20 posters.

After finish to give the brochure to the tourist, we back to the hotel and take some rest
because at night we want to go site visit back at Uptown Malacca. At 9.00 pm, we got to
Uptown Malacca and want to see the changes crowd of people come after we blast the
When we are arrived at Uptown Malacca, we can see a lot of people come there and that’s
make me so happy and bless because what we do and effort that we make are worth it. In
addition, we also see the smiles from the merchants are so happy because they get a lot of
customers. That’s make our heart happy because only smile can give us award from them.
The food and the craft are so unique and delicious to buy from the customers.
The foods & Hand craft

Final day we at Malacca to finish it our group assignment. We go to Uptown in the morning
to look was it okay or not and how many people are come. In good news still a lot of people
around there and we continue to do a report after our side visit and we meet the AJK Uptown
Malacca Encik Wan to give some souvenirs to thankful because want to do collaboration

with us to complete our assignment. At the afternoon we packing things to go back our
home .

With AJK Uptown Malacca

Our team

Thank you :)

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