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What is energy?

Energy is the ability to do work.

Some activities in which we use energy.

3.Climbing mountains
5.Carrying heavy loads
6.Washing clothes

Energy is needed to do all these activities

• Sources of energy

Things or substances that give us energy

are called energy sources.
eg . Sun
Fossil Fuels
Energy Of Water
Sea Waves
Tidal Waves
Nuclear Power

Sun gives us energy in 2 forms.

*Light energy
*Heat energy
Energy in the sun is used in 3 different ways. usages
Eg: Using sunlight for photosynthesis.
Making lime pickle
Drying cloths
Drying grains

2.Using solar heat by means of appliances

Eg: Solar water heater
solar thermal stove/cooker

3.Conversion of sunlight into electricity.

Eg: Solar cells

Solar panel
Activity 4.2 -Demonstrate the functions of a solar
Method : Solar thermal box stove.

Observation :
Bio mass
Plant & animal materials which can be used
as fuels are called as biomass.
firewood, coal, hay, rotten fruits and
vegetables, dried cow dung
saw dust

Wind energy
Air flow referred as wind. Therefore
solar energy comes out as the kinetic
* Wind is formed as a result of sun’s heat.
* So wind also contains sun’s energy.
Uses of wind energy:
Activity 4.1 – Let’s make a wind propeller
Method : ( diagram)
Observation : wind propeller rotates when there is wind.
When wind speed is high, it rotates faster.
Conclusion : blowing wind provides energy to do certain tasks.

Activity 4.4 - Lets use wind energy to do work

Method : ( diagram)
Observation: Wind propeller rotates .Weight is lifted.
Conclusion : wind helps us to do work
Fossil fuels
Fossil fuels are made from decomposing plants and
animals. These fuels are found in the Earth's crust and it
takes millions of years. Solar energy is the stored energy
in the fossil fuels..
Energy stored in water
*Energy is stored in water at a higher position. It is called potential
*Running water also contains energy.
• In a hydro power plant, running water is used to rotate

Let's make a mini hydropower station

Tidal waves
When the sun and the moon come closer to the earth, water level of the sea changes due to
the gravity of the sun and the moon.

Rise of the sea water level is named as the high tide and fall of it is named as the low tide.
In a high tide, sea water is filled into a tank or a tidal basin.

In the low tide, water flows back to the sea.

Turbines are rotated during both these actions.

When the difference of the height of the water levels is

high, the amount of energy produced is also high.
Geo thermal energy
Temperature at the interior of the earth is high.
When water is sent to those areas, we can produce superheated steam
(steam with high temperature and high pressure)

Turbines are rotated with this steam produced.

Nuclear power
Radio- active elements such as Radium, Thorium and Plutonium emit
Reactions among these nuclear substances produce a large amount of heat
Using this heat, steam is produced.
Steam thus produced is used to rotate turbine.
Sustainable use of energy sources

• World population increases day-by-day.

• So energy requirements also increase at a light rate.
• Energy supply does not meet the demand for energy.
• It creates an energy crisis.
• People mostly use non-renewable energy sources such as fossil
fuels and nuclear substances.
• These take millions of years to regenerate.
• 3 aspects of sustainable use of energy resources.

1.Wise use of resources.

2.Prevention of wastage.
3.Protection for future generations.

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