1959 Analytical Determination of Optimum Bit Weight and Rotary Speed Combinations

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By J. W. Graham* and N. L. Muench*


Th~s paper presents an analytical method for the selection of optimum

combinations of rotary speed and bit weight tominimiz.e total drilling cost. A
mathematical analysis of the cost to drill any depth interval is the basis of the
method. In the analysis, it is assumed that the total drilling cost can be expressed
as the sum'of rig cost for making roundtrips, rig cost for drilling, and bit cost.
It is further assumed that bit life is limited by bearing f·ailure, that bit weight
is not limited by considerations such as hole deviation, and that drilling
hydraulics are adequate. Based on these assumptions, the following important
question is proposed: Do optimum combinations of b1t weight and rotary speed exist

which will minimiz.e the cost to drill specified depth intervals? This question is
understood more specifically through a consideration of the following facts. When
either bit weight or rotary speed is increased, the rig cost for drilling becomes
less because penetration rate is increased. However, when greater bit weight
and/or faster rotary speed is used, both rig cost for making round trips and bit
cost become greater because bit life is decreased. Whether or not a change in
bit weight (or rotary speed) will increase or decrease drilling cost is determined
by a mathematical analysis.
To perform the analysis, the results of past field experience are used
to derive empirical mathematical expressions for bit life expectancy and for
drilling rate as a function of depth, rotary speed, and bit weight. These

*Production Research Division, Humble Oil & Refining Company, Houston, Texas.

To be presented at the Fall Meeting of the Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME~

Dallas, Texas, October 4-7, 1959.
mathematical expressions contain constants which can be adjusted to represent

actual drilling experience in any area, provided that field data on drilling rate

and bit life expectancy are available. After the mathematical expressions are

adapted to a particular area, th.en the optimum combinations of bit weight and

rotary speed can be established.

From the analysis based on simplifying assumptions it is concluded that

optimum combinations of bit weight and .rotary speed exist which minimiz,e total

drilling cost and that these optimum combinations Can be calculated for any drilling

condition. Calculation of com.binations of bit weight and rotary speed which·are

optimum for the conditions of the illustrative field example shows that at depth

intervals from 1000 to 6000 ft high bit weights (Le., in excess of 50,000 Ib at

75 rpm) are necessary to approach minimum total drilling cost. Also, the optimum

combinations of bit weight and rotary speed are strongly dependent .on rig cost

and bit life.

.~~ -}~
By J oW 0 Graham and N. La Muench


The total cost of drilling a well results from a complex interplay of

many factors. A reduction of the cost associated with some of these factors

must be achieved primarily by development of new methods of operations and new

types of materials. But there are other costs which can be reduced through

optimum use of the methods and materials with which we are familiaro This paper

is concerned with the optimum use of present-day roller bit drilling techniques

by selection of the combination of bit weight and rotary speed which minimize

the total drilling cost.

The driller can select bit weight and rotary speed from an almost

infinite number of combinations 0 If he selects higher weights and speeds, rate

of penetration is increased and the rig time costs during drilling are decreased.

However, higher bit weights and rotary speeds reduce bit life so that both rig
time costs for making trips and bit costs are increasedo Accordingly, it
appears the total drilling cost should depend upon the particular combination of

bit weight and rotary speed that is used.

A paper concerned with the determination of combinations of bit weight

and rotary speed which minimize drilling cost - Le •• the optimum combinations -
was published early in 1958 by Speer. The optimum combinations found by Speer

were based on evaluation of field data. Later in 1958, in a theoretical analysis

*Production Research Division, Humble Oil & Refining Company, Houston, Texas.

To be presented at the Fall Meeting of the Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME,

Dallas, Texas, October 4-7, 1959.

Moore pointed out that since bit life is dependent on rotary speed and bit

weight, optimum combinations should exist which would minimize the total cost

resulting from rig costs while drilling, rig costs while making round trips,

and bit costs. Moore also outlined a method for calculating these optimum

combinations. In the present paper a similar approach is adopted, with a somewhat

more detailed analytical development for the calculation of optimum combinations

of bit weight and rotary speed including, for example, non-linear dependence of

drilling rate on rotary speed and variation of formation drillability with depth.

To illustrate the application of the optimization method, an analysis is presented

for an example field.

c 2


The fundamentalassUDlption used in this analysis is that . drilling cost.·.

can be expressed as the sum of three factors-: (a) rig "ost for drilling, (b) rig

cost for making round trips, and {oJ bit Cost.

Inaddition,to this 'assumption, the following-auxiliary assumptions have

been made: l ' "

(1) Bit life is limited only by bearing failu~.

(2) Drilling hydraulics are adequate and do not limit drilling rate.

This'assumption implies 'availability of adequate hydraulic horse-

, .power ,to permit use of· any combination of bit weight and rotary

speed thatmay'be chosen;,

(3 J·Th~ ..bitweight ,which can be -used is not lindted,by o1;her factors

such as hole deviation.

(4) In a specific area, the drilling rate for a given bit weight and

rotary speed, Le., th.e t"ormatioIi'drillability,' although subject

to erratic variations can be expressed as an average that varies

,with depth in a manner that may be represented analytically.

(~) The variation of drilling rate with bit weight and rotary speed
is in accordance with field data reported by Bielstein and Cannon.


To calculat.e optimum combinations of bit .weight and rotary speed it, is

necessary to develop an equation which expresses drilling cost in terms of bit

weight and rotary speed. To accomplish this, certain basic relationships must

first be expressed mathematically. These relationships are presented in the

following paragraphs.

lUg .Co st for Drilling
. ;

If the cost per hour of rig t.im.e is denoted CR and the r;i,.g cost pf

drilling from a. depth of X feet to a depth of X + AX feet is denoted G ,

then Cp is given by:


where ~ denotes drilling rate in feet per hour.'*' In the subSequent 1,lse of Eq. (1)

.it is convenient to take the arbitrary depth interval GX as being 1000 feet •

.Rig Cost forMakin,g ,Trips

Drill Pipe

Since handling time for drill collars differs from, h~dl.;ing t:i,me for

drill pipe, thesetim.es are considere.d separately. .If the averagesP6eds of

running and of pulling drill pipe are denoted ~ and iur ,respective],y, then

the trip time 7; for handling drill pipe (but not drill collars) d.uring one

round trip is-:


ttl. 6'-1.<:; )
where X is the depth, k is the total length of drill collars , and Cl is

defined byEq. (2). To drill from a depth of Xt,o a depth of X + 4)(

requires a trip each time a· bit is replaced. If bit life is denot,ed tll' and

drilling rate is again denoted r , .then each bitdri1.ls 8: depth interval equal
to r t;;. Since, in general, several bits will be used i,n drilling the interval 6.X ,
the total trip time cost Gp for handling drill pipe in drilling from a depth

*A summary of nomenclature is given in Appendix A.

of X. to a depth of X + 4X is:

(3) C7P t [tt.frx-I.J +r"1i] + tt ((K-<'c) + .z 1-7;,}-", -I- tt.[rX'/,<) {-AX]S CR

If it is assumed that the drilling rate r is constant throughout the depth

interval AX , then the series expression in Eq. (3) can be simplified with the



Drill Collars

The time for handling drill collars during one round trip is /Itt: i~
where f:c. is the total time during one round trip to handle one stand of collars

and ~ is the number of stands of collars. Since the number of round trips

made while drilling th.e depth interval LX is .6¥-z:. ,the total trip time

cost for handling drill collars in drilling from a depth of )( to a depth of

X + oX is:

Eqs. (4) and (5) may now be combined to give the total trip time cost

in drilling from. a depth of X to a depth of X + AX :

Cr = C,I" + ~t:
(6) == tl. [(X-L~)~ . _+

Because the total weight of drill collars is related to the bit weight

which can be carried, it is useful to express the quantities L, and ~ in

terms of vi ~ We , t where:

III is the total effective weight of drill collars (which is equal to

bit weight) 3

~ is the effective weight of one stand of drill collars, .and

tG is the length of one stand of drill collars.

Thus, it is seem by inspection that:

Lc = It: (-~) and

~ - -W
'l'hese relationships can be combined liith Eq. (6) to give the following expression:


Bit Cost

The total bit cost to drill from a depth of X to a· depth of X + AX

is detennined by first dividing th.e depth interval .6. X by the distan~ertwhich
one bit can drilL This gives the number of bits required. The total bit cost

is then:

lihere Cb denotes the cost of each bit and where, as before, r denotes drilling

rate and to denotes bit life 0

· Dependence of Drilling· Rate on Bit Weight •. RotarISpeed.and Depth

Provided the available hydraulic horsepower is adequate for any combina-

tion of bit weight and rotary speed j the drilling rate can be expressed as a

function of bit weight 3 rotary speedjand formation drillability•. If it is further

assumed the formation drillability in any given area can be represent~d by a smooth
I,: ,'"

curve of decreasing drillability with increasing depth j )( , then the drilling rate, r,
can be expressed.as follows:

(9 )
r === f(~~X)
= !J{W) ·l(l1I) ..J·(X)
The representation of the function _f(J1~ X) as a product of the three

independent functions J(W), J(AI),andJlK) appears to be justified in the light

of the results of Bielstein and Cannon. The evaluation of the functions of J(W)
and It (/1/) j which give drilling rate as a function of bit weight and rotary speed,
respectivelyjis based on the dat-a and analysis of Bielstein and Oannon. They

established the dependence of drilling rate r on rotary speed /II as being

Although this linear relation fits the data points of Bielstein and

Cannon in the range of 50 to 200 rpm3 the relation is inconvenient to handle

mathematically because it predicts a finite drifling rate at zero rotary speed.

Another expression which fits the data over the same range and which gives zero

penetration rate at zero rotary speed can be used. This -expression is:

To evaluate the exponent f ' Eqs. (10). and (11) are written for

= 200 rpm and equated. It is found that the exponent

k /.5'" =
(1 = Z2"p (7..
. We then have

r - I

Bie1stein andOannon have established that when drilling hydraulics are

adequate, drilling rate is directly proportion to bit weight. Hence, by including
the constant of proportionality in the function j(,x)we can write .f(w) ::: /IV ,
and Eq. (12) becomes


,To complete the description of the dependence of drilling rate on bit

weight, rotary speed, and depth we need only to write an expression for the
dri11abi1ity function J'(X) 0 This expression should describe f-ormation dri11abi1ity
as a function of depth,.based on past drilling experience in any specific area.
The simplest mathematical expression which adequately represents the observed
dependence of drilling rate on depth is:
- I /x_~(
(14) Jrx)== K (-XD /

where ~ is denoted formation dril1ability factor,

JI is denoted formation drillability exponent, and

to is a reference depth introduced for mathematical convenience.
The use of field data to determine K. and K is described in Append;i.x B.

E'1s. (13). and (14) can now be. co.biIJed to give:

(15) r
~ Ie eX/) /
X. /~ )"J~• w
J I (IP~/

,1'1. (15) is the final expression for drilling ratewilichwilLbe used in computing

total drilling cost~ ~~

Dependence of Bit Life on'- Bit Weight and Rotary Speed
The life of oil-lubricated roller bearings in industrial applications

is given by an expression of the form:


where b and S are dependent upon specific operating conditions. For oil-lubricated

industrial roller bea:r:-ings ~ the value of S lies between 3.0 and 3.3 and usually

is known fairly accurately. E'1' (16) is reported to represent the life of mud-

lubricated as well as oil-lubricated bearings •. However, for mud,...lubricat ed bit

roller bearings, the value of S * range s from a.pproximately 1 to 2 and is strongly

dependent on the type of drilling mud •. If bit life data are available for the

specific drilling conditions of interest, then S is estimated from a plot of

log (bitlife)vs log (bit weight). For this plot, bit life mustoe normalized

to the s~ rotary speed by use ofEq. (16). If insufficient data are available,

then ..s == 1.5 can be used as an initial estimate •

After the value of .s is .established, the value of 6 can be

determined by substitution of field data into Eq. (16). Each set of data on bit

life at a specific rotary speed and bit weight gives a value for " • To obtain

. *Courtesy Hughes Tool Co • who developed the values of S for rock bit bearings
with mud lubrication in the laboratory and confirmed these values in the field.

a good value, a nmnber of sets of data should be used so as to establish an average

value for b .

The total cost, C~ , to drill from a depth X to a depth of X + 6..X

is assumed to be equal to the sum of rig cost for drilling, rig cost for ~ing

trips, and bit cost. Therefore C~ can be computed by combining l!:qso(J.,), (7),

and (8):

C)Cl = [rig cost fordrillingS + [rig cost for making triP s 3 + fbit cost'§


where the drilling rate r is given by Eqo (15):

and where the bit life, f" , is given by Eq. (16)

A sununary of the various constants and the methods for determining these constants

is given in the following section. Also included in the following section is a

description of how Eq. (17) is used to deterMine optimum bit weights and rotary speeds.



The expression given inEq. (17) .forms the basis for the optimization

analysis in any area. To evaluate this expression for a specific area, certain

basic'da.ta relating to drilling operations in that area must be obtained. These

basic data are listed in ~able I.


After the data shown in Table I are assembled and the indicated quantities

evaluated, then Eq. (17) is used to compute the cost per foot C,y'Qas a function of

bit weight for fixed rotary speed •. In this computation, the suggested depth interval

is 10OO"~t, so 'that the cost per foot~s cOII1puted at depths of X ~ 1000 ft;

X == 2000 ft;· X== 3000ft, etc.

"Afte; the cost per foot 4xisevaluated at all depths and bit weights of

interest, . the rotary speed is" changed and4AX is recomputed. The data, thus generated

are used to plot a' set of curve s showing the relationship between computed drilling

costs' and bit weight .for the depth interval desired and over a wide range of values

for rotary speed.

These curves giving cost per foot4)tas a function of bit weight for ,

various rota,ry speeds and depths show a minimum at some bit weight. Mathematically,

the bit weight required to give the absolute minimum drilling cost is the optimum

bit weight. However,as a practical matter, a point of diminishing returns is

reached beyond which the dI-illing cost is decreased only slightly by increased bit

weight. In order to take into account this concept of diminishing returns, ia

point of diminishing returns denoted "recommended optimum bit weight" is computed.


Symbol Quantity Units Source of Data

Rig time cost dollars;b.our ,D1'illing records

Average bit cost dollars/bit

Trip time constant for drill hours/ft If If

pipe - based on round trip

Total time during one round hours/stand

trip to handle one stand of
drill collars

Effective weight of stand of Ib/stand Calculated by dividing

drill collars thllt applied b~t weight
used on a typiCal well
in the past by the
number of stands of
collars used on that well.

. Formation drillahility exponent Dimensionle$s Calculated from past

data on drilling' rate vs
depth (see preceding

Formation drillability factor ft/hr - lb of ·It

bit weight

Bit life exponent Dimensionless Calculated from past

data on bit life vs
bit wt. if available;
otherwise use .$ .;= 1. 5
(see preceding analysis)

Bit life constant hours-rpm- Calculated from past

(lhs~ data on bit life vs
bit wt. (See preceding

The recommended. optim'Wn
, "
is rass~d.
',., '. '" to~ereached
,'" ", .
in the example field

when drilling cost is reduced by less than $0.01 per foot by an increase of 1000 lb
. ..
in bit weight. The choice of $0.01 per foot per 1000 Ib involves a judgment factor

based on the shape of the curves giving drillingc.ost as a function of bit weight.

Under c.onditions different from those in the example, a value greater or less than

$0.01 per foot per 1000 lbmay be appropriate.

The actual calculation of recomm~nded optimum bit weight can be accom-

plished either by a graphic method or bya numerical method. In the graphic meth,od,

the graphs of total ~ostPer foot Cy.!~'i.' .vs bit weight ,are examined to determine
where the slope of a tangent to the curve equals a preselected value which in the

example is minus $OoOl/ft per 1000 lb.

The numerical method accomplishes th.e same result as the graphic method

but with somewhat less labor - provided a digital computer is available-. By this

method, the slope of :he c.:./tiJ{ vs bit weight curve is computed for va,riollS bit

weights until a bit weight is found which gives the desired value for the .slope.

The methods just described can be used for determination of optimum

combinations of bit weight and rotary speed to give minimum tot·al drilling costs.

They can also be extended to illustrate the dependence of costs upon the actual

selection of rotary speed and bit weight· as well as to show how optimum conditions

are critically dependent upon rig costs 0 These results can best be seen from the

examples presented in the following sections.



Unit Costs

For the illustrativeexa,mple a daily operating cost of $1,200 i,s assumed.

Thus the average rig cost is:

~ = $50.00 per hour

All bits are 7-7/8 tt rock bits. The av.erage cost C~ of ~ 7...,7/8" rock
bit is assumed to be $200.
Trip Time for Pipe and Collar's
Trip time is preferably determined for each rig from an analysis of
automatically recorded data giving load on. draw works as a function of time. For
the illustrative example, trip time constant for drill pipe is as~umed to be
independent of depth and equal to:

~ = 0.5 x 10-3. hours / ft

and the trip time constant for drill collars is assumed to be:

~ = O. 0667hours/9()"'ft stand

Occasionally there may be other non...,drilling t~e associated with round

trips that should be. included in the deterndnation of t:t For instance, in a
particular area it may pe common practice to condition the well bore by mud
circulation for a period of time prior to making a round trip. In such a case,
the value of tl. must be increased to take account of the greater effective trip

The constant Ie. is the length of one stand of drill collars which is

a s-sumed to be:

'" 90 ft.

The constant Jtlc. is the effective applied weight of one stand of drill

collars as determined from the records of other drilling operations in the same

field. For the example field it is assumed that

~~ '" 5600 Ib/90 ft.

Drilling Rate as a Function of Bit ·Weight •. Rotacr Speed.andD.epth

Fig. 1 is a plot of drilling rate vs depth •. The data shown are from

records of previously drilled wells in the field. For the three wells considered,

essentially constant values of bit weight and r()tary speed were employed

(45,000 lb and 70 rpm). , Because enough data are available for drilling rate at

constant weight and speed, the data could be plotted directly from the drilling

records. Usually the a1railable data are spread over a range of weights and speeds.

In these cases, the drilling rates must be normalized, i.e., reduced to the same

bit weight and rotary speed. /rhis normalization is accomplished by use of Eq. (15).

The value of ( was determined by the trial-and-error procedure

described in Appendix B o If a wide scatter of data had been observed, the least

squares procedure described in Appendix B would have been used instead of the

trial-and-.error method o The sec'ond trial gave good agreement for a value of I
given by


The smooth drillability curve corresponding to this value: of i is shown in Fig. 1.
Thus, for the field considered, the expression for drilling rate as given byEq. (15)


Bit Life as a·Function of Bit Weight and Rotary Speed

The value of the constant S in the formula for bit life given in

Eq. (16) was assumed to by L5. The value of b was ,then determined from the
approximate data that in West Texas a typical 7-7/8" rock bit lasts 15 hours at
45,000 lb bit weight W and 60 rpm rotary speed IV :

~ (15 hours) • (60 rpm) ~ (45 x 103 1b )l.5

:.': 9 x 109 hours rpm • (lb)

The resulting bit life equation for the example field is:

?/P 9
/II Wi.&"

The cost equation, (17), for drilling in the example field is now
completely specified and may be analyzed.
Dependence of Cost on Bit'Weight for Fixed Rotacr Speed
Figs. 2 and 3 show.ll for rotary speeds of 75 and 175 rpm, respectively,

the average drilling cost per foot of hole (Ci::>."1~X ) vs bit weight for

depths ranging to 6000 feet and for AX 1000 feet. A o.igital computer was used

to make these computations.

The cost curves of Figs. 2 and 3 show that, for fued rotary speed,

total cost per foot is strongly dependent upon bit weight.

These curves also show that, for any depth and rotary speed, there exists

an optimum bit weigh.twbich. gives minimum cost.

Determination of Recommended Optimum Operating Conditions

As described in a preceding section, the recommended optimum bit weight

is assumed to be reached when drilling cost is reduced by less than $0.01 per foot

by an increase of 1000 Ib in bit weight. . Fig. 4 shows this recommended optimum

bit weight vs rotary speed for depths to 6000 ft. The data of Fig. 4 indicate that

for rotary speeds of from 50 to 100 rpm bit weights of from 50,000 lbs to 95,000 lbs

(depending on drilling depth and rotary speed) should be used. These bit weights

are significantly higher than the 30,000 1bs to 45,000 1bs which have been used

often under drilling conditions similar to those assumed in the example.

The data of Fig. 4 show that at .eachdepth there exist numerous optimum

combinations of bit weight and rotary speed, Le., for every rotary speed there

is an optimum bit weight. The question arises as to which of the many possible

optimum combinations gives the lowest total drilling cost. To answer this question,

drilling cost was calculated as a function of the possible optimum combinations.

The results are given in Fig. 5 where,for convenience, the optimum combinations

are labeled according to rotary speed; and it is understood that at each rotary

speed the bit weigbtwhich is optimum for that speed is used.

From the data shown in Fig. 5 it is apparent that drill;ing cost is

relatively insensitive to the particular optimum combination which is used.

Therefore, the operator can select any convenient rotary speed provided .that he

uses the bit weight which is optimum for the selected rotary speed.


Changes in Daily Rig Cost

An important result of this analysis is the. demon.stration of a strong

dependence of optimwn bit weight on daily rig cost. For example, as .is shown in

Fig. 6, at a rotary speed of 75 rpm with all conditions except rig cost remaining

constant,a change in rig cost of from $720 per day to $2400 per day increases the

recommended optimum bit weight from 61,000 lbsto 96,000 lbs. Thus, higher bit

weights should be used when rig cost is high than would be used for low-cost

operations, provided formation drillabilities are similar.

Changes in Bit Life

Another result is the demonstration of a need for more and better data

on bit life. This need is seen from Fig. 7 which gives recommended optimum bit

weight for various values of the bearing life exponent S The data of Fig. 7

are based on the assmnption that all conditions for the example field remain

constant except the bearing life constant 6 .a,ndexponent S

As the value of 5 is varied from .1. ° to 3. 0, the value of b is

assumed to change correspondingly so that for each value of S the bit. life as

calculated byEq. (16) is 15 hours at 40,000 lhs and 75 rpm.

From Fig. 7 it is seen that a change in the value of ~froml.5 to 1.0

approximately doubles the recommended bit weight. Because of this strong dependence

of recommended bit weight on the value of 5 , it is highly desirable to ~ow

reliable values for S ,and also to know how these values are affected by mud


Based on the simplifying assmnptions outlined in this paper, the

analysis presented provides equations from which optimum combinations of bit

weight and rotary speed for any set of drilling conditions can be calculated.

Through the use of these optimum combinations of bit weight and rotary speed it

should be possible to approach the minimmn total drilling cost which can be

realized with present-day drilling equipment and materialso Application of the

analysis to an illustrative field example has demonstrated that under the drilling

conditions of the example:

10 For a rotary speed of 75 rpm and for bit w'eights less than

approximately 45~000 lbs~ drilling cost increases rapidly as

bit weight is decreasedo

2. For a rotary speed of 75 rpm the optimum bit weight increases

from 56,000 lbs to 78,000 lbs as drilling depth increases from

1000 to 6000 fto

3. Any rotary speed in the range of 50 rpm to 200 rpm can be used

without substantial change in drilling cost provided that the

bit weight employed is that which is optimum for the rotary

speed usedo

40 The optimum combinations of bit weight and rotary speed are

strongly dependent on rig cost and bit bearing life.


L Pogarskii, A. A., Neftianoe Khoz. (1958),No. 1, 17.

2. Speer, J. W., World Oil (1958), 146, No.3, 93; Oil and Gas Journal (1958),
56, No. 13, 90; Ibid 56, No. 14, 148.

30 Moore, Po L., Oil and Gas Journal (1958), 56, No. 40, 141.
40 Bielstein, W. Jo and Cannon, Go Eo, API Drilling and Production Practice (1950), 61.
5. Marks, L. S., Mechanical Engineers.Handbook, 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Co.,
New York (1951), page 987.
6. Nielsen, K. L., Methods in Numerical Analysis, MacMillan Co., New York (1956)0


Independent Variables

Rotary speed IV' rpm

Weight on bit w pounds

Well depth X feet
PrinciRal Dependent Variable
Total cost to drill dollars
interval A)(
Auxiliary Dependent Variables
Total bit cost for dollars
interval A)(
Rig cost for drilling dollars
interval ~t.
Rig cost for making trips dollars
while drilling interval 6t.
Total trip time cost for dollars
handling drill collars
while drilling interval ~X
Total trip time cost for dollars
handling drilL pipe while
drilling interval AX
Functional dependence of
drilling rate on vJ, tJ, ,and)(
f(~~x) ft/hr

Functional dependence of
drilling rate on bit weight
!J(W) lb

Functional dependence of dimensionless

drilling rate on rotary speed hf#)
, .

Functional dependence of
drilling rate on depth
J(X) ft/(hr.;.lb)

Total length of drill collars feet

Number of stands of drill dimensionless

Drilling rate feet/hour
Bit life hours

Average trip time per foot hours/foot
while tripping drill pipe
Bearing life constant (hours)(rpm) (pounds)
Average bit cost dollars/bit
Rig time cost dollars/hour
Formation drillability factor (feet) (hours)-l(lb)-l

Length of one stand of feet

drill collars
Bearing life exponent dimensionless
Total time during one round hours/stand
trip to handle one stand of
drill collars
Trip time for handling drill hours
pipe during one roundtrip from
depth X
Rate of running drill pipe
during trip ~N feet/hour

Rate of pulling drill pipe

during trip ~r feet/hour

Effective weight on bottom ~ pounds/stand

of one stand of drill collars
Well depth interval L::J.X feet
Formation drillability
t dimensionless



Drilling Rate as a. Function of Depth

The simplest mathematical expression which adequately represents the

observed dependence of drilling rate on depth X is:

(81) J{X) = K (- 1;;) r

whereJ!. and I are denoteddrillability factor and drillabilit'YexpoBent, and

where J(;(} is merely the shorthand notation which was used in Eqs. (9), (12),

and (13) t~ represent drillability.

Ii reference depth

used to express depth.

x.. so that the qua,ntity r::.)
For COllvenienci' the depth is divid,ed by

is independent of themtits

The constants K. and I can be determined from fleld data by either of

two methods. The choice between the two m.etbods is governed by the scatter in

data, as is explained below.

Trial....and..,.J¥:ror Method

When a graph of the data giving drilling rate as a 'fun<::tion of depth

for constant bit weight and rotary speed shQwsvery little scatter in data points ~

as was the case for the example field data shown in Fig. l~then, K andJ' are

determined as follows:

(1) Choose a shallow depth XfJ and a deep depth'K, and estimate

the average :\'drilling rates t; and tiat these depths.

(2) To determine Y ~. writeEq. (IS) of the text giving drilling rate

at each of the selected depths.


(B3) .

. Divide Eq. (B2) by Eq. (B3) and cancel termsg

!t~1 ., (-::) I

.t, raj -4 r(Y,)

(B4) •
• • f - ~~-~,¥'I

(3) .To determine ~ ~ write Eq. (IS) of the text for the depth X~ :

(BS) • II
-W-L- zr

(4) Use the values of ¥ and /L given by Eqs. (B4) and (U5) to generate

a computed drilling rate vs depth curve. If this curve, does not

fit the observed data satisfactorily, adjust the estimated drilling

rates at Xf) and X, so as to correct the curve and then recompute it.
and I 0

The above procedure should give a c'UI'V'$ that fits the data on, the first

or second triaL If the curve does not fit, or if the data are sc·attered,a least

squares pr,~?edure. should be used 0

Least Squares Method

In order to use the method of least squares to evaluate the con.stants i'
and/« , the exponential expression in Eq. (15) must be. reduced 'by taking



where it is usually convenient to take X. = 1000 fto Eq. (B6) is a linear equation

wh ichc.an be S 01 ved by the conventional least squares method6 to give the

values of ! andK

Iz"(-t)J~Jd- ~)zr4(t)itr]
y = [2.1.(1;)] [~~{1;)J -/l/£~(t)4(f)]

_ I [z IrdZ[I.(j;)j-[zit(i>]z[J(t)J,]
- w6t70.5~ e~1"1v'£[k(tg~-U-'(iJl2.-
. (BS)

In the above expressions~ the summation signs Z indicate a sum over all of the

available data points ~ and N is the number of data points. For example, to

evaluate z'r , the natural logarithm of the drilling rate at each point is

computed 0 Then these logarithms are added together to giveZ'J,r 0

. Normalization of Drilling Rate Data

To describe drilling ra.te a s a simple function of depth, da.ta for a constant

bit weight and rotary speed are neededo Often data are available .only at various

bit weights and rotary speedso If the spreads in bit weight and rotary speeds are

not too great ~ the data can be normalized~ Leo 3 reduced to constant conditions.

This is accomplished by noting that·Eqo (15) gives:



Taking the ratio of (B9) and (BlO) and rearranging give:


A drilling rate atJ41z,..and Ny can be normalized to give a drilling rate at any

chosen standard conditions ~ and ~ by the use of Eqo (Bll) 0

120 , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , . - ,
o Field Data: Empirical Curve:
o Well No.1 r = 54.7 (_X_) -0.905

100 t - - - - I - - - • Well No.2
6Well No.3
Drill ing Conditions:
~ Bit Weight 45,000 Ibs.
~ 80 t--....---\=::.-------1--------
Do Rotary Speed 70 rpm
1) Bit Size 7- 7/8 in.


..!::.. 60 t-----\------1-------+-------+--I
g' 40 t------~-=-_+____c;J_-.Q_--__+-------+_1

20 1----I-...,.....;::lI.......,IlC~

OL- --_-.-I_---__-..a. .,....L..J

o 2000 4000 6000

Depth (X), Feet

Fig. 1 - Drilling Rate vs. Depth in Example West Texas Field


u. Depth Interval;


.2 6000·7000
c, 6

.u -

5000 - 6000

.!: 4



Recommended ~~ 1000 - 2000

for 75 RPM
o 20 40 60 80 100 120
Bit Weight CN), Thousands of Pounds

Fig. 2 - Computed Drilling Cost as a Function of Bit Weight

for a Rotary Speed of 75 RPM



0 6
U<l <I


m 4000·5000
.= 4

~ 3000·4000
2 2000 - 3000

Jf:;:-_ _ --+----I 1000 - 2000

Recommended Bit Weight
o for 175 RP
o 20 40 60 80 100 120
Bit Weight (W), Thousands of Pounds

Fig. 3 • Computed Drilling Cost as a Function of Bit Weight

for a Rotary Speed of 175 RPM
Depth Interva I,

....o 4000-
5000 5000-7000
en 120 1--::...:....:::...:....J<:\--4'--__-----+-----~_1_----__1
-g 3000-
~ 4000
¢:~ 100 2000-,-:k-~~----_+----_+~---__1
~ 1000- _ _~
~ 80 2000
co 60
Q. 40 ~-----l----l--=::::~~-==:J
0::: Ol-------I...-------~---.....J.-------I
o 50 100 150 200
Rotary Speed (N), RPM

Fig. 4 - Recommended Combinations of Bit Weight and Rotary

Speed for Drilling in Example West Te.xas Field
Depth Interval,

1-~=]=====t==:::=f===16000. 7000

-_-j..----+----t----15000 . 6000

.2 5
- , __.1----+----+---..., 4000·5000
u~l~ 4
' lii

3 I--_::::~~~~=~=~:=±::::====::I 3000 . 4000
.= 2
~~==t:::::::::::::::i::::::::=:::::±:::::::::::::::i 2000 . 3000
1 I-~==t:::::::::::::~~=~~~~~d 1000 ·2000
U OL- --l- ..L... ---JI..- --J

o 50 100 150 200

Rotary Speed (N), RPM

Fig. 5 • Effect of Rotary Speed on Cost - Assuming Recommended

Optimum Bit Weight


...c: Rig Cost
Gl per Day
50 80
E 0
:;: III 60
0 0C $1200
"'0 III
Gl ::J
"'0 0 40 $720
~ .-

E $240
Gl 20 Data apply to depth interval of
5000 to 6000 ft. in example
West Texas Field.
0 50 100 150 200
Rotary Speed (N), RPM

Fig.6 • Effect of Rig Cost on Recommended Combinations of

Bit Weight and Rotary Speed

"c~ 160 ,..------...,-----r-------r------.


" C
5 120 t-----+----~q_----t-----1
til 80 t-----t----=~:__-+_-----+-----~
S =-1.0



::! S = 1.5
~ 40
8" r---l-~--~1::::~~::::t::==::::1 S = 2.0
1l Data apply to depth interval 5 = 3.0
"i of 5000 to 6000 ft. in example
E West Texas
0L.-_......._ Field.
_...L.._ _...L.-_ _.l...-_--l_ _....J.._ _...L.-_---J

~ 0 50 100 150 200

0:: Rotary Speed (N), RPM

Fig. 7 - Effect of Bearing life Exponent (5) on Recommended

Combinations of Bit Weight and Rotary Speed

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