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Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 29 (2014) 39e48

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Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries

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Integrating lean principles and fuzzy bow-tie analysis for risk

assessment in chemical industry
Faisal Aqlan a, *, Ebrahim Mustafa Ali b
Industrial and System Engineering, University of New Haven, West Haven, CT 06516, USA
Department of Paints Production, Yemen Company for Paints & Derivatives Ltd., Taiz, Yemen

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this research, a framework combining lean manufacturing principles and fuzzy bow-tie analyses is
Received 21 November 2013 used to assess process risks in chemical industry. Lean manufacturing tools and techniques are widely
Received in revised form used for eliminating wastes in manufacturing environments. The five principles of lean (identify value,
20 January 2014
map the value stream, create flow, establish pull, and seek perfection) are utilized in the risk assessment
Accepted 21 January 2014
process. Lean tools such as Fishbone Diagram, and Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) are used for
risk analysis and mitigation. Lean principles and tools are combined with bow-tie analysis for effective
risk assessment process. The uncertainty inherent with the risks is handled using fuzzy logic principles. A
Risk assessment
Lean manufacturing
case study from a chemical process industry is provided. Main risks and risk factors are identified and
Bow-tie analysis analyzed by the risk management team. Fuzzy estimates are obtained for the risk factors and bow-tie
Fuzzy logic analysis is used to calculate the aggregated risk probability and impact. The risks are prioritized using
Chemical industry risk priority matrix and mitigation strategies are selected based on FMEA. Results showed that the
proposed framework can effectively improve the risk management process in the chemical industry.
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction strategies can be divided into four main categories (Zsidisin &
Ritchie, 2009): (1) eliminate the risk, (2) reduce the frequency
Risk assessment in today’s manufacturing environments is of and consequences of the risk, (3) transfer the risk by means of in-
increasing importance due to the occurrence of internal and surance and sharing, and (4) accept the risk. Managers typically
external risk events that can affect the manufacturing environ- choose the proper mitigation strategies based on several factors,
ments. Risk management methodology provides processes for such as nature of the risk, origin of the risk, company resources, etc.
determining risks and prepares the company to respond to them. To manage supply chain risks, the risk is considered in the form of
Risk management includes risk identification, analysis, evaluation, event so that they can be modeled, analyzed, mitigated, and
mitigation, and monitoring. To maintain their profitability, com- monitored. Event is caused by a set of risk factors and can lead to
panies must be able to quickly respond to external and internal risk different impacts. Events represent a change in the state of a pro-
events, and keep their business efficient and dynamic. Further- cess or a trigger for processing and future execution (McGovern,
more, companies have to be resilient to unexpected catastrophic Sims, & Jain, 2006). Risk events can be characterized by their
events. However, this requires a deep understanding of supply probability or frequency of occurrence, impact, and correlation
chain risks and how to manage them. What makes risk manage- with other risk events. A supply chain risk occurs because of the
ment challenging is that today’s supply chains are rapidly changing uncertainty about the future that unexpected risky event may affect
and time frames of decision-making are getting smaller. the supply chain operations (Waters, 2007, p. 13).
According to Chopra and Sodhi (2004), there is no silver-bullet Chemical industry is an important part of today’s economy.
strategy to protect supply chains against risks and managers need The number and diversity of products manufactured by chemical
to choose the proper mitigation strategy for each risk. Mitigation process industries have grown rapidly in the last few decades.
Furthermore, the chemical process systems are becoming more
complicated and many risks can occur in these systems. The
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ1 203 479 4209.
E-mail addresses:, (F. Aqlan). production processes in chemical industries are continuous and
0950-4230/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
40 F. Aqlan, E. Mustafa Ali / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 29 (2014) 39e48

require sever safety control. Chemical supply chains are exposed precursor-based Hierarchical Bayesian Approach (HBA) for rare
to internal and external risks that can impact the supply chain event frequency estimation in event tree analysis. The proposed
operations. Today’s chemical industries are processing more HBA consists of three steps: building the event tree, data collection,
hazardous substances within densely populated areas and the and hierarchical Bayesian updating. The proposed framework was
risks emerging from the storage, processing, and distribution of demonstrated by the BP Deepwater Horizon accident in the Gulf of
these hazardous materials are becoming more and more complex Mexico. Results showed that the proposed framework is able to
(Reniers, Ale, Dullaert, & Foubert, 2006). To deal with the effectively model the variability that can exist among different
growing importance of safety issues faced by the chemical plants, sources of data. Ferdous, Khan, Sadiq, Amyotte, and Veitch (2013)
several chemical risk management techniques have been devel- proposed a methodology to accommodate expert’s knowledge to
oped. These techniques range from checklists to simulation overcome missing data in bow-tie analysis. Furthermore, the pro-
toolkits. posed approach incorporated fuzzy set theory and evidence theory
The research problem discussed in this study is that risk to assess uncertainty. The proposed approach was applied to the BP
assessment in chemical manufacturing industries, especially Texas City accident.
painting industry, lacks quantitative frameworks that take into Risks in chemical and gas and oil industries have been given
consideration risk uncertainty and mitigation. Work environments more attention during the last few decades because of the in-
in chemical manufacturing industries are exposed to different risks crease occurrence of risk events and their impacts on chemical
that should be clearly identified and prevented. Quantifying such industry supply chains. Pejic, Torrent, Querol, and Lebecki (2013)
risks makes it easy to analyze prioritize the risks and develop the proposed a new risk assessment tool for underground coal mines
proper mitigation strategies. This study provides a framework for using semi-quantitative estimation and assessment methods.
risk assessment based on integrating lean manufacturing principles Explosion risk index was obtained as a product of frequency of
and fuzzy bow-tie analysis. Risks and risk factors are identified by individual scenarios, associated severity consequences, and
the risk management team and estimated values of probability and exposure time. A risk matrix is then developed for risk estimation
impact are collected. Bow-tie analysis is then used to calculate the and risk assessment. A quantitative risk management framework
aggregated risk scores for probability and impact that will be used for mitigating dust explosion risk was proposed by Abuswer,
to determine the location of risk in the risk priority matrix. Risk Amyotte, Khan, and Morrison (2013). The proposed framework
mitigation strategies are assessed and prioritized using Failure consists of a safety management protocol, dust explosion simu-
Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) technique. lation, Fault Tree Analysis, and hierarchy controls. Mabrouki,
Bentaleb, and Mousrij (2014) used a multi-criteria decision
2. Related literature making approach to assess and analyze the operational risk
within port terminals at the roll-on/roll-off activity. Analysis of
Many risk assessment methods have been designed for risk the risk factors in the oil and gas industry in 34 countries was
arising in manufacturing and service industries. Some of these presented in Ramos and Veiga (2011). Assessment of operational
methods have proven to be useful for assessing all kinds of risks. risks in chemical industries by exploiting accident databases was
An example of a method that can be used to assess all kinds of discussed in Meel et al. (2007). Khan and Abbasi (1998) pre-
risks is bow-tie analysis (Jacinto and Sliva, 2010). Bow-tie analysis, sented a review of the available techniques and methodologies
which is a combination of fault tree analysis and event tree used for risk assessment in the chemical process industries. The
analysis, is very popular because it incorporates both causes and techniques and methodologies include checklists, Hazard and
consequences of the accident scenario. Khakzad, Khan, and Operability Study (HAZOP), Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), Failure
Amyotte (2012, 2013) used bow-tie approach in a dynamic envi- Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA), and Hazard Indices. Si, Ji, and
ronment in which the probability of occurrence changes. Baye’s Zeng (2012) proposed a qualitative risk assessment model for
theorem is used to update the failure probability of safety barriers hazardous chemicals leakage. The study proposed a Fire-
as new information becomes available. Jacinto and Silva (2010) Explosion-Poisoning Qualitative Model (FEPQPM) which uses
proposed a semi-quantitative risk assessment methodology probability analysis to analyze the accidents caused by chemical
based on bow-tie analysis to assess risks in ship building industry. leakage. Yang and Mannan (2010) developed a methodology for
Markowski and Kotunia (2011) used bow-tie analysis for risk dynamic operational risk assessment (DORA) in chemical in-
assessment in layer protection in process industry. Other appli- dustries. Khan and Abbasi (2001) presented a risk assessment
cations of bow-tie analysis include: risk management of sea ports study of a typical chemical process industry using optimal risk
and offshore terminals (Mokhtari, Ren, Roberts, & Wang, 2011), analysis (ORA). ORA involves four steps: i) hazard identification
incident and accident analysis in a pharmaceutical production and screening, ii) hazard assessment (both qualitative and
plant (Chevereau, Wybo, & Cauchois, 2006), and risk analysis in oil probabilistic), iii) quantification of hazards or consequence
and gas industry (Shahirar, Sadiq, & Tesfamariam, 2012). analysis, and iv) risk estimation. Khan and Abbasi (1999) devel-
Some recent studies have focused on improving bow-tie anal- oped a computer-based application for risk analysis of a typical
ysis by reducing the uncertainty in information utilizing fuzzy sets, chemical industry engaged in the manufacture of linear alkyl
evidence theory, Bayesian approach, and other techniques. For benzene. The application generates different credible accident
example, Ferdous, Khan, Sadiq, Amyotte, and Veitch (2012) pro- scenarios and quantifies the damage they can cause. Reniers et al.
posed a methodology to characterize the uncertainties and updated (2006) discussed the results of a survey of decision support tools
the evidence when new data become available for the bow-tie for analyzing major hazards in chemical industry. Survey results
analysis. The proposed methodology, which is based on showed that the risk decision step of performing a quantitative
combining fuzzy set and evidence theory, was applied to a case risk assessment and risk ranking can be dealt with by the same
study for a typical offshore process facility. A Bayesian approach to risk software. Although it is one of the main chemical industries,
construct bow-tie diagrams was proposed by Badreddine and Ben painting industry has not been given enough consideration to
Amor (2013). The proposed approach improves the bow-tie dia- assess risks and their impacts. A few studies in the literature have
grams by adding a new numerical that allows the implementation discussed risk management in painting industry. For example,
of preventive and protective barriers in a dynamic manner. Yang, Gade, Heiaas, Thomas, and Hylland (2011) presented a method to
Khan, and Lye (2013) proposed a framework that uses a determine the exposure from airless spray application of
F. Aqlan, E. Mustafa Ali / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 29 (2014) 39e48 41

anticorrosive paint. Bjoring and Hagg (2000) studies the ergo- Table 1
nomic risks of manual spray painting in the woodworking in- Utilizing lean principles for risk assessment.

dustry and provided recommendation to eliminate the risk Lean principle How it is applied in risk assessment framework
factors. Shahirar et al. (2012) used fuzzy based bow-tie analysis 1. Identify value Identify risks, root causes, and risk mitigation strategies
for risk assessment in oil and gas industry. In order to deal with 2. Map the value Measure the risks and identify their interactions
the vagueness of the data, the study utilized fuzzy logic to derive stream and impacts
fuzzy probabilities of basic events and estimate fuzzy probabili- 3. Create flow Create risk flow using fuzzy bow-tie analysis
4. Establish pull Establish risk preventive and proactive reduction
ties of output event consequences. Even though many studies in
the literature have discussed risk assessment in process industry 5. Seek perfection Continuous monitoring and control of risks
and used bow-tie models for risk calculations, a limited number
of studies discussed the entire management cycle of risks
including risk identification, measurement, prioritization, miti-
gation, and monitoring and control. In this study, lean principles scale ratings which correspond to triangular fuzzy numbers are
are combined with fuzzy bow-tie analysis to build and effective used to reduce the uncertainty in risk estimates.
framework for risk manages. A case study from a chemical pro- The impact of each risk is also identified. Table 3 shows the
cess industry is presented to illustrate the validity of the pro- fuzzy estimates for risk impact. Estimating the impact and
posed framework. probability of occurrence values are often not accurate because
enough data is difficult to acquire. For this reason, fuzzy sets and
probability theories can be used to improve the estimation
3. Proposed framework accuracy.
To reduce the uncertainty in the estimated risk parameters,
The proposed framework (see Fig. 1) for risk assessment com- fuzzy set theory is utilized. Assuming that the probability of
bines lean principles and fuzzy bow-tie analysis for effective risk occurrence of a given risk factor i is estimated by n different
number of experts, the fuzzy probability can be rewritten as P ~ ðtÞ ¼
management in chemical industry. The framework utilizes the five i
principles of lean manufacturing for risk assessment (see Table 1). ðai  c1i ; ai ; ai þ c2i Þ where i ¼ 1, 2,., n; (ai  c1i,) is the minimum
Risks are identified by the risk management experts and they value of the fuzzy number, ai is the mid value of the fuzzy number,
should be agreed upon by the organization. However, if the risks and (ai þ c2i) is the maximum value of the fuzzy number. The fuzzy
are not agreed upon, they can be identified by either collecting and estimates can be aggregated by one single fuzzy probability defined
analyzing historical data or using what-if analysis. If the risk is as p~A ðtÞ ¼ ðb  d1 ; b; b þ d2 Þ that best fits all experts’ estimates.
agreed upon, the root causes and potential mitigation strategies for The values of b, d1 and d2 are estimated in such a way that p ~A has
the risk are identified. minimum variance with all p ~i ðtÞ’s. The smallest resulting triangle
In order to perform the bow-tie analysis, the risk factors related fuzzy probability, p ~A ðtÞ  p
~i ðtÞ; represents the best approximation
to each risk are identified. For each risk factor, a fuzzy estimate for ~A ðtÞ. Since the triangle’s height cannot be reduced (always 1),
for p
the probability of occurrence (or the likelihood) of the risk factor the focus will be on the triangle base. The square of deviations (S)
and its impact are obtained. Probability of occurrence or likelihood can be calculated based on Tyagi, Pandey, and Tyagi (2010) as
is calculated based on the estimated ratings shown in Table 2. Fuzzy follows:

Fig. 1. Proposed Framework for risk assessment based on lean and fuzzy bow-tie.
42 F. Aqlan, E. Mustafa Ali / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 29 (2014) 39e48

Table 2
Linguistic variables and fuzzy numbers for risk likelihood.

Linguistic assessment Corresponding Characteristic function

variables fuzzy numbers of fuzzy numbers

Excepted e
0:9 (0.7,0.9,1.0)
Possible e
0:7 (0.5,0.7,0.9)
Unlikely e
0:5 (0.3,0.5,0.7)
Very unlikely e
0:3 (0.1,0.3,0.5)
Not expected e
0:1 (0.0,0.1,0.3)

Table 3
Linguistic variables and fuzzy numbers for risk impact.

Linguistic assessment Corresponding Characteristic function Fig. 3. Fault tree analysis OR gate.
variables fuzzy numbers of fuzzy numbers

High ~
9 (7,9,10)
Medium ~
7 (5,7,9)
Low ~
5 (3,5,7)
Very low ~
3 (1,3,5)
None ~
1 (0,1,3)

S1 ¼ ½2ðd1  c1i Þ2 (1)

S2 ¼ ½2ðd2  c2i Þ2 (2)

and the minimum deviation is obtained by having Fig. 4. Fault tree analysis AND gate.
d1 ¼ 1=n ni¼ 1 c1i and d2 ¼ 1=n ni¼ 1 c2i . The parameter b can be
determined by having:
D ¼ max1in jb  ai j (3) occurrence of the risk event and hence they come before the risk
event, and (2) protective barriers, which are means to prevent/
where D is the absolute deviation. Then, D will be the minimum for reduce the effect of the risk event and hence they come after the
b ¼ min1  i  n ai þ max1  i  n ai/2. risk event. Risk mitigation should focus on both means for risk
Bow-tie analysis has been used for analyzing occupational risks reduction and/or prevention.
(e.g., Jacinto & Silva, 2010; Khakzad et al., 2012, 2013) and it can also Given the estimated probabilities of occurrence for risk factors,
be used for mapping other types of risks in process industries. The the probability of occurrence for the corresponding risk event can
three main components of the risk are shown in the diagram; risk be calculated assuming that the risk factors are independent. If the
probability of occurrence (in terms of risk factors) to the left, risk factors are not independent, then conditional probability can be
event in the middle, and risk impact to the right (see Fig. 2). Risk used. Assuming that the probability of occurrence for risk factor i,
reducers can be divided into two categories: (1) preventive barriers, ~i , is represented by triangular fuzzy numbers (ai1, ai2, ai3), the
which are means used to prevent/reduce the probability of probability for AND gate (Fig. 3) can be calculated as follows:

Fig. 2. Bow-tie analysis for risk assessment.

F. Aqlan, E. Mustafa Ali / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 29 (2014) 39e48 43

Table 4 Y
Identified risk in the chemical products plant. ~ ðtÞ ¼ ð1; 1; 1ÞQ
P ðð1; 1; 1ÞQp
~i ðtÞÞ
Identified risk Agreed upon? Quantitative What-if
data available? required? Yn
¼ ð1; 1; 1Þ  ð1  ðai1 ; ai2 ; ai3 ÞÞ
Non-conforming product (R1) Yes Yes No i¼1
Personal injuries (R2) Yes Yes No !
Fire risk (R3) No No Yes Y
n Y
n Y

Exposure to toxic materials (R4) Yes Yes No

¼ 1 ð1  ai1 Þ; 1  ð1  ai2 Þ; 1  ð1  ai3 Þ
Leakage of chemicals (R5) Yes Yes No i¼1 i¼1 i¼1
Explosion risk (R6) Yes No Yes (5)
Occupational ergonomic risk (R7) No No Yes
where P ~ ðtÞ is the fuzzy probability of occurrence of risk event k at
during the planning horizon t and pi(t) is the probability of occur-
rence of risk factor i.
n Y
Similar equations can also be developed for trapezoidal fuzzy
~ ðtÞ ¼
P ~i ðtÞ ¼
p ðai1 ; ai2 ; ai3 Þ
numbers. If risk has multiple impacts ~Lj ðtÞ, each with probability
i¼1 i¼1
! ~j ðtÞ, the fuzzy impact can calculated based on the event tree dia-
n Y
n Y
¼ ai1 ; ai2 ; ai3 (4) gram as follows:
i¼1 i¼1 i¼1 PN ~
j¼1 pj ðtÞ5Lj ðtÞ
For OR gate (Fig. 4): ~L ¼ PN (6)
j¼1 pj ðtÞ

Table 5
Risk factors, impacts, and mitigation strategies for the identified risks.

Identified risk Risk factors Risk impacts Preventive barriers Protective barriers

Non-conforming B Release of wrong raw B Customer dissatisfaction (L11) B Materials are issued via computerized B Materials are revised by line Q.C.
product (R1) materials (F11) B Loss of reputation (L12) system (V11) before releasing them from ware-
B Addition of the wrong B Waste of money (L13) B Materials are released with an identi- house (C11)
chemical into a certain B Waste of time (L14) fication sticker on pallet by line Q.C. su- B Continuous supervision by the
batch by mistake (F12) pervisor (V12) Q.C. supervisor during production
B Insufficient cleaning of B Perform a checklist for the line prior to (C12)
tanks & pipes (F13) production and adding cleaning as the B Q.C. inspection during filling
last step in a batch filling (V13) (C13)
Personal injuries B Safety procedures are B Absence of work (L21) B Application of warnings and penalties B Periodic inspection by safety
(R2) not followed by an B Compensation (L22) to those who doesn’t follow the safety supervisor and installing cameras to
employee (F21) B Medication costs (L23) procedures and incentives to those who continuously monitor any unsafe
B Lack of awareness and follow them (V21) acts (C21)
supervision (F22) B Increase awareness through periodic B Installing safety signs to contin-
training courses (V22) uously bring attention to safety
procedures (C22)
Fire risk (R3) B A cigarette is lighted by a B Fire (L31) B Training sessions to visitors before B Installation of firefighting alarms
visitor in the production B Explosion (L32) entering hazardous areas (V31) and systems (C31)
area (F31) B Insulating materials and clothes used
B Electrostatic spark (F32) along with proper earthing of equipment
B Electrical spark (F33) (V32)
B Installation of safety electrical equip-
ment and connections along with peri-
odic inspections (V33)
Exposure to toxic B Dealing with hazardous B Acute infection to operators B Personal protective equipment along B Switching workers to perform
materials (R4) chemical for long periods (L41) with increasing workers awareness (V41) tasks of no exposure to hazardous
(F41) B Compensation (L42) B Warnings and penalties to those who materials (C41)
B Suitable safety equip- B Medication Costs (L43) don’t follow safety procedures and in- B Installation of bag filters and gas
ment are not wore by the centives to those who follow them (V42) hoods (C42)
worker (F42)
Leakage of B The float valve didn’t B Loss of money because of spills B Installing emergency button to imme- B Installation of a container to
chemicals (R5) close (F51) (L51) diately stop the pump along with per- collect the excess paint from the
B Unfastened camlock B Severe injuries due to slipping forming periodic maintenance to the head of the filling machine (C51)
(F52) (L52) valve (V51) B Installation of a sensor that will
B Clogged filter or pipeline B Checking all the valves are opened stop the pump in case of high/low
(F53) before operating the pump to avoid high pressure (C52)
pressure that can lead to unfastening the B Installation of a sensor that will
camlock (V52) stop the pump in case of high/low
B Cleaning the filter prior to every filling pressure (C53)
process (V53)
Explosion risk B Flammable materials are B Explosion of the material due to B Following the storage instructions as B Periodic inspection to the stor-
(R6) stored under direct sun reactivity under direct sun heat mentioned in the MSDS (V61) age conditions by the safety super-
heat (F61) (L61) visor (C61)
Occupational B Extreme bending (F71) B Decrease of productivity (L71) B Training worker on proper work pro- B Periodic inspection by produc-
ergonomic risk B Lifting of heavy mate- B Absence of work (L72) cedures and movements (V71) tion and safety supervisors (C71)
(R7) rials (F72) B Disability (L73) B Replacing heavy bags/containers B Installing safety signs describing
B Medication costs (L74) (50 Kg) with lighter ones (25 Kg) along the proper working positions (C72)
B Compensation (L75) with using lifting tools (V72)
44 F. Aqlan, E. Mustafa Ali / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 29 (2014) 39e48

Table 6
Estimated fuzzy probabilities of risk factors.

Risk Factors Respondents

RESP 1 RESP 2 RESP 3 RESP 4 RESP 5 Aggregated

R1 F11 Unlikely Very unlikely Unlikely Unlikely Unlikely (0.2,0.4,0.6)

F12 Unlikely Not expected Very unlikely Unlikely Unlikely (0.12,0.3,0.5)
F13 Unlikely Unlikely Very unlikely Unlikely Possible (0.3,0.5,0.7)
R2 F21 Possible Possible Unlikely Possible Possible (0.4,0.6,0.8)
F22 Possible Expected Unlikely Expected Possible (0.5,0.7,0.86)
R3 F31 Not expected Not expected Not expected Not expected Not expected (0.0,0.1,0.3)
F32 Not expected Not expected Not expected Not expected Not expected (0.0,0.1,0.3)
F33 Unlikely Unlikely Very unlikely Very unlikely Very unlikely (0.2,0.4,0.6)
R4 F41 Unlikely Expected Unlikely Possible Unlikely (0.4,0.7,0.88)
F42 Very unlikely Possible Possible Possible Unlikely (0.3,0.5,0.7)
R5 F51 Possible Possible Unlikely Possible Possible (0.4,0.6,0.8)
F52 Possible Possible Unlikely Unlikely Possible (0.4,0.6,0.8)
F53 Possible Possible Unlikely Unlikely Possible (0.4,0.6,0.8)
R6 F61 Unlikely Very unlikely Very unlikely Very unlikely Unlikely (0.2,0.4,0.6)
R7 F71 Very unlikely Very unlikely Unlikely Unlikely Unlikely (0.2,0.4,0.6)
F72 Not expected Unlikely Unlikely Unlikely Unlikely (0.12,0.3,0.5)

Once the risks are measured using the fuzzy bow-tie analysis, The significant risks are considered for mitigation where miti-
risks are prioritized using the risk priority matrix. Root cause gation strategies are selected based on FMEA. Continuous
analysis is performed before identifying the mitigation strategies. monitoring and control is required to ensure risks are within
The risks are then prioritized using Risk Priority Matrix (RPM). control.

Table 7
Estimated impacts of identified risks.

Risk Factors Impact/probability Respondents

RESP 1 RESP 2 RESP 3 RESP 4 RESP 5 Aggregated

R1 L11 Impact Very low High Low High Very low (4,6,7.6)
Probability Very unlikely Expected Very unlikely Expected Very unlikely (0.4,0.6,0.76)
L12 Impact None Medium Very low High None (3.4,5,6.8)
Probability Not expected Possible Unlikely Possible Not expected (0.24,0.4,0.6)
L13 Impact Very low Medium None Low Very low (2.2,4,6)
Probability Very unlikely Possible Unlikely Unlikely Unlikely (0.2,0.5, 0.7)
L14 Impact Medium High High High High (6,8,9.2)
Probability Expected Expected Expected Expected Expected (0.7,0.9, 1.0)
R2 L21 Impact Low High High High Low (5,7,8.4)
Probability Unlikely Expected Unlikely Possible Unlikely (0.5,0.7,0.88)
L22 Impact None Medium Low Very low None (2.4,4,6)
Probability Not expected Possible Very unlikely Very unlikely Not expected (0.24,0.4,0.6)
L23 Impact Very low High Low Low None (3.2,5,6.8)
Probability Not expected Expected Unlikely Possible Not expected (0.34,
R3 L31 Impact High High High High High (7,9,10)
Probability Expected Expected Expected Expected Expected (0.7,0.9, 1.0)
L31 Impact High High High High High (7,9,10)
Probability Very unlikely Possible Very unlikely Possible Very unlikely (0.3,0.5,0.7)
R4 L41 Impact Medium Low High Low Medium (5,7,8.8)
Probability Unlikely Unlikely Unlikely Possible Unlikely (0.4,0.6,0.8)
L42 Impact None Low Very low Very low None (1.4,3,5)
Probability Not expected Possible Very unlikely Unlikely Not expected (0.24,0.4,0.6)
L43 Impact None Medium Medium Medium None (2.4,4,6)
Probability Not expected Expected Possible Possible Not expected (0.34,
R5 L51 Impact Medium High Low High Medium (4,6,7.6)
Probability Possible Expected Expected Expected Possible (0.6,0.8,0.94)
L52 Impact Low Medium Very low Very low Very low (3,5,7)
Probability Very unlikely Possible Possible Unlikely Very unlikely (0.3,0.5,0.7)
R6 L61 Impact High Low High High High (5,7,8.2)
Probability Very unlikely Unlikely Unlikely Unlikely Very unlikely (0.2,0.4, 0.6)
R7 L71 Impact Medium Medium Low High Medium (5,7,8.8)
Probability Very unlikely Expected Possible Possible Very unlikely (0.4,0.6,0.78)
L72 Impact Low High Medium High Low (4,6,7.6)
Probability Possible Expected Possible Possible Possible (0.6,0.8,0.98)
L73 Impact Very low Medium Medium Very low Very low (3,5,7)
Probability Very unlikely Possible Very unlikely Very unlikely Very unlikely (0.2,0.5, 0.7)
L74 Impact None Medium High Medium None (3.4,5,6.8)
Probability Not expected Possible Expected Possible Not expected (0.34,
L75 Impact None Medium Medium Low None (2.4,3,5)
Probability Not expected Possible Expected Very unlikely Not expected (0.34,
F. Aqlan, E. Mustafa Ali / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 29 (2014) 39e48 45

Preven ve Barriers Protec ve Barriers

Release of wrong Customer

raw materials Dissa sfac on
Materials are (L11)
issued via Materials are
computerized revised by line
system Q.C. before
(V11) releasing them
Loss of
from warehouse
Reputa on
Materials are (L12)
Addi on of the released with an Conforming
wrong Chemical iden fica on Product Con nuous
(F12) s cker Q.C. (R1) supervision by
supervisor the Q.C. Waste of
(V12) supervisor Money
during (L13)
Risk Event produc on (C12)
Perform a
checklist and
adding cleaning Q.C. inspec on
as the last step during filling Waste of Time
Insufficient in a batch filling (C13) (L14)
cleaning of tanks & (V13)

Risk Factors Risk Impacts

Fig. 5. Bow-Tie analysis of non-conforming product risk (R1).

Table 8 Industrial Paints. The major risks identified include: product

Calculated total probabilities and impacts of identified risks. quality risk, fire risk, explosion risk, personal injuries, ergonomic
risk, exposure to toxic materials, and leakage of chemicals. The
identified risks are summarized in Table 4. The risk factors, im-
pacts, and preventive and protective barriers are shown in
Table 5.
Table 6 shows the estimated fuzzy likelihoods for the identified
risk factors and the aggregated likelihood. The estimates were ob-
tained by five respondents as follows:

Respondent 1: Head of Research & Development, Work Experi-

4. Case study ence >10 yrs.
Respondent 2: Production Manager, Work Experience >10 yrs.
The proposed framework is applied in a chemical process Respondent 3: Quality Supervisor, Work Experience >10 yrs.
industry to assess the risks and identify proper mitigation stra- Respondent 4: Head of Paints Production, Work Experience
tegies for them. The company considered in this study manu- >5 yrs.
factures and markets all types of decorative paints, adhesives, Respondent 5: Head of Health Safety & Environment, Work
industrial paints and printing inks. The main products of the Experience >10 yrs.
company include: Enamel & Emulsion paints, Wood Finishes &
Varnishes, Wall & Wood Putties, Anti-Corrosive Paints, External The aggregated likelihood for each risk factor was calculated
Surface Paints, Glue Products, Ink Products, Printing Inks, and based on Equations (1) and (2). The aggregated values for risk

Table 9
Risk priority matrix for the identified risks.
46 F. Aqlan, E. Mustafa Ali / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 29 (2014) 39e48

factors are then used in Bow-Tie chart to calculate the likelihood of

the risk. According to Assarudeen and Gani (2012), the fuzzy division
An example for calculating the aggregated fuzzy probabilistic for operation can be defined as follows:
the risk factors: Let Ab ¼ ða ; a ; a Þ and B b
b ¼ ðb ; b ; b Þ then if DPð AÞ=MPð b 

1 2 3 1 2 3
DPð BÞ=MPð b
BÞ/ b B
A= b ¼ ða =b ; a =b ; a =b Þ otherwise A= b B b ¼
1 1 2 2 3 3
F12: (0.3,0.5,0.7), (0.0,0.1,0.3), (0.1,0.3,0.5), (0.3,0.5,0.7), (0.3,0.5,0.7) ða1 =b3 ; a2 =b2 ; a3 =b1 Þ where b ¼ a þ a =2,
MPð AÞ b ¼
3 1
a3  a1 =2MPð BÞ b ¼ b þ b =2, and DPð BÞ b ¼ b  b =2. And MP
3 1 3 1
denotes the Midpoint and DP denotes Difference point of the
~ ðtÞ ¼ ða  c ; a ; a þ c Þ/ð0:5  0:2; 0:5; 0:5 þ 0:2Þ;
P Triangular fuzzy number.
i i 1i i i 2i
The total probability and impact of the risk are used to find the
 ð0:1  0:1; 0:1; 0:1 þ 0:2Þ; ð0:3  2; 0:3; 0:3 þ 0:2Þ;
risk scores based on the risk priority matrix shown Table 9.
 ð0:5  0:2; 0:5; 0:5 þ 0:2Þ; ð0:5  0:2; 0:5; 0:5 þ 0:2Þ Dividing the risk in low, medium, and high in the risk priority
matrix showed in Table 9 is based on Merna and Al-Thani (2005, p.
70). Based on the calculated risk scores, it can be noted that R3 is
1X n
0:2 þ 0:1 þ 0:2 þ 0:2 þ 0:2 high and all the other risks are medium. However, all the risks
d1 ¼ c ¼ ¼ 0:18; d2
n i ¼ 1 1i 5 need to be reduced so that the scores are low. To reduce the risk
level, preventive and protective mitigation strategies were iden-
1X n
0:2 þ 0:2 þ 0:2 þ 0:2 þ 0:2
¼ c ¼ ¼ 0:2 tified. Failure mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) is used to select the
n i ¼ 1 2i 5
best strategies. The mitigation strategies (barriers) for the risk
were selected based on four factors: risk reduction, ease of
min ai þ max ai implementation, strategy cost, and probability of success. The ease
1in 1in 0:1 þ 0:5
b ¼ ¼ ¼ 0:3 of implementation and strategy cost are almost the same for most
2 2 of the strategies. Furthermore, it was assumed that all the risk
mitigation strategies will have the same probability of success. The
~A ðtÞ ¼ ðb  d1 ; b; b þ d2 Þ ¼ ð0:3  0:18; 0:3; 0:3 þ 0:2Þ
p risk reduction was then given the highest priority when selecting
¼ ð0:12; 0:3; 0:5Þ the mitigation strategies. If, for two different strategies, the risk
reduction is the same, the other factors are used to decide which
The estimated impacts and associated probabilities for the strategy should be selected. The selected strategies are highlighted
risks are shown in Table 7. Risk estimates are obtained from five in Table 10.
respondents and are aggregated as shown in the previous The last step in the proposed risk management framework is
example. Bow-tie analysis is conducted for each risk to identify developing a control plan for the risks. Risk monitoring and control
the risk factors and impacts and their relationship. Fig. 5 shows is required to ensure the execution of mitigation strategies and
the bow-tie diagram for non-conforming product risk (R1). For evaluate their effectiveness. It is also used to keep track of identified
all the identified risks, the relationship among the risk factors is risks and ensure all risks are below predefined targets and check if
OR which means that any risk factor can lead to the risk event. new risks have occurred that were not previously identified.
On the other hand, the relationship among the risk impacts is
Table 8 shows the calculated total probability and impact for the 5. Conclusions
risks. The calculation is based on equation (6). The following
example shows how the calculation is performed: This study presented a framework for risk assessment utilizing
For Risk1: lean manufacturing and fuzzy bow-tie analysis. The five principles
n of lean manufacturing are used to assess the risks. Fuzzy bow-tie
~ ðtÞ ¼ ð1;1;1ÞQ
P ðð1;1;1ÞQp
~i ðtÞÞ analysis is used to calculate the risk scores so that they can be
i¼1 prioritized and mitigated. Failure mode and effect analysis is then
Yn used to identify the best mitigation strategies taking into consid-
¼ ð1;1;1Þ  ð1  ðai1 ;ai2 ;ai3 ÞÞ eration risk reduction, mitigation cost, ease of implementation, and
! probability of success. A case study from a chemical process in-
n Y
n Y
dustry is used to validate and test the proposed framework. Results
¼ 1 ð1  ai1 Þ;1  ð1  ai2 Þ;1  ð1  ai3 Þ
indicate that all the identified risks are significant and need to be
i¼1 i¼1 i¼1
reduced to an acceptable level. Risk management team in the
¼ ½1 ð1  0:2Þð1  0:12Þð1  0:3Þ;1 company was asked to identify the possible mitigation strategies
 ð1  0:4Þð1  0:3Þð1  0:5Þ;1  ð1  0:6Þð1  0:5Þð1 0:7Þ for each risk and their associated attributes. Strategies were then
selected based on FMEA. The selection of mitigation strategies can
¼ ð0:51;0:79;0:94Þ
be improved using an optimization model that takes into

PN ~
j¼1 pj ðtÞ5Lj ðtÞ ð0:4; 0:6; 0:76Þð4; 6; 7:6Þ þ ð0:24; 0:4; 0:6Þð3:4; 5; 6:8Þ þ ð0:2; 0:5; 0:7Þð2:2; 4; 6Þ þ ð0:7; 0:9; 1:0Þð6; 8; 9:2Þ
~L ¼ PN
j¼1 pj ðtÞ
ð0:4; 0:6; 0:76Þ þ ð0:24; 0:4; 0:6Þ þ ð0:2; 0:5; 0:7Þ þ ð0:7; 0:9; 1:0Þ
ð1:6; 3:6; 5:78Þ þ ð0:82; 2; 4:08Þ þ ð0:44; 2; 4:2Þ þ ð4:2; 7:2; 9:2Þ ð7:06; 14:8; 23:26Þ 7:06 14:8 23:26
¼ ¼ ¼ ; ;
ð1:54; 2:4; 3:06Þ ð1:54; 2:4; 3:06Þ 1:54 2:4 3:06
¼ ð4:58; 6:17; 7:60Þ
F. Aqlan, E. Mustafa Ali / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 29 (2014) 39e48 47

Table 10
FMEA analysis of risk reduction and mitigation strategies selection.

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