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Then in Triumph F. L.


There were cars in front of the house. Four of them. Clifford Oslow cut across the
lawn and headed for the back steps. But not soon enough the door of a big red
car opened and a woman came rushing after him. She was a little person, smaller
even than Clifford himself. But she was fast. She reached him just as he was
getting through the hedge. "You're Mr. Oslow, aren't you?" she said. She pulled
out a little book and a pencil and held them under his nose. "I've been trying to get
her autograph all week," she explained. "I want you to get it for me. Just drop the
book in a mail-box. It's stamped and the address is on it. " And then she was gone
and Clifford was standing there holding the book and pencil in his hand. He put the
autograph book in his pocket and hurried up the steps. There was a lot of noise
coming from the living-room. Several male voices, a strange woman's voice
breaking through now and then, rising above the noise. And Julia's voice,
rising above the noise, clear and kindly and very sure. "Yes," she was saying. And,
"I'm very glad." And, "People have been very generous to me." She sounded tired.
Clifford leaned against the wall while he finished the sandwich and the
beer. He left the empty bottle on the table, turned off the kitchen light and
pushed easily on the hall door. A man grabbed him by the arm and pushed him
along the hall and into the parlor. "Here he is, " somebody shouted. "Here's Mr.
Oslow!" There were a half-a-dozen people there, all with notebooks and busy pens.
Julia was in the big chair by the fireplace, looking plumper than usual in her new
green dress. She smiled at him affectionately but, it seemed to him, a little
distantly. He'd noticed that breach in her glance many times lately. He hoped
that it wasn't superiority, but he was afraid that it was. "Hello, Clifford," she said.
"Hello, Julia," he answered. He didn't get a chance to go over and kiss her. A
reporter had him right against the wall. How did it seem to go to bed a teller at the
Gas Company and to wake up the husband of a best-selling novelist? Excellent, he
told them. Was he going to give up his job? No, he wasn't. Had he heard the news
that "Welcome Tomorrow" was going to be translated into Turkish? No, he hadn't.
And then the woman came over. The one whose voice he'd heard back in the
kitchen where he wished he'd stayed. "How", she inquired briskly, "did you like
the story?" Clifford didn't answer immediately. He just looked at the woman.
Every one became very quiet. And everyone looked at him. The woman repeated
the question. Clifford knew what he wanted to say. "I liked it very much," he
wanted to say and then run. But they wouldn't let him run. They'd make him stay.
And ask him more questions. Which he couldn't answer. "I haven't," he mumbled,
"had an opportunity to read it yet. But I'm going to," he promised. And then
came a sudden inspiration. "I'm going to read it now!" There was a copy on the
desk by the door, Clifford grabbed it and raced for the front stairs. Before he
reached the second flight, though, he could hear the woman's voice on the hall
phone. "At last", she was saying," we have discovered an adult American who
has not read "Welcome Tomorrow". He is, of all people, Clifford Oslow, white, 43,
a native of this city and the husband of... " On the second floor Clifford reached
his study, turned on the light over the table and dropped into the chair before it. He
put Julia's book right in front of him, but he didn't immediately open it. Instead he
sat back in the chair and looked about him. The room was familiar enough. It had
been his for over eighteen years. The table was the same. And the old typewriter
was the one he had bought before Julia and he were married. There hadn't been
many changes. All along the bookcase were the manuscripts of his novels. His
rejected novels. On top was his latest one, the one that had stopped going the
rounds six months before. On the bottom was his earliest one. The one he wrote
when Julia and he were first married. Yes, Clifford was a writer then. Large W.
And he kept on thinking of himself as one for many years after, despite the
indifference of the publishers. Finally, of course, his writing had become merely
a gesture. A stubborn unwillingness to admit defeat. Now, to be sure, the defeat
was definite. Now that Julia, who before a year ago hadn't put pen to paper, had
written a book, had it accepted and now was looking at advertisements that said,
"over four hundred thousand copies." He picked up "Welcome Tomorrow" and
opened it, as he opened every book, in the middle. He read a paragraph. And then
another. He had just started a third when suddenly he stopped. He put down Julia's
book, reached over to the shelf and pulled out the dusty manuscript of his own
first effort. Rapidly he turned over the crisp pages. Then he began to read aloud.
Clifford put the manuscript on the table on top of the book. For a long time
he sat quietly. Then he put the book in his lap and left the manuscript on the table
and began to read them, page against page. He had his answer in ten minutes. And
then he went back downstairs. A couple of reporters were still in the living-room.
"But, Mrs. Oslow, naturally our readers are interested," one was insisting.
"When," he demanded, "will you finish your next book?" "I don't know," she
answered uneasily. Clifford came across the room to her, smiling. He put his arm
around her and pressed her shoulder firmly but gently. "Now, now, Julia," he
protested. "Let's tell the young man at once." The reporter looked up. "Mrs.
Oslow's new novel," Clifford announced proudly, "will be ready in another
month." Julia turned around and stared at him, quite terrified. But Clifford kept
on smiling. Then he reached into his pocket and brought out the autograph book
and pencil that had been forced on him on his way home. "Sign here," he

parlor – гостиная, қонақ бөлме
teller – кассир в банке, банктың кассирі

Find in the text English equivalents for the following words and expressions:
пересек лужайку, шалшық судан өтіп - cut across the lawn
направился к заднему крыльцу, сыртқы есікке қарай жүрді - headed for the
back steps
бросилась за ним, артынан жүгірді - rushing after him
достала записную книжку, қойын дәптерін алып - pulled out a little book
прислонился к стеке, қабырғаға сүйеніп - leaned against the wall
нежно ему улыбнулась, оған ақырын ғана күлімсіреді - smiled at him
отчужденный взгляд, біртүрлі көзін алып қашып қарады - breach in her
пожалел, что не остался, қалмағанына өкінді -
побежал к лестнице, баспалдаққа жүгірді - raced for the front stairs
взрослый американец, жасы үлкен американдық - an adult American
уроженец этого города, осы қаланың тумасы - a native of this city
рукописи его романов, оның романдарымның қолжазбасы - the manuscripts
of his novels
перестал посылать из одного издательства в другое, бір баспадан келесі
баспаға беруді қойды -
писатель с большой буквы, дарынды жазушы - Large W
упрямое нежелание, бірбеткей қаламау - а stubborn unwillingness
в жизни не написала ни слова, өмірінде екі сөздің басын қосып жазып
көрмеген - hadn't put pen to paper
плод его авторских усилий, оның авторлық еңбегі - his own first effort
сравнивая страницы рукописи и книги, қолжазба мен кітаптың беттерін
салыстыра келе - turned over the crisp pages
с чувством неловкости, в ужасе, біртүрлі ыңғайсыз сезіммен, таң қала -
stared at him, quite terrified

Give equivalents for the following words and expressions from the text and
use them in the sentences of your own:
rise above the noise – доноситься над шумом, әр түрлі дыбыстар естіліп тұрды
be generous to smb – быть щедрым к кому-л, біреуге жомарттық таныту
a best-selling novelist – писатель – бестселлер, сатылымы жоғары жазушы
inquire briskly – спросить бодро, көңілді сұрады
keep on doing smth – продолжать делать что-л, бір нәрсе жасауды
admit – признать, ... деп тану
defeat – поражение, жеңіліс
have smth accepted – принять что-л, деп қабылданды
turn over the pages – перлистывать страницы, беттерін парақтау
demand – требовать, талап ету
insist on smth – настаивать на чем-л, талап ету
announce proudly – объявить гордо, мақтанышпен хабарлады
make smb stay – заставить кого-л остаться, біреуді күштеп қалдыру
answer uneasily – ответить тревожно, мазасыз жауап берді
be forced on smb – заставить, күштеу

Questions on the text:

1. Why did Mr. Oslow try to get into the house through the back door?
2. Who stopped him?
3. What did the woman want Mr. Oslow to do?
4. Why was the living room noisy?
5. What were the people in the room doing?
6. What did Mr. Oslow think of his wife's attitude towards him? Was it different
from her usual attitude?
7. What questions did the reporters ask Mr. Oslow?
8. Why did Mr. Oslow say that he was going to read the book just then?
9. Were his words a sensation? Prove it.
10. What did he remember sitting in his study?
11. Why did he think that his defeat as a writer was definite now?
12. What did he discover when he began reading his wife's novel?
13. Why did Mr. Oslow give an answer to the reporter's questions? What did he
14. Why was his wife terrified at his answer?

IV Discuss the following:

1. Was Mr. Oslow a talented writer? Why were his novels rejected? Why was his
rejected novel published under his wife's name and had a success?
2. Mr. Oslow was not a selfish man. Fame wasn't his only aim. What about Julia?
3. Is genuine talent always recognized? Who has a right to judge real talent?
4. What scene do you think will follow Clifford's last words?

V Retell the story on the part of:

1) Clifford,
2) his wife,
3) one of the reporters.

VI Give the phonetic analyze of the following words: walk, triumph, lawn, lean
For example:
1. The word ‘walk’ has 4 letters: w, a, l, k.
2. But it has 3 sounds: [w], [ɔ:], [k].
3. The transcription is [wɔ:k]
4. It is one syllable word.

Translate and give 3 forms of these verbs:

to cut –
to head –
to pull out –
to lean –
to leave –
to reject –
to keep on –
to stare –

Match the words in two columns to make word-combinations, then use them
in sentences of your own to describe the characters and events in the story:
the back of this city
rushing affectionately
pulled out above the noise
a mail the front stairs
hurried up steps
rising a little book
smiled at him W
breach in the steps
raced for after him
a native box
Large her glance

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