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5 Design of Pedestal

Progettazione del battolino

5.1 Summary of loadings used for design of pedestal
Riassunto dei carichi utilizzati per la progettazione del battolino
Load combinations Vertical load "kN" Hor load in x-dir. Hor load in z-dir. Moment about x- Moment about z- Moment mag fac
"kN" "kN" dir, kN-m dir, kN-m if column is

1 0.9 (DS+DE+DO) + 1.4 WX 455 18.20 0 0 101 1.00

2 0.9 (DS+DE+DO) + 1.4 WY 455 0.00 0 0 0 1.00
3 1.05 (DS+DE+) 1 DO+ 1.4 WX 528 18.20 0 0 101 1.00
4 1.05 (DS+DE+) 1 DO+ 1.4 WY 528 0.00 0 0 0 1.00
5 0.9 (DS+DE)+ 0.8 DO + 1 EQX1 449 0.00 0 0 0 1.00
6 0.9 (DS+DE)+ 0.8 DO + 1 EQY1 449 0.00 0 0 0 1.00
7 0.9 (DS+DE) + 0.8 DO + 1 EQX1 449 0.00 0 0 0 1.00
8 0.9 (DS+DE) + 0.8 DO + 1 EQY1 449 0.00 0 0 0 1.00
9 0.9 (DS+DE) + 1.12 WX 399 14.56 0 0 81 1.00
10 0.9 (DS+DE) + 1.12 WY 399 0.00 0 0 0 1.00
11 1.05 (DS+DE) + 1 DT + 0.98 WX 860 12.74 0 0 71 1.00
12 1.05 (DS+DE) + 1 DT + 0.98 WY 860 0.00 0 0 0 1.00
13 0.9 (DS+DE) + 1.2 BP 399 0.00 0 0 0 1.00
14 1.05 (DS+DE) + 1.2 BP 466 0.00 0 0 0 1.00
15 DS + DE + DO 506 0.00 0 0 0 1.00
16 DS + DE + DO + WX 506 13.00 0 0 72 1.00
17 DS + DE + DO + WY 506 0.00 0 0 0 1.00

Z Mz


D= 3.2 1.3248


Height of the pedestal H = 1650.00 mm Ref: Introduction Sheet

Altezza del battolino
Width / Depth of the pedestal D = 3200.00 mm
Larghezza del battolino
Design concrete resistance, Rb (Comp.) = 22 N/mm2

Design Tensile strength of Re-bar, Rs = 435 N/mm2

Resistenza caratteristica delle barre d'armatura
Density of Concrete Densita' del calcestruzzo gc = 25.00 KN/cum
Density of Soil gs = 18.00 KN/cum
Densita' del terreno
Effective length of pedestal He = 2 x H = 3.30 m
Lunghezza effettiva del battolino

5.2.1 Check for Short Column :

He / D = 1.031 < 4 Hence design as pedestal Refer Para 3.53 of SP52-101-2003

Design column as a Short column

5.3 Reinforcement design

Progettazione armatura
5.3.1 Main Reinforcement
Armatura principale
(i) Minimum Reinforcement
Armatura minima
Min. Reinforcement to be provided should be maximum of the values given below
L'armatura minima da inserire deve essere il massimo tra I valori sotto calcolati
(Ref - 10.3.6 of SP63.13330.2012)

lo/h = He/D = 1.031 < 5 Hence

Min % of Reinforcement 0.2 % As per code 0.25 % As per Design basis
Asmin= 0.0025 x Ac = 21207.74 mm2

Asmin = 21207.74 mm
Note: maximum spacing of any bar shall not exceed 400mm Ref. 10.3.8 of SP63.13330.2012
la spaziatura massima tra le barre non deve essere maggiore di 400mm
(ii) Provided reinforcement -:
Armatura prevista
1) Main reinforcement -: Nd 48 nos 25 f = 23550 mm2 OK
armatura principale
2) No. Of anchor bolt provided. = 4 Nos
numero di tirafondi
3) Dia meter of anchor bolt = 24 mm
diametro tirafondi
4) Bolt Circle Diameter of anchor bolts = 2770 mm 2.77 m
diametro della circonferenza di posizionamento dei tirafondi
5) Dia of side face bars( Links) = - mm
diametro delle barre laterali
7) Cover to reinforcement = 40 mm
copriferro netto
6) Dowells circle diameter (Dc) = 3120 mm 3.12 m
diametro della circonferenza di posizionamento dei manicotti Calculation of capacity of pedestal shall be carried out according to chapte
side of dowells perimeter = 1292.304 mm relevant only to round shape concrete section). Formulas of Chapter 8 for
Total parimeter = 10338.432 mm Action to be done by TCMPL technical team.
perimetro tatale
Actual spacing of dowells = 215.384 mm OK
interasse manicotti/armatura verticale
Area of single reinforcement = 490.625 mm2
area della singola barra d'armatura
sectional modulus of pedestal = 3.3142276 m3
modulo W del battolino 3.314E+09 mm3
Area of concrete pedestal = 8.4830945 m2
area del battolino 8483094.5 mm2

check for reinforcement stree with anchor bolt stress

Total force in anchor bolt= Nb* Tall forza totale nel tirafondo
Nb= no of bolts = 4 nos of 24 mm dia bolts
numero tirafondi di diametro tirafondi
Tall= Alllowable tensile load in bolt= 100 Kn
Tensione ammissibile nei tirafondi
Total Force in anchor Bolt = 400 Kn
Forza totale nei tirafondi
Force carrying capacity of Reinforcemant 8908 Kn - OK
Capacita' dell'armatura

Forces at bottom of pedestal.

Load combinations Total vertical load Total moment
"kN" Carico Mx / Mz kN-m
verticale totale Momento flettente

0.9 (DS+DE+DO) + 1.4 WX 455 101

0.9 (DS+DE+DO) + 1.4 WY 455 0
1.05 (DS+DE+) 1 DO+ 1.4 WX 528 101
1.05 (DS+DE+) 1 DO+ 1.4 WY 528 0
0.9 (DS+DE)+ 0.8 DO + 1 EQX1 449 0
0.9 (DS+DE)+ 0.8 DO + 1 EQY1 449 0
0.9 (DS+DE) + 0.8 DO + 1 EQX1 449 0
0.9 (DS+DE) + 0.8 DO + 1 EQY1 449 0
0.9 (DS+DE) + 1.12 WX 399 81
0.9 (DS+DE) + 1.12 WY 399 0
1.05 (DS+DE) + 1 DT + 0.98 WX 860 71
1.05 (DS+DE) + 1 DT + 0.98 WY 860 0
0.9 (DS+DE) + 1.2 BP 399 0
1.05 (DS+DE) + 1.2 BP 466 0
DS + DE + DO 506 0
DS + DE + DO + WX 506 72
DS + DE + DO + WY 506 0

Check of maximum capacity of pedestal section in SAP2000 software.

Face to face size of octagonal pedestal 3.200 m
Clear Height of pedestal 1.650 m
Minimum reinforcement reqd. as found in section 21208 sq. mm
Reinforcement provided Dia = 25 mm ; 48 Numbers
Reinforcement provided = 23562 sq. mm
Open provided SAP2000 file for pedestal design. Clear Cover = 40 mm
Click Button 'Create DXF' CreateDXF

Click Button 'Apply loads in SAP' (SAP file should be unlocked) Apply loads in SAP

Go to SAP and adjust height of pedestal as per requirement 1.650 m

To create octagonal pedestal in SAP from DXF file, follow following instructions.
Define-->Section Properties-->Frame Sections-->Add New Property
Select Other --> Section Designer--> Select Concrete column --> Reinforcement to be checked
Select Material and then click on Section Designer
Go to File--> Import Section from DXF--> Go to path where DXF file is saved and select DXF file
Click OK-->Then Right click on octagon-->Select material for ex. B40 --> Select Yes for Reinforcing
Select Reinforcing Material-->Click OK ……. Then Rebars will be shown.
Right click on any corner bar--> then select bar dia and tick apply to all corners
Right click on any non-corner bar--> then select bar dia, specify Bar cover
and Bar Spacing (Max Bar Spacing=400mm). Also tick apply to all edges and click OK.
Give appropriate name to section and save the section.
Assign this section to modlelled cantilever pedstal.

Verification of loads applied in SAP

For this, base reactions in SAP can be matched with 'forces at botttom of pedestals' shown above.

Design of pedestal
After adjusting pedestal height and having load applied Pedestal can be designed in SAP.
And SAP design calculation (Flexure details) can be pasted in report.

5.3.2 Transverse reinforcement

Armatura trasversale
(i) Requirment of Transverse reinforcement
(Ref - SP63.13330.2012)
Richiesta di armatura trasversale
1) Dia of reinforcement -: max of following a) 6 mm = 6 mm CL 10.3.12 of SP 63.13330.2012& 8.3.9 of SP 52.101.2003
b) 1/4 of max dia of main reinforcement = 6 mm CL 10.3.12 of SP 63.13330.2012
diametro dell'armatura : massimo dei seguenti valori b) 1/4 del diametro massimo dell'armatura principale
2) Spacing of transverse reinforcement -:
interasse dell'armatura trasversale
spacing should not exceed minimum of the following l'interasse non dovrebbe eccedere il minimo dei seguenti valori
a) 15 times the minimum dia of longitudinal bar = 375 mm Section 10.3 of SP63.13330.2012
a) 15 volte il diamtro minimo delle barre longitudinali
b) lesser dimension of column = 1324.8 mm
b) la dimensione minore della colonna
c) 300 mm = 300 mm
(ii) Provided transverse reinforcement
Armatura trasversale prevista
1) Dia of reinforcement = 10 mm OK
diametro armatura
2) Spacing of transverse reinforcement = 200 mm OK
interasse armatura trasversale

10 @ 200 BCD

provide vertical bar

48 Nos 25 dia @ 215
mm c/c
inserire barre verticali

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