Unit Test 3 - Group A: Listening

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Unit Test 3 | Group A

Name: _____________________ Class: ____

3 Complete the text with the words and phrases from

the box. There are two extra words.
1 [Track 04] You are going to hear part of an interview
with a sports nutritionist called Marcus Jones. For bleeding break carry on in shock qualified
questions 1–5, choose the correct answer A, B, C or unconscious twisted succeed

1 When did Marcus begin to work on his book? Last week I had a bad fall while I was trying out a new
A When he was studying nutrition. routine at gymnastics. Usually when that happens I just
0 carry on, but this time I felt a bit dizzy and cold, and my
B When he was working with athletes.
C When he decided to go on a diet. ankle was really painful. When my coach looked at it, he
D When he was training to be a swimmer. said that I was lucky I didn’t 1 ___________ the bone. Still,
2 Why does Marcus say fat is important in an athlete’s I was injured. I 2 ___________ my ankle and I had to put ice
diet? on it. He also thought that I was 3 ___________ because
A It can make you feel full. I was cold and shaking a lot. Sometimes that happens after
B It reacts well with carbohydrates. an accident. He said that whenever that happened to him,
C It helps to strengthen their muscles. he drank some sweet tea. He told me he once fell very hard
D It can be an energy source. to the floor and was 4 ___________ for a couple of minutes!
3 What does Marcus say about successful athletes? Luckily, that’s never happened to me. Anyway, I’ve got to
A They need to eat seven meals a day. take it easy for a couple of weeks and do some simple
B They need to build up large muscles. exercises to strengthen my muscles. I’ve 5 ___________ for
C They need to be competitive. the Youth Games next year, so I need to be at my best!
D They need to eat a range of healthy foods. ___ / 5
4 What does Marcus say about eating food during
A It affects the way your body digests food. GRAMMAR
B It is a process you can learn. 4 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs
C It is better to fill yourself up the day before an event. in brackets. Use the Past Simple, Past Continuous or
D It makes you less competitive. Past Perfect.
5 During the interview Marcus
A is explaining how diet can affect exercise. When I was a lot younger, I 0 ate (eat) whatever I wanted,
B is informing listeners about a new diet. but I’ve realised that I can’t do that anymore.
C is describing a book he has written. I 1 _________________ (decide) to change my eating
D is criticising the advice given by some other sports habits last New Year’s Eve. As I 2 _________________
nutritionists. (get) ready for a party, and tried to put on my favourite top,
___ / 5 I 3 _________________ (discover) that it didn’t fit anymore.
At first, I told myself it 4 _________________ (get) smaller
in the wash, but I finally had to admit that it was me who
VOCABULARY was getting bigger. So, I’m trying to get fit and lose weight.
2 Complete the sentences with the missing word. The A month ago, I joined a gym and signed up to exercise
first letters are given. classes. When I weighed myself after two weeks, I had lost
quite a bit of weight already! I 5 _________________ (not /
0 She’s had to overcome so many challenges to get
like) gyms when I was younger, but I do now!
where she is today.
1 When I go to the gym, I usually spend my time lifting ___ / 5
w___________ to build up my muscles.
2 We prefer to buy l___________ grown food to support 5 Choose the correct option to complete the
farmers in our area. sentences.
3 I’m a bit out of s___________ at the moment – I haven’t
0 I didn’t use to / used to / wouldn’t like running when
done any exercise for a while.
I was at school, but I do now.
4 He eats so much j___________ food – it’s no wonder
1 We had studied / studied / were studying in the library
he’s putting on weight.
when we heard the ambulance arriving.
5 We were in the gym hall when the fire a___________
2 The restaurant was closed because there had been /
went off.
would be / used to be a fire in the kitchen.
___ / 5
3 They used to go / would go / went sailing in the
Mediterranean last summer.
4 What did you do / did you use to do / had you done while
you were waiting for the rescue team?
5 As children, we swimming / had swum / would swim in
this river every day during the summer.
___ / 5

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6 Choose the correct option A−D to complete the text. 8 Read the article. Match sentences A–G with gaps
1–5 in the text. There are two extra sentences.
This is the first time that I’ve ever decided to 0 ___ an
international competition, so I’m quite excited. There are a Healthy body, healthy mind?
lot of people supporting me, so I’m determined to 1 ___ well. We all sometimes feel sad or depressed – life can be
Of course, it’s an honour to take part in such an important stressful and there are often lots of challenges with study,
occasion. It’s my dream to set a 2 ___ if I can. At the work and relationships. But did you realize that you have
moment, I’m focusing on keeping training well. Occasionally, more power to change your mood than you think? Here are
I go to the gym, but on the whole, I’m taking it easy. It’s best some suggestions on how to beat the blues!
to stay relaxed at big events like this. I 3 ___ very nervous, Healthy snacks
but my coach has helped me with that. I 4 ___ turned It is well known that eating lots of fruit and vegetables is
professional when he joined my team. He’s been a great good for your physical health, but the latest research
help in preparing me. Food is important to preparation, too. suggests that it might be good for mental health, too.
My diet has to be high 5 ___ calories to make sure I have Scientists in Australia have found that the more fruit and
enough energy for the big day. vegetables you eat, the better you feel. 1 ___ In both
studies, researchers measured people’s sense of life
0 A begin B enter C start D visit
satisfaction. The results suggest that one way to improve
1 A do B get C feel D work
your mental health could be something as simple as having
2 A medal B goal C result D record
a salad with a meal every day. 2 ___
3 A had been getting B had got
How you feel inside has a direct effect on mood and
C used to get D was getting
concentration. So, a quick change in what you snack on is
4 A would just B was just C have just D had just
an easy way to start feeling better!
5 A from B in C on D with
This sporting life
___ / 5
Sports and fitness activities are a great way to lose weight,
build your muscles and feel stronger. They are also very
7 Complete the second sentence using the word in
important in improving mood. Team games have a powerful
bold so that it means the same as the first one. Do
impact on well-being, as they are social as well as physical
not change the word in bold. Use no more than four
activities. 3___ This is because you tend to work together
words including the word in bold.
towards shared goals. But don’t worry, if you like being on
0 A car hit her on the road outside her house. your own when you do sports, you can still get that feel-
KNOCKED good effect. How about climbing? People who climb use
A car knocked her down on the road outside her a lot of concentration – they have to decide where to put
house. their hands and feet to be safe. Although this sounds
1 She was the favourite to win the competition. mentally challenging, this detailed focus on a physical
HOME activity actually makes you relax! Studies show that training
She was the favourite to ________________________ programmes where you pay attention to your movements
the gold medal. can be as calming as yoga!
2 The shop in our street was on fire last night. Many people, however, prefer to be on the move. 4___
DOWN But you don’t need an athletics track to train regularly.
The shop in our street ________________________ In fact, trail running on uneven ground such as hills or
yesterday. woodland has a big effect on how you feel mentally. There’s
3 I haven’t played football for a year. a bit more challenge running somewhere where you might
AGO trip, sprain an ankle or wrist or even break a leg. 5___
The last time I played football This can help you forget other worries in life, and clear your
________________________. mind.
4 When I arrived, my friends weren’t there. So remember, if you’re concerned about your mood, think
ALREADY about following a healthier diet or putting on some trainers.
My friends ________________________ when I arrived. You might just start to feel a bit better.
5 Are there any sports you did in the past, but have
Did ________________________ any sports that you
don’t do anymore?
___ / 5

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A When you belong to a group and do sports together, you
often become more confident around others. Out and about
B Because of this, you have to focus on the route ahead, Some of you may be surprised, but
concentrating hard and looking at every risk. recently I’ve spent a whole day doing
C Running fast and getting out of breath will do you the sports.
world of good physically and the different chemicals and
hormones released into your body improve your mood.
D This has been confirmed by UK research which involved
more than 40,000 participants.
E It proves that taking part in team games helps improve
your speed and strength.
F This is because fruit and vegetables contain many
nutrients which are good for the bacteria living in your
G However, there is an increased risk of injury during this
kind of activity which limits the benefits.
___ / 5

9 Do the exam task.
Niedawno w twojej miejscowości odbył się festyn sportowy.
Podziel się swoimi wrażeniami z tego wydarzenia na blogu.
● Wyjaśnij, gdzie odbył się festyn i kto go zorganizował.
● Opisz swoje przygotowania do tego wydarzenia.
● Zrelacjonuj krótko przebieg festynu.
● Wyraź i uzasadnij swoją opinię na temat tego typu

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podpunktów. Długość wypowiedzi powinna wynosić od 80
do 130 słów.

___ / 10

TOTAL ___ / 50

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