125mm Gun

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FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION OF 14. ANNEX D 10 DGOP TENDER NO.218,307.20 DATED 18 OCTOBER 2020 5 MM SUB - CAL DEVICE FOR 125 MM TK Ser Description Technical Specification Must be Filled up by the | Manufacturer | Gen Data yp [4] Name — Jobe mentioned _ [ 2. | Compatible Gun 125 mm Smooth bore gun of Tank MBT-2000 and T-59G “| Make To be mentioned | Model To be mentioned | “| Type of Sub-Cal Device ~~ Tin bore type _ La 6 | Location where sub caliber device | Gun breech - |__| to be fitted _ 7, Country of Origin | To be mentioned 8._| Country of Manufacture To be mentioned I - 9. | Name and complete address of To be mentioned I |__| manufacturer 10. Name and complete address of | To be mentioned — Principal | Name and complete address of | Local agent To be mentioned ] | 12. | Year of Production’ Manufacture Not earlier than the contracted year Tech Data of Main Gun 13. [Caliber [125mm To be mentioned — a 14.5 7m To be mentioned To be mentioned “Type of barre! (Smooth bored rifle To be mentioned | a. Number of Rifing (if | To be mentioned ; | r _ applicable) : | b, Length of Rifling twist To be mentioned | Lo (if applicable) 4 19. | Life of barrel To be mentioned | |20."| Number of Spare Barrel To be mentioned __21._| Total Weight of the Device | To be mentioned | 22. | Total Length of the Device ‘| To be mentioned FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY D- 1 of2 “FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY | Ser Description Technical Specification Must be Filled uj. i | by the | Totai Height of the Device Tobé mentioned i "| Total Width of the Device ——~—S~S Tobe mentioned | Length of chamber = To be mentioned i | System of loading/unloading Tobementioned Maximum range To be mentioned Minimum range | Tabe mentioned — | | Effective range [Tyre of firing mode | Both electric ‘and mechanical | | Muzzle velocity | To be mentioned | Arrangement for attachment the | To be mentioned equipment to the barrel, | 34. ing arrangement | Details to be mentioned Tracer | To be mentioned 102 Years __| 96 Years j | Docu Paint (Nitro Cellulose \ | Based MB Green) | I 41. | Any other (if deemed necessary) Tobe mentioned SS Following guide lines to be fellowed while filling the technical specification by the suppler/ manufacturer. 1 Specific data to be mentioned by the supplier in the offer which are mentioned in the tender technical specification. 2. if the supplier mentions “comply” against the tender technical specification, it will be taken for granted that the supplier agrees 100% with all the requirements. No deviation will be accepted later 3. Contract will be signed according to the information mentioned in the accepted offer. No deviation will be accepted later. 4. Hany information of ter 1 is ignored in the offer, it will be treated as incomplete offer. 0-20f2 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ANNEX ETO DGD? TENDER NO 218,307.20 DATED 18 OCTOBER 2020 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS OF 44.5 MM SUB-CAL DEVICE FOR 125 MM TK REMARKS AGAINST COLUMN -10 Description |" Must be Filled up by the | Manufactureri - Principal 1. General Requirements. a. 14.8 mm Sub-Cal Device for 125 mm T< to be completed with standard spares, tools oT b. 14.8 mm Sub m Tk complete with standard spares, tools and accessories must be brand new, free from ail defects | and damages and fully functional, _ i Ie. Following certificates to. be provided separately | manufacturer along with the offer and store: _ ealiae | (i) 44.8 mm Sub-Cal Device for 125 mm Tk must be suitable for use in tropical climate. _ | 2) The year of manufacture of the 74.5 mm Sub-Cal Device for \ 126 mm Tk and i's all components not to be earlier than the contracted calendar year. Manufacturer's certificate showing year of production of 14.5 mm Sub-Cal Device for 125 mm Tk and it's all | components, _ 7 | (3) _ The model validity of the 74.5 mm Sub-Cal Device for 128 | rm Tk complete and all its components will be 10 (Ten) years from | the date ofreceiptofstores. i | (4) Warranty/guaranty certificate as mentioned below should be | i furnished by the manufacturer, | Warranty. 14.5 mm Sub-Cal Device for 125 mm Tk complete with | standard spares, tools and accessories supplied are orand new, | | complete of good material and workmanship throughout. in the event of any shortage, defectsidamages, the defective stores should be replaced by the supplier at their own cost witain 06 (S nths of the @ arises. The warranty period of the stores will be 2 (two) years from the date of issue of “Inspection Note” by Inspectorate of Armaments & Explosive (IARE) Et 0fs FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Ser Description FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY should provide manufact warranty/guarantee to the | leffect that the item/items found defectivefnot in accordance with | | specification will be replaced free of cost. The firm supplying | items/equipment on warranty will identify these by attaching a warranty | label/disc or stenciling this beneath the cover of the box as shown below : | © Subsequent supply of tools, spares and accessories must be ensured by the manufacturer/supplier for next 15 years from the date of COfp eHON OHSU apy ie ae amua emt Ne ee ee eee Ne eee UE {Proforma invoice should be submitted along with offer direct by the janufacturer on their letter head in origin: g. Authorization certificate should be the supplier as under: (1) Manufacturer to Principal (if both are same then not needed) (2)___Principal to Local Agent __ h. All certificates and letter of authorization should be original and in | English language. a |i, Alter sales service should be available Supplier and to be provided as and when required free of charge up to | | guarantee period and thereafter on payment for at least 05 (Five) years | ftom the date of final acceptance. Both the supplier (with whom contract has been concluded) and the local agent to provide certificates to this effect of providing the after sale service. 2. | Cataloque/brochure. 01*Original catalogue/brochure having technical) data in English language should be submitted by the manufacturer along | |with the offer and stores (Laminated/printed catalogue/brochure is not | accepted). If the brochure cannot contain all the information's, then those should be submitted in a paper in addition to the original brochure. | with offer | a, Owner/Operator manual in English (Book type) | ‘Workshop/Repair manual in English (Book type) i b ©. 100% Updated master spare parts catalogue in English (Book type) |d. Complete and updated master spare parts price catalogueflist in | English (Book type) Test Firing Procedure (Bgok Type) 07 x Test firing procedure (book type) of the 14.5 mm Sub-Cal Device fd! 125 mm Tk must be provided by the supplier along with the offer. Th following information must be included in the test firing procedure E-20f5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY i the local agent of the F ind publications must be provided along | “Must be Filled up by the with the offer by | | Manufacturer! | Principat FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Ser c Description Must be | Filled up by | the i Manufacturer! | |. Principal a. _ Reliability and functional test procedure. | | b. Accuracy test procedure including dimensional / measurement. | c._ Rate of fire. co 4 | Packing. \ |a Packing should be done as per standard packing procedure of the | manufacturer. The box/package should have suitable means for holding | by hands and to be easy to handle during stores and transportation. | b. Bo) pai bronze gr c. A packing listinote showing contents should ke inserted in to each | _ [box ‘The Stores are to be securely packed with seaworthy packing and | Sleaty marked for safe transit by air/sea/railway/road. The packing and | marking will be done by the supplier so that the stores will not be affected | | by sea water, rain water and damp weather during transportation | a Marking onthe BoxiPackage. a (1) The following marking to be stenciled on the top of the boxes: | 4 Marking. (a) _ Consignee: Commandant Central Ordnance Depot | (COD) Dhaka Cantonment, Bangladesh | (b) Contract no and date: (c) Package no. 1/100, 2/100, 3/400.......... and So on. (2) “The following marking to be stenciled on the front side of the | boxes: | {a) Full nomenclature of the sub-cal device i (b) Number of sub-cal device | (c) Lot number (4) Net weight of device. | | (e) Dimension of box. | | (f) Package number. l {9} Gross weight of box ' b. Marking on the Sub-Cal Device. Year of production, Registration | number of the 14.5 mm Sub-Cal Device for 125 mm Tk and serial number | of major components should be engraved by machine on its bod | ees no Pre-shipment inspection will be carried out by Bangladesh Army | and intimated to supplier as such in written then the report of “Quality | | Assurance Deparment’ of manufacturer will be considered as per __| Appendix-1 of Anx B. E-30f5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY tok Gon vamp YPEROAHINEEMNe Bm b-C ceetene eevee FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Ser | Description | Must be Filled up by theyeaaae| | Manufacturer! | Principal | consignee's end will be inspected by Inspectorate of Armaments & | Explosive (IA&E) or authorized representative. If any article found to be | | contrary and not in accordance with the contract will be processed as per | clause 1.c (4) above. At the time of inspection, the supplier or his local representatives, representatives of EME Dte and COD shall remain present. Inspection report will signed by all representatives. The | inspectorate will issue final inspection report after receipt of stores at \ | consignee's end provided the visual inspection found satisfactory and the ! case of clarification/repiacement of store if any, is setted as per visual | inspection report and Fost-shipment functional test formalities. Partial inspection note will not be issued | 7. | Post-shipment Inspection. The stores on being received at the | Requirement of Functional Test for Post-shipment inspection. _ ! | Functional test will be carried out all aty (09 nos) of 14.5 mm Sub- | Cal Device for 125 mm Tk by the Posi-shipment Inspection team during post-shipment Inspection. Required quantity of compatible ammunition | will be used during post shipment test firing and to carry out the following \ tests: 1) Inspection before firing 2) Effective range. ! 3) Maximum range 4) Rate of fire 5) Inspection after firing i b, 100% test firing quantity must be satisfactory, 9. inspecting authority Chief Inspector, inspectorate of nl || Armaments and Explosive (A&E), | faa ae _ |_| Gazipur Cantonment _ 7 10.” | Authority holding sealed Chief Inspector, Inspectorate of | | particulars Armaments and Explosive (IA&E), | _| Gazipur Cantonment cy Supplier will provide final inspection ~ - | ee ifieate along with the stor | Note: Following guide lines to be fcllowed while filling the technical specification by the supplier/ manufacturer E-40f5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Santer 4aem (EY 270-202 aun i S.C Davis TRA few A Sat-Go Ra FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1, Specific data to be mentioned by the supplier in the offer which are mentioned in the tender technical specification, 2. lf the supplier mentions “comply” against the tender technical specification, it will be taken for granted that the supplier agrees 100% with all the requirements. No deviation will be accepted later. 3. Contract will be signed according to the informaticn mentioned in the accepted offer. No deviation will be accepted later 4. Ifany information of tender is ignored in the offer, it will be treated as incomplete offer. Appendix: 1. Quality Assurance Certificate (QC) E.50f5 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY a Nam em FY 2020-208 Ne Sr me FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY t APPENDIX 1 TO ANNEX E DGDP TENDER NO 218.307,20 DATED 18 OCTOBER 2020 QUALITY ASSURANCE CERTIFICATE (QAC! 4. As per (Directorate General of Defence Purchase (DGDP), Bangladesh/Service Headquarters/Organization) Contract No. dated. for the procurement of items mentioned in paragraph 2 below, the concerned involved from seller are: [ Principal Supplier: “Quality Control Department of Manufacturer |(As mentioned in the contract with address | (Address and other contact information including | and other contact information including the | the email address) email address) | \ | | Manufacturer: Local Agent | (As mentioned in the contract with address | (As mentioned in the contract with address | and other contact information and stamped | other contact information and stamped seal to be | seal to be used) Lused) 2. — Stores. (List of stores to be provided for which QAC is submitted as mentioned in the contract including following information, separate sheets may be enclosed, if required) a. Inventory Inspection Ser Nomenciature/Brand/ | A/U | Quantity | ~ Quantities Physically | Remark | Model/Part Number/Factory | | | Found during Inspection | | | Code/Lot Number/Year of by the Quality Control | Production eS |__ Department of OEM It is to certify that the equipment/stores are found correct and all the quantity found as per contract. Sign by Principal Sign by Manufacturer Quality Control Department Name: Name: Designation Designation: Address (including the email address) Address (including the email address) 3. Inspection of Technical Specification (As per contract). The Quality Control Department of Manufacturer will check the functionality of the stores as per technic: specifications. All Technical parameters to be shecked one by one as mentioned in the contract If for any reason cannot be checked, it will be mentioned in the rem: umn as under: Et-10f FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ura FY 2020-202 dnt § mn Sub aD a 125 mm Tgsane Ane OAC oe FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Ser | Description | Technical | Functional Condition Physically Found | Remark | asper | Specifications during Inspection by the Quality Control | i Contract _| as per Contract Department ofOEM | (a) {| (b) (c) 4 _ (d)_ 't¥s to certify that the technical specifications are functionally found correct as per contract Sign by Principal Sign by Manufacturer Quality Control Department Name Name: Designation Designation ‘Address (including the email address) Address (including the email address) firnish ne Related Documents /Certificates. Following documents/certificates are to be furnished with the QAC. All tesvinspection result/tesults which was/were conducted by the swality control department of manufacturer to be furnished including the following a. Certificate of country of origin 5 Certificate of country of manufacture/assembly. Certificate of year of productior Certificate of Military standard or any other standard Certificate of warranty/guaranty me ao Certificate of quality assurance and genuineness. Buy back certificate. zo Guarantee certificate for availability of spares. i Certificate of after sales service Ff ameguntonality tests and test firing certificates with test report must be provided for lulfilment of the technical specification. Test fire reports for cach gun to be given Separately. Following tests must be carried aut with ail 08 x Sub-Cal devices, required number of ammunition must be provided by the supplier at free of cost (1) Effective range test (2) Maximum range test (3) Rate of fire test 1 pe etwitonmental suitability certificate for tropical climate (e.g humidity tolerance, ‘emperature range, storage temperature, salinity resistance etc). m. Any other certificate £2 pote FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY sokey pnt Kus ses 94 9N0G OOS 2pan.gaz-azde As ts) vt. ase AINO 3SN WIDIdIO HOS sued a1edg Buinoyy moig puy Ise 4018 z (igs) 51001 20.0135 1ex00dg J0 1877 t sapuoddy aroiduoout are sued aiedg BUNOW MOIg # 1S€4 UE (1S) S1EOL BO;NIag eIDAdg 0} adso1 UI Zoo O49 JO UoHAOd Aue JO je J} ParDafa1 pu alaIdWOOU! Se P12PISUOD 94 IM 1840 “SION, - - — _ a a a bq 0} alemyjos soyo tedosjdoussiom | ywouwdinba yo au ui wowdnba jsuudinbo | euquo @ | Addins uy gn papinosd je Aiddas oy | yo. Aiddns uy papinoid9q 24" pnoys tun papiaoud jauudinba | of (foo yos) LN foigenene 3) z-|aq oj (Adoo jo Aiddns om im} Qaaiao xLo 1 | zl Nod xipuoddy } ys) aaaraa papinoid aq o} (Adoo | pur uowdinba sapuaddy "0130 sad se | x10 pue (eda os) GAGIaD x10 pue | yaee 10} (2dkL ied $e | washivo papiagid | yoog) jeu!Buo (adh yoog) jeu yoog) jeutbuo papiaoid -ans: 2 0} 1511 | soidoo pueHxzo | saidod pietxo1 d09. pvenxt0 | sbaryon | eq ovisi| sbonon | 60 | ww sip io o_ | _ eo o |e | ® [ol @ ®& psosotea| — | | pe | sued Supurg ney | | aes (wss)s | ss) | 6unsa Bunoy (adky yoo 1 s]00,, gaines | ‘Mo\s. powepdn, urjenueyy, “Bunnseayy ain wewoy | puerses | pur Lousy yeoads | vezsieuy | fo | erouewon IWIN SE HOI IOI war ivD 7 and ¥SHOOH ANY LSS) S IVINILWAL FOIMFISTVOTES TUSSI S100! TATIS WiyTaS 13S SUSONOVIM INV ONIGNL LINVAONIISSL 8 ONINSVAW "GAZA TWN JO INAWSUIIOTS peo WIGOIIO-BE GBIVO ‘OL SNNY AINO BSN WIDIS40 HOS FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPENDIX 1 TO ANNEXE GDP TENDER NO 218,307.20 DATED 18 OCTOBER 2020 LIST OF SPECIAL SERVICE TOOLS (SST) OF 14.5 MM SUB-CALIBER DEVICE FOR 125 MM TK, QTY-09 NOS To be filled up by supplier Description (use of | Qty | Rmk theitem) | [Ser | PartNo | Nomenclature (with picture) i FI- tof t FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY APPENDIX 2 TO ANNEXE LIST OF FAST AND SLOW MOVING SPARE PARTS OF 14.5 MM SUB-CALIBER DEVICE FOR 125 MM TK, QTY-09 NOS To be filled up by supplier [Ser ] Part No F2- 1 of 1 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

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