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Assignment for research and discussion next meeting

1. definition of history

The word "history" means the search for knowledge and truth, a searching to find out. "History is any
integrated narrative or description of past events or facts written in a spirit of critical inquiry for the
whole truth" (Calderon & Gonzales 1993 citing Good and Scates, 1972). History is defined as "any
integrated narrative or description of past events or facts written in a spirit of critical inquiry for the
whole truth". Encyclopedia Brittanica defined history as "the discipline that studies the chronological
order of events (as affecting a nation or people), based on critical examination of source materials and
usually presenting an explanation of their causes.

2. Relationship of history with other social sciences

1. History and Political Science
One cannot understand the principles and system of government of a certain country without
knowing its history. The structure of government, rights and duties of citizens, laws and
regulations, and its relations to other states are all products of evolution by just turning the
pages of the countries past.
2. History and Economics
The evolution of economic activities of humankind from hunting and gathering societies to post-
industrial society can be best understood by looking at the past. The roots of economic and
diplomatic relations between nations can be traced by looking at their distant past.
3. History and Sociology
Early societies and communities, evolution of culture, social change and other in social behavior
are chronologically explained by history.
4. History and Ethics
History provides record of mistakes committed by people and nations. Mistakes in the past have
moral and ethical implication which serves as guide to arrive at just, reasonable, and acceptable
actions in the future.
5. History and Psychology
Psychology provides understanding of motives and actions of human and societies. History gives
us idea about the behavior of controversial leaders in the past and their actions. Through
analogy, it is possible to predict behavior and actions of present leaders. History, therefore,
provides public consciousness that enables the people to be vigilant to the possible wrongdoing
of their leaders.
6. History and Geography
According to National "when learning about historical topics, it can be very
helpful to simultaneously study a region's geography". This works the same with geography
as well. Certain areas of the Philippines provide clear explanation why significant events in
the past such as why Americans put up military facilities in Corregidor during World War II or
why Americans developed Baguio City during their early settlement and that is due to its
cold weather where Americans are used to it.

3. classification of historical sources

Historical sources may be classified as primary or secondary (Fox, 1969). A primary source is regarded as
the source of the "best evidence". This is because the data come from the testimony of able eye and eye
witnesses to past events. They may also consist of actual objects used in the past which you can directly
scrutinize or examine. Secondary source are information supplied by a person who was not a direct
observer or participant of the event, object, or condition (Sevilla et. al, 1992).

4. distinction between primary and secondary sources

"Primary sources, the only solid bases of historical work, are the original documents or remains, the first
witnesses to a fact" (Good, cited by Good and Scates, 1972). For instance, the stenographic notes of a
court trial and the news reporter's account of the trial are primary sources. All physical objects, including
photographs, and cultural institutions and practices are primary sources themselves and all accounts
written about them by those who had actually seen and experienced are primary sources. For facts
gathered through questionnaire and the interview, all data supplied by respondents and interviewees
who have actually experienced and observed the events upon which the data have been based are
primary data. (Calderon & Gonzales, 1993). All writings by people who have never experienced nor
observed personally the objects and have based their writings upon information gathered from those
who have knowledge of the events are secondary sources.

5. Auxiliary sciences that help in determining authenticity and genuineness of a document

Calderon & Gonzales (1993) citing Good & Scates (1972) enumerated some auxiliary sciences that help
in determining the authenticity and genuineness of a document among which are:

1. Epigraphy is the study of inscriptions and the art of deciphering them.

2. Diplomatics is the science of charters and diplomas and includes knowledge of the practices and of
the forms used in them.

3. Paleography is the study of writing, which has a history all of its oWTL 4. Philology in all its branches is
of the greatest use in determining date and authenticity.

5. Archaelogy, anthropology, and prehistory in general have the greatest influence upon the study of
history, and the first of these might almost be called the science of remains. Archaeology is the scientific
study of life and culture of the past, especially ancient peoples, as far as excavations of ancient cities,
relics, artifacts, etc. Anthropology, on the other hand, is the study of humans, especially of the variety,
physical and cultural characteristics, distribution, customs, social relationships, etc. of of humanity.
Prehistory is history before recorded history as learned from archaeology (Sanchez, 1998),

6. Chemistry and the papermaker's art may be able to say and have often. said that a given document
written on woodpulp with a particular ink, for example, cannot be older than the definite date when
these materials were first manufactured. Coins and medals, too, are often of great historical value.

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