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Haven: A Virtual Massively Multiplayer Online Open World Environment for University of

Batangas – Main Campus

Project Context

Coronavirus, or COVID-19, has dramatically affected the world in its entirety. Not only

does it worsen our health when caught, but the virus also has its consequences in our other

aspects of life. Be it in communication, education, social gathering, or our way of living as a

whole. Business owners were forced to close their establishments due to the prohibition of large

crowds inside their premises. The government also prohibits people from visiting places such as

public parks, malls, and simply the home of a friend or relative to protect against the virus. Not

only that, even the schools have taken action to secure the safety and healthiness of their

students and personnel, resulting in the implementation of online classes through the use of

video conferencing apps and online learning management systems. All of these adjustments are

considered the new normal, which people have been dealing with since 2019. With that being

the case, they have opted to stay at home while prioritizing their health and safety.

Social interaction has also been a critical factor in this major crisis. People are limited to

keeping a 6-feet distance when meeting to exercise proper social space and avoid droplet

transmission. As one of the most used social platforms today, Facebook has also grown more

popular than before to substitute the traditional socializing method. People have been using

features such as chats and video calls to talk with one another or often conduct a community-

based conference call to somehow replicate the actual social gathering within an environment.

For instance, the general public converted seminars into online workshops, which many coined

"webinars" as its term, and other significant events such as group meetings and school classes.

Applications such as Google Meet, Zoom, and Discord are just some of the most used

applications today for these purposes. This instance also points out that devices such as
computers, laptops, and mobile devices by far serve as our primary tools to surge through the

new normal as they are still dealing with the current pandemic.

Technology has saved the world from this pandemic. The implementation of online

classes and meetings requires pieces of equipment such as computers and mobile devices to

cope with the effects of the pandemic, not to mention the internet connection, which enables us

to connect with other people from any part of the globe. Buying stuff online has also become

relevant since going to physical stores is restricted. With just a single tap, items that one wishes

to buy will arrive at his doorstep in just a matter of time. Most people have preferred using

Lazada, Shopee, and Grab to provide commercial products conveniently while following the

required health protocols. These instances have gone to the point where convenience and

safety co-exist with one another, which significantly supports the idea of staying at home.

Aside from daily needs, technology also helped alleviate people's mental well-being. It

provides them with sources of entertainment to keep their sanity away from the adverse effects

of the pandemic. Watching shows on Netflix is one way to cope with this, or even reading e-

books and coursing through social feeds. Not to mention online games, or gaming in general,

which has become the current trend in the country when dealing with stress and boredom,

especially with the younger generation. It is prevalent that most Filipinos have games installed

on their devices to play with their friends since there is a strong preference for mobile phones

for gaming, primarily due to the accessibility of low-cost smartphones and mobile internet

infrastructures (Statista, 2021).

Online games provide more benefits than most people think. Playing with friends

combines the purpose of socializing while getting entertained, which can help mitigate the

effects of the current crisis in our mental health. Not just for the sake of enjoyment, players also

go hand in hand to meet the game's objective, which leads to camaraderie and teamwork. It
also enhances the ability of a person in terms of critical thinking and logical reasoning. Key

components of a game include goals, rules, challenge, and interaction. With these in mind, it is

plausible that they can use the concept of gamification to increase participation in social and

academic activities.

Gamification to learning materials has become beneficial to students, most specifically in

the range of younger ages. One of the current trends in pedagogical strategies is using online

games to get students' attention for educational purposes. Students tend to pay much attention

to the mechanics of the game while at the same time absorbing the lessons behind the games

that they play. Through this method, the material becomes engaging, letting the students

concentrate more on the educational game (Rivers, 2017). An example of this is Kahoot, a

game-based learning platform that provides user-generated multiple-choice quizzes and

learning materials with the concept of gamification. With the advancement of technology

nowadays, developing games that provide educational benefits to its players has become ideal.

There is a growing variety of genres and subgenres in online games. Here are some of

the most relevant video game categories: role-playing (RPG and ARPG), shooters (FPS and

TPS), multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA), real-time strategy (RTS), sandbox, simulation,

sports, puzzles, party games, action-adventure, survival, horror, or platformer. Every category

mentioned provides a unique set of gameplay As online games provide interaction with every

player through the help of internet connectivity, communication also takes importance while

playing in order to meet the objective of the game. One perfect example that combines this idea

with social interaction and game mechanics is the concept of virtual world platform.

Virtual world platform provides a simulation of the real world, or sometimes a virtual

world that is made by a creative mind. People are supplied with almost true to life experiences

with the aid of virtual reality. Through the advancement of technology, users are now able to
simulate real life activities such as place explorations, fun gatherings, learning materials, and

much more. This is also beneficial since doing these offers the users lesser effort and cost to

achieve their goal of interacting with one another. With the current onset of the pandemic,

people tend to socialize with each other in these virtual worlds as it is safer to do so rather than

risking it to meet in real life.

Nowadays, closure of schools, institutions, and other learning spaces have become

required by rules in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The University of Batangas is not

exempted in this mandatory health protocol. With these, students, especially the freshmen and

transfer students, were not yet able to experience what it feels like to be inside the university

campus. They are only limited to virtual meetings in the comfort of their homes when attending

classes. Students are also missing out on what it feels like to roam around, the experience of

attending a class in an actual classroom, and most especially the fun-filled events inside the

university. With the help of a virtual world platform, this problem can be solved as students can

replicate the familiarity of an actual in-campus experience. In general, the researchers consider

the following problems as they conduct this thesis:

1. What innovative actions should be taken to engage the students of University of

Batangas in an interactive virtual world platform to promote socialization and

provide information about the university?

2. How can game development entice the students of University of Batangas to

engage in an interactive virtual world platform to promote socialization and provide

information about the university?

3. What are the effects of game development on the promotion of socialization through

the concept of virtual world platform in the University of Batangas and information

provision about the said university?

As one of technology’s byproducts, programming made it possible to create an effective

virtual world platform. Programming is the act of creating a set of instructions that tells a

machine how to perform a task using a variety of computer programming languages such as

Java, Python, and C++. It produces a program which is a compilation of code put together to do

something bigger as the code on itself tells the computer what to do. Programming is also used

in response to the current pandemic. This led the scientists to find out the genetic coding of

COVID-19 through the use of sophisticated programming techniques. Doctors also use the

concept of programming when they diagnose diseases; they put the symptoms into a database

and it comes up with diagnoses and treatment. The same concept is also applied to smart

appliances such as modern refrigerators that feature touch screens and keep track of the

contents inside, as they depend on an operating system which is also programmed. With these,

programming plays an indispensable role in people’s lives, as it enables them to communicate

with machines and computers, and lets them harness their computing power to its full potential.

Programming has many fields of development, and one of them is game development.

Game development is the process of game creation through the means of game design and

programming. It involves the utility of game engines that handle the complexities of

mathematical equations needed to perform the concepts of physics and collision detection,

rendering of 2D and 3D graphics, sound, and scripting in a game. Some examples of game

engines in the market are Unity, Unreal Engine, and Game Maker. In terms of programming

language, developers mostly prefer to choose Java, C++, C#, JavaScript, and Python as these

languages are fast and memory efficient.

Game development does not limit itself to programming. It also deals with other

elements such as game mechanics, story development, visual design, dialogue, music, and

sound. A large game development studio can undertake this project or by just a small group of

developers. The team involved in this development should consist of directors, programmers,
designers, artists, and testers. Directors are the force behind the creative aspects of the game,

while developers are assigned to turn those creative ideas into working programs through

programming. Designers and artists go hand in hand to create and design assets, while testers

are involved to see if the game works as expected. A team that consists of these members,

when worked in unison, will produce a high-quality game that is sure to be loved by the


The game “Haven” allows the students, personnel, and interested enrollees to

experience what it feels like to be a Ubian; a part of the University of Batangas - Main Campus

through the utilization of virtual world platform. The game is accessible to both mobile and

desktop platforms (still tentative), providing the users a cross-platform experience while

interacting with one another. Haven also provides game mechanics such as main and side

quests that will provide the students a simulation of what it feels like to be a bona fide Ubian

while roaming around the campus. The game also provides an interactive instruction of the

transaction processes such as enrollment and payment for the students and interested

enrollees in the university. Users are also provided with general information about the university.

Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this study is to develop an online open-world game for the

University of Batangas - Main Campus that will serve as a social platform for students through a

virtual world platform. Specifically, it aims to:

1. Analyze the concepts of game development.

2. Design an online social platform based on the concepts of game development.

3. Build a prototype of an online virtual open-world environment to be used for

learning and social interaction.

Purpose and Description

This project is an online virtual world platform for the University of Batangas main

campus, where students and personnel are its initial users. Once this project is developed, it will

provide the users a virtual experience of roaming around the university campus, a platform to

have social interactions with one another, and ease of access to some of the facilities without

the need of going inside the campus.

This project has the following capabilities:

1. This will provide users with the opportunity to visit and experience the inside of

the University of Batangas Main Campus.

2. Due to the pandemic, there is a limited connection with schoolmates and

classmates; however, once the project is developed, they will be able to

communicate with each other via online virtual multiplayer.

3. It helps introverted people who don't have the guts to converse in person since

they are timid.

4. This project may also be used to get to know the University of Batangas better

for individuals who wish to enroll or for alumni who want to see what has


5. By using this game platform, it can help students to know how the process works

at the University of Batangas Main Campus. An example is the enrollment


6. Mini events will be held to discuss the history of the University of Batangas. It

could be a quiz or a short discussion.

7. It can be used to ask someone where you can find a building or an office,

especially for freshmen and transferees.

This study will be done to see how important it is to have an online platform that can

provide the beneficiaries with a personal social connection while on campus. This study bears

significance to the following:

To the UB Students, This study will provide students with a virtual experience of

roaming around the University campus, a platform for social interactions, and an accessibility to

some of the University's facilities without having to go inside the campus. Students will also be

provided with a simulation of how a Ubian lives out the core values of the university. The output

of the study will also let the freshmen and transfer students within the timeframe of the

pandemic experience what it feels like to enter the campus for the first time and roam inside it

as they are provided with fun-filled events similar to what the university conducts in its academic


To the Alumni, The output of this study can provide comfort to University graduates.

Alumni will get to see new university facilities, and make connections to their old professors and

schoolmates. They will also get to reminisce about their college experience while roaming

around the virtual campus which may bring nostalgia and fun memories.

To the General Public, This study can greatly help the University in attracting students

who are willing to enroll and enter the main campus of the University of Batangas by using this

platform. They will be provided with sets of instructions on how to do important processes such

as enrollment and inquiry about college admission. This project can also provide the audience

outside the university an opportunity to roam inside the campus, to check what it looks and feels

like to be a Ubian.

To the Researchers, This study will serve as an opportunity to expand the researchers’

knowledge in game development using game algorithms and existing game engines.
To the Future Researchers, This study is beneficial to the future researchers for this

will provide the information. They can also continue the project that the researchers had started

and do what is recommended. They can also use this study as a basis, source, or reference

material for conducting a research study.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The manifestation of the project started in the interest of the researchers on how the

sudden increased use of mobile phones due to the global pandemic and the limitation of being

able to learn in school. The project Haven is conducted to make a social interaction between the

students of the University of Batangas and at the same time to learn academic materials online.

The project Haven was conducted by four Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

(BSCS) college students of the University of Batangas for the first semester of the school year


The main target audience of the project is the students of the University of Batangas;

enumerate the included topics are online socialization, online educational games, and emotional

intelligence. The meeting of the researchers was several one to two hour-long meetings that

discussed the concepts of virtual chatting through proximity chat and learning through online

games. Other variables that are related to game making and academic materials were sub-

topics that were supported by school professors' supportive suggestions.

The features of the project Haven are focused on chatting and online educational

learning and providing knowledge about University of Batangas in general. The following are the

features that are included in the game: proximity chat, interactive objects,game currency,

educational materials in the game, and exploration.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The game Haven was planned and designed to have an online chat and a virtual world

that will simulate the experience of what it was like to study or even tour the school pre-covid at

the University of Batangas for students or for the future students of the school. The game was

developed using the Unity game engine, an open source software game engine to help the

Researchers create every stage of the game’s growth.

The University Professors stated that proponents should only incorporate medium

graphics quality or design features that the hardware can handle because adding prominent

features might lead to more time and money. The scope of the project will be only limited to

proximity chat, In-game currency, Character stats, and game objectives such as primary and

side quests. The quests will consist of questions and errands that will relate to educational

materials like exams or quizzes. The vocal communication of players is not supervised by the


Task today:

1. I would like to see the working bibliography

2. I want to see you start the review of related literature


This section shows the related literature and studies of the project. It presents different

studies connected to the present study that was used as a guide or reference for its furtherance.

The review of related literature will produce a foundation of the current discussion of the study.


Game Design and Development

The process of creating video games that describes the design, development, and

release of the game is known as game development and design, as it involves programming,

coding, rendering, engineering, and testing of the game (Deepali, 2021). This process requires

an individual or group of game developers who play different roles in the industry, such as

developers, sound engineers, designers, server programmers, story creators, and others. An

effective game development output usually undergoes the following steps: Planning, pre-

production, production, testing, pre-launch, launch, and post-production.

Many elements are taken into consideration when creating and developing a game.

Every game starts with an exciting story that can either be linear or nonlinear. Linear storytelling

presents a predetermined series of events in a specific order. While non-linear storytelling

allows a dynamic way of progressing a story by allowing the players to choose a path in which

the narrative follows (Dam, Linear & Non-linear stories 2021). Players will be able to connect

with the game's flow through the delivery of the game story. If there is a story, there should also

be characters who serve as entities acting in a game. There are two (2) game characters: the

player character and the non-playable character. Player characters or PCs are in-game entities

whose actions are controllable by a player. In contrast, non-player characters or NPCs are

those whose actions are programmed and automated. In-game audio also plays a vital role as it

builds up the emotion and setting of the game while the story develops. Art decides the quality

of the game as it includes game texture, lighting, 3D modeling of the characters and assets,

objects, and particle systems to create real-life elements such as fire, water, or snow. It is

necessary to implement proper in-game lighting as it sets the mood within the game. Horror or

thriller games often use less lighting or darker areas to present a scary setting, while fun and

adventurous games implement lighter areas and increased lighting to indicate a brighter setting.

In-game levels are also deemed necessary in most games as they provide challengers for the

players as they progress throughout the game. Floor and different places/settings are just

examples of in-game levels that offer the players different experiences and challenges while

they play (Deepali, 2021).

In order to make a game, one must learn which game engine and programming

language are the best to use. A game engine is a pre-built software that allows a more

straightforward method of creating games. It provides a framework for structuring a game,

creating levels, assigning logic to objects, and deploying it to the platform of choice. There are

many different gaming engines available, each with its own set of features and capabilities.

Unity is now the most popular game engine on the market, with numerous online

instructional tools to help one get started. It is exceptionally user-friendly, allowing practically

any style of game to be built (Buckley, How to Make a Game - Making Video Games from
Scratch 2021). It is also one of the most flexible game engines available, allowing a game

developer to develop 3D, 2D, VR, AR, and multiplayer games across a wide range of platforms.

Unity is written in C#. However, there are some visual scripting plugins available for purchase

and an integrated solution coming shortly to the engine.

Virtual World

The most advanced Virtual Environments (VEs) are Virtual Worlds (VWs), which allow

users to immerse themselves in 3D shared spaces. They provide genuine or fictitious content,

and users are represented by avatars, which are digital characters. VWs are collaborative and

interactive environments with distinct characteristics such as coherence and persistence. They

are social and have a general function. (Farooq et al, 2018)

Proximity Chat

It enables users to speak in-game while roaming depending on how near they are to

another player. However, using proximity chat systems, you may "walk" around virtual

environments and switch between groups with ease. The voice of someone in the map-based

online environment becomes quieter as you move away from them. (Iwankovitsch, 2021)

Unity 3D

Unity3D, as the most popular game engine, offers a comprehensive particle system that

may assist game creators in creating stunning game effects. Scene effects and character skill

effects are two types of game special effects. (Zhang, 2017)


Blender software is utilized as a modelling system to support virtual reality applications.

3D Blender is open source software and one of the well-known 3D graphics applications.
Blender has many contents, such as modelling, texturing, lighting, animation, and video post-

processing. Blender supports the 3D workflow, such as modelling, rigging, animation,

simulation, video editing, and game development. The design process that occurs is quite easy

because basically, the Blender application has features that make it easier for designers to carry

out the design process. (Anamisa, 2020)

Photon Engine

The Photon engine is a gaming engine that specializes in the production of multiplayer

games. It's a collection of goods, software, technology, and networking components that

improve the speed, performance, and other aspects of online gaming. Photon Unity Networking

(PUN) is a Unity package for multiplayer games.

There are two options for PUN exports on this platform supported by Unity: PUN FREE

and PUN PLUS. In PUN FREE there is free bundle containing a variety of demonstrations, pre-

made scripts, and reference material. Exports to almost every platform. On the other hand the

PUN PLUS its the same content as PUN FREE, plus a Photon Cloud subscription with 100

concurrent users.

The PUN package's standout asset is that it encapsulates three levels of APIs: first, the

PUN code is the top level, and it provides Unity-specific features such as networked objects,

RPCs, and so on. The second level provides the logic for interacting with Photon servers,

such as matchmaking and callbacks. This is the real-time API, which may already be

used on its own. There will be a lot of overlap in concepts between PUN and the real-

time API. The lowest level is made up of DLL files that include de/serialization,

protocols, and other components.

C-sharp (C#)
C-sharp (C#) is a popular programming language that Microsoft created in 2002. Since

2005, it has also been a primary language for the Unity gaming engine. Unity3D, as one of the

two major apparent alternatives for AR/VR creation (together with Epic Games' Unreal Engine),

necessitates that AR/VR learners master it if they wish to build apps with considerable

complexity (think physics, animations, to design patterns, shaders or even sound effects). Also,

includes support for component-oriented programming. C# capabilities contribute in the

development of robust and durable applications like garbage collection, exception handling, and


FL Studio

FL Studio is a digital audio workstation for developers, musicians, and artists. Popularly

known as “fruity loops” it is a well-known program that provides all the known instruments in the

software that music producers use.

Visual Studio 2019

Visual Studio is a Microsoft Integrated Development Environment (IDE) used to create

GUI (Graphical User Interface), console, Web applications, web apps, mobile apps, cloud, and

web services, among other things. With the aid of this IDE, you may develop both managed and

native code. It makes use of Microsoft software development platforms such as Windows Store,

Microsoft Silverlight, and Windows API, among others. It is not a language-specific IDE because

it can be used to develop code in C#, C++, VB (Visual Basic), and many more languages. And

in Microsoft Visual Studio there are three (3) editions: Community, Professional, and Enterprise.

According to Kristensen (2018), the following are the advantage of using Visual Studio

A. First is IntelliCode is a suite of AI-assisted features that boost developer productivity,

including contextual IntelliSense, code formatting, and style rule inference. IntelliSense

provided capabilities like code completion, code hinting, and parameter info.

Google Firebase

Conducting Science Labs in a Virtual World.

November 2020

Denise Wright, 2020

National Science Teachers Association

The study helped the researchers have a new perspective on how online virtual can help

professors in the future of academic learning. In the study, Educators can make and design their

own scaffolded experiences that can be catered properly where students can get data on,

experiment, and study the world around them. Moreover, professors can provide auditory

descriptions, keyboard directions, or non-speech sounds to convey information for students who

have disabilities, and while the project is made in an online environment and by doing so

students can be safe at home and do experiments. This accommodated the Researchers to

consider the usability of the project and the experience that the users will be able to encounter.

The help of technology has only started to influence the academic environment, needless to

say, it could become the key component in the future of learning.

Leveraging the Affordances of Virtual Reality Systems Within K-12 Education:
Responding to Future Innovations

April 2018

Jowallah, Rohan, et al., 2018

Information Age Publishing, Inc.

The study helped the researchers how the technological advancements in virtual reality

systems point to a bright future for building scalable virtual reality interactions in education.

Furthermore, the tools for planning and executing virtual reality encounters at the K-12 level, as

well as current studies, indicate that virtual reality is the future learning medium. As a result,

educators must begin to evaluate suitable methods for incorporating this medium into their

classrooms. The success of this implementation will be dependent on the integration of

pedagogy and technology within a balanced framework. While the authors attempted to

describe the affordances of virtual reality systems in K-12 education, it should be stressed that

virtual reality should be viewed as an improvement rather than a replacement for physical face-

to-face contact. There is also a need to investigate lower-cost devices in order to expand the

usage of this modality in K-12 education. Within the next two decades, the incorporation of

virtual reality technology will change teaching and learning.


November 2017

Muhammad, Kinn, et al., 2017

International Journal of Information System and Engineering

The study helped the researchers how virtual reality systems are extremely detailed and

adaptable, with a wide range of applications. Applications despite everything discussed in this

study, virtual reality systems are constantly evolving and developing for the better. As

technology advances, so will the applications of virtual reality systems and the extent to which
they are deployed. Virtual reality can be used to create a three-dimensional immersive learning

environment to improve human interactions. This technology has the ability to engage and train

medical students from all around the world if used adequately. For instructional purposes, virtual

worlds can also provide realistic and engaging role-playing simulations. Virtual worlds are

quickly becoming a popular tool for education, research, and cooperation. Virtual worlds are a

rapidly expanding online environment for collaborative play, study, entertainment, and work.

Aggarwal, A. (2018, November 30). Introduction To Visual Studio - GeeksforGeeks.


Arthur Ribeiro, D. G. (2021, April 21). Circuit Stream. Retrieved from Learn C# for Unity -

Beginners Guide to unity XR programming:

B. Zhang and W. Hu, "Game special effect simulation based on particle system of Unity3D,"

2017 IEEE/ACIS 16th International Conference on Computer and Information Science

(ICIS), 2017, pp. 595-598, doi: 10.1109/ICIS.2017.7960062.

D R Anamisa et al 2020 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1569 022071

Dam, N. (2021, May 3). Linear & Non-linear stories. Game Design Development 2021.

Deepali. (2021, October). A Closer Look at Career in Game Development.

Farooq, U., Glauert, J., & Zia, K. (2018). Load Balancing for Virtual Worlds by Splitting and
Merging Spatial Regions. Informatica, 42(1), 107+.

Getso, M. M. A., & Bakon, K. A. (2017). Virtual reality in education: the future of learning.

International Journal of Information System and Engineering, 5(2), 30-39.

Iwankovitsch, E. (2021, June 03). High Fidelity. Retrieved from Real-time Spatial Audio API for

Group Voice Chat:

Jowallah, R., Bennett, L., & Bastedo, K. (2018, April). Leveraging the Affordances of Virtual

Reality Systems Within K-12 Education: Responding to Future Innovations. Distance

Learning, 15(2), 15+.

Kristensen, M. (2018, January 3). Visual Studio - What's New In Visual Studio 2019. Visual
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Rivers, L. R. (2017, April). The Role of Computer simulations and Digital Gaming in Distance

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Statista. (2021, November). Online gaming market in the Philippines - statistics & facts.

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Wright, Denise (2020, November). Conducting Science Labs in a Virtual World. Science Scope,


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