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Email #1

From: Peta
To: Larissa
Subj: Restaurant rollout and date

Hi Larissa,

You have such experience with high demand kitchens.

This rollout may affect more than just the bar area and your kitchen!
I do not want to put a strain on your kitchen just yet and would like to keep this to the bar area
for now.
Please help me with this project and provide any information you can to help me with data to
make an informed decision.

You help is greatly appreciated!


Email #2

From: Peta
To: Seydou
Subj: Tablets and Sales rollout

Hello Seydou!

With you experience using these tablets, please help me with the rollout and pushing the idea
of keeping the project just to the bar area.
I believe that expanding this rollout too quickly with hurt sales and customer experience.
What are any other thoughts you can add to this?

Your sales experience would be greatly appreciated in this matter.


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