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E. van Heerden


Grade 7

Comprehension, Language and Literature

November 2020

Examiner: Ms K Barnard

Moderator: Ms E van Heerden

Total: 50
Time Allocation: 2 Hours
Reading Comprehension - Short story 15

Language 15

Drama 10

Poetry 10


NAME: Grade 7:
Section A Comprehension and Language t30l

Read 'Doing it her wave,' by Sian Griffiths on page 258 in your Learner Book and answer the
questions that follow.

Question L

1.1 What other word could be used in the title instead of "wave"? (1)

1.3 Describe in your own words the contrast between paragraph 1 (lines 1-4) and paragraph

2 (lines 5-7). Quote words from the passage, which clearly indicate this contrast. (3)
t.4 How has Hamilton adapted to going back into the sea? (2)

1.5 What is her main concern about the film? Why does she feel this way? (3)

L.6 What word in paragraph 2 (lines 5-7) introduces a change of mood? (1)

!.7 ldentify the figure of speech in lines 31,-32. (1)

1.8 Find and write down the conjunction in the last paragraph. (lines 51-56) (1)

Question 2
2.L Write down the roots of the following words: colmly and seorching. (21

2.2 Look carefully at paragraph 2 of the passage (lines 5-7). Write down the only simple

sentence in this paragraph. (1)

2.3 Look carefully at paragraph 5 (lines 14-15) Write down the only statement you find in

this paragraph. (1)

2.4 Write down the correct form of the verb in brackets:

2.4.1, The surfers (saves/save) Hamilton. (1)

2.4.2 Her parents (crylcries) out for help. (1)

2.4.3 Hamilton (spend/spends) the next six months in training. (1)

2.5 Give a synonym for the colm.

word (1)

2.6 Give an antonym for the word deep. (1)

2.7 Do you think the language is mainly literal or figurative? Briefly explain your choice. (2)

2.8 Explain why the comma has been used in line 43. (1)

2.9 Quote the sentence in the first six paragraphs that is an example of negation. (1)
2.1'0 Certain words are often misspelt or confused with each other. These words are known

as confusobles.

write sentences with each word to show their correct use/meaning:

Proctice ond proctise (2)

Section B - Literature
Question 3 - DRAMA [10]
Read the extract from a play (Learner Book, page 262) and answer the questions that follow.

3.1 Did Anne know Peter before they went into hiding? How do you know this? (21

3.2 Compare and contrast the characters of Anne and Peter. Quote from the passage to

support what you say about their characters. (4)

3.3 ldentify the source of conflict in this extract. (2)

3.4 What do you think is the theme and/or message in this extract? (2)

Question 4- Poetrv [10]

Read the poem on page 264,in your Learner Book, An African Thunderstorm, and answer the
questions that follow.

4.L From which direction does the storm come? (1)

4.2 ldentify the two similes in stanza 1. Which one of them do you like better? Say why you
prefer it. (3)

4.3 What do you think the word 'joggered' (line 30) means? Use your knowledge of word

attack skills to help you work out the meaning. (r)

4.4 How do the children feel about the storm? Contrast their behaviour in the storm to the

actions of the mothers. (2)

4.5 Why do you think the mothers behave differently from their children? (1)

4.6 Why do you think the poet uses different lengths for his lines? Comment, in particular,

on how the different line lengths of stanza 1 affect the meaning of the poem. {2)


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