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Self-Compassion is the best medicine

The power of self-love is greater than any other relationship -after all, you’re there for you,
through thick and thin, no matter what.Not many people realise this .Once there lived a girl
named Saanvi , she was always too self conscious . She was not proud of her appearance
or personality though she was the smartest kid of the class . The other kids were envious of
her, that is why no one liked her .They made fun of her and bullied her into thinking that she
was ugly and had a dull personality . After this she became even more distant from her
classmates than she was , she stopped answering the questions in classes, and spent all
her time crying . One day her teacher asked her that what was wrong , why she hadn’t been
attentive in class . Saanvi hesitated to answer but after much insistence by her teacher she
insinuated what was wrong . Saanvi’s teacher asked Saanvi to follow her and took her to a
mirror . ‘Saanvi tell me what do you see in this mirror?’,the teacher asked . ‘My own
reflection ma’am’,Saanvi replied . ‘I see a beautiful young women with an amiable personality
and a dexterous mind . Saanvi the best advice I can give you is to believe in yourself. Self-
compassion is the best medicine you can get hold off. Start loving yourself , stop caring
about what others think , you are beautiful and you should know it ’,the teacher said . ‘You
are right ma’am ,I have spent enough days weeping, I am beautiful and will always be’,Saanvi
replied . That day Saanvi learned a lesson of a lifetime . She realised her full potential and
started opening up to people she could trust , no more bullies affected her , she could focus
more on studies now that she was truly mirthful . She grew up to be one of the finest
doctors. She reiterated the same to all her patients who were suffering from mental agony
‘my teacher taught me that self-compassion is the best medicine’.

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