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Subject HISTORY Examiner MRS P SINGH

Date 21 NOVEMBER 2018 Total marks 50
Session 1 Duration 1 HOUR
Grade 6 Moderator MRS PIENAAR
Special instructions/ 1. Read instructions and questions at least twice before
Equipment answering.
2. Read through answers when you have finished the paper
to make sure you have provided the correct information and
have not made careless errors.
3. Answer on the question paper, in the spaces provided.
This assessment has been compiled using notes and information contained in the Tom Newby School resource material.
The marking memorandum has been compiled accordingly. While alternative responses will be given due
acknowledgement, the official memorandum will be considered a priority document to ensure uniformity of marking.

Name: __________________________________________ Class: ___________

QUESTION 1: Fatima Meer [5]

Multiple Choice: Underline the correct answer.
1.1 Fatima Meer was born in Durban, in the year ___________________ (1)
a. 1938
b. 1928
c. 1298
d. 1958 .

1.2 What was the name of the family owned newspaper that Fatima worked for? (1)
a. The Indian Times
b. The Indian News
c. The Indian View
d. The Indian Citizen

1.3 On the 9th of August 1956 Fatima and an organisation of women marched to the
Union Buildings in Pretoria. This march is still remembered today as it is a public
holiday. What is this public holiday known as? (1)
a. Heritage Day
b. Freedom Day
c. Human Rights Day
d. Women’s Day

1.4 What did the University of Natal acknowledge Fatima as? (1)
a. The first Indian appointed lecturer at a white university
b. The first black appointed lecturer at a black university
c. The first black appointed lecturer at a white university
d. The first Indian appointed lecturer at a black university.

1.5 In 1994 the new democratic government asked Fatima Meer to be a member of
Parliament for which political party? (1)
a. Democratic Alliance
b. African National Congress
c. Economic Freedom Fighters
d. National Freedom Party

QUESTION 2: Indigenous Healing [5]

Decide whether the following statements are true or false. If it is true, then write true. If it
is false, then write false and correct the statement.
2.1 The bones that sangomas use are those of people. (1)
2.2 Sangomas look at social factors that could make someone ill. (1)
2.3 When sangomas diagnose illnesses, they listen to their friends. (1)
2.4 Inyanga means “man of the bushes” in Zulu. (1)
2.5 Herbs and roots that are used for healing are called medicine. (1)

QUESTION 3: The National Symbols [5]

3.1 Who composed the South African national anthem?

Use the picture of the Coat of Arms on the next page to complete the following

3.2 Complete the following: “South Africa got its new Coat of Arms on the ________
of __________________ 2000. (1)
3.3 Translate the motto on the coat of arms, from the Khoisan language into English.
________________________________________________________________ (1)

3.4 The symbols included in the Coat of Arms each have deeper meanings. What are
the meanings behind the following symbols:
1. Elephants.
________________________________________________________________ (1)
2. Sun.
________________________________________________________________ (1)

QUESTION 4: Medicine Through Time. [10]

Match the words in Column A with the statement in Column B. Write down only the correct
letter each time.

Column A Column B
1. Louis Pasteur A. Vaccination against small pox
2. Inyanga B. Members of our community who have passed away.
3. Robert Koch C. The first world heart transplant in South Africa
4. Wilhelm Roentgen D. Discovery of X-rays in 1895
5. Chris Barnard E. The germs that cause TB
6. Isangomas F. This is a healer who uses herbs and medicines to
make people better
7. Alexander Fleming G. The discovery of the first antibiotic
8. Edward Jenner H. This is a spiritual healer
9. Denise Darvall I. The connection between germs and disease
10. Ancestors J. Donated her heart for the first transplant

1_______ 2_______ 3________ 4________ 5_________

6______ 7________8________9________10_________

QUESTION 5: The purpose of the Constitution [8]

Choose the correct word/answer from the word box to complete the passage correctly. (8)

1994 obey laws government democratic follow

1996 rights tasks fire-brigade constitution

A newly elected 5.1____________________ government of 5.2____________________

drew up a 5.3 ____________________ as one of their first tasks. A constitution is a
collection of 5.4 ____________________ that protects the 5.5 ____________________ of
individuals. It also states the manner in which a country must be run. In 5.6
____________________, the constitution was accepted. The police, the army and even
the 5.7___________________________must 5.8 ___________________ the constitution.

QUESTION 6: Children’s Rights [2]

Look carefully at the pictures below. Use the pictures to explain which two children’s rights
are being violated. (2)

6.1 __________________________________________________________________
6.2 __________________________________________________________________

QUESTION 7: Courts [7]

7.1 Do you think that every country should have a Constitution Court? Why? (2)

7.2 Draw a pyramid diagram to represent the different levels of courts in South Africa.
Make sure you fill in the different levels. (5)

QUESTION 8: Western and Indigenous Healing [6]

8.1 Do you agree/disagree that X-rays help doctors? Explain why you feel this way. (2)
8.2 In your opinion, why is it important for people to donate blood? (1)
8.3 Name one difference between indigenous medicine and western medicine. (1)
8.4 If you were a doctor, what illness would you want to develop a cure for? Supply a
good reason as to why you would want to cure this illness. (2)


9.1 What oath do modern day doctors take when they qualify? (1)
9.2 Why do you think the oath was given this name? (1)


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