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A Monthly Publication of the Burmese Rohingya Association in Japan (BRAJ)


Suu Kyi refuses to meet UN envoy
Volume 5, Issue 8
07:14 AEST Sun Aug 24 2008
Burma's detained democracy leader, Aung San Suu Kyi,
In This Issue refused to meet with visiting UN envoy Ibrahim Gambari,
state television says, leaving him little to show for his
1. Suu Kyi refuses to meet UN envoy
six-day mission.
2. Myanmar opposition says Suu Kyi
refused food packages 24 August, AFP: Gambari flew to Rangoon hoping to revive talks
3. Angry Reaction to Samak’s ‘Suu between the Nobel Peace Prize winner and the military regime,
Kyi is a Tool’ Remark but he was shunned by her and by the junta's senior leadership.
4. Bush: Burma’s Neighbors Not
Interested in Sanctions Aung San Suu Kyi ignored pleas by two of Gambari's aides for her
5. Burmese activists and supporters to speak with him, state TV said, showing images of the pair
remember ‘8.8.88’ protests waiting in vain outside the gate to her house, where she has been
6. 88 Student leader appear in court confined for most of the last 19 years.
7. Bush,First lady’s Busy days in
Thaiand "Although plans were made during Mr Gambari's visit for him to

8. Rangoon authorities collect monk’s meet with Aung San Suu Kyi on August 20, Daw Aung San Suu

personal data Kyi refused to

9. Ten jailed for Setember 2007 meet him," it

protests said, using an

10. Rohingya refugee situation in honorific before

Bangladesh highlighted in seminar her name.

11. Three Muslim Leaders Relaesed

The broadcast
in Arakan
also showed Burma officials shouting into a megaphone, saying,
12. Peaceful demonstrations in
"Mr Gambari wants to meet you".But the report said Aung San
Suu Kyi never acknowledged any of their efforts to speak with her.
13. Nasaka extorts money on false
Her apparent rejection of Gambari's mediation highlights the
14. Rohingya shot dead in
political stalemate in Burma, which has been ruled by the military
Maungdaw, Arakan
since 1962.Aung San Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy
15. Cambodian MP urges UN,
(NLD) won a landslide in 1990 elections, but was never allowed to
ASEAN to fulfill Burma promise
Cont Next Pg..


The regime instead unveiled its outrage at the bloodshed, the "It's a failure. The prime minister
own "road map" to democracy, generals appointed a liaison to is not a powerful person who can
and after more than a decade of meet with Aung San Suu Kyi. make a decision to revive the
delays, has drafted a new talks. The worst thing is not
constitution that was approved in But the two have not met since being able to see Aung San Suu
a referendum in May. The junta January, when the opposition Kyi," said Thailand-based Burma
says the charter will set the stage leader complained about the analyst Win Min.
for new polls in 2010. slow pace of their talks.
"For Gambari, this time he will be
But the NLD has derided the On Gambari's last visit in March, very disappointed ... I think it will
process as meaningless, the junta openly rebuffed all of be very difficult for him to
accusing the regime of rigging its his calls for political reform, while continue the mission," Win Min
92 per cent victory in the junta leader Than Shwe refused said.
referendum and demanding the to see him.

generals open talks with Aung The UN envoy held two meetings
This trip was even worse, with NLD leaders during his stay
San Suu Kyi and the country's
analysts said.Gambari did meet in Burma.
many ethnic minorities.
early on Saturday with Prime

Gambari had initially made some Minister Thein Sein, only after he "Last time, she met him, but

progress in the wake of Burma's extended his trip by a day. But there has been no progress

deadly crackdown on pro- Thein Sein is not a senior since then... She won't want to

democracy protests led by member of the junta and has little be used for Gambari to say his

Buddhist monks in September. influence over decision-making. mission is working," Win Min told

Seeking to soothe international AFP.

Myanmar opposition says Suu Kyi refused food packages

The Associated Press, Aug 26 : Peace Prize winner last accept- worried about this situation as

Myanmar's detained democracy ed fresh food supplies on August we have no direct contact with

leader Aung San Suu Kyi has 15 but her National League for her at all," said NLD spokesman

started refusing food deliveries, Democracy (NLD) said the Nyan Win.

her party said Tuesday, but the circumstances remained unclear.

"We also heard she gave
ruling junta denied rumours she
"I cannot confirm whether she is demands to the authorities two
had launch- ed a hunger strike.
on hunger strike, but we heard weeks ago. We don't know what

Exiled dissidents in India and she didn't collect her food since her demands were but it is likely

Thailand reported that the Nobel two weeks ago. We are very they were regarding her

Cont Next Pg..

detention. "A Myanmar govern- supplies were last accepted on the country on Saturday with

ment official, however, August 15 but were turned few results.In an attempt to

dismissed the reports of a away on August 22. soothe international outrage

hunger strike."It is just rumours, after a violent crackdown on

Aung San Suu Kyi, 63, has
it is not true," he said, refusing anti-junta protests last
spent most of the past 19 years
to be named. "We have not got September, the generals
confined to her lakeside
any (political) demands from appointed a liaison, labour
Yangon home. Her latest
her." minister Aung Kyi, to negotiate
detention began more than five
with Aung San Suu Kyi.
Still, the rumours were years ago.She has been

persistent enough to spread to allowed little contact with the But they have not met since

Western diplomatic circles, with outside world -- she met her January, when the opposition

one diplomat who requested lawyer, Kyi Win, twice in leader complained about the

anony- mity telling AFP: "We August but that was their first slow pace of their talks.

are trying to know more. The meeting since 2004.

Aung San Suu Kyi remains a
only person who has seen her
Last week the junta said Aung powerfully potent symbol of the
is the doctor." Aung San Suu
San Suu Kyi had refused to struggle to end military rule in
Kyi's doctor and lawyer were
meet visiting UN special envoy Myanmar despite being largely
permitted to visit her on August
Ibrahim Gambari, and state silenced by the generals.
17 when she was given a
television aired images of his
medical checkup, her first since Her party won national
two aides standing in vain
February. elections in 1990 but the junta
outside her compound waiting
-- which has ruled Myanmar
One exiled opposition party for a response.
with an iron grip since 1962 --
based on the Thai-Myanmar
Gambari also failed to meet never allowed it to assume
border said it had heard Aung
junta head Than Shwe, and left power.
San Suu Kyi's weekly food

From Page-4
During his Bangkok stopover, Gambari is scheduled to visit
Marie Okabe, said in New York Gambari urged Samak to Indonesia before returning to
on Monday: “One should not continue his support for the New York, where Okabe said
make a judgment on the UN mission to break the he would report to Ban
process based on each political deadlock in Burma. Ki-moon on his latest visit to
individual visit.” Burma. Irrawaddy news:



Angry Reaction to Samak’s 'Suu Kyi is a Tool' Remark

Tuesday,August 28: Burmese rejected the Thai premier’s attitude in attacking whoever
opposition politicians and comments as inappropriate. disagrees with him. Look at the
some political observers and manner he attacks the Thai
commentators have strongly “As the leader of a country, he media everyday.”
rejected Thai Prime Minister should not give such comments

Samak Sundaravej’s descrip- about the political affairs of A Burmese ethnic leader, Cin

tion of Aung San Suu Kyi as a other countries,” said NLD Sian Thang, chairman of the

“political tool” of the West. Spokesman Nyan Win. Zomi National Congress in
Rangoon, accused
Samak made the Samak of “insulting
controversial Burmese people.”
comment to UN
envoy Ibrahim Cin Sian Thang

Gambari when the charged that Samak

two met in “doesn’t support the

Bangkok as the formation of

Nigerian diplomat democracy in Burma.”

was returning
A well-known
from his latest
Nyan Win accused Samak of Burmese politician and former
failed mission to Burma.
favoring the Burmese regime ambassador to China in the

“Europe uses Aung San Suu and ignoring the Burmese 1970s, Thakin Chan Htun, said

Kyi as a political tool,” Samak people. in Rangoon that Samak’s

told Gambari. “If it's not remarks were based on

related to Aung San Suu Kyi, Kavi Chongkittavorn, senior Thailand’s business interests in

you can have deeper discus- editor of the Bangkok English- Burma, which were more

sions with Myanmar [Burma].” language daily newspaper The important to him than
Nation said, “I think Samak’s democratic reform.
Samak also told reporters after comment is ridiculous. And he
meeting Gambari: “Efforts to has tarnished Thailand’s Although Gambari failed to

engage the military regime reputation as the chairman of meet any top Burmese leader

would be more productive if the Asean (the Association of or Aung San Suu Kyi on his

Aung San Suu Kyi was left off Southeast Asian Nations). latest visit, the UN denied the

the agenda.” mission was a failure. UN

“He [Samak] doesn’t even Secretary General Ban Ki-
Aung San Suu Kyi’s National understand the situation in moon’s deputy spokeswoman,
League for Democracy (NLD) Burma. He has a very sadistic
Cont. Page-3



Bush: Burma’s Neighbors Not Interested in Sanctions

WASHINGTON, August 1: — arrest by a group of military let them know that the United
US President George W Bush guys that just simply won't States of America hears their
said on Thursday that allow the will of the people to voices. You know, it's a tough
neighboring countries do not flourish." issue for some countries.
favor economic sanctions
against Burma, and this is one The US president, who will "I do want to thank the Thai

of the reasons US sanctions meet with several Burmese government for its

have not been as successful as dissidents while in Bangkok, in understanding of the refugee

he would have liked. another roundtable interview issue, particularly as relates to

with foreign print media, the border policy,” he said. “I
"There are some countries in acknowledged there is a dif- think it's been very wise and
the neighborhood that are not ference of opinion within the very humane."
interested in joining," Bush Association of Southeast Asia
told Suthichai Yoon of the Nations about how hard to Meanwhile, three leading

National Media Group of push Burma to move toward Burmese dissident groups—the

Thailand in an interview, the democracy. "I'm at one end of All Burma Monk's Alliance, the

transcript of which was the ledger,” he said. “And we'll 88 Generation Students and

released by the White House. continue to press hard." the All Burma Federation of
Student Union—urged UN
Bush said sanctions are not On meeting with Burmese Secretary General Ban
working more effectively dissidents in Bangkok, Bush Ki-moon to review the mission
because many neighboring said: "My message is going to of the United Nations in
countries do not apply them. be one directed to the people in Burma.
Observing that unilateral Burma when I meet with some
sanctions are effective only to a of the activists, and Laura is The statement said: "The

certain extent, he urged other going to be meeting with some United Nations is stepping

countries to join the US which of the people that she got to back from its benchmarks,

has slapped the Burmese junta know." which is the realization of an

with a series of sanctions, the all party-inclusive, democratic,

last round early this week. Bush thanked the people of participatory and transparent
Thailand and its government process of national reconci-
Praising the Burmese for their humanitarian help to liation."
democracy advocate, Aung San the people of Burma in the
Suu Kyi, for her courage, Bush aftermath of Cyclone Nargis. Instead of working toward

said: "Here is a very heroic these benchmarks, the UN has

woman that was elected "I think it's very constructive allowed the Burmese military

overwhelmingly by her people and very helpful,” he said. “And regime to embark on a

and has now been under house I will be speaking to activists to unilateral
Cont. Page-7



Burmese activists and supporters remember '8.8.88' protests

August 08: - Burmese some held commemorative political prisoners including

activists and international functions, as well as photo pro-democracy leader Daw
supporters across the globe on exhibitions on last years Aung San Suu Kyi.
Friday held commemorations September protests and The twentieth anniversary
of the 20th anniversary of the impacts of Cyclone Nargis of the August 8, 1988
popular '8.8.88' uprising, that hit Burma in early May. democracy protests, were
which its military rulers Activists urged observed with demonstrations
brutally crushed, killing at international community to by activists in several
least 3000 protestors. escalate pressure on the countries including Malaysia,
While in many parts of the Burmese junta, which ruled India, Korea, Japan, Thailand
world Burmese activists and the country since 1962 and and United States.
their supporters held protests, demanded the release of
Tokyo, Japan
In Tokyo, more than 1,000 involved in organizing the convene the peoples parliament."
Burmese nationals from several program said, "We held a brief Demonstrators also shouted
exiled political parties marched demonstration in front of the slogans that call on Burma's
around the city for over an hour Burmese embassy and demanded military rulers 'to stop killing
walking and held a brief for the release of all political and abusing the Burmese people'
demonstration in front of the prisoners including Daw Aung and urged the international
Burmese embassy. San Suu Kyi, and to begin community to intervene and
Myat Thu, an activist who dialogue and to immediately pressure for changes in the
country. Mizzima news:

88 Student leaders appear in court

Aug 28, 2008 (DVB)– Min Ko Kyi Win and U Nyaung, will act "[The student leaders] have not
Naing, Ko Mya Aye and other as defence lawyers for the yet been allowed to meet their
88 generation student leaders student leaders, but have not yet lawyers as not all of those
appeared yesterday for the first been able to meet their clients. involved in the case were present
time at a court hearing at Insein However, Aung Thein at the time," Aung Thein said.
prison's special court where they observed the proceedings as he "The prosecutors have just
have been charged with several happened to be in the court at the opened the cases against them so
offences. same time for a court hearing for no one yet knows the details,
his other clients, prominent such as in which courts their
Central court lawyer U Aung monk U Gambira and 10 others trials will be held."
Thein and two other lawyers, U charged alongside him.



Bush, First Lady’s Busy Days in Thailand

August 6, (The Irrawaddy ): of foreign diplomats, Thai US stance regarding the
Security is tight in Bangkok government leaders and political situation in Burma.
and Tak Province as the US business officials.
President and first lady are The Thai foreign minister

scheduled to arrive in Thailand The president will visit Mercy reiterated that “the Thai

on Wednesday. Center, which serves children government still maintains its

who live in Bangkok slums, policy of non-intervention in
US President George W Bush, while his wife Laura will travel Burma's internal affairs,”
accompanied by his wife, Laura to a refugee center in Mae Sot according to a report on the
Bush, is making his third visit in Tak Province on the border Thai News Agency Web site on
to Thailand since he assumed with Burma. Wednesday.
office in 2000.
Ten exiled Burmese, including Nonetheless, he said Thailand
Bush and his Thai hosts mark The Irrawaddy editor, Aung will cooperate in seeking a way
175 years of relations, which Zaw, will have a private lunch out of the political conflicts in
began with an 1833 treaty and with Bush and discuss a wide the neighboring country in a
gifts of a ceremonial sword, range of issues regarding constructive manner under the
gold watch and silver basket Burma. framework set forth by the
from President Andrew Association of Southeast Asian
Jackson to King Rama III. Laura Bush will meet with Nations, a regional grouping of
refugees at the Mae La Refugee countries. Thailand has
Bush attends an honorary Camp and also visit Dr Cynthia assumed the chairmanship this
dinner at Government House Maung at the Mae Tao Clinic in year.
on Wednesday after private Mae Sot. The first lady has
discussions with Thai Prime waged a vigorous campaign for Thai officials have increased
Minister Samak Sundaravej. human rights in Burma. security in Bangkok and Mae
Sot. About 200 US security
Bush is to deliver the address Thai Foreign Minister Tej officials have been in Mae Sot
in a convention center on Bunnag said Bush is expected since early this week.
Thursday morning to a crowd to deliver a statement on the
Burma, we believe that China will visit Burma in August:
From Page-5
and Russia might change their "Instead of convincing the
and brutal path, forcing position," the statement said. regime with a forceful voice and
democracy groups to live in a the strength of moral authority,
repressive, untenable position, it The statement expressed it seems that he was convinced
said."If the secretary-general disappointment with the role by the regime that there was no
openly and strongly asks the played by UN Special Envoy to other way [but] to accept their
Security Council take action on Burma Ibrahim Gambari, who unilateral actions."
Irrawaddy news:

Rangoon authorities collect monks’ personal data

Aug 29, 2008 (DVB)–Authorities they have been collecting more
in the four Dagon townships in detailed information from each taking place in many townships
Rangoon have begun collecting monk. across Rangoon including South
the full personal details of "Normally, a [government- Okkalapa, Tharkayta, Daw Pon
monks staying in local nominated] Sangha leader and Shwe Pyi Thar.
monasteries, according to would just sign a notification of Meanwhile, security has
residents. the monks staying in the been tightened in Rangoon with
monastery for Buddhist lent military units circling the city in
There are hundreds of and that would be it – but this trucks late at night and troops
monasteries in the four year, they are collecting more patrolling the streets.
townships, including Myin Chan thorough personal infor- Rangoon residents have
and Ywar Ma lecturing mation," said the resident. speculated that the increase in
monasteries, each of which "They are making profiles of security is to prevent public
houses hundreds of monks. each monk with details such as demonstrations commemorat-
A local resident said it was where their families live and ing the one-year anniversary of
usual for the authorities to what they do and if they have last year's September protests
collect the monks' personal any political background." which ended in a violent
details every year, but this year He claimed the process is also crackdown.

Ten jailed for September 2007 protests

Aug 29, 2008 (DVB)–Ten U Thet Tun and U Thein Tun, Aung Thein said he would be
people, including Bogalay according to lawyer U Aung working on an appeal against
township National League for Thein. the judgment.
Democracy chairman U Aung The six were arrested after Four other activists, including
Khin Bo, have been sentenced Bogalay township NLD one from Hinthada township,
to 30 months’ imprisonment for members led by Aung Khin Bo were also jailed for 30 months
their involvement in public held mass demonstrations last yesterday for their involvement
protests last September. September against the rise in in last September’s demon-
fuel and commodity prices. strations.
Aung Khin Bo was sentenced by They were charged with The other three, Ko Aung Moe
Pyapon township court along unlawful assembly and Win, Ko Htay Win and Ko Kyi
with Bogalay NLD secretary U disturbing the public order Then, were arrested after
Maung Maung Chit, joint under sections 143 and 505(b) leading a demonstration in
secretary Daw Mi Mi Sein, of the penal code, and have Laputta township on 3
treasurer Daw Khin Lay, and been held in Pyapon prison September which was joined by
organising committee members since their detention. more than 1000 people.


Rohingya refugee situation in Bangladesh highlighted in seminar

August 26, Chittagong, Bazaar and Teknaf. But some cough, dysentery, asthma and
Bangladesh: A seminar, which reports said it would be around jaundice. About 72.72 percent
brought to light the situation of 500,000 refugees. Mostly, the of refugees are illiterate and
unregistered Rohingya NGO survey was on only 4.23 percent have studied
refugees in Bangladesh, was unregistered Rohingya up to Classes 6 to 10 and 23
held at Chittagong Press Club refugees on the border areas of percent have had primary
yesterday evening. It was Bangladesh and Burma. The education," the director said.
organized by a local NGO, Rohingya refugees are living in Rohingya refugees entered
Neeti Gobeshona Kendro. huts which are built with Bangladesh following extreme
There were around 60 polythene, tin, jute stalk, dry repression by the Burmese
participants including junta which
two monks from employed them in
Sasana Moli of laborious jobs
Bangladesh, journalists, without any wages,
professors from forced labour,
Chittagong University imposed high rate of
and students from taxation, restricted
different universities in their movement and
Chittagong. marriage, and
The Director of Neeti imposed all kinds of
Gobeshona Kendro,
Participants in the event.(KPN) persecution of
Mahbubul Haque
religious, educational,
delivered the key note address stalk of grain and hemp. The
economical, political, social
and released a survey report. refugees use dry leaves,
among others. Refugees wish
Later, U Thawara, General branches and firewood to cook
to go back to their homeland if
Secretary of All Burma Monks' their food. About 16 percent
Burma becomes stable and
Representative Committee Rohingyas have food only once
equal rights are given to ethnic
(ABMRC), journalists from a day. Among them 46 percent
people. All the speakers
Chittagong and some eat chilli paste and green
highlighted that the Rohingya
professors of Chittagong leaves. It is very significant that
refugee problem can't be
University also spoke. The they only eat meat only during
solved only at Bangladesh's
NGO survey report was read religious festivals like
initiative. Bangladesh, the
out on the estimated 250,000 (Eid-ul-Azha).
Burmese government and the
unregistered Rohingya "The health situation of
international community should
refugees living in the areas Rohingya is serious and they
take the initiative to resolve the
around Chittagong, the mostly suffer from fever,
Chittagong Hill Tracts, Cox's pneumonia, diarrhea, malaria, Kalandan press


Three Muslim Leaders Released in Arakan

August 29: Narinjara news: identified as Dr. Hla Myint, Dr. ment permission. Maungdaw
Three Muslim leaders who were Anna Wa, and Nokur Bi, who police charged them under
arrested by Burmese military was a UNHCR driver. All are Section 17 (1) and 17 (2), for the
authorities in March last year residents of Maungdaw. illegal formation of an
were released Thursday on bail organization.
in the border town Maungdaw, They were arrested by Sarafa,
said a close friend of the three. the Burmese military intel- The other nine Muslim leaders,
He said, "They were released ligence unit, on 30 March 2007 including lawyer U Than Tun
yesterday from Maungdaw jail, along with nine other Muslim and Dr. Tun Aung, remain in
but the release is on bail." leaders in Maungdaw on prison and are expected to be
accusations they had formed an sentenced to imprisonment by
The released leaders were organization without govern- the authority.

Peaceful demonstrations in Arakan

Kyaukpyu, Arakan. Aug 11: an undertaking. He also against the Burmese military
Silent protest marches marked confirmed that five men who junta on the 20th anniversary of
the 20th anniversary of the played a leading role are still in the 8-8-88 nationwide uprising
brutally crushed '8-8-88' custody and their fate is in Burma, he added.
democracy uprising in most unknown. Arm personnel dispersed
towns of Arakan State in Similarly, in Kyaukpyu, two activists who were gathering to
Taunggup, Kyaukpyu, army trucks with army demonstrate on the 20th
Rambree and Akyab on August personnel from the light anniversary at Paragyi, the
8, said a local elder from Infantry Battalion, (LIB) 34 largest temple in Akyab, said
Kyaukpyu. foiled and dispersed those who an eyewitness. Monks from
Burma's military regime are in a silent protest march several monasteries gathered
arrested 21 activists near near the fire bridge junction at in the morning inside Paragyi
Nackmoaw village some about 8 am. No body was temple to march along the
distance from Taungup, when arrested, said an activist, who streets against the junta, but
they were coming peacefully to was in the group. they were unable to carry out
the main town of Taungup for a In Rambree, Maung Aye their plan after army personnel
silent protest march, he added. Thein, a teacher of a State moved in to the temple. There
Thein Naing, a senior member Middle School No. 1 and U is no information on whether it
of the opposition National Thumana, an abbot from is taking action against the
League for Demo- cracy, (NLD) Rambree Taung Kyaunn monks who were preparing to
in northwest state of Arakan, monastery were detained, said stage the demonstration in
said they were released after a student from Rambree. About Sittwe on August 8, sources
question- ing and had to sign 40 activists demonst- rateed said. Narinjara news


. Nasaka extorts money on false allegations

05 Aug, Buthidaung, Arkan Abusiddique (50), son of Abdu

State: Burma's border security However, they (Nasaka) found Suban, Abdu Khalek (40), son
force, or Nasaka extorted Kyat that four people were missing of Abul Khasim. The next day
160,000 from four Rohingya from the houses because they the victims were called to the
villagers on fabricated were sleeping in their farm huts. Nasaka camp and arrested and
allegations on July 20, said a The Nasaka not being to fault detained in the camp. But, they
relative of the victims. the villagers, alleged that they were released in the evening
On July 20, at about were absent from the houses after they paid Kyat 40,000
midnight, Nasaka personnel while they were checking the each, otherwise, they would
from Nasaka area No. 9 of family list. They (Nasaka) have been tortured until
Buthidaung Township went to demanded Kyat 40,000 from Nasaka got the money. A local
Ngaran Chaung Village in each if they wanted to remain trader adked," Is it illegal that
Taung Bazaar village tract of in the family lists, said another the victims were sleeping in
Buthidaung Township, and relative of the victims. The their huts? Or it is a crime.
were checking the family lists of victims were identified as They are conspiring against the
the village. Shikander (40), son of Kala Rohingya community, because
But they did not find any Meah, Ahmed Hussain( 50), of their might. It means might is
extra people in the houses. son of Amir Hussain, right." Kaladan press:

Rohingya shot dead in Maungdaw, Arakan

18 Aug, Maungdaw, Arakan Bazaar clinic for autopsy. In the being detained and interrog-
State: A Rohingya was shot evening, the body was buried in ated. Some people from the
dead by a gang of unidentified the local grave yard. That day, village said that he was a good
miscreants when he was Md Ayas (35), son of Mohamu- man while some said that he
sleeping athome on August 11, dur Rahaman includeing two was notorious who harassed
at about 1:30 pm. The gang others from the same village villagers. On August 16, some
fired on him from a window. were arrested by Nasaka policemen went to the village
The victim was identified as personnel of Nasaka area No.2 from the Bawli Bazaar police
Hafez Ahmed (42), son of Ali in Maungdaw Town- ship. station to search for the killers
Ahmed from Mizzali Para of Some villagers said that he was and arrested some villagers on
Fokira Bazaar in Maungdaw killed by his rival because he suspicion but later released
Township, Arakan State. He was jealous of his wealth while them after taking money.
was an informer of Nasaka, some said he was killed for his Similarly, an informer Murtaza
Burma's border security force. proximity to Nasaka. of Maung Nama village of
After the incident, the police The arrested were sent to the Nasaka Director of Kawarbill
brought the body to Bawli Nasaka camp where they are was killed in June.
Kaladan press:



Cambodian MP urges UN, ASEAN to fulfill Burma promise

27 August - A Cambodian hear reports about detained military junta is not leading
Parliamentarian on Wednes- Burmese democracy icon Daw to a solution but is
day called on the Secretary Aung San Suu Kyi living strengthening their rule.
Generals of the United without food. Though Gambari had
Nations and Association of "I believe that she [Aung visited military-ruled country
Southeast Asian Nations to San Suu Kyi] is on hunger several times, there has been
fulfill their promise on Burma strike… I think it is the right no productive outcome, Son
by initiating a new approach time to remind them [UN and Chhay said, adding that he
to finding a political solution ASEAN General Secretaries], agrees with Aung San Suu
for the country. that they must abide to their Kyi's decision not to meet the
Son Chhay, Chairperson of promise," Son Chhay. UN envoy during his last visit.
Committee on Foreign Affairs, Reports said Aung San "We want a more serious
International Cooperation Suu Kyi, who has been under action. Perhaps, the UN
and Media of the National detention for the last 12 of 18 Secretary General should
Assembly of the Kingdom of years, has refused to accept appoint somebody else," he
Cambodia, in separate letters food supplies since mid- added.
on Wednesday reminded both August, though the reason for He said, Gambari had not
the Secretary Generals of UN her refusal is still not known. been very effective or capable
and ASEAN the need for A Burmese political party of producing any positive
them to abide by their in exile told Mizzima earlier solution to the problems of
promises on Burma. that Aung San Suu Kyi might Burma."I think it is about
"They have both promised be on hunger strike time that we find someone
to look into the sufferings of demanding direct talks with who is more capable," Son
the Burmese people and find the ruling generals with Chhay added.
a solution to the crisis. But till regard to the ensuing 2010 And similarly, Son Chhay
date there is no solid evidence general elections. But urged the ASEAN Secretary
that the promise has been spokesperson of her party – General, Surin Pitsuwan, to
kept or put into practice," Son the National League for pay a personal visit to Burma
Chhay told Mizzima over Democracy – Nyan Win said and find a realistic solution to
telephone. they could not confirm the the political crisis in the
Son Chhay, who is also information as they lack country.
the Chairperson of ASEAN communication with their Meanwhile, the Asean
Inter-Parliamentary detained leader. Inter-Parliamentary
Myanmar Caucus (AIPMC) Son Chhay said Ban Myanmar Caucus (AIPMC),
Cambodia Chapter, said it is a Ki-moon should realize that in a press statement released
matter of deep concern for the the current process of on Wednesday expressed its
international community to interaction with the Burmese
Cont Next Pg..


concern over reports of Aung General to personally visit statement said.
San Suu Kyi refusing food. Aung San Suu Kyi and The group also said Aung
The AIPMC called on the conduct a comprehensive San Suu Kyi's refusal to meet
UN and ASEAN to intervene assessment on her health. visiting UN Special Envoy
and to ensure that Aung San "The Secretary General Ibrahim Gambari last week is
Suu Kyi is given necessary should also look into the "an indication that his
attention. The group urged reasons as to why she is mandate is failing."
the ASEAN Secretary- refusing her food supply," the Mizzima news

Lack of medical facility claims two refugee lives

11 August, Teknaf, Bangladesh: A treatment and referred Khatun to child. She was unable to deliver
Rohingya refugee woman and the Teknaf Health Centre without the other child as she was weak.
her baby died yesterday during any recommendation, said a She died along with the second
delivery because of lack of relative of Khatun. Khatun's child during delivery, said a
properhealth care facilities in the family did not have the means to health worker from the camp.
Leda undocumented Rohingya go to the Teknaf Health Centre "The clinic is fully responsible
refugee camp. because of the money required. for the health of the refugee as
The woman, Sawlayma They failed to collect money the organization has an
Khatun ( 22) from F block was and admit her to he health centre agreement with other concerned
sent to the camp clinic run by the when she was about to deliver, parties, but the clinic gave her
Islamic Relief Organization (IRO) he added. Khatun who was pain killer tablets," said a
but the clinic did not provide carrying twins, gave birth to a refugee. Kaladan press:

Eighty houses built on Rohingya land

19 August, Buthidaung, Arakan: The authorities promised villag- future, but the Rohingyas were
Eighty houses of Mro, Kumi and ers that they would look into the not allowed to join the meeting,
Chakma communities were set matter, he added. Recently, the said a village elder. But, the
up in Pan Zee village tract of TPDC Chairman accompanied TPDC Chairman told Rohingya
Buthidaung Township after by the commander of Nasaka villagers on their way to
seizing over 80 acres of paddy area No 9, the Officer-in-Charge Buthidaung that the houses will
fields of Rohingyas as of July 20, (OC) of Buthidaung police station be pulled down soon. A village
said a retired school teacher on and some other officials went to elder said, "Their plan is to seize
condition of anonymity. the spot to see for themselves. land from Rohingyas and invite
The villagers of Pan Zee On the site the authorities met local non-Rohingya communities
complained to the Township Mro, Kumi and Chakma commu- from Arakan State and Burmans
Peace and Development Council nities and delivered encourage from Burma proper for settlement
(TPDC) Chairman in Buthidaung. speeches promising help in on the confiscated land.
Kaladan press:
Police arrests Rohingya
26 August, Maungdaw, Arakan aar village Tract. Police demand- business between villages and
State: The police of Bawli Bazaar, ed Kyat 200,000 for his release Maungdaw Town. The police
Maungdaw Township arrested a but his relatives were able to pay realized if he is arrested and
Rohingya villager alleging that he Kyat 100,000. The police agreed threatened, they will get money,
has connections with Bangla- but the victim was unable to pay said a village elder on condition
desh. He was in the market in the amount at a time. His relat- of anonymity.
Bawli Bazar on August 21, said a ives managed Kyat 50,000 and Police illegally arrests Rohingya
relative of the victim. are trying to procure another community people when they
The victim was taken away by Kyat 50,000. He will be released think they will get money by
police officer San Min and after all money has been paid. arresting and threatening. They
policemen Kyaw Htwe of Bawli Meanwhile, the victim has been can level any allegation as there
Bazaar police station at about 8 working in the police station. The is no justice and there is no
pm and was detained. The victim victim is a simple man and has action against the culprits, the
was identified as Noor Bosher no connection with Bangladesh. elder added.
(34), son of Sirazul Komor from Earlier, he had a small shop in Kaladan
Kaladan press
Taung Ywar village of Bawli Baz- the market, but now he is into
15-Burmese nationals pushed back to Burma
27 Aug, Teknaf, Bangladesh: Dip were patrolling the stretch. that day. The seized goods are
Fifteen Burmese nationals were The BDR seized the boat and fuel, edible oil, which were being
pushed back to Burma by Bang- arrested the people.They were taken to Burma and seeds of
ladesh Rifles (BDR) recently, pushed back soon after arresting opium, wood and aluminum,
according to our correspondent. by BDR to Burma from where which came from Burma. The
15 Burmese nationals in a they entered. On the other hand, BDR push back Burmese
row-boat were trying to enter the BDR also seized smuggled nationals whenever they see
Shapuri Dip through Gola, the goods worth Taka 100,000 from Burmese on the Burma-Bangla-
southern side of Shapuri Dip various points of the desh border without any delay,
(Island) while BDR of Shapuri Bangladesh- Burma border on said a local from Teknaf. (KPN)


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Tatebayash-Shi 374-0036 Gunma-Ken Japan. if any to improve our Newsletters

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