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Bárbara P. Miguel, Fernando A. F. Ferreira, Audrius Banaitis,
Nerija Banaitienė, Ieva Meidutė-Kavaliauskienė, Pedro F. Falcão

Introduction conducted. Thus far, researchers have found

The world’s population continues to increase that using “loose” indicators, which measure
rapidly, and, within the next 30 years, more only some areas of these cities, is insufficient.
than half of all people will choose to live in large The present study, therefore, developed an
urban centers (Faria et al., 2018). This has led innovative, integrated cognitive structure that
to a number of problems, such as congested facilitates the evaluation of smart cities in
people and transportation traffic and increased multiple dimensions. More specifically, this
pollution that produces climate change. The research used cognitive mapping to provide
concept of “smart” cities has emerged as a more holistic, expanded understanding of
a way to deal with these issues, in which the concept of smart cities. No previous work
these cities are defined as an ecosystem that has been found in the relevant literature that
seeks to improve citizens’ quality of life through used the fuzzy cognitive mapping approach
a combination of technology, sustainability, and in this research context. Thus, the proposed
physical infrastructures (Estrada et al., 2018). methodology makes a significant contribution
Smart cities have to use new technologies to the extant literature on smart cities, strategic
ranging from the Internet of Things (IoT), which planning, and operational research and/or
facilitates connections between everything, management science (OR/MS).
to home automation (i.e., the ease with which The process followed comprised several
citizens can manage daily routines through stages, including the development of a fuzzy
their homes). cognitive map (FCM) based on the direct
At a commercial level, these cities promote contributions of a group of specialists in this
economic growth by developing smart solutions field, as well as static and dynamic analyses
that make businesses more prosperous and of the map’s variables. The results show that
efficient. Smart cities also play an important the construction of an FCM in this research
role on a social level since their main objective context not only reduces the number of
is to improve residents’ quality of life – although omitted evaluation criteria but also produces
citizens must be willing to accept these a deeper understanding of the cause-and-
innovations (i.e., become “smart”). In addition, effect relationships between the determinants
these cities are essential to the preservation identified. The final outcome is a well-informed
of the environment as they focus on coping framework validated by expert panel members,
with the scarcity of natural resources by which allows for an objective analysis of the
using tenable alternatives. Thus, through dynamics behind smart cities’ characteristics
a combination of social and economic aspects and/or components.
and environmentally friendly practices, these The rest of this paper is organized as
cities should be able to fulfill their purpose as follows. The first section offers an overview
long as they make the best decisions. of the literature on smart cities. Section two
To make more informed and efficient introduces the methodology. Section three
decisions, smart cities need to be able to describes the processes followed in the
evaluate how well they are doing. Various construction and testing of our FCM-based
studies have sought to understand which framework. Finally, the last section concludes
indicators should be considered in assessments the paper and indicates paths for further
of smart cities and how this process should be research.

4 2019, XXII, 1 DOI: 10.15240/tul/001/2019-1-001

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1. Theoretical Overview and environments; (5) smart people; and (6) smart
lifestyles. As Khatoun and Zeadally (2016) point
Research Gap
Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, out, these cities have many advantages. They
the substantial growth of the world’s population offer greater protection and safety through
has led to increased urbanization in more the use of, for example, street surveillance
developed economies. According to Albino et cameras and rapid response emergency
al. (2015) and Hajduk (2016), about 70% of the services. Smart cities show greater concern for
world’s population will probably reside in large the environment and transportation networks,
urban centers by 2050. Larger populations in taking into account pollution levels and street
cities can create less favorable demographic, lighting and promoting public transportation
social, economic, and environmental conditions as an alternative to private cars. These cities
for citizens, including congested people also carefully manage domestic energy and
and transportation traffic and increased take greater care with education facilities,
pollution, which produces climate change. The including making new investments and offering
combination of these undesirable conditions opportunities for everyone. In addition, they
gave rise to the concept of smart cities. pay greater attention to tourism to ensure it
Various authors have attempted to define takes into account the preservation of natural
this concept. Bakici et al. (2013, p. 139), for resources. Finally, smart cities are more
instance, define a “smart city as a high-tech concerned about keeping their citizens healthy,
intensive and advanced city that connects using new technologies to implement more
people, information and city elements using new efficient systems for better access to higher
technologies in order to create a sustainable, quality services.
greener city, competitive and innovative Nevertheless, some challenges and/or
commerce, and a recuperating life quality”. problems need to be taken into account in
Popescu (2015), in turn, considers smart the development of smart cities. They require
cities to be synergistic ecosystems that seek large initial investments, which may lead
to improve their quality of life and economy, municipalities to avoid them. These cities can
in which technology plays a predominant role. have high levels of energy consumption due
This definition was reinforced by Cauchon to already existing technologies. Furthermore,
(2017), who states that this type of city uses citizens may not be “smart” enough and refuse
technologies to automate municipal functions to accept the use of technologies to automate
in order to make the societies involved the functions of their daily life. Citizens’ privacy
more habitable, economically stable, and may also be endangered by cyberattacks
environmentally sustainable. (Khatoun & Zeadally, 2016).
To make a city truly smart, real-time data Despite the initial investment required,
need to be accessible in many situations in that making a city “smarter” has a positive impact
municipality – a service that can be provided by on economic development. According to
the IoT. According to Sofronijević et al. (2014, Chuan-Tao et al. (2015), the introduction of
p. 12), this technology “is a new vision of [an] smart solutions enables businesses to become
overarching communication paradigm involving more prosperous, improve their efficiency and
purposeful communication and bidirectional quality of management, and increase the use
transfer of data through […] Internet of logistics platforms and more efficient supply
connectivity among different objects or things in chains. Smart cities also allow advertising to
our environment”. On a practical level, the IoT is be broader and more precise, thereby enabling
related to the existence of sensors incorporated networks of partners and customers to expand,
into the environment, through which information facilitating entrepreneurship, launching new
is exchanged and transformed both vertically investments, and promoting innovation.
and horizontally on specific platforms in order In addition to economic components,
to develop a common digital vision of the citizens’ social issues are also quite important in
environment (Sofronijević et al., 2014). these cities. Šiurytė and Davidavičienė (2016)
According to Mallapuram et al. (2017) and report that, to be smart citizens, individuals have
Roman (2018), smart cities can have multiple to accept the application of new technologies
dimensions: (1) smart economy; (2) smart in their daily activities in order to simplify the
governance; (3) smart mobility; (4) smart use of various services. Since residents are

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considered one of the main components of the present study sought to do. By applying
smart cities, their wellbeing must be promoted, fuzzy cognitive mapping techniques in this
which includes increasing home automation research context, we obtained an expanded
that enhances the ease with which citizens and integrated understanding of the cause-and-
manage their daily activities throughout their effect relationships between the determinants
home. Residences with these types of daily of smart cities’ success. These insights were
management tools are called “smart” homes the result of a well-informed framework that
because they have an automatic system that facilitated analyses of the dynamics behind
permits the control of different objects through smart city characteristics and/or components.
commands or smartphones (Toschi et al.,
2017). 2. Methodology
Both economic elements and citizens 2.1 Brief Background on Cognitive
are important in the development of these Mapping
cities, but they can only achieve their goals Cognitive mapping is defined by Wong
by reconciling policies with environmental (2010, p. 288) as the “process of a series of
sustainability (i.e., becoming green). Smart psychological transformations by which [an]
cities need to make decisions that ensure individual acquires, codes, stores, recalls, and
economic development, citizens’ wellbeing, and decodes information about the relative locations
a sustainable environment. These decisions and attributes of phenomena in [… his or her]
can be facilitated through various methods of everyday spatial environment”. The result of this
evaluating smart cities. process is generally referred to as a “cognitive
The need to measure how “smart” cities are map”. Cognitive mapping can thus be viewed
has given rise to several studies and different as a mental structuring process that leads to the
evaluation procedures using indicators (Dall’O’ creation of a cognitive map (Wong, 2010).
et al., 2017). The contributions made to date The term “cognitive map” was coined by
in this area have been quite important to Tolman (1948) to describe individuals’ internal
improving evaluations of smart cities. However, mental changes and their representation of the
the various assessment tools in existence are relationships between concepts. Swan (1997,
based on different types of indicators that only p. 188) reinforces this idea by defining cognitive
measure specific parameters of these cities, maps as “internally representing schemas or
such as sustainability, energy efficiency, or mental models for particular problem-solving
pollution. Ahvenniemi et al. (2017) report that domains that are learned and encoded as
these indicators generally seek to assess a result of an individual’s interaction with their
sustainability, but other indicators are also environment”. Cognitive mapping is thus used
needed to assess social and economic aspects. to structure complex situations because this
The cited authors argue that evaluations method allows researchers to model cause-and-
of smart cities’ performance should not be effect relationships between existing variables
done using indicators that only measure the in complex phenomena. In addition, as visual
efficiency of implementations of smart solutions. tools, cognitive maps facilitate representations
Assessments should also include indicators that and communication of knowledge, support the
measure these solutions’ contribution to smart identification and interpretation of information,
cities’ final objectives in terms of environmental, enable consultation and codification, and
economic, and social sustainability. In other stimulate mental associations (Gavrilova et al.,
words, most of the indicators currently used are 2013; Fernandes et al., 2018; Marques et al.,
“loose” and non-integrated, which indicates that 2018; Oliveira et al., 2018).
an integrated, robust, and coherent evaluation Ferreira et al. (2016a) and Ribeiro et al.
framework is still unavailable to facilitate (2017), along with many other researchers,
a holistic assessment of smart cities (Huovila report that cognitive maps have two main
et al., 2017). functions. The first is a descriptive function,
Given these findings, new evaluation namely, to provide visual representations that
systems clearly need to be developed that help individuals to understand better the problem
incorporate different types of indicators that in question and thus facilitate its resolution. The
can ensure a reliable assessment of what second is a reflection function, in which maps
truly is “smart” in cities. This is precisely what are a tool used to develop new ideas.

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2.2 Cognitive Maps and Fuzzy variables (Tegarden & Sheetz, 2003; Ribeiro
et al., 2017). Usually, a simple cognitive map
Cognitive Maps contains nodes, which stand for concepts,
Cognitive maps are representations of variables, and/or criteria, and arrows, which
individuals’ environment, providing pictures of represent these components’ cause-and-effect
reality and helping people to understand cause- relationships. Fig. 1 provides an example of
and-effect relationships between concepts or a simple cognitive map.

Fig. 1: Example of a simple cognitive map

Source: Village et al. (2012, p. 2776)

The term fuzzy cognitive map (FCM) was is simultaneously represented by a positive
introduced by Kosko (1986) to describe cognitive and/or negative causal signal and a number
maps that follow a fuzzy logic. As Zadeh (2008), varying from -1 to 1 that represents the degree
Keršulienė and Turskis (2011) and Pires et of intensity and/or influence of the relationship.
al. (2018) note, logic is important for decision The second characteristic is that the system
making in complex environments, in which is dynamic because it involves feedback links
objectives and/or constraints are necessarily between the criteria, allowing temporal aspects
fuzzy (i.e., no clearly defined boundaries). As to be considered in the decision structure (Khan
extension of traditional cognitive maps, FCMs are & Quaddus, 2004; Ferreira et al., 2015; Santos
seen as “a well-established artificial intelligence et al., 2018). Fig. 2 exemplifies an FCM, in which
technique, incorporating ideas from artificial Ci represents the criterion i and wij represents
neural networks and fuzzy logic, which can be the intensity of the connection between two
effectively applied in the domain of management criteria i and j.
science” (Carlucci et al., 2013, p. 208). Three possible types of cause-and-effect
Because FCMs combine traditional relationships exist between criteria or concepts:
cognitive maps with fuzzy logic, FCMs have (1) positive causality (wij > 0); (2) negative
two main characteristics. The first is cause- causality (wij < 0); and (3) null causality (wij = 0)
and-effect relationships between concepts (for further discussion and theoretical details,
and/or criteria that follow a fuzzy logic. That is, see also Lee and Lee (2015) and Jorga et al.
the relationship between two different criteria (2018)). In addition to a graphic representation,

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Fig. 2: Conceptual structure of an FCM

Source: Chen and Chiu (2016, p. 699)

FCMs are also based on mathematical concepts and by its own previous value (Ribeiro
principals. According to Mazlack (2009), these et al., 2017). As Albayrak and Albayrak (2016)
maps include a state vector n × 1 (i.e., A), which point out, the state vector A is also updated by
comprises the value of n concepts, and a matrix the value of the connections between concepts.
of intensity degrees n × n (i.e., W) – also known Carvalho (2013) stipulates, therefore, that
as adjacent matrix – in which wij represents the updating the value of each concept for the
degree of intensity of the relationships between current iteration must occur only after all
n criteria (i.e., C). Ribeiro et al. (2017) specify concepts have been calculated.
that the matrix W has n rows and n columns, in This can be represented by Equation (1),
which n is equal to the total number of concepts which summarizes the fundamentals of the
in an FCM. Tab. 1 offers an example of an FCM approach:
adjacent matrix.
Kok (2009) states that non-zero values may
appear on the main diagonal of the adjacent (1)
matrix, although this diagonal usually presents
values equal to zero, so no criterion is self-
evident. Thus, the value of each concept is Mathematically, Ai(t+1) is the activation level
influenced by the values of the interconnected of the concept or criterion Ci at time t+1, while f

Tab. 1: Example of an adjacent matrix

C1 C2 … Cn-1 Cn
C1 0 w12 … w1n-1 w1n
C2 w21 0 … w2n-1 w2n
… … … … … …
Cn-1 wn-11 wn-12 … 0 wn-1n
Cn wn1 wn2 … wnn-1 0
Source: own

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is the activation function. In turn, Ai(t) represents “using a group of experts has the benefit of
the activation level of the concept Ci at time t, improving the reliability of the final model”.
and Aj(t) is the activation level of the concept Cj Ackermann and Eden (2001) and Ribeiro et
at time t. Finally, wij is the degree of intensity al. (2017) advise recruiting between 3 and 10
defined for the relationship between both specialists per decision group to ensure studies
concepts (Stylios & Groumpos, 1998; Mazlack, are coherent and valid. In the present research,
2009; Mls et al., 2017; Ribeiro et al., 2017). the group sessions included six expert
According to Mazlack (2009, p. 6), “the new participants, thus respecting the guidelines
state vector Anew is computed by multiplying the presented in the literature.
previous state vector Aold by the weight matrix W”. The sessions had an average duration
In addition, four types of activation functions exist. of 3.5 hours each, and the meetings
These are: (1) hyperbolic tangent (f (x) = tan (x)), were guided by 2 experienced facilitators
which is used when criteria present values (i.e., researchers). Notably, forming the panel
between -1 and 1; (2) sigmoid (f (x) = 1 / (1 + e-λx)), was not an easy task due to the incompatibility
which is used when criteria have values in the of participants’ agendas. Multiple contacts were
interval [0, 1]; (3) bivalent function (f (x) = 0 or 1); established for nearly 3 months to recruit the
and (4) trivalent (f (x) = -1, 0 or 1) (Yaman & Polat, panel of 6 decision makers who participated in
2009; Papageorgiou et al., 2012; Salmeron, this study. These participants work in Lisbon,
2012; Glykas, 2013). Portugal. Two of them were female, and the
Carlucci et al. (2013, p. 213) state that “the panel’s age ranged between 30 and 50 years
resulting transformed vector is then multiplied old. Their interactions were important to ensure
by the adjacency matrix and transformed until differing points of view were taken into account.
the system converges to a fixed point. Typically The participants joined the panel voluntarily, and
it converges in less than 30 simulation time they were selected based on their professional
steps”. This means that, at the end of these experience in different areas of smart cities,
simulations, a ranking (i.e., “impact strength”) such as urban planning, mobility, and citizen
of the variables emerges, based on which wellbeing and healthcare.
decision makers can better understand the The constructivist nature of the proposed
decision problem in question through the methodological approach needs to be
FCM’s logical structure (Ferreira & Jalali, 2015). highlighted here, given that the focus is on the
In addition, decision makers can formulate process rather than the end result (Bell & Morse,
“what if” questions and analyze the impact on 2013). This suggests that the procedures
the system of changing some variables, for followed can work well with any group of
example, adding or removing criteria. decision makers. After the panel was formed,
Ferreira and Jalali (2015) underline that the the first session was conducted as presented in
greatest challenge in developing FCMs is the the following subsection.
difficulty of obtaining a panel of experts, as well
as ensuring the necessary number and duration 3.2 Development of Cognitive Structure
of group sessions. However, the advantages of Using “Post-its Technique”
this approach to analyzing the dynamics behind The first session with the group of experts began
the components of smart cities can outweigh with a brief presentation of the main objective
these difficulties. of the study, as well as a brief explanation of
the methodology to be used. Next, the following
3. Application and Results trigger question was asked: “Based on your
This section details the empirical component personal values and professional experience,
of the present study. That is, we describe how what should the characteristics of the best
we developed an FCM to analyze the different ‘smart city’ be?” This question was posed by
components and/or characteristics of smart one of the facilitators to stimulate a debate
cities. among the participants, thus creating an
environment in which all participants could
3.1 Participants share their knowledge and experiences.
FCMs can be developed by a single decision A tool called the “post-its technique”
maker or a group of decision makers. However, (Ackermann & Eden, 2001) was used, which
according to Yaman and Polat (2009, p. 387), consists of writing the concepts that the panel

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considers most important on post-its – with organize the concepts within each cluster
each concept written on a separate post-it in order of greatest importance so that the
note. This process was continued throughout variables the panel considered most significant
the group’s discussions and negotiations in each cluster were placed at the top of the
until the panel of decision makers expressed cluster and those that were less significant at
satisfaction with the results achieved (Ferreira the bottom (Ferreira et al., 2016c; Fonseca
et al., 2016b). In this process, the decision et al., 2018; Ferreira et al., 2017). Using the
makers were always given the option of Decision Explorer software (,
changing concepts and/or inserting new criteria a group cognitive map was developed based
into the map whenever they felt that the latter on these clusters, and the decision makers
did not represent their ideas. This methodology were given the opportunity to change the map’s
also took into account criteria with a negative shape and/or content if they did not completely
influence (i.e., negative causality) during the agree with the final result. Fig. 3 presents the
panel’s analysis of the smart city concept. final version of this map, which contains more
These criteria were marked with a negative sign than 200 criteria related to smart cities.
(–) on the corresponding post-it note (Ferreira & The cognitive map above seeks to structure
Jalali, 2015). Throughout the session, the post- the panel members’ knowledge and experience
its were placed on a whiteboard to make them revealed through their analysis of the smart city
visible to all participants. concept. As Ferreira et al. (2015) note, the high
Grouping concepts by areas of concern volume of information discussed and projected
(i.e., clusters) took place in the next phase of on the map arguably more than compensates for
the first session and produced six clusters: (1) the subjective nature of the process. The latter
people, (2) planning and environments, (3) obviously depends on the facilitators’ skill, and
technology, (4) infrastructure and materials, (5) the results are deeply influenced by the panel
services, and (6) transportation and mobility. members’ perceptions. Nonetheless, Ferreira et
The decision makers were then asked to al. (2016b, p. 1474) contend that “the size of the

Fig. 3: Group cognitive map

Source: own

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map, the number of variables identified, and the software packages were used to include the
number of inter-relationships among them, are all degrees of intensity defined by the decision
important indicators of the capability of this type makers in the cognitive structure developed.
of tool to tap into often overlooked determinants, The result was the FCM presented in Fig. 4,
as well as the relationships between them”. which is similar to a neural network. To simplify
In the next session, we analyze the cause-and- the figure for this paper, all labels were removed.
effect relationships behind the cognitive structure However, the complete version of the structure,
developed in the first group session. containing all the specifications, is available
upon request.
3.3 Development of FCM As shown by the example in Fig. 5, the
The second group meeting was attended by the decimal number attributed to each arrow
same six decision makers. In this session, the depicts the degree of intensity of the cause-
panel was asked to look at the map and focus and-effect relationship between the head
on the existing cause-and-effect relationships and tail criteria. The cluster shown in Fig. 5
between criteria so that the concepts’ degree concerns transportation and mobility, and the
of intensity (i.e., influence) could be measured degree of intensity of each link is measured
using the interval [-1; 1]. The session’s within the range of [-1; 1]. The next step was
facilitators had the task of quietly reading an analysis of the main factors that noticeably
concept by concept through the map while influence the dynamics of key components of
the decision makers distributed the values – the ideal smart city.
within the defined range – that they collectively
found as the most appropriate measures of the 3.4 Static and Dynamic Analysis
relationships between criteria. of Results
Next, the FCMapper (http://www.fcmappers. Carlucci et al. (2013, p. 216) note that, “through
net) and Panjek ( a proper neural network computational model,

Fig. 4: Basic structure of FCM

Source: own

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Fig. 5: Analysis of degrees of intensity for transportation and mobility cluster

Source: own

[...] what we can get is an idea of the ranking of According to Papageorgiou et al. (2012,
the variables in relation to each other according p. 45), “FCMs are simple, yet powerful tools for
to how the system is perceived in the FCM”. modeling and simulation of dynamic systems,
The present study thus included static and based on domain-specific knowledge and
dynamic analyses of the components in the experience”. Therefore, the present study’s
FCM generated. analysis of the concepts’ degrees of centrality
was important not only because the results
Static Analysis facilitated a deeper understanding of the
All the criteria presented in the collective FCM system created but also because the primary
have a degree of centrality. However, Tab. 2 determinants of the development of smart cities
presents only those that revealed higher could be identified.
indexes in terms of smart cities. The complete
list is available upon request. Dynamic Analysis
As shown in Tab. 2, the key components To analyze the dynamics behind components
and/or determinants of smart cities are, first, of smart cities, we used the Mental Modeler
technology (37.80), followed by people (32.70), software ( Gray
planning and environments (29.90), infrastructure et al. (2013, p. 967) report that this tool
and materials (22.00), transportation and “provides a way for users to develop a simple
mobility (21.40), and services (13.90). The least qualitative FCM which is then translated into
significant factors for smart cities in this list are the quantitative structure required to run
resilience (6.00) and collaboration (6.00). dynamic FCM scenarios”. Following Azevedo

Tab. 2: Degrees of centrality of criteria

Factor/Criterion Outdegree Indegree Centrality

Technology 2.00 35.80 37.80
People 2.00 30.70 32.70
Planning and Environments 1.60 28.30 29.90
Infrastructure and Materials 1.20 20.80 22.00
Transportation and Mobility 1.80 19.60 21.40
Services 1.40 12.50 13.90
Resilience 1.00 5.00 6.00
Collaboration 1.00 5.00 6.00
Source: own

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and Ferreira’s (2017) example, we carried out to become less important for a city to be “smart”.
dynamic analyses on three different levels: (1) Finally, the last cluster identified (i.e.,
clusters; (2) inter-cluster links; and (3) intra- transportation and mobility) shows an intensity
cluster connections. of 0.90, which makes this cluster one of the
most important in the development of smart
Dynamic Analysis at Cluster Level cities. Thus, when its intensity is increased
The clusters’ behavior was analyzed in relation by 0.75 or 1.00, the cross-sectional concepts
to the concepts recognized as transversal to all under analysis become more important. In
clusters (i.e., resilience and collaboration). More contrast, when it intensity is decreased by
specifically, three scenarios (i.e., variations -0.50, these cross-sectional concepts become
of -0.50, 0.75, and 1.00) were simulated in less important.
order to evaluate the impact of these cross- The dynamic analysis performed at the
sectional concepts in the development of smart cluster level clearly shows the importance
cities. Significant changes appear in the six that collaboration and resilience have in the
clusters when the degrees of intensity of these development of smart cities. Nonetheless, this
transversal criteria change. study’s methodological framework required
For the people cluster, an increase in a further analysis of concepts that affect more
intensity of 0.75 or 1.00 produces an increase than one cluster.
in its importance in relation to the concepts
collaboration and resilience in smart cities. Dynamic Analysis at Inter-Cluster Level
When this cluster decreases its intensity by Given the presence of criteria that connect to
-0.50, its importance in relation to smart cities more than one cluster, an analysis needed to
also decreases. According to the expert panel, be conducted of the impacts of these concepts’
smart cities must be resilient and collaborative. variations in intensity on the clusters to which
The planning and environments cluster presents they are connected. The specific criteria
a degree of intensity of 0.80 in its connection analyzed were chosen because they present
to the concepts collaboration and resilience. higher and lower intensity degrees within the
Increasing this intensity by 0.75 or 1.00 also respective clusters. As in the previous analyses,
results in increases of these two cross-sectional three variations of -0.50, 0.75, and 1.00 were
concepts, although of a lesser magnitude. simulated.
When the cluster’s intensity is decrease by The analysis started with the concept of
-0.50, the two concepts’ importance in relation almost zero energy buildings, which is clearly
to smart cities also decreases. part of the technology cluster, although this
Similar to the people cluster, the technology concept is also connected to the infrastructure
cluster has an intensity of 1.00, implying that and materials cluster. In the second group
variations in intensity of 0.75 or 1.00 result in session, the decision makers assigned the
an increase in the importance of the concepts concept of almost zero energy buildings an
of collaboration and resilience in relation to intensity degree of 1.00 in relation to the
smart cities. A decrease in intensity of -0.50 technology cluster, and 0.80 in connection
in this cluster also diminishes the importance to the infrastructure and materials cluster.
these two cross-sectional concepts in the Variations in the intensity of almost zero energy
development of smart cities. buildings impact these clusters.
The infrastructure and materials cluster has Regarding the concept of presence of
a slightly lower intensity than the other clusters start-up incubators in the technology cluster,
do (i.e., 0.60). However, with an increase this concept has an intensity of 0.30. It also is
in intensity of 0.75 or 1.00, the concepts connected to the planning and environments
collaboration and resilience also become more cluster, with an intensity of 0.40. Variations in
important to smart cities. Since the services the intensity of this concept affect these two
cluster has an intensity of 0.70, an increase in clusters.
its intensity of 0.75 or 1.00 causes the concepts Regarding the optimization of waste
collaboration and resilience to increase in collection concept in the services cluster, which
importance regarding the development of smart was assigned an intensity of 0.80, this concept
cities. When this cluster is subject to a negative is also connected to the technology cluster,
variation of intensity of -0.50, cross-criteria tend with an influence degree of 0.70. In addition,

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the concept of places of worship in the services with an intensity of -0.80. This concept further has
cluster has a degree of intensity of 0.20. This a connection to the planning and environments
concept’s connection to the planning and cluster, which has an intensity of -0.50.
environments cluster also presents the same After completing the dynamic analysis at
degree of intensity (i.e., 0.20). the inter-cluster level, a further level of dynamic
The data privacy concept belongs to the analysis was conducted. This focused on the
services cluster, with an intensity of -0.40, and intra-cluster level, as presented in the text
this concept is also connected to the people below.
(i.e., -0.60) and technology clusters (i.e., -0.80).
Variations in the intensity of the data privacy Dynamic Analysis at Intra-Cluster Level
concept impact these clusters. With regard to the The final dynamic analysis at the intra-cluster
concept of efficient construction (materials), this level was carried out by simulating intensity
is integrated in the infrastructure and materials variations in some of the criteria in the various
cluster, as well as having a connection to the clusters. The four criteria that present the
technology cluster with the same intensity value highest and lowest intensities in each cluster
(i.e., 0.80). were chosen. Tab. 3 presents the impacts of
Finally, the criterion of waste of time is variations of -0.50, 0.75, and 1.00 in the degree
integrated in the transportation and mobility cluster of intensity of some criteria in the people cluster.

Tab. 3: Dynamic analysis of people cluster

Criterion Value Assigned ∆ -0.5 ∆ 0.75 ∆ 1.00

Wellbeing and Quality of Life 1.00 -0.46 0.64 0.76
Cosmopolitanism 0.20 -0.10 0.15 0.20
Standardization (Qualifications) -0.30 0.15 -0.22 -0.29
Crime/Fear/Insecurity -0.90 0.42 -0.59 -0.72
Source: own

Tab. 4: Dynamic analysis of planning and environments cluster

Criterion Value Assigned ∆ -0.5 ∆ 0.75 ∆ 1.00

Renewable Energy Resources 1.00 -0.46 0.64 0.76
Proposals Instead of Bans 0.10 -0.05 0.07 0.10
Symmetry -0.30 0.15 -0.22 -0.29
Heavy Pollution -0.90 0.42 -0.59 -0.72
Source: own

Tab. 5: Dynamic analysis of technology cluster

Criterion Value Assigned ∆ -0.5 ∆ 0.75 ∆ 1.00

Almost Zero Energy Buildings 1.00 -0.46 0.64 0.76
Presence of Start-up Incubators 0.30 -0.15 0.22 0.29
Telephone Booths -0.20 0.10 0.15 -0.20
Hackers -0.90 0.42 -0.59 -0.72
Source: own

14 2019, XXII, 1

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Tab. 6: Dynamic analysis of infrastructure and materials cluster

Criterion Value Assigned ∆ -0.5 ∆ 0.75 ∆ 1.00

Efficient Construction (Materials) 0.80 -0.38 0.54 0.66
Good Conditions for Pets 0.20 -0.10 0.15 0.20
Cost of Building Rehabilitation -0.10 0.05 -0.07 -0.10
Abandoned Buildings -0.80 0.38 -0.54 -0.66
Source: own

As shown in Tab. 3, the criterion of wellbeing smart cities. Regarding the fourth cluster (i.e.,
and quality of life presents the highest degree infrastructure and materials), Tab. 6 presents
of intensity, with a positive effect on this cluster. the simulations carried out on the degree of
In addition, the criterion crime/fear/insecurity intensity of some of this cluster’s criteria.
has the most negative impact on the cluster in As shown in Tab. 6, the concept of efficient
question. Regarding the second cluster (i.e., construction (materials) has a degree of
planning and environments), Tab. 4 presents intensity of 0.80, revealing its importance in
the simulations carried out on the degree of terms of physical infrastructures of cities that
intensity of some of this cluster’s criteria. seek to be “smart”. Conversely, the concept
As Tab. 4 reveals, the criterion of renewable of abandoned buildings is the criterion that
energy resources is the most significant in this most negatively affects smart cities as this is
cluster, with a large discrepancy between this an adverse factor in terms of the technological
concept’s degree of intensity and that of the efficiency of buildings. Tab. 7 presents the
least important criterion (i.e., proposals instead impacts of variations in the degree of intensity
of bans). In contrast, the concept of heavy for some criteria in the fifth cluster (i.e.,
pollution has the most negative effect on this services).
cluster. This indicates that officials must reduce Tab. 7 confirms that the criterion with
pollution when developing smart cities. Tab. 5 the greatest influence and/or intensity in the
presents the impacts of variations of -0.5, 0.75, services cluster is the optimization of waste
and 1.00 on the degree of intensity of some collection. In contrast, the least important
criteria in the technology cluster. concept to these cities is places of worship.
As shown in Tab. 5, the almost zero energy Regarding negative influence, the criterion
buildings criterion presents high intensity, that most stands out is lack of hygiene. Tab. 8
supporting the conclusion that the existence shows the variations in intensity of the criteria
of buildings that are technologically efficient is corresponding to the sixth and last cluster (i.e.,
essential to the development of smart cities. transportation and mobility).
The results also verify that the concept of As Tab. 8 reveals, the integration of public
hackers has greater intensity – but in a negative transportation criterion presents the maximum
way – so that combating this threat is extremely intensity as this component is needed as
important to the sustainable development of an alternative to the use of private cars.

Tab. 7: Dynamic analysis of services cluster

Criterion Value Assigned ∆ -0.5 ∆ 0.75 ∆ 1.00

Optimized Waste Collection 0.80 -0.38 0.54 0.66
Places of Worship 0.20 -0.10 0.15 0.20
Lack of Hygiene -0.70 0.34 -0.48 -0.60
Data Privacy -0.40 0.20 -0.29 -0.38
Source: own

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Tab. 8: Dynamic analysis of transportation and mobility cluster

Criterion Value Assigned ∆ -0.5 ∆ 0.75 ∆ 1.00

Integrated Public Transportation 1.00 -0.46 0.64 0.76
Creation of Cycling Networks 0.50 -0.24 0.36 0.46
Waste of Time -0.80 0.34 -0.48 -0.60
Difficulty in Mobility -0.90 0.42 -0.59 -0.72
Source: own

The concept of creating cycling networks is results could have been different with another
of less importance. On the negative side, expert panel, other facilitators, and/or longer
difficulty in mobility is highlighted, but this work sessions.
can be resolved by the integration of public Regardless of the limitations of this
transportation networks. Regarding the concept methodology, the process-oriented nature of
of waste of time, it has an intensity similar to the the approach applied implies that this can be
previous criterion (i.e., -0.80). replicated in other contexts and with other
After a dynamic analysis of each cluster, decision makers if the procedures followed are
the conclusion was reached that several carefully adjusted. This flexibility is a reflection
factors positively or negatively influence of the constructivist stance assumed from the
the development of smart cities. All of these start in the present research (cf. Bell & Morse,
determinants must be taken into account during 2013).
the process of creating this type of city.
3.5 Validation, Limitations, The current study sought to develop an
and Recommendations integrated model to evaluate the various
An FCM was constructed in this study based dimensions of smart cities. This was achieved
on the inputs provided by a panel of experts by using cognitive mapping techniques to
in smart cities. According to Salmeron facilitate the development of an FCM. Stach et
(2012, p. 3706), “FCMs have [note]worthy al. (2005, p. 372) note that “[FCM] development
characteristics [such] as flexibility, adaptability, methods are far from being complete and well-
fuzzy reasoning and the capacity of abstraction. defined, mainly because of the deficiencies
FCMs have been widely used […] to model and that are present in the underlying theoretical
analyze complex dynamical systems”. These framework [...T]he development of [… FCMs]
benefits justified the use of this methodology almost always relies on human knowledge [...]
to expand the conceptualization of smart cities. strongly dependent on subjective beliefs of
This methodological choice was reinforced by expert(s) from a given domain”.
Papageorgiou et al.’s (2017, p. 16) findings, as Thus, the current research strove to
these authors portray FCMs as “an efficient, overcome FCMs’ limitations by using the
transparent and easy to use tool for modeling practical know-how and professional experience
complex systems and decision support tasks”. of a group of experts in different dimensions of
The construction of the present study’s smart cities, such as urban planning, mobility,
FCM was only made possible by the direct and citizen wellbeing and healthcare. After
participation of specialists, who guaranteed an FCM was constructed based on the direct
robust and objective results and proved to involvement of the expert participants, six main
be extremely helpful throughout the entire clusters were extracted as key components in
structuring process. Nonetheless, as mentioned the development of smart cities. These clusters
previously, the FCM approach has its limitations, were: people; planning and environments;
especially its context-specificity (cf. Ferreira & technology; infrastructure and materials;
Jalali, 2015). This methodology’s contextual services; and transportation and mobility.
dependence means that the proposed model In addition, the development of this FCM
is idiosyncratic and that the present study’s relied upon measuring the degree of intensity

16 2019, XXII, 1

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Bárbara P. Miguel, Fernando A. F. Ferreira, Audrius Banaitis,
Nerija Banaitienė, Ieva Meidutė-Kavaliauskienė, Pedro F. Falcão

The world’s rapidly growing population is an issue to be taken seriously. Its consequences could be
dramatic if the required steps are not taken. Concerns about this problem have led to the creation
of “smart” cities, which promote improvements in citizens’ quality of life through a combination of
new technologies and environmentally sustainable practices. For these cities to be truly “smart”,
they need to be evaluated in order to understand the areas in which interventions are necessary
to make these cities economically stable and environmentally sustainable. In this regard, various
studies have sought to understand which indicators should be considered in assessments of smart
cities and how this process should be conducted. Thus far, however, researchers have found that
using “loose” indicators, which measure only some areas of these cities, is insufficient. That said,
this study proposes the use of fuzzy cognitive maps to analyze the dynamics behind smart cities’
components. Grounded in intensive group meetings with a panel of experts in different dimensions
of these cities, the method applied produced a well-informed, process-oriented framework
that contains the characteristics and components that should be assessed in this type of city.
Specifically, after a fuzzy cognitive map was constructed based on the direct involvement of the
expert participants, six main clusters were extracted as key components in the development of
smart cities. These clusters were: people; planning and environments; technology; infrastructure
and materials; services; and transportation and mobility. The results also facilitate an improved
understanding of smart cities’ cause-and-effect relationships and better strategic planning by urban
planners and city administrators. The implications, advantages, and limitations of the proposed
framework are also presented.

Key Words: Smart, smart city, smart economy, smart environment, smart governance,
smart mobility, cause-and-effect dynamics, fuzzy cognitive mapping.

JEL Classification: C44, C45, M10, R11.

DOI: 10.15240/tul/001/2019-1-001

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