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2020 - 22 Batch
Course: TOS Course Code: 20MBA302 Program & Semester : MBA,III
Max. Marks: 50 Date: 11/1/2022 Time: 9. 30 AM to 11 AM
Answer any two full Questions from Q1, Q2, and Q3 in part A, Q4 in Part B is compulsory

Q. Questions Marks CO/BT

1.a Define Lean Manufacturing? What is the purpose of lean manufacturing? 2 CO3 /L1
Sol Lean manufacturing is a production process based on an ideology of maximizing
productivity while simultaneously minimizing waste within a manufacturing
operation. The benefits of lean manufacturing include reduced lead times and
operating costs and improved product quality.
The four key benefits to lean manufacture:
 Eliminate Waste
 Improve Quality
 Reduce cost
 Reducing time
b Explain briefly the role of leadership. 6 CO3/L2
Sol  Develop processes and practices that improve teamwork.
 Required at all levels
 Representative of the organization
 Integrates and reconciles (settles) the personal goals with organizational
 He solicits (requests) support-
 6. As a friend, philosopher and guide-
c Explain briefly about lean operations in the service sector. 8 CO3/L2
Sol The various factors that lead to success of lean operations in services are
1. Identify and map end-to-end processes:
2. Reduce complexity(Eliminate any variations, disruptions, rework )
3. Set and track performance metrics
4. Cross-train to increase productivity:
5. Creating a lean culture
2.a List the different techniques in TPS. 2 CO4/L1
Sol  5S
b Explain the “5S” Technique of Eliminating the Waste. 6 CO3/L2
Sol 1. Seiri > Sort
2. Seiton > Set in Order
3. Seiso > Shine
4. Seiketsu > Standardize
5. Shitsuke > Sustain
c What is Pokayoke? Illustrate the various methods/techniques of Pokayoke to avoid 8
or detect the defects.
Sol Poka-yoke is an effective method for eliminating certain defects from occurring.
When a defect cannot be eliminated, poka-yoke can often assist in identifying the
error earlier in the process, decreasing the cost of the rework and the potential of
the error reaching the end customer.
Often inexpensive and appreciated by personnel across an organization, poka-yoke
can help decrease errors, making quality easier to manage and leading to a less
stressful environment.
Methods/techniques to pokayoke to avoid mistakes
Contact method detects any deviation in shapes, dimensions, forms, position or
other physical characteristics through mechanisms that are kept in direct contact
with the part. Contact method can be used in situations of rapid repetition,
infrequent production or environmental problems such as poor lighting, critical
temperature, dust, noise and so on.
Fixed value method is used in operations, where the same activities are repeated
several times. The method employs automatic counters or optical devices and
controls the number of moves, rate and length of movement as well as other
critical operating parameters.
Motion step method is useful for processes requiring several different activities
performed in sequence by a single operator. The method ensures that the operator
does not mistakenly perform a step that is not part of the normal process.
3.a What is JIT? List out the advantages & disadvantages. 2 CO4/L1
Sol Just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing is a production model in which items are created
to meet demand, not created in surplus or in advance of need.
Some of the advantages of JIT:
 Reduction in inventory
 Reduction in labor costs
 Reduction in space needed to operate
 Reduction in WIP (work in process)
 Increase in production
 Improvements in product quality (lower rates of defects)
 Reduction of throughput time
 Reduction of standard hours
 Increase in number of shipments
b Illustrate the various types of production system. 6 CO4/L3
Sol  Job Production
 Batch Production
 Mass Production
 Continuous Production
c Explain briefly the concept of KAIZEN, KANBAN with Pros & Cons of it. 8 CO4/L2
Sol Kanban
 Kanban is an inventory control system used in just-in-time (JIT)
manufacturing. It was developed by Taiichi Ohno, an industrial engineer at
 Kanban (Japanese for sign) is an inventory control system used in just-in-time
(JIT) manufacturing to track production and order new shipments of parts and
 From the Japanese words “kai-” this means “change” and “-zen” which
means “good??” The popular meaning from Toyota is “continuous
improvement” or “small incremental improvements” of all areas of a
company, not just manufacturing.
 Kaizen is a Japanese term meaning "change for the better" or
"continuous improvement." It is a Japanese business philosophy regarding
the processes that continuously improve operations and involve all
 Kaizen reviews and training teaches new employees how to apply Kaizen
principles to their work, which means Kaizen stays sustainable for years to
Part B Compulsory Case Study
4 JIT in Action A new phenomenon called „Apparel on Demand‟ is slowly making
its presence felt. It is an extension of JIT linking retailers and manufacturers for a 18 CO4 / L4
just-in-time responsiveness. NaaR Clothing Inc., promoted by a young
management graduate has recently ventured into the business of making
reasonably priced custom jeans for women. It has partnered with many stores
selling women garments. In the stores, women are electronically measured and
information like color, fabric, style, etc., are recorded. The information reaches the
NaaR manufacturing facility at Ahmedabad almost immediately through a state-of-
the-art information system. NaaR guarantees delivery of the custom jeans within
10 days. With the growing acceptance of jeans among the women in India,
especially in the urban areas, the market for women‟s jeans is growing at a fast
pace. NaaR with its unique business model hopes to garner a significant share of
this market. The promoter of NaaR along with her top executives is confident that
their concept of JIT jeans would work.
(a) Do you think NaaR‟s strategy would work? Why or why not? What is the
importance of retailers in its business strategy?
(b) Will customers wait for 10 days to have the jeans delivered? What can NaaR
do to compete on customer service if delivery takes this much time?
(c) Analyse the advantages & disadvantages of JIT NaaR clothing Inc.
Sol a) Yes
b) Importance is to make partnership, Gain Market share , Distribution,
extension of business.
Advantages Disadvantages
 Reduction in inventory
 Reduction in labor costs
 Reduction in space needed to
 Reduction in WIP (work in
 Increase in production
 Improvements in product
quality (lower rates of defects)
 Reduction of throughput time
 Reduction of standard hours
Increase in number of shipments
Course outcomes
Students will be able to
CO3: Evaluate the importance of Lean Manufacturing
CO4: Develop strategies of Total quality management

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