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Teen melancholy is considerably more than simply feeling sad or depressed for a brief time.

It is
a significant mood condition that can affect how you think, feel, and function in daily life,
causing issues at home, school, and in social relationships. When you're depressed, you could
feel hopeless and alone, as if no one knows what you're going through. Adolescent depression,
on the other hand, is significantly more frequent than you may imagine. One in every five teens
suffers from depression as a result of the increasing scholastic load, social obstacles, and
hormonal changes that occur throughout adolescence. You are not alone, and melancholy is not a
sign of weakness or weaknesses in your character. This concept assists us in removing the risk
that so many people who suffer from these illnesses experience. We assist them in realizing that
they are not alone and that help is available. This can only be accomplished by sharing our
stories, and in order to do so, we must discuss depression.

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