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Swot analysis


 During rehearsals I stayed focused and motivated in order to meet the deadlines for the
performance, I also made different to do lists for each day in order to achieve my goal.
 I managed the rehearsal time well to complete all dancers and have time to polish them
before the performances.
 I created a solo in two weeks that I will now use for my dance school auditions, and I have
had lots of practice rehearsing this and preforming it Infront of and audience.
 In all dances that we choreographed we used the space well and included lots of different
 I embodied a variety of different styles and have developed my learning skills and technique
to become a more diverse dancer and performer.
 I used my face will in all the pieces, applying the correct expression for the character of each
 We all adapted group choreography so that you couldn’t tell we were missing a dancer as
one of our classmates got injured at the last minute.
 I handled dealing with props not going quite to plan in the performance. We had a phone
case as a prop in one of the dances and in the performance my phone case kept falling out,
so I ended up just holding it in my hand and subtly putting it back into my pocket. The
feedback I had from audience members were that they didn’t even notice my phone case
kept falling out, so overall I think I dealt with this quite well.
 And am confident in speaking Infront of people so when I talk and explain exercise in my
workshop, others will be able to hear me.
 I am very organised, and I will spend a lot of time preparing for my workshop this will mean
that I have things planned and I will be ready to teach.
 I will be really motivated and excited to learn a new style and this will show that I am
passionate about dance in my workshop and keep people interested when I am talking.


 After watching rehearsal footage back, I realised that especially in my solo because of how
fast my solo is I always find it challenging to get breathe in so I pull a strange face when I am
concentrating and when I am struggling to intake breathe, but this is something I can now
acknowledge and work on in time for auditions.
 Keeping my energy levels up and performance was particularly challenging especially in
Fame as there are a lot of repeats, so I had to perform with even more energy to not look
bred and keep the performance exciting. What has helped me achieve this in the past is to
smile and use my face for some reason using my face whilst dancing gives me more energy.
 One of my weaknesses that I noticed during run throughs and rehearsals was my stamina
levels need to improve as I was really struggling after each number. To work on this, I will try
and schedule gym sessions and go out for runs so that I keep my fitness levels up, especially
over Christmas.
 I haven’t performed Infront of an audience for a long time, so I was very nervous and out of
 I have never taught anyone a class or a workshop before, so this is something completely
new for me.
 When I’m Infront of a room full of people I might get nervous, but I will make sure to try and
stay as relaxed as possible so that I can enjoy teaching my workshop but also make sure that
others can hear me.
 My lack of experience might show through my workshop but if I am confident, it won’t


 In rehearsals I filmed and got feedback constantly from teachers and classmates to improve
each piece before the show.
 After our performance I got feedback from friends and family that watched the
performance, and I can now apply the positive things they said as to my strengths.
 I had the chance to work in styles I do not particularly work in such as jazz and Burlesque.
 I also got to work with new people and had the opportunity to work watch new people
dance and become inspired and motivated.
 There was also a full audience watching so I had the experience of preforming Infront of all
new people and not just my classmates.
 By teaching a workshop in a new style I will not only gain experience of teaching but also
learn a new style and become an even more diverse dancer.
 Unit 11 will help me expand my knowledge and understanding into the history of African
dance and how it has influenced dance today.
 From this experience I will have gained new skills that will help me in the future of my dance


 COVID was a threat to us doing the show and having a live audience but to solve this
everyone wore masks and did lateral flows before and afterwards.
 Related to lockdown the government announcing another lockdown would have stopped
the show completely, so that was always a worry.
 Recently I had injured foot, so I had to really take care of my foot in rehearsals and show
 Not having enough energy for the whole show. This is something I struggle with, I find it hard
to keep going when I have been dancing all week, and this would affect my performance
 My fear of teaching stopping me from enjoying the workshop and having fun.
 If people find it hard to pick up this new style that I will teach and then they don’t enjoy it, I
will start to think I won’t be teaching very well.
 Trying to talk about something I have just researched/learnt about can be quite nerve
 In my workshop when I will be teaching my teacher will be watching writing notes, there will
be a camera and a room full of people, so this will make me very nervous.

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