China Clay CNP 7 February 2022 Agenda

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Information Classification: PUBLIC

Meeting: China Clay Community Network Panel Meeting
Date & Time: Monday 7th February 2022 at 7.00pm-9.00pm
Location: Virtual Meeting. Link to join the meeting is;
Click here to join the meeting

China Clay CNP Agenda Timings

1. Welcome, Apologies & Introductions 7:00 -
a) MS Teams etiquette – Tasha Davis, Community Link Officer 7:05
b) Apologies for absence
c) Round table introductions

2. A30 Link Road 7:05 -

Update from Steve Gudge, Project Manager, Cornwall Council 7:20

3. Cornish Lithium 7:20 -

Update on Trelavour Project 7:35

4. Cornwall Metro 7:35 -

Update on impact for Par to Newquay branch line from Tony Roche, Cornwall 7:50

5. Community Network Highways Scheme 2022/2025 7.50 -

Update from Tasha Davis – Community Link Officer on the new allocation 8:00

6. Notes of last panel meeting (6 December 2021) 8:00 -

To agree the notes as a correct record (copy circulated with the agenda). 8:05

7. Public Participation 8:05 -

An opportunity for members of the public to raise any questions. 8:10

8. Cornwall Council Update 8:10-

Sophie Hosking, Strategic Director for Neighbourhoods and Panel CLT Ambassador. 8:20

9. China Clay Area Strategy – progress update 8:20-

Cornwall Councillor Dick Cole 8:30

10. Round Table Update 8:30-

An opportunity for Cornwall Councillors & Parish representatives to update the 8:45
panel on relevant issues.

11. General Updates 8:45-

11.1 Minorca Lane and wider Gypsy & Traveller issues 8:55
11.2 Neighbourhood Planning – updates from NP groups in the China Clay area
11.3 Climate Change
11.4 Anti-Social Behaviour
Information Classification: PUBLIC

12. Have Your Say For noting

Current consultations on Cornwall Council website:
• Adult Social Care
• Draft Housing Strategy
For further information on current consultations and projects please visit;
Let's Talk Cornwall

13. Any Other Business 8:55-

14. Meeting dates for 2022 For noting
• Monday 4 April 2022
• Monday 13 June 2022 (AGM)
• Monday 1 August 2022
• Monday 3 October 2022
• Monday 5 December 2022

Membership of China Clay Community Network Panel:

Cornwall Councillors for China Clay Community Network Area:

Dick Cole - St Dennis & St Enoder
Peter Guest - Roche & Bugle
Mike McLening - St Stephen-In-Brannel
Matthew Luke - Penwithick and Boscoppa

Representatives of Parish Councils within the China Clay Community Network Area:
St Dennis
St Enoder
St Stephen-In-Brannel

Contact Officers:
If you have any queries about the Community Network Panel, please contact:
Name Role Telephone Email

Tasha Davis Community Link 01726 223371

Lisa Grigg Support Assistant 01726 223604

Website: China Clay - Cornwall Council

Agenda published: 27/01/22

Community Network Priorities 2021/22

It was agreed at the Annual General Meeting on 14th June 2021 to adopt one priority for 2021/22:

To finalise, agree and promote the Strategy, this being a catalyst for pushing for a fair share and
investment for the China Clay area.

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