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H.T.NO: 1325-20-672-192


Department of Business Administration

(Affiliated to Osmania University)
Aurora’s PG College (MBA), Ramanthapur
Department of Management


Title of the Project : A STUDY ON ANALYSIS OF



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The term “marketing mix” was coined in 1953 by Neil Borden in his American Marketing
Association presidential address. However, this was actually a reformulation of an earlier idea
by his associate, James Culliton, who in 1948 described the role of the marketing manager as
a "mixer of ingredients", who sometimes follows recipes prepared by others, sometimes
prepares his own recipe as he goes along, sometimes adapts a recipe from immediately
available ingredients, and at other times invents new ingredients no one else has tried. A
prominent marketer, E. Jerome McCarthy, proposed a Four P classification in 1960, which
has seen wide use.

Four P's
1. Product
It is a tangible object or an intangible service that is mass produced or manufactured on a
large scale with a specific volume of units. Intangible products are service based on the
tourism industry& the hotel industry or codes-based products like cellphone load and credits.
Typical examples of a mass produced tangible objects are the motor car and the disposable
razor. The packaging also needs to be taken into consideration. Every product is subject to a
life-cycle including a growth phase followed by an eventual period of decline as the product
approaches market saturation. To retain its competitiveness in the market, product
differentiation is required and is one of the strategies to differentiate a product from its

2. Price
The price is the amount a customer pays for the product. The business may increase or
decrease the price of theproduct if other stores have the same product.
3. Place
Place represents the location where a product can be purchased. It is often referred to as the
distribution channel. It can include any physical store as well as virtual stores on the Internet.
4. Promotion
It represents all of the communications that a marketer may use in the marketplace. The
promotion has four distinct elements: advertising, public relations, personal selling, and sales
promotion. A certain amount of crossover occurs when promotion uses the four principal
elements together, which is common in film promotion. Advertising covers any
communication that is paid for, from cinema commercials, radio and Internet adverts through
print media and billboards. Public relations are where the communication is not directly paid
for and includes press releases, sponsorship deals, exhibitions, conferences, seminars or trade
fairs and events. Word of mouth is any apparently informal communication about the product
by ordinary individuals, satisfied customers or people specifically engaged to create word of
mouth momentum.

Any organization, before introducing its products or services into the market; conducts a
market survey. The sequence of all 'P's as above is very much important at every stage of
“product life cycle”such as Introduction, Growth, Maturity, and Decline.

Extended Marketing Mix (3 Ps)

More recently, three more Ps have been added to the marketing mix namely People, Process,
and Physical Evidence. This marketing mix is known as Extended Marketing Mix.
5. People
All people involved with consumption of a service are important. For example workers,
management, consumers etc. It also defines the market segmentation, mainly demographic
segmentation. It addresses aparticular class of people for whom the product or service is
made available.
6. Process
The procedure, mechanism, and flow of activities by which services are used.Also, the
'Procedure' how the product will reach the end user.
7. Physical Evidence
The marketing strategy should include effectively communicating their satisfaction to
potential customers.

Features of Marketing Mix

1. It helps to establish a cordial and abiding relationship between the organization and its
2. It is a creative art. It creates wants a new.
3. It is a science, in the sense that “One human mind influences another human mind”.
4. Personal selling imparts knowledge and technical assistance to the consumers.

Promotion includes all those functions, which have to do with the marketing of a product all
other activities designed to increase and expand the market. But it is clearly distinguished
from advertising and personal selling, through basic aim or all the three is one and the same
viz., to increase the volume of sales.
“Sales promotion in a specific sense refers to those sales activities that supplement both
personal selling and advertising and co-ordination ate them and help to make them effective,
such as displays, shows and expositions, demonstrations and other nonrecurrent selling efforts
not in the ordinary routine”.

Evaluation of Sales Promotion:

Two decades ago, there was no agreement among the marketing people that there was a
separate sales promotion function. In those days, thepromotion was a “share- run to gain a
short run well”. The importance of sales promotion is modern marketing has increased mainly
on account of its ability in promoting sales and preparing the ground for future expansion.
The main objective of sales promotion is to attract the prospective buyer towards the product.

The publicity is derived as “Any form of commercially significant news about a product, an
institution, a service, or a person published I space or radio i.e. not paid for by the sponsor”.
In short, theadvertisement is paid aform of publicity. It is to be noted here that though the
terms ‘advertising’ and ‘Publicity’ or differences in the field of marketing, both are used
interchangeably.The media are broadly classified as direct indirect. The direct method of
advertising refers to such methods used by the advertiser with which he could establish a
direct contact with the prospects. Most of the media are indirect in nature EX: Free Publicity,
cinema, etc.
The increasing competition in business is the reason to pay much more attention to satisfying
customers. It may help the market to notice role of customer satisfaction in the overall context
of product of service development and management.
Customers do not buy services, they buy satisfaction. Hence marketers must be clear about
the satisfaction the customer is seeking and check out whether the customers are getting the
actual satisfaction. This study helps the marketers to take necessary steps to gain the
competitive advantage over the competitors.
The study helps to predict further behavior intentions of the customers such as intention to
repurchase, intention to increase the usage, intention to recommend the product and Service
to others. Today the customers have wide variety of motorcycles to chose.
If the satisfaction level of the customer goes down he may switch over to other brand.
Ultimately the company loses its actual customers. This study helps the marketer to take
necessary steps to overcome this problem and retain in the increase of customer loyalty.
The area of study is considered to be in two districtsare Hyderabad and Ranga Reddy

In the present study an attempt has been made to know the actual implementation of
Communication Process as management techniques in general and some other aspects such as
awareness of the workers, effectiveness of the performance appraisal system in particular.

Human resource projections are valid on appraisals. By improving job skills, the employees
have lot of scope for development and prepare themselves for higher responsibilities.
 To study the promotional activities offered by FORTUNE FORD PVT. LTD.
 To identify the impact of sales in the market by using promotional strategies of

 To study the customer’s awareness towards the after sale services offered to
him or her.
 To know the importance reason the respondents give to each factor for
Purchasing in FORTUNE FORD PVT. LTD.
 To know the customer service satisfaction from the respondents.
a) Source of Data:
1) Primary Data:

The primary data is collected through questionnaires from the customers.

2) Secondary Data:

The secondary data is collected from the books, journals and internet.

Data Collected Method:

The data is collected through close ended questionnaire.

b) Sample Size:
1. The sample size of the survey (N) is 100.
2. Samples are collected customers of showroom.
3. The age limit of the customers is in between 20-55.
4. The customers will be randomly selected.
c) Tools & Techniques: For analyzing the data statistical tables, percentages, and
bar-diagrams will be used.
d) Further scope of study: The topic of promotional activities is vast there is
further scope of study for Eg. Advertising, sales promotion etc.
e) Kind of research: The research study will be carried out in qualitative and
quantitative research approaches.
The research has to be done in very efficient way; the frame work for collecting data is called
research design.
The statistical involves the study of a few factors in large number of cased. The contents of
research design are
i) Data collected method.
ii) Research instrument.
f) Survey approach: The survey will be conducted through close ended
questionnaire. This questionnaire will contain the multiple choice questions; each
question will be given options. The collection of data in survey follows two types they
i) Primary data (first hand data).
ii) Secondary data (used data).
Period of the Study:
Since so many years FORTUNE FORD PVT. LTDHyderabad has been following the same
procedure of Communication Process for their executives and employees and for the study
of my project last one-year data has collected on Promotional Activates..

The Marketing Mix

The major marketing management decisions can be classified in one of the following four
 Product
 Price
 Place (distribution)
 Promotion
These variables are known as the marketing mix or the 4 P's of marketing. They are the
variables that marketing managers can control in order to best satisfy customers in the target
market. The marketing mix is portrayed in the following diagram:
The firm attempts to generate a positive response in the target market by blending these four
marketing mix variables in an optimal manner.
The product is the physical product or service offered to the consumer. In the case of physical
products, it also refers to any services or conveniences that are part of the offering.
Product decisions include aspects such as function, appearance, packaging, service, warranty,
Pricing decisions should take into account profit margins and the probable pricing response of
competitors. Pricing includes not only the list price, but also discounts, financing, and other
options such as leasing.

Place (or placement) decisions are those associated with channels of distribution that serve as
the means for getting the product to the target customers. The distribution system performs
transactional, logistical, and facilitating functions.Distribution decisions include market
coverage, channel member selection, logistics, and levels of service.
Promotion decisions are those related to communicating and selling to potential consumers.
Since these costs can be large in proportion to the product price, a break-even analysis should
be performed when making promotion decisions. It is useful to know the value of a customer
in order to determine whether additional customers are worth the cost of acquiring
them.Promotion decisions involve advertising, public relations, media types, etc.
A Summary Table of the Marketing Mix
The following table summarizes the marketing mix decisions, including a list of some of the
aspects of each of the 4Ps.
Summary of Marketing Mix Decisions

Product Price Place Promotion

Functionality List price Channel members Advertising

Appearance Discounts Channel motivation Personal selling

Quality Allowances Market coverage Public relations

Packaging Financing Locations Message

Brand Leasing options Logistics Media

Warranty Service levels Budget

2.2 Articles on Marketing Mix

Article: 1

Title: Brand and Marketing Mix-A Review

Author: Anusha KS

Source: Department of Human Resource (Organisation development), Ronald Ross PG

College, Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana


This review article aims to examine the importance of branding and marketing mix. The

article has estimated the ways to promote the product and how the product gains the brand

name based on the written points by the authors it has been estimated that the marketing

strategy have directly or indirectly helped in gaining brand image with the few aspects which

emphasis on the promotion and marketing mix to gain the brand name.
Article: 2

Title: Marketing Mix Theoretical Aspects

Author: Margarita Išoraitė

Source: Margarita Išoraitė, “Marketing Mix Theoretical Aspects” International Journal

of Research – Granthaalayah, Vol. 4, No. 6 (2016): 25-37.

Abstract: Aim of article is to analyze marketing mix theoretical aspects. The article discusses

that marketing mix is one of the main objectives of the marketing mix elements for setting

objectives and marketing budget measures. The importance of each element depends not only

on the company and its activities, but also on the competition and time. All marketing

elements are interrelated and should be seen in the whole of their actions. Some items may

have greater importance than others; it depends mainly on the company's strategy and its

activities. Companies that provide services - the provision of services will be a key element.

Article arises research questions is marketing mix create added value for enterprises. There

are used scientific literature and analysis methods in article. An analysis of the scientific

literature, it can be said that the marketing mix measures are the actions and measures

necessary to achieve marketing goals. Marketing elements: product, price, place and

promotion are used for marketing objectives. These instruments operate most efficiently

when all the elements are combined and working together

Article: 3

Title: The Effect of Marketing Mix in Attracting Customers

Author: BahmanSaeidi Pour, Kamran Nazari and MostafaEmami

Source: Department of Educational, Payam Noor University, Iran

Abstract: This study investigated the impact of marketing mix in attracting customers to

Saderat Bank in Kermanshah Province. Questionnaire which included 30 questions was used

to collect information in this research. The reliability of the questionnaire was calculated

using Cronbach's alpha, and a value of 0.882 was obtained, greater than 0.7 which is the

reliability of the questionnaire. The population used in this study is the customers of Saderat

Bank in Kermanshah Province, with at least one account, interestfree loans and savings. 250

questionnaires were collected by stratified random sampling. The work has one main

hypothesis and 5 sub- hypotheses. Pearson correlation test was used to test the hypotheses. It

was established that factors in the marketing mix have a significant positive effect in

absorbing customers. That means the bank has a significant positive effect. Key words:

Marketing, marketing mix factors, customers’ orientation, customers‘ satisfaction

Article - 4
Title : Strategic marketing and marketing strategy: domain, definition, fundamental issues
and foundational premises

Author: Rajan Varadarajan

This paper proposes a domain statement for strategic marketing as a field of study and
delineates certain issues fundamental to the field. It also proposes a definition for marketing
strategy, the focal organizational strategy construct of the field, and enumerates a number of
foundational premises of marketing strategy. The domain of strategic marketing is viewed as
encompassing the study of organizational, inter-organizational and environmental phenomena
concerned with (1) the behavior of organizations in the marketplace in their interactions with
consumers, customers, competitors and other external constituencies, in the context of
creation, communication and delivery of products that offer value to customers in exchanges
with organizations, and (2) the general management responsibilities associated with the
boundary spanning role of the marketing function in organizations. At the broadest level,
marketing strategy can be defined as an organization‘s integrated pattern of decisions that
specify its crucial choices concerning products, markets, marketing activities and marketing
resources in the creation, communication and/or delivery of products that offer value to
customers in exchanges with the organization and thereby enables the organization to achieve
specific objectives. Chief among the issues that are fundamental to strategic marketing as a
field of study are the questions of how the marketing strategy of a business is influenced by
demand side factors and supply side factors.

Keywords : Strategic marketing, Marketing strategy, Competitive marketing strategy,

Market strategy.

Article - 5
Title : Research in marketing strategy
Authors : Neil A. Morgan, Kimberly A. Whitler, Hui Feng, Simos Chari

Marketing strategy is a construct that lies at the conceptual heart of the field of strategic
marketing and is central to the practice ofmarketing. It is also the area within which many of
the most pressing current challenges identified by marketers and CMOs arise.We develop a
new conceptualization of the domain and sub-domains of marketing strategy and use this lens
to assess the currentstate of marketing strategy research by examining the papers in the six
most influential marketing journals over the period 1999through 2017. We uncover important
challenges to marketing strategy research—not least the increasingly limited number
andfocus of studies, and the declining use of both theory and primary research designs.
However, we also uncover numerousopportunities for developing important and highly
relevant new marketing strategy knowledge—the number and importanceof unanswered
marketing strategy questions and opportunities to impact practice has arguably never been
greater. To guide suchresearch, we develop a new research agenda that provides opportunities
for researchers to develop new theory, establish clearrelevance, and contribute to improving

Keywords :Marketing strategy .Strategic marketing .CMO marketing challenges .Research

design .Review
While human being thought of running faster than the wind and fly higher with his
dreams, then the concept of cars came into his mysterious but solving mind. With the
invention of the wheel in 4000 BC, man’s journey on the road of mechanized transport had
begun. Since then he continually sought to devise an automated, labour saving machine to
replace the horse. Innumerable attempts reached conclusion in the early 1760s with the
building of the first steam driven tractor by a FrenchCaptain, Nicolas Jacob Cugnot.

It was however left to Karl Benz and Gottlieb Damlier to produce the first vehicles
powered by the internal combustion engine in 1885. It was then that the petrol engine was
introduced, which made the car a practical and safe proposition. The cars in this period were
more like the cars on our roads today. With cars came the era of speed.

The first ever land-speed record was established about a 100 years back, in 1898.
Count Gaston de Chasseloup-Laubat of France drove an electric car (in Archers near Paris) at
a speed of 39.24 miles per hour. This flagged off the era of ‘wheels racing’, which lasted till
1964, after which jet and rocket -propelled vehicles were allowed.
Then onwards, it has been one big journey...on the roads.

Indian car industry:

Compare to various countries industries Indian car industry is the fastest growing car
industry. Coming into details India gave birth to its first car on the city street anticipated from
the beginning of twentieth century i.e. in 1898 the first car rolled on the Indian roads.

But the first car that was produced in India is by Premier Auto back mobile(PAL) in
the year 1946 though the Hindustan Motors (HM) was setup in the year 1942 and PAL was
established in 1944 the HM concentrated on auto components and could produce their first
car in the year 1948. By this we can say Indian car industry is going from strength to strength
i.e., Fast, faster, fastest .and there was no turning back. This can be proved by going into the
statistics of the car Industry. Let’s see the Production trend, sales trend, Exporting trend for
five years of Indian car industry.

The company has invested heavily in India to give the finest in automobiles. Rs. 1700 crore
has been invested in integrated manufacturing plant at Maraimalai Nagar, 45 kms from
Chennai. The plant is equipped with state-of-the-art Ford technology in an area of 350 acres.
It has a capacity of 100,000 vehicles per annum.

Ford Motor Company, a global automotive industry leader based in Dearborn, Mich.,
manufactures and distributes automobiles in 200 markets across six continents. With about
300,000 employees and 108 plants worldwide, the company’s core and affiliated automotive
brands include Ford, Jaguar, Land Rover, Lincoln, Mazda, Mercury and Volvo. Its
automotive-related services include Ford Motor Credit Company.

Vehicle Brands:

Automotive Service Brands:

The company's world headquarters is in Dearborn, Michigan. Ford Motor Company officially
celebrated its 100th anniversary on June 16, 2004
One of the most essential ingredients for a successful business is communication. The
company strives to keep the public well informed about them, their products, financial
progress, and public policy.

 Focusing on customer satisfaction and loyalty and keeping their promises

 Using their understanding of the market to anticipate customer needs
 Delivering innovative products and services that offer high value in terms of function, price,
quality, safety and environmental performance

The statement given by Bill Ford Chairman & CEO, Ford Motor Company on the occasion
of its 100th anniversary is
"At Ford Motor Company, we have made sustainability a long-term strategic business
priority. The reason is simple: we are a 100-year-old company, and I want us to become a
200-year-old company. Sustainability is about ensuring that our business is innovative,
competitive and profitable in a world that is facing major environmental and social changes."
 The company is not concentrating on other types of advertising media.
 The package design should be communicative and eye catching, so package design
and color have to blend harmoniously to make the package communication effective.
 Network (Market) should be expanding to rural villages.
 Reduce the rates to increase the market share.
 The company should conduct road shows so as to get awareness in the public about
the product and services.
 Improve the marketing personnel and they should give full knowledge to the
customers and retailers.
 Primary data analysis only depended on the respondents.
 Process of study/survey is limited only to some customers.
 Survey will be conducted for the period of 45 days only.
 Though the customers wanted to give information they could not give as it
wastes their business time.
 The accuracy of the answers depends upon the mode of interest of
 Though the customers wanted to give information they could not, as they felt
it takes away their business time.
 The accuracy of the answers depends upon the mode of interest of
 The opinions of the sample may or may not depict the exact opinions of the
total population.


This chapter includes the introduction of the topic, need, scope, objectives of the study,
Project limitations and methodology of the study.


This chapter includes the theoretical background and articles written by different authors and
brief explanation of the topic.



This chapter includes the comparative analysis of the financial statements of the five years
data and it also includes the interpretation based on the study.


This chapter includes the overall summary of the project and the conclusion based on the
study during the period.

1. PHILLIP KOTLER Principles of Marketing – 11th Edition

Prentice Hall India.

2. PHILLIP KOTLAR Marketing Management – Millennium

Edition.Prentice Hall India

3. V.S.RAMASWAMY & Marketing Management -7th Edition

NAMAKUMARI Millennium India Ltd.

4. RICHARD R STILL Sales Management -5th Edition

Prentice Hall India.

5. G.C.BERI Marketing Research -6th Edition

Tata McGraw Hill Co.Ltd.

6. LUCK DAVID & Marketing Research -7th Edition

ROBIN RONALD Prentice Hall India.


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