Ignou Mca Mcs-034 Solved Assignment 2011

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Course Code : MCS-034

Course Title : Software Engineering

Question 1:

Question 1:
Assume that you are assigned responsibility of developing a Library Information System for a
University(LIS).There are 5 libraries within the University.LIS needs to be University wide and needs to cater to all
the 5 libraries in a network mode.So,any staff member or a student will be able to know the availability for all the
remaining transactions also.Make assumptions,wherever necessary.

Now, perform the following activities for LIS. Make assumptions, wherever necessary.

(a) Which SDLC model will you choose? Justify your answer

The Spiral model seems as an ideal choice here. No other model seems a reasonable alternative
to accept as a different answer.This model combines the features of the prototyping & the
waterfall model.As library information system for a university is a large project,therefore spiral
model is intended for large,complex,expensive & complicated projects.

The steps in the spiral model can be generalized as follows:

1. The new system requirements are defined in as much detail as possible. This usually
involves interviewing a number of users representing all the external or internal users and other
aspects of the existing system.

2. A preliminary design is created for the new system.

3. A first prototype of the new system is constructed from the preliminary design. This is
usually a scaled-down system, and represents an approximation of the characteristics of the final

4. A second prototype is evolved by a fourfold procedure: (1) evaluating the first

prototype in terms of its strengths, weaknesses, and risks; (2) defining the

requirements of the second prototype; (3) planning and designing the second

prototype; (4) constructing and testing the second prototype.

1. Estimates (i.e. budget, schedule, etc.) become more realistic as work progresses, because important issues
are discovered earlier.

2. It is more able to cope with the (nearly inevitable) changes that software development generally entails.
3. Software engineers (who can get restless with protracted design processes) can get their hands in and start
working on a project earlier.

1. Highly customized limiting re-usability

2. Applied differently for each application

3. Risk of not meeting budget or schedule

4. Risk of not meeting budget or schedule

(b) List the functional and non-functional requirements.

1. Functional requirements
In software engineering, a functional requirement defines a function of a software system or its
component. A function is described as a set of inputs, the behavior, and outputs (see also
software). Functional requirements may be calculations, technical details, data manipulation and
processing and other specific functionality that define what a system is supposed to accomplish..

User Interfaces:
1.Login screen
2.menu selection screen
3.book storage
4.readers information
5.book issue
6.book return
8.staff detail

Hardware Interfaces Server Configuration:

Minimum 2GB Hard Disk
P-III processor or equivalent
Ram 512 MB
Windows with Apache preloaded.Client Configuration
A terminal with Internet Explorer and Printer.

Software Interfaces Operating system – WindowsXP

OracleNetwork -- LAN

2. Non-functional requirements
In systems engineering and requirements engineering, a non-functional requirement is a requirement that specifies
criteria that can be used to judge the operation of a system, rather than specific behaviors. This should be contrasted
with functional requirements that define specific behavior or functions. Non-functional requirements are often called
qualities of a system.
Performance Requirements :
System can withstand even though many number of users requested the desired service. As we are
keeping office level server of the automated payroll system. And access is given to the only registered
users of office who requires the services of viewing, Updating etc. It can withstand the load

Safety & Reliability Requirements

By incorporating a robust and proven SQL into the system, reliable performance and integrity of data is
ensured. There must be a power backup for server system.

Security Requirements

Sensitive data is protected from unwanted access by users appropriate technology and implementing strict
user- access criteria.

(c )Estimate cost of the project.

Hint: Software Cost Estimation is widely considered to be a weak link in software project management. It requires a
significant amount of effort to perform it correctly. Errors in Software Cost Estimation can be attributed to a variety
of factors. Various studies in the last decade indicated that 3 out of 4 Software projects are not finished on time or
within budget or both

Who is responsible for Software Cost Estimation? The group of people responsible for creating a software cost
estimate can vary with each organization. However the following is possible in most scenarios –

- People who are directly involved with the implementation are involved in the ..estimate. - Project Manager is
responsible for producing realistic cost estimates. - Project Managers may perform this task on their own or consult
with ..programmers responsible. - Various studies indicate that if the programmers responsible for development ..are
involved in the estimation it was more accurate. The programmers have ..more motivation to meet the targets if they
were involved in the estimation ..process.

Factors contributing to inaccurate estimation

· Scope Creeps, imprecise and drifting requirements · New software projects pose new challenges, which may be
very different from ..the past projects. · Many teams fail to document metrics and lessons learned from past projects
· Many a times the estimates are forced to match the available time and ..resources by aggressive leaders ·
Unrealistic estimates may be created by various „political under currents‟

Impact of Under-estimating:
Under-Estimating a project can be vary damaging
- It leads to improper Project Planning - It can also result in under-staffing and may result in an over worked and
..burnt out team - Above all the quality of deliverables may be directly affected due insufficient ..testing and QA -
Missed Dead lines cause loss of Credibility and goodwill

( d)Estimate Effort:
 Estimating
 The process of forecasting or approximating the time and cost of completing project deliverables.
 The task of balancing the expectations of stakeholders and the need for control while the project is
The two primary elements in test estimation are time and resources. Your estimation needs to take both into account.

There are many questions you need to answer in order to do test estimation. The more accurate
and thorough your answers to these questions the better your test estimation.

1) What modules or functionalities will be tested and how many testers are available to test
them? Of course as functionalities increase and/or number of testers decrease the more time it
will take to throughly test the application.

2) What is the complexity of each of these modules or functionalities? As the complexity

increases the more time and effort will be required to understand the application create test plans
create test cases execute test cases regress test cases and retest defects.

3) How many test iterations (test runs) will be required to complete the test project?
This is also related to complexity. As an application becomes more complex it will typically
require more test iterations to reach the company's exit critera (the number of open defects by
severity and priority that a company can live with).

4) How much time will be required by developers to produce fixes for new builds between test
runs? Complexity is also a factor here. As an application becomes more complex there are often
more dependencies between modules and functionalities. This often requires coordination
between developers. Consequently this takes more time. This is important because your
estimation must also include the amount of time testers are waiting for the next build between
test runs.

5) What is the average number of defects that you anticipate will be found during each test run?
You may have already guessed that complexity is a factor here too. The more complex an
application the greater number of defects will reach the test team when the application is released
to them. In addition the more complex the application the more likely that severe and high
priority defects will be found in later stages of the test process.

(E): Write SRS

3. Introduction
3.1 Purpose

The goal of this document is to give description of how to use the Library Information System (LIS)
(release 1.0). It gives complete information about functional and nonfunctional requirements of system.
This SRS document is done for developers of LIS as well as for Library clerk and staff. Document easy
to read and understood, there are no particular typographical conventions.

3.2 Project Scope

Purpose of LIS is to automat activities of Library informational system such as storing

information about books, members and sponsors as well as penalties will be executed by
computer. LIS will allow doing statistics for Library purposes (such as, sorting books or ordering
new books). LIS can be fully independent system, but also can be part of other systems.

3.3 References

CIS 260 Software Engineering – I


3.4 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

LIS – Library Information System

SC – Server Computer
UC – User Computer
SUC – Staff User Computer
M1 – Undergraduate student
M2 – Postgraduate student
M3 – Research scholar
M4 – Faculty Member

4. Overall Description
4.1 Product Perspective

Software Library Information System is aimed to automate required activities of Library. LIS will
give possibility to provide high quality service to the Library members, also to have high planned
and fast work. Due to friendly and multifunctional interface Library clerk will be able to easily
insert, delete and update data, also append comments concern stuff, sponsors, books and
members. Also BS will be able to search and get information about books and their
4.2 User Classes and Characteristics

Clerk - The Clerk is an organizer of all activities in the Library. Clerk has an all rights and
accesses to all private information. Clerk has an opportunity to delete or to add member’s,
staff’s, book’s, sponsor’s or other important information. Clerk is a user of SC, all databases and
statistics visible only for Clerk.

Library Staff – Part of library staffs which have an access to the SUC allow giving book and
taking returned books. Library staff

Member – Each Library member has an ID number. They have access to UC and allow
searching book and borrowing or reserving it. Members must return book in time or pay
M1 – Undergraduate student, can issue up to 2 books for 1 mount duration.
M2 – Postgraduate student, can issue up to 4 books for 1 mount duration.
M3 – Research scholar, can issue up to 6 books for 3 mount duration.
M4 – Faculty Member, can issue up to 10 books for 6 mount duration.

Books – The Library has at least 10 000 books. Each book has unique number (ISBN).
B1 – This books can be borrowed
B2 – These books can only be used inside of Library.

Library Staff

n System


4.3 Operating Environment

Gui Based runs on windows xp/2000 with minium requirement of hardware as

Hdd: 1 gb
Ram:128 mb
Cd rom: 16* cd-rom

4.4 User Documentation

LIS sell give help when user pushing F1 in keyboard as well as by clicking into help button. Help
includes guidelines about searching and borrowing the book. Also there is documentation
where each member could get information about borrowing durations and Library policy.

5. System Features
5.1 Searching

Searching can be done in two ways by title and by author. If keyword true information about
book will be executed with information is it available or not. If keyword wrong system will send
massage with error condition. If keyword true but book not available system will return
information about book with information about borrowing period.

5.2 Clerk

Clerk putting ID number of member, if member has penalties system sending alarm with
information about penalty, otherwise it continues work. Then clerk putting ISBN of book and if it
is not reserved system asking about allowing to continue if answer OK it moving book from
available into borrowed.

6. External Interface Requirements

6.1 User Interfaces

LIS are very friendly it can be used by user without any explanation.

6.2 Software Interfaces

LIS including two parts of system, one for member and second for user. In user part only search
is available, in clerk part available all parts of system.

6.3 Communications Interfaces

Communications realized by standard forms and massage windows.

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