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YEAR 2021/2022



DATE : 9 February 2022 DURATION : 3 Hours




Student’s Name: Tok You Seng

Student’s ID: B210053A

Instructions to Candidates:

Answer ALL questions. Each question contributes 25 marks.

Standard format: Times New Roman (12pt) or Arial (11pt), 1.5 spacing, 1” margin, A4,
Microsoft Word document.

For the submission of your answers, you are required to use this page as your cover page.
Name the document with the following file name:
<student’s ID>_<subject code>_FINAL EXAM
for example, B100000A_BBMN3213_FINAL EXAM.

Submission date: By 9th February 2022, 11:00am through SUCCM e-learning portal. Deadline for
submission of this examination is to be strictly adhered to. Late submission will NOT be
accepted and be awarded ZERO (0) mark.

Question Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total

This question paper consists of 4 questions on 3 printed pages.



Q1. Garden International School, a private educational institution, provides a thorough

induction programme for its new teachers, which is especially valuable to their
employees, many of whom are expatriates. The school helps its new employees by
providing plenty of information on its website. Before the new teacher arrives in
Malaysia, he or she is contacted by members of the teaching staff who are willing to
answer any questions. An induction programme is a short course to familiarize new
employees with the workplace.

(a) As an induction organizer, suggest draft of an induction programmes for

Garden International School. (10 marks)

Answer Q1(a):

The first is first impressions count. As an international school hiring expatriate teachers,
there’s a clear link between effective induction and the retention of new staff.

Second is to prepare for induction. School induction programs usually take place the week
before the start of a new school year, but can sometimes take place during the first few days or weeks
of the first semester. Designed primarily for new employees, many schools use the induction program
to introduce all staff to new policies, procedures or curriculum developments and to provide an
opportunity for the entire new school team to bond.

Third second is staff settling in. The first few weeks of a new school year can be a difficult
time for new international school teachers, who often fall into the trap of mixing priorities. They will
have many immediate personal needs to address, such as housing, finances and banking,
transportation, utilities, communications, and more. If they feel they are supported in organizing their
basic personal priorities, then the new teacher will usually fully understand the demands of a new year
at a new school.

Next is supported onboarding. Some of the most successful induction programs take place
over a period of weeks or even months. As such, it allows new teachers time to get to know the school
and community to help them develop clarity at a pace they can handle.

Last is to assign one or more mentors to each new teacher. These are usually existing staff
members and spouses with similar interests or circumstances. They can help with local and school
information and are often more than willing to provide advice and support on accommodation, travel,
socialising, shopping and general help during placement.

This question paper consists of 4 questions on 3 printed pages.



(b) Discuss how organizer can ensure induction programmes are successful.
(10 marks)
Answer Q1(b):

The first of the organizer to ensure induction programmes are successful prepare an
induction program checklist. For example, the Introduction to team leader or direct
manager, performance standards and expectations of new employee, Introduction to team
members, team roles and responsibilities. In this step it can let employee clearly to know
what will get and know after join the induction program.

Second is discuss the values and vision of the organization. It is critical to sit down
with new employees and let them understand the organization's values and vision and what
they mean and ask what their values mean to them and if they have any questions.

The third is to clearly outline your expectations. Although your role description will
contain some details, it is important to guide each employee on what you expect of them and
how important they are to the success of the company.

Next is regular follow-up. Don't just finish the first week of onboarding and leave!
Schedule a face-to-face meeting with the new hire a few weeks later and learn about them,
the challenges they face integrating with your team.

Last is asking the new employee for feedback. The best way to improve your
employee onboarding process is to ask your recent employees about their experiences, how
can we do your onboarding better? What can be improved? This gives a great feedback to
consider and include in the future induction program and to ensure can be more successful.

This question paper consists of 4 questions on 3 printed pages.



(c) There are a number of potential issues that could jeopardise the success of an
induction programme. When developing an induction programme, these issues
should be carefully considered. Determine TWO (2) issues from it.
(5 marks)
[Total: 25 marks]
Answer Q1(c):

The first of potential issue is some of the organization set the induction programme as
unpaid but the new employee must commit to attend. It will make them disgust with the
organization before starting work, resulting in lower performance.

Second is not prepare the backup plan of induction program for unforeseeable
circumstances. For example, the venue is temporarily rented by others or technical problems

This question paper consists of 4 questions on 3 printed pages.



Q2. (a) For the employer, training is a significant financial investment on employees.
Outline the FIVE (5) steps in organising a training programme to ensure the
program's effectiveness. (10 marks)

Answer Q2(a):

The first step in organizing a training program is to perform the training program
needs assessment. At this step, we can ensure the training needs is it already be established
in the organization strategic or the training plan, to avoid do the repeat job and waste the

The second step is to set organizational training objectives. After we set the training
objective, we can clearly to know what information on knowledge or skills we need to deliver
to employees and it also can help us more easily in the next step more effective which design
the scope of training and plan.

The third step is to design a training programme. The training program was
designed based on what the training objective we set just now. In this step, it can help us to
achieve the goals of developing a training program more effective and accurate.

The fourth step is to implement a training program. Organization should determine

the place is internal or external. In this step, it can help us to ensure the training program can
start with well.

The five-step is evaluating the training programme which is cost-benefit analysis.

This is can let the organization to ensure costs and benefits related with organizational
training efforts.

This question paper consists of 4 questions on 3 printed pages.



(b) To carry out a training programme, the trainer has a variety of methods at his
or her disposal. However, the method of choice will be determined by a
number of factors. Provide those FIVE (5) factors. (10 marks)

Answer Q2(b):

First and foremost, is the training resources and cost. If the cost and resources of
training was limited or not abundant will affect the method and output of training program.

Second is number of trainees. If the trainees were too many that may be not effective
because inability to effectively accommodate and coach every trainee.

Third is geographic locations. Because, some of the trainees who live more far to the
company. For example, company at Kuala Lumpur but the trainees at Johor Bahru.

Forth is time allocated. This is due to the reason that, if the time of training are
longer, they will feel boring.

Last factors are the subject matter. The training content should be attracting the
trainees. The training program should be list out what are the learning outcome for the
trainees in order to attract them rather than participation without purpose.

This question paper consists of 4 questions on 3 printed pages.



(c) Although effective trainers come in a variety of shapes and sizes, certain
characteristics are shared by all effective trainers. State what are the FIVE (5)
qualities that successful trainers must possess? (5 marks)
[Total: 25 marks]

Answer Q2(c):

There have several kinds of characteristics needed to become a successful trainer.

 First is the trainer should have a good communication skill.

 Second characteristics is the flexibility and creativity.
 Third characteristics is the trainer should be strong on observation.
 Forth is trainer have a good leadership.
 Lastly characteristics is be able or brave in speaking to publics.

This question paper consists of 4 questions on 3 printed pages.



Q3. (a) The writer, Josh Bersin (2013), suggests that are simply too many problems
associated with the performance appraisals. Based on your own research, find
out those issues that raised by him. (10 marks)

Answer Q3(a):

In 3rd November 2013, the writer Josh Bersin published an article which "Are Performance
Appraisals Doomed?" Here are some several question his point out as show as below:

The first is the traditional assessment process, where people are scored, based on
the old-fashioned view of employment. Evaluation forms were developed in the early 1900s,
when employees were "workers" and managers were "supervisors." Supervisor rate and rank
people based on output. But today more than 70% of employees are "knowledge workers" or
"service providers" in an organization. These people become more efficient and valuable over
time. So, the more we coach and nurture them, the more productive and happier they become.
Hence, the push process from "competitive assessment" to what we call "guidance and

Second is managers don't "supervise" people so they can't assess performance

like they used to. His opinion is nowadays the organization made the which has taken place
is the flattened, team-oriented, networked nature, and in this case, employee not often work
with manager for days or weeks.

The third is goals change frequently. The reason is traditional appraisals aren't
working is the dynamic nature of goals.

Fourth is managers need to learn how to coach people well, leveraging recognition
and feedback not just evaluation. This is because some employees are promoted to
manager position suddenly, they need to direct, coach, and evaluate people immediately. It
will consider as big challenge.

Lastly is boss-less teams often outperform manager led teams. He points out that the
Wall Street Journal stated that in every case they found that "leaderless teams" outperformed
those with a "boss."

This question paper consists of 4 questions on 3 printed pages.



(b) Examine the distinctions between employee performance management and

performance appraisal. (10 marks)

Answer Q3(b):

Performance management is a series of activities designed to ensure that the

organization gets the performance it needs from its employees. Performance appraisal is
the process of determining how well employees do their jobs to a standard and
communicating that information to the employees.

Performance management looks at an employee’s performance keeping in mind the

present and the future. Performance appraisal evaluates the employee’s performance based
on how he has performed in the immediate past.

Performance management proactively manages an employee’s performance and

ensures that employee has accomplished all the goals. Performance appraisal only looks at
the employee’s performance objectively for the year and give a final feedback to the

Performance management has a qualitative and quantitative approach in the sense it

has ratings and more continuous feedback. Performance appraisal is on the other hand has
a quantitative approach towards an employee’s performance.

Performance management is a continuous ongoing process by giving real time

instant performance reviews. Performance appraisal is a system facilitates performance
appraisals only once or twice a year.

This question paper consists of 4 questions on 3 printed pages.



(c) The human resources department is responsible for selecting an appropriate

performance appraisal system, training individual managers in its use, and
ensuring that the system is properly implemented. Certain features distinguish
effective appraisal systems. List FIVE (5) of the features.
(5 marks)
[Total: 25 marks]

Answer Q3(c):

There have several characteristics of an effective appraisal systems.

 Firstly, performance Appraisal system have a clear appraisal objective.

 Second characteristics is job-related criteria.
 Third is performance expectations.
 Forth is continuous open communication.
 Lastly is have the performance review.

This question paper consists of 4 questions on 3 printed pages.



Q4. (a) When designing a benefits scheme, employers must make a number of
decisions. Suggest the FIVE (5) questions that should be asked while deciding
benefits scheme. (10 marks)

Answer Q4(a):

There have some of the questions that should be asked while deciding benefit schemes.

First question is “What expense levels are acceptable for each benefit?”. This is
most important for an organization because employers should be clear understanding about
their company budget can be provide for each benefit. If employers who did not asked for
this question it may be occur over-budgeted.

Second question is “What is being received by the organization in return for each
benefit?”. As an employer, he/she should be considered what benefit they can receive by the
organization. For example, if they provide a reasonable benefit to employees who meet their
KPI, it can motivate the employee’s work efficiency, increase work productivity, and reduce
the turnover rate.

Third is “Which employees should get which benefits?”. An employer who should
be fair and not biases on get the benefits of each employee. If an employee who achieve their
KPI or make something which is contribute to the organization, employers should give them
rewards or benefits as a motivation. On the other hand, if the employees make mistakes, they
should give punishment.

Next is “How flexible should the benefit package be?”. There have a lot of benefit
such as retirement benefits, security benefit, health care benefit, financial benefit, and the
others. A flexible benefit package is important because there have many choices provided to
employees based on what they want or needed. Additionally, a good benefit scheme can help
an organization boost their employee’s recruitment and lower retention.

Lastly question is “How much the total compensation?”. Employer should be

considered how many compensations that the organization able to provide in order to avoid
the problem of too many compensations or too less. Plus, a standard total compensation also
can prevent any argument of the employees with the organization.

This question paper consists of 4 questions on 3 printed pages.



(b) Discuss the system provided under the industrial relations laws to settle trade
disputes as speedily as possible. (10 marks)

Answer Q4(b):

According to the Labour Relations Act of 1967, disputes are referred to as trade disputes,
which refer to any disagreement between employers and workers or employees related to
employment or non-employment or conditions of employment or working conditions of the
worker or employee leader to take industrial action. The Labour Relation settle trade disputes
are the parties have found a mutually agreed solution, especially at the stage of bilateral
consultations and enforcement of the award, including the possibility of countermeasures
when the losing party fails to implement the award.

This question paper consists of 4 questions on 3 printed pages.



(c) A contract of employment between an employer and employee can be draft for
a fixed period of time, typically ranging from six months to two years, at the
end of which neither party need take any action or give notice. The contract
automatically expires when the contract periods ends. Identify FIVE (5) types
of contract is typically offered. (5 marks)
[Total: 25 marks]

Answer Q4(c):

There have several types of contract is typically offered.

 First is employment contract.
 Second is intellectual right.
 Third is non-compete agreements.
 Next is implied contract.
 Lastly is employment Practices Liability Insurance.


This question paper consists of 4 questions on 3 printed pages.

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