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Revision Class



TASK 1. Contrasting Verb Forms.

Choose the best form to complete each sentence.

Simple Present vs. Present Continuous

1. Tell me about yourself. (Do you speak/ Are you speaking) any foreign
2. The students (listen/ are listening) to a lecture in the auditorium right now.
3. (Do you have/ Are you having) any trouble with the assignment? You look
4. (Do you have/ Are you having) any questions about the assignment?
5. She (isn’t/ hasn’t) been at school since Tuesday.

Simple Present vs. Present Perfect

6. (I love/ I’ve loved) my job since I started working here.

7. She (isn’t/ hasn’t been) dating anyone at the moment.
8. (We live/ We’ve lived) in the same house for ages.
9. I (don’t look at/ haven’t looked at) my English textbook for weeks.

Present Perfect vs. Present Perfect Continuous

10.(I’ve been living/ I’ve lived) in a beautiful area. I’ll never leave it.
11.(Have you visited/ Have you been visiting) a foreign country before?
12. How long (have you read/ have you been reading) that hook?
13.That movie (has won/ has been winning) five awards since it came out.

TASK 2. Comparing Simple and Continuous Meanings.

These verbs have both stative and active meanings. Read each sentence and decide on
the meaning. Then complete the sentence with the simple or continuous form of the

1. I __________ (think) about another solution to your problem.

2. I __________ (think) your answer is correct.
3. 3. Our son __________ (have) five classes this semester.
4. Out of all his classes, he __________ (have) the most trouble in mathematics.
5. At the moment, the United Nations __________ (look) for interpreters fluent in
English and Arabic.
6. “False friends” are foreign words that __________ (look) similar to English
words but have different meanings.

TASK 3. Background Information and Present Situations.

Complete each item with appropriate information. Talk about the present situation.
Try to use the simple present or present continuous.

1. I’ve just finished reading for class, so …

2. I’ve been working at the same job for 10 years, so …
3. She hasn’t eaten in hours, so …
4. I’ve lost my roommate, so …
5. He hasn’t felt kvell lately, so …
6. I’ve already finished packing the boxes, so …
7. I’ve been working with a tutor, so …

TASK 4. Thinking About Meaning and Use.

Read each sentence and the statement that follows it. Write T if the statement is true,
F if it is false, or ? if there isn’t enough information to decide.

1. Many people think it’s important to study a foreign language.

_____ The number of people with this opinion is growing.

2. Most African people speak several languages.
_____ This is factual information.
3. Because of the construction, I’m working in the conference room this week.
_____ I should be able to work in my office next week.
4. The company is looking for people who are bilingual in Chinese and English.
_____ The company has been looking for people for several months.
5. They’ve placed a job announcement on the website.
_____ The announcement is still on the website.
6. He has taken a course in Hindi.
_____ He’ll finish the course soon.
7. He been taking a course in Hindi.
_____ He’ll finish the course soon.
8. Adult humans have 206 bones in their bodies.
_____ This describes an unchanging situation.
9. I’m working in my garden quite a bit these days.
_____ I’m working in the garden right now.
10.He’s taking a new medication for his illness.
_____ He isn’t finished with the medication yet.

TASK 5. Complete the sentences with the present simple tense or a future form of the
verbs in brackets.

1. Thousands of vending machines _____ (have) to be converted before the new

coins _____ (come) into circulation.
2. The employers _____ (start) negotiations as soon as the men _____ (return) to
3. The Government _____ (have) to decide what to do about these naval bases
before the present treaty _____ (expire).
4. What he _____ (do) when he _____ (leave) school?
5. As soon as there _____ (be) even a temporary break in the weather, the
climbers _____ (renew) their attempt to reach the summit.

6. After the monsoon _____ (set) in, no further attempts _____ (be) possible.
7. Many familiar faces _____ (be) absent from Parliament when the new session
_____ (open) next Thursday.
8. If we _____ (not leave) soon, the party _____ (be) over by the time we _____
(get) there.
9. If you _____ (wait) much longer before you _____ (make) up your mind, it
_____ (be) too late.
10.We _____ (have to) buy new carpets and curtains when we _____ (move) into
our new house.
11.The new boy soon _____ (settle down) once he _____ (get) to know the others
in his class.
12.We _____ (interrupt) our programmes the moment we _____ (have) any
further news of the situation.
13.If you _____ (not tell) him everything now, he simply _____ (keep on)
pestering you until you _____ (do).
14.As soon as we _____ (hear) from the suppliers, we _____ (let) you know when
the goods _____ (be) in stock.

TASK 6. Rewrite the sentences, using the present progressive tense of the verbs
related to the nouns in bold type, and beginning your sentences with the words in
italics. It may be necessary to omit some words, and some adjectives need to be
changed into adverbs. All the sentences illustrate the use of the present progressive to
denote a temporary activity over an extended period of time.

There is a vigorous exercise of their powers under the new Act on the part of
Customs authorities.
Customs authorities are vigorously exercising their powers under the new Act.

1. There is a steady introduction in industry of robots on production lines.

2. One effect of the present credit squeeze is a severe reduction in the ability of
the average citizen to save a greater proportion of his income.
3. There is an expansion of the Company’s activities abroad.
4. There is a slower rise in living standards in most European countries.
5. The investigation of the crime is in the hands of the police.
6. The result of the strike at London Airport is heavy delays to passengers.
7. There is a steady improvement in passenger services on suburban lines.
8. There is a fight among manufacturers of personal computers to maintain their
position in a highly competitive market.
9. There is a gradual replacement of large jumbo jets by quieter, more
economical aircraft.
10. One result of the apparently inexorable rise in oil prices is the creation of a
search for energy-saving schemes.

TASK 7. Contrasting Verb Forms.

Choose the best answer to complete each conversation.

Simple Past vs. Past Continuous

1. A: Where were you when I called last night?

B: I (had dinner/ was having dinner) with friends.
2. A: Why did you apologize?
B: Because I (was realizing/ realized) that I had made a mistake.
3. A: I didn’t hear the homework assignment.
B: That’s because you (slept/ were sleeping).
4. A: Why didn’t she win the race?
B: Right before she crossed the finish line, she (fell/ was falling).
5. A: How did you break the glass?
B: I don’t know. It just broke when I (was holding/ held) it.

Simple Past vs. Present Perfect

6. A: Do you still see Emily?

B: Every week. (I knew/ I’ve known) her for 20 years.
7. A: When did you arrive in Australia?
B: (I got/ l’ve gotten) here three weeks ago.
8. A: Why won’t you try the new restaurant with us?
B: I don’t want to. I (never ate/ have never eaten) that kind of food.
9. A: How long did you own your home?
B: (I had / I’ve had) it for more than 10 years. Now I rent.

TASK 8. Simple Past vs. Present Perfect.

Read each conversation. Notice the use of the present perfect in the underlined
sentence. Can the present perfect sentence also be expressed in the simple past
without changing the meaning? Write why or why not.


1. Athlete: Where’s Jeff?

Coach: He’s in the hospital. He’s broken his leg. You’re starting the game tonight.
Athlete: No problem!

Yes. He broke his leg at a specific time in the past, so the simple past can be used.
The present perfect also works because the condition is still the same in the present,
and a specific time isn’t mentioned in the sentence.

2. Interviewer: Can you tell me something about your current job?

Interviewee: Well, I’ve worked there since 2002. I’m the office manager.
Interviewer: And why do you want to leave that lob?
3. Daughter: I’ve got some big news.
Mother: What is it, honey?
Daughter: I’ve joined the volleyball team. Our first practice is on Tuesday.
4. Friend 1: Do you want to see the Torn Cruise movie?
Friend 2: I’ve already seen it. It’s not very good.
Friend 1: Really?
5. Man: Do you like it here?
Woman: I certainly do. I’ve lived here my whole life. And I don’t have any plans
to move.
Man: It does seem like a really nice place.
6. Friend 1: Have you ever seen a UFO?
Friend 2: No. Have You?
Friend 1: You won’t believe this, but I have. One time. I was...

TASK 9. Using Time Clauses.

In 1986, Christa McAuliffe was an astronaut on the Challenger space shuttle, which
exploded 73 seconds into flight. Complete the sentences about her life. Use the
simple past or past continuous.
1. As a child, she ________ (become) interested in the space program after she
________ (see) a NASA rocket launch on TV.
2. She ________ (teach) at Concord High School when she ________ (learn)
about the NASA “teacher in space” program.
3. After Christa ________ (apply) to the program, NASA ________ (choose) her
as the first teacher in space.
4. Before she ________ (leave) on her mission, Christa ________ (meet) with
many famous politicians and TV personalities.

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