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I understand that working safely, complying with and obeying all company’s
Safety & Occupational Health Policy (SOH), attending safety training sessions
and abiding by Safety rules, regulations and standards is a condition of my
employment. I commit myself to follow the prescribed safety rules, encourage
others as well to follow safety rules. If any unsafe practice or act comes to my
notice, or see any ‘Near Miss Accident’ in my work place or in the organization
I will report it to concerned department and safety authority and do the needful
urgently to get it rectified. I am also committed to road safety as well which
includes wearing safety Belt & Helmet.

If I do not comply with the SHE Policy, Safety Rules, Regulation and
Standards, I will be subject to Disciplinary Action including stoppage of
Incentive / Increment / Promotion.

I am aware that in case of serious lapse / negligence on my part in following /

adopting / practicing the safety rules and causing injury to any human being,
or loss of life I will be liable for legal action as per law hence I will take all
preventive steps to make our organization Zero Harm Organization.

I fully commit myself for making Uttam Group India’s Safest Work Place.

Signature : _______________
Name : _______________
Employee Code : _______________
Designation : _______________
Department : _______________
UGML / UVSL : _______________
Date : _______________

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