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Survey for phobias in different people

How Are We Doing?

We are surveying for different kind of phobias and fears in people and their way to overcome it , so we welcome your comments. Please fill
out this questionnaire. Thank you.




1. what will you regret the most the most ?

Losing on test  1 losing a game  2 losing a challenge  3 your enemy’s victory over you 4 a mistake you made unknowingly

Rate the fear of losing a person in your life.

1 2 3 4 5

Tell us about your fear ,chose yes if you have it and no if you don’t….
Fear of dogs?  Yes |  No
Fear of insects?  Yes |  No
Fear of snakes ?  Yes |  No
Fear of suffocating places?  Yes |  No
Fear of crowded place?  Yes |  No
Fear of heights?  Yes |  No
Fear of water?  Yes |  No
Fear of test?  Yes |  No
Fear of being alone?  Yes |  No
Survey for phobias in different people


Did you tried to overcome your fears ?

 Yes |  No

Did you took anyone’s help ?

 Yes |  No

Why, or why not?

Did you succeed ?  Yes |  No

If yes how?

Your suggetions to others………………

What do you think why do you have your phobia………..

Thank you…………………

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