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B.A. 3rd (Pass & Hons.) Semester (New Scheme)

Examination, November-2019
English Compulsory
w.e.f. 2015-16
Time allowed: 3 [Maximum marks: 80
Note: Atempt all questions:
1. Explain any wo ofthe following stanzas with reference
to the context: 2x4-8

(a) Full many a flow'r is born to blush unseen,

And waste its sweetness on the desert air.
Some village-Hampden, that with dauntless
The little tryrant of his fields withstood;
Some mute inglorious Milton here may rest,
Some Cromwell guiltless of his country's blood.

(b) Heard melodies are sweet,

but those unheard are sweeter; Jhn Keag
thereforeyesoft pipes, play on;
Not to the sensual car, but, more endeared,
Pipe to the spirit ditties of no tone:
(c) The world is too much with us; late and son,
Getting and Spending, we lay waste our powers;
Little we see in Nature that is ours;
We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon!

92101-N-P-7-Q-6 (19) [P. T.O.

(2) 92101-N
2 Answer any six of the following questions in about 20
to 30 words each: 6x1-6
i) How does the poet talk about death?

(Sonnet XVII)
i) How is man stuck between an angel and animal?
(Know then Thyself)
(ii) Whose complaints does the narrator hear in the
poem? (Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard)
(iv) Why does Keats refer to the urn as 'Cold
(v)What type of strength does Tagore pray for?
(vi) How does Yeats nostalgically recall his lover?
(vii) How is the poet of the poem? (Another Woman)
(vii) Explain the phrase 'Journeyed through life
3. Answer any wo of the following questions in about
150 to 200 words each: 2x6 12
(a) What is Pope's advice to man in the poem "Know
Then Thyself"?,
b) How does the Duke put forward his demand for
(c) Sum up the idea of beauty as talked about in the
poem "Sonnet XVII".

(3) 92101-N

Read the passage and answer the following questions

that follow:

In doubt his mind or body to prefer;

but to err;
Bom but to die, and reasoning
Alike in ignorance, his reason

Whether he thinks too little or too

Created half to rise, and half to fall;

Great Lord of all things, yet a prey to all;
Sole judge of truth, in endless error

The glory, jest and riddle of the
How does man remain in doubt?
(b) What does the poet say about man's

(c) How is man's reasoning?

(d) What is man's position in the
as directed:
5. (a) Attempt any sixteen ofthe following
Choose the correct option (infinitive or gerund to

complete the sentences below):

(i) In enjoy defective fiction. (to read,
ii) Stephen hates in front of an audience.
to speak, speaking)
92101-N [P.T.O.
(ii) Farida asked Principal. (to meet
Correct the following sentences:
iv) He goes to the college by foot.
(V)The purse is below the pillow.
(vi) Are you going for the party?

Fill appropriate prepositions in the blanks:

(vii) The baby slept peacefully the
telephone rang.
(vii) the bandh, people went out to work.
(ix) Which hand do you write
Use the following expressions in your own words.

(x) Pilgrim soul.

(xi) Soft look.
(xii) Take down
Complete the following sentences using a
noun clause:

(xii) Pay attention to

(xiv) It is true
(xv) Tell me
Combine each of the following groups o
sentences in to a complex sentence, using

(5) 92101-N
(xvi) It is my opinion. The room needs to be
(xvii)You cannot reach the fan. Stand on a stool

(xvi)lt is our hope. The boy will grow to be

Using the words in brackets, rewrite the
following sentences:
(xix) You'd better submit the report on Friday.
(xx) She was not careful, so she lost her purse.
(had been)
(xxi) You will not feel tired in summer if you
take enough fluids. (provided)
Frame one sentence each according to the
following verb patterns:
(xxii)Subject + be + complement.
(xxiii) Subject + verb +gerund.
(xxiv) Subject + verb + preposition + object.
(b) Write short notes on any two of
the following
poetic forms in about 50-60 words each:2x3=6
) Dramatic monologue
i) Elegy
Gii) Lyric
Identify the poetic devices used in any two
of the following extracts: 2x3-6

[P. T.O.
with brede.
(iv) OAttic shape!fair attitude!
(v) A being darkly wise and rudely
(vi) Some. like the flame of her marriage fire..
(c) Transcribe any six of the following words:
Herd, Grant,
Curse, Aglow, Awake, Beauty, Faint,
Nature, Err.
(for Visually Challenged students only)
Write paragraph in about 100 words on any
of the following:
) Value of Games
(ii) A visit to a fair
(ii) College canteen

(d) Do as directed (attempt any eight):

Give a synonym to each of the following words:
) Pride hmem (i) Stoop
(ii) lgnorance (iv) Please
Give an antonym to each of the following words:
(v) Dark (vi) Strength
(vii) Disgust (vii) Sordid
Fill in the blanks with words formed by adding
suitable suffixes to the ones in brackets:
(ix) Is there some new 2 (develop)
(x) Your offer is to us. (accept)

(7) 92101-N
(xi) The company manufactures
packaging. (usual)
(xii) Some people eating bitter gourd. (like)
6. Write an essay in about 200 words on any one of the
following topics: 8
(a) My aim in Life
(b) Crime against women
(c) India in 2025
(d) Media - Pros and Cons.

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