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Name: Dorig, Princess_Ashlie S.

Year&Section: BSIT-1A 2021-2022

Instructor: Ma’am Prexy Tangalin

True or False

Directions: Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false. Write your answer on the
space provided before the number.

F 1. The Sumerian civilization is known for its form of writing called Ziggurat.

T 2. Science and technology have the same meaning.

_ F _3. Aristotle is popular in his idea of heliocentrism, which suggests that earth is the center of the
solar system.

___T __4. Charles Darwin: Evolution; Freud: Psychoanalysis

__ F__5. Fe del Mundo invented the first fluorescent lamp copying the first letter of her name.

___ T__6. There are already irrigated fields during ancient times.

___T _7. The first to display hanging pots for flowers now known today is the Hanging Gardens of

___F 8. Wall of China is outside China. It is termed as the “ Great wall of China” because Chinese
labors and engineers construct it following the shape of their longest river.

___T__9. Hieroglyphics is a form of writing developed by Egyptians.

___T__10. The first recorded to use gunpowder is China.

Activity 1. ESSAY

Directions: Search for one great achievement in any of the given time period (ancient, middle, and
modern) aside from those mentioned in the module and print a picture of your chosen achievement and
paste it in a sheet of paper. Then, write an essay about how the chosen invention impacted the people
and the society during that time period it was made. See Appendix B.1 for the rubric.

A pyramid is a structure, usually of stone, built in the shape of a pyramid. From ancient to modern times
people in many different parts of the world have built such structures. The word “pyramid” comes from
the Greek word pyramis which meant “wheat cake.” The ancient Egyptian word for them was something
like “Mer”.

Pyramids today stand as a reminder of the ancient Egyptian glorification of life after death,
and in fact, the pyramids were built as monuments to house the tombs of the pharaohs. Death was
seen as merely the beginning of a journey to the other world.

Pyramids were built for religious purposes. The Egyptians were one of the first civilizations
to believe in an afterlife. They believed that a second self called the ka lived within every human being.
When the physical body expired, the ka enjoyed eternal life.

Construction materials evident in the pyramids are still made use of today. For instance,
slow-setting gypsum mortar was used to lubricate, move and set the stones in place. Gypsum mortar,
made from plaster and sand, is still relied on today to create structures in drier parts of the world.

Activity 2. Design me
Directions: Design a graphic organizer featuring the different inventions/ discoveries during ancient times,
medieval times, and modern times. Write a brief description of each invention. Use a separate sheet of
paper for your output. A sample of graphic organizer design is given below as your guide. Please see
appendix B.2 for the rubrics.

• The Cuneiform Script • The Harpoons

• The Arithmetic • The Sandals
• The Geometry • The Saws and other Tools

• The Sailboat • The Sailboat

• The Maps • The Maps
• The Chariot • The Chariot

• The Paper and Ink • The Barbers

• The Make up and Wigs • The Calendar and Time Keeping
• The Bowling • The Tables

• The Gear • The Water Clock

• The Screw • The Water Organ
• The Rotary Mills • The Torsion Catapult

• The Concrete • The Roman Numerals

• The Sewers and Sanitation • The Julian Calendar
• The Aqueducts • The Newspapers

• The Woodblock printing • The Compass

• The Papermaking • The Gunpowder

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