Vocabulary Ex9

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Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space.
Use only one word in each space.
With 1....... warm sunshine, sparkling seas and serene landscapes, Cyprus offers 2........ of reasons
to scape the grey winter days. Cyprus has so 3........ attractons as a holiday island. The sun shines
most days of the year and even in the 4......... of winter the days are warm and inviting. The
shoreline of rough cliffs, sandy beaches and old harbours is washed 5......... the Mediterranean.
Inland, you 6........ discover another world of ancient mountains and green valleys with neat
fields, orange and lemon groves, vineyards and old villages built out 7......... stone. Legend has it
that Cyprus was the place 8......... the ancient Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite, 9......... born. The
exact spot is 10......... to be the Rocks of Romiou, a beautiful beach just 11.......... the coast from the
old port and town of Paphos. This is 12........largest town in Cyprus and is located 13......... the
south western part of the island. Paphos has developed 14......... a thriving modern city and is a
large tourist resort, but even 15......... it has managed to preserve its ancient past. The old harbour
is still the central part of the town with tavernas lining the waterside. 16..........are also excellent
bars, clubs and restaurants in the modern part of town where visitors can enjoy traditional food
and entertainment.

1 9
2 10
3 11
4 12
5 13
6 14
7 15
8 16

For questions 1-15, read the text below and decide which word A, B, C or D best fits each
space. There’s an example at the beginning (0)

9 Panama Hats
When summer 0 ... and the sun appears, it’s 1 ... to have a hat. Many people have traditionally
2 ... for the panama hat. Stylish, light and cool on the head, these palm leaf hats are flexible
enough to roll up and 3 ... in a pocket or bag. Nowadays panamas can be found in fashionable
shops 4 ... over the world, sometimes at exorbitant 5 ... . However the hat itself originated in
rather humble 6 ... in the jungles of South America. In a long tradition 7 ... down from generation
to generation, the palm leaves are 8 ... by the men and hats are woven by the women. It can 9 ...
up to 12 palm leaves to make a 10 ... quality hat. Each leaf is split up to 25 times to obtain a
straw that is fine enough to be woven into a hat. The women’s job is dictated by the weather and
visibility: there must be enough light for them to 11 ... the fine straw, but the air must be moist
enough for it to 12 ... flexible. This means that the women can usually only work in the 13 ...
morning. 14 ... panama hats are expensive, back in the villages the craftsmen and women are
strugglingg to keep the tradition 15 ... and often receive only a fraction of the price you pay in
the shops.

0A gets B comes C reaches D becomes

1A well B right C good D functional
2A sought B asked C gone D tried
3A put B add C locate D insert
4A on B at C throughout D all
5A tags B amounts C prices D costs
6A parts B areas C surroundings D environments
7A handed B past C given D delivered
8A gathered B congregated C grouped D massed
9A need B be C take D want
10A great B top C class D grade
11A watch B see C discern D attend
12A continue B endure C persist D remain
13A prompt B early C soon D fast
14A Although B Still C But D Even
15A live B existing C alive D lively

Read the text below and look carefully at each line. If a line is correct, put a tick (√) by it. If
it has a word which should not be there, write the word at the end of the line.

9 Morning mischief

I was in the middle of a marvellous dream when 1

the alarm clock it went off. Friday morning, seven thirty. 2
“Ten more minutes,” I muttered and then promptly fell 3
back to sleep. I woke me up suddenly, knowing that I 4
had slept for more over than ten minutes. A quick 5
glance at the alarm clock confirmed my whole fears. 6
Quarter past eight. I jumped out of bed and 7
ran into the bathroom. There was no any time to 8
wait for the water to warm itself up so I had to 9
have a cold shower. There wasn’t time still for 10
breakfast or to iron my clothes. By twenty-five 11
past eight I was been dressed in creased 12
clothes, was cold, hungry and hadn’t even 13
had a cup of tea drunk. As I ran out of the hohuse 14
my neighbour shouted good morning to me and 15
added, “Where are you going in on a Sunday?” I 16
couldn’t believe it – I don’t work on the Sundays. 17

Find the word which should not be in the sentence

1. Susan, who is a terrible ballet dancer, is not very good at the tap-dancing either.
2. They drove around the Paris in a car.
3. He travelled to Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, by a car.
4. I was invited to a dinner given to welcome the President Chirac of France.
5. Our plan was to meet him at Cafe Sandal and not at the home.
6. It was nice of you to invite me to go to the Malta with you.
7. She was born in the July, 1971.
8. She has got a plenty of time to reach the station.
9. Can you walk the faster?
10. Tigers are in danger of becoming an extinct.
Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the space.
Write your word in the answer boxes provided.

9 The Lake District

The 1................ mountains and charming valleys of the Lake District have made the region one
of Britain’s most 2 ..............tourist areas. It is, however, still possible to experience 3 .............
walking among the 4............... landscapes. The eastern hills are more 5............... than their
westerly neighbours, and are full of 6.................. interest. Really 7................ walkers can spot
wildlife such as deer and eagles, while everyone can enjoy the 8 ............scenery. Other 9 ............
features include quaint little villages and pubs where the 10 ............. poets like Wordsworth and
Colerige used to sit and write their famous 11.................... .



1. Complete the blog with words from the box.

community custodial care deter deterrent delinquency punishment offenders rehabilitation

Nanny Henry speaks out

By the time that young 1_______ reach the youth 2________, it is probably already too late to
3______ them from crime in the future. After all, where is 4______ and recovery to come from
now their parents are not respected enough to support them? It won't come from 5_____ service.
Teenagers just resent it. And it won't come from 6______ care as that is pretty much the same as
prison and we know how helpful THAT is. It is the parents' 7______ system: how they support,
reward and punish their child, that is the best 8______ to juvenile 9______. If parents can find
the right 10_____ to teach their children early enough the error of their ways, then teenage crime
will dramatically decrease.

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