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Alba Valverde Delgado

Life Management Skills

8.11). Assignment: Analyze an Ad

1. Who created this message? The American brand Crest created this message.
It is a company of toothpaste and oral hygiene products, and it is sold all around
the world.
2. What creative/persuasive techniques are used to attract my attention?
First of all, the person who appears in the advertisement is a very famous
American gymnast, Laurie Hernandez. By making a famous person appear, the
audience will be more interested in what the brand is selling, and that may attract
more customers. Secondly, she repeatedly says ‘’I got this!’’. This implies that,
whoever buys this toothpaste, is going to be as enthusiastic and energetic as her.
3. How might different people understand this message differently than
me? Everyone might have a different opinion and they might interpret it in a
different way. From my point of view, this advertisement makes the audience
think that, if we buy this toothpaste, we are going to be amazing gymnasts, just
like her, and that is certainly not true. Other people might think that they will be
able to accomplish anything by buying this toothpaste, or that it is going to make
their days better.
4. What values, lifestyles, and points of view are represented in, or omitted
from, this message? In this advertisement, it is showing something from the
point of view of a gymnast. Not everyone is an athlete who carries a busy and
healthy lifestyle, so it might be hard for them to step into her shoes. That is
something omitted from this message. Moreover it is saying that, if you use the
product, you will accomplish anything with a smile, and that value is a really
cheerful and hopeful one.
5. Why is this message being sent? Because they want us, the audience, to buy
their toothpaste. For a business company, it might be hard to attract the
audience’s interest, especially when it is not a very popular or cool brand,
however, if you get this right, people will buy your product.

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