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Quarter _1_____ / Semester __1___/Week7


Grade & Section _________________________Subject: ____________________

Name of Teacher: ____________________________________Date: __________

I. Title : Weekly Test

II. Type of Activity : LAS for Summative Assessment (Written Work)
III. MELC : EsP-PD11/12EI-Iij-8.1
IV. Learning : To assess learner’s mastery and understanding of
Objective/s the lessons in “Mental Health, Moods and
Emotions in Middle and Late Adolescence”.
V. References:
• Personal Development (Reader), DepEd First Edition (2016) p 45
• Module in Personal Development (2017 Second Edition), Doriden de Classica
A. Fabre, p 70
• Personal Development, Ricardo Rubio Santos, p 118
• Psychiatric Nursing, RMSIA, p 291
• Introduction to Psychology, Smith et al, p 438
• Newman/2020
Google Pages, July 7, 2020
causes/syc-20350985/2020 Google Pages, July 7, 2020

VI. Summative Test:

Write your answers Take note of the

Read carefully
on your activity rubrics provided
and follow
notebook. Please below in
instructions before
write legibly. accomplishing
the test.

Essay Type Illustration, Artwork,
(Should be limited to 5-10 Collage, Table and other
sentences only) Graphic Organizers
Content/Relevance 2 pts Content/Relevance 3 pts
Organization 2 pts Creativity/Artistry 1 pt
Grammar/Spelling 1 pt Organization 1 pt
Total Score 5 Pts. Total Score 5 Pts.
A. Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. It refers to cognitive, behavioral, and emotional well-being. It is all about how

people think, feel and behave.
a. Wellness b. Brain c. Mental Health d. Stress
2. It is a chronic mental illness characterized by dramatic swings in mood and the
tendency to alternate between periods of mania (elevated mood) and periods of
a. MDD b. Bipolar Disorder c. Anxiety d. Brain Stem
3. Persistent depressive disorder is also known as ____________.
a. Dysthymia b. Bipolar Disorder c. Anxiety d. Brain Stem
4. Is a type of mood disorder which causes feelings of extreme sadness or
hopelessness that lasts for at least two weeks.
a. Anxiety c. Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)
b. Bipolar Disorder d. Dysthymia
5. A type of anxiety disorder characterized by constant and repetitive thoughts or
a. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder c. Social anxiety disorder
b. Bipolar Disorder d. Generalized anxiety disorder
6. Social anxiety disorder is also called ________________.
a. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder c. Social Phobia
b. Bipolar Disorder d. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
7. People with this disorder may have trouble realizing that they have a problem. To
them, their thoughts are normal and they often blame others for their problems.
a. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder c. Anxiety Disorder
b. Personality Disorder d. Psychotic Disorder
8. A type of disorder characterized by severe mental disorder that cause abnormal
thinking and perceptions.

a. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder c. Anxiety Disorder
b. Personality Disorder d. Psychotic Disorder
9. It Is a serious type of psychotic disorder which impairs a person’s perception of
reality and the world around them. People who suffer from this disorder might
experience hallucinations, delusions and hear voices.
a. OCD b. c. Anxiety d. MDD
10. A type of eating disorder characterized by binge-eating but afterwards, they purge,
by making themselves throw up.
a. Anxiety b. Anorexia c. Binge-Eating d. Bulimia

11. A type of eating disorder characterized by out-of-control eating.

a. Anxiety b. Anorexia c. Binge-Eating d. Bulimia
12. A person with this kind of eating disorder avoids food, severely restrict food, or
eat very small quantities of only certain foods
a. Anxiety b. Anorexia c. Binge-Eating d. Bulimia
13. It is a kind of mental illness that is triggered after experiencing or witnessing a
traumatic event.
a. Post-traumatic Stress Disorder c. Memory Gap
b. Anorexia d. Eating Disorder
14. People from all walks of life take illicit drugs, and the type of drug they use can
depend on their socioeconomic status including things like their cultural
background, where they live and what their income is.
a. Anxiety Disorder c. Substance Abuse Disorder
b. Post-traumatic Stress Disorder d. Eating Disorder
15. It is a serious mental health problem in teenagers characterized by persistent
feeling of sadness and loss of interest in activities
a. Eating Disorder c. Substance Abuse Disorder
b. Anxiety Disorder d. Teenage Depression

B. Identification: Below are signs and symptoms of teen depression.

Write EC if it refers to emotional changes in teen depression.
Write BC if it refers to behavioral changes in teen depression.
16. Feeling hopeless or empty

17. Insomnia or sleeping too much
18. Loss of interest in, or conflict with, family and friends
19. Social isolation
20. Low self-esteem
21. Changes in appetite
22. Self-harm like cutting, burning, or excessive piercing or tattooing.
23. Frustration or feelings of anger, even over small matters
24. Feelings of sadness which include crying spells for no apparent
25. Tiredness and loss of energy
26. Loss of interest or pleasure in usual activities
27. Use of alcohol or drugs
28. Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
29. Agitation or restlessness
30. Irritable or annoyed mood

C. Enumeration:
31-35. Causes of depression
36-40. Strategies to prevent depression.

D. Essay:
41-45. As a member of the digital age, do you think social media contributes to
teenage depression? If so, why?

46-50. What have you learned and realized from the lessons in “Mental health,
moods, emotions in middle and late adolescence”? How are you going to apply
these learnings in your daily life?

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