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(Remark: Express the Displaced fluid in 5 decimal places, the Buoyant force and Weight in 2
decimal places and the percent difference as a whole number.

Table 1.1 Fluid Displacement Method

Items Water Kerosene Brine Solution

Density, ρ, (kg/m3) 1000 820 1030

Displaced fluid,
0.00003 0.00003 0.00003
Vdisplaced, V (m3)
Buoyant force, B1
0.29 0.24 0.30

Table 1.2 Loss of Mass Method

Water Kerosene Brine Solution
Weight of the steel in
0.70 0.70 0.70
the air, W1 (N)
Weight of steel in the
0.45 0.50 0.40
medium, W2 (N)
Buoyant force, B2 (N) 0.25 0.20 0.30

Table 1.3 % Difference

Water Kerosene Brine Solution
% Difference 15 18 0
ACTIVITY 2: Coefficient of Linear Expansion


(Remark: Express the length and Coefficient of Linear Expansion in 2 decimal places and the
Temperature and percent error as whole numbers. You may use Scientific notation for very small
and very large values)

Table 2.1 Linear Expansion of Brass

Theoretical value of the coefficient of linear expansion (per °C) = 2.00 x 10 -5
Difference in
Description Initial Reading Final Reading
Length of the Metal Rod, mm 640.00 640.86 0.86
Temperature of the Metal Rod. °C 23 72 49
Coefficient of Linear Expansion 2.74 x 10-5

Table 2.2 Linear Expansion of Steel

Theoretical value of the coefficient of linear expansion (per °C) = 1.20 x 10 -5
Difference in
Description Initial Reading Final Reading
Length of the Metal Rod, mm 640.00 640.36 0.36
Temperature of the Metal Rod. °C 26 67 41
Coefficient of Linear Expansion 1.37 x 10 -5

Table 2.3 Percent Error of Coefficient of Linear Expansion

Brass Steel
Percent error between the 37 14
experimental value and the
theoretical value, % Error
a: D

a: D

a: B
a: A

a: D

a: D
a: A

a: Yes

a: B
a: D

a: D
a: A

a: D
ACTIVITY 4 Van de Graaff Generator



The confetti inside the test tube started to get

closer to the steel rod and it looks like it’s stuck
FOIL CONFETTI INSIDE THE TEST TUBE to the wall of the test tube. There is repulsion.

Some of the aluminum confetti is getting

attracted but most of it is getting repelled.

The fire is getting deflected so there’s repulsion.


The tissue paper is getting repelled and when

TISSUE PAPER the tissue paper strips follows the movement of
a human hand when brought close to it.
The fluorescent lamp is turned on/it lights up
FLUORESCENT LAMP when it was brought close to the Van de Graaff
The hair is getting repelled when a human
HUMAN HAIR touches the Van de Graaff generator.

Q3. Why are the confetti repelled by the dome of the Van de Graaff once
they reach it?
Group of answer choices

They acquire negative charges from the dome through conduction and
because they have the same charges as the dome, they are repelled.

They are repelled by the charged air molecules

They acquire negative charges from the dome because of friction, and
because they have the same charges as the dome, they are repelled.

Q4. Why does the flame of the candle move away from the needle attach to
the dome of the Van de Graaff?
Group of answer choices

The flame is blown by the wind.

The flame is negatively charged and it is repelled by the negatively charged


The flame is blown by the accelerating air molecules due to charged


Q5. Why do the tissue strips follow the motion of the fingers.
Group of answer choices

The fingers acquire positive charges from the air and attracts the negatively
charged tissue strips

The fingers are initially neutral and charged positively by polarization and the
tissue strips are negatively charged.

The fingers are positively charged and attracts the tissue strips that are
negatively charged

Q6. The hair strands stand-up when a person holds a Van de Graaff
Generator. This is because they acquire positive charges from the dome by
conduction, and they repelled with each other

Q7. A Van de Graaff Generator can be used to create a large amount of ____
Group of answer choices


static electricity

mixed positive and negative charges on its surface

Q8. Which of these statements about Van de Graaff generators is true?

Group of answer choices

As the rubber belt inside the generator comes in contact with the silicon
lower roller, it makes a spark.

As the rubber belt inside the generator comes in contact with the silicon
lower roller, it becomes positively charged.

As the rubber belt inside the generator comes in contact with the silicon
lower roller, it becomes negatively charged.

As the rubber belt inside the generator comes in contact with the silicon
lower roller, it remains neutral.

Q9. What does the wand connected to the ground do when it is in contact
with the dome of the Van de Graaff generator?

Group of answer choices

acts as voltage source

creates more charge

neutralizes charged objects

acts as an insulator

Q10. In the experiment, confetti inside the test tube stick to it after some
time. How are they charged? (confetti, test tube)
Group of answer choices

conduction, induction

induction, conduction

friction, induction

friction, conduction
Q11. The lower roller in a Van de Graaff generator is made of metal because
its atoms hold on to their electrons more weakly than the belt.
Group of answer choices



Q12. The electrons from lower comb of the Van De Graaff generator jump
across the gap between the belt and the comb because the belt is positively
Group of answer choices



Q13. Which of the following charges transfer from one body to another?
Group of answer choices



both proton and electron


Q14. If a charged rod A attracts another rod B, you can conclude that
Group of answer choices

either rod B is also charged with the opposite charge or rod B is uncharged

Rod B is also charged with the same charge

Rod B is also charged with the opposite charge

rod B is uncharged
Q15. If two charged objects repel,
Group of answer choices

one of the objects could be uncharged

both objects are charged, and have like charge

both objects are charged, and have unlike charge

Q16. How is conduction shown with the use of Van de Graaff generator?
Group of answer choices

When a person holds the charged dome of the Van de Graaff generator

When the fluorescent lamp is placed closed to charged dome of the Van de
Graaff generator.

When the candle flame is placed near metal tip attached to dome.
3. The Charging Voltage of a Capacitor versus Time graph is linear.
Group of answer choices

4. The 2200 microFarad capacitor charges faster than the 470 microFarad
capacitor with 100k𝝮 resistor.
Group of answer choices

5. Which of the following RC combinations charges the fastest?

Group of answer choices
500 𝝮 and 20 microF
1 M𝝮, 1000 nF
10 k𝝮, 10 mF

6. What observations can you make using the data and results in tables 5.1
and 5.2 of Activity 5 Voltage Variations in Capacitors? Provide 2 observations
The capacitor in Table 5.2 charges faster than the capacitor in Table 5.1.
The capacitor in Table 5.2 charges more Voltage over time than the
capacitor in Table 5.1.

8. An RC circuit has a time constant of 2.10s. At t=0, the capacitor is fully

charged. At what time the voltage across the capacitor be half of its initial
Group of answer choices
1.46 s
1.35 s
1.83 s
0.728 s

9. Beginning with an uncharged capacitor in an RC circuit, how long would it

take, in multiples of time constant τ, for the capacitor to be 98% charged?
Group of answer choices


10. A 2.0 microFarad capacitor in a circuit in series with a resistance of 1.0

Mohm is charged with a 6.0 V battery. What is the time constant of this
Group of answer choices
11. A capacitor C is connected in series with a resistance R. What is the
voltage across the capacitor after two time constants when discharging from
a fully charged condition of 5 V?
Group of answer choices
2.5 V
0.67 V
0.13 V

12. Capacitor C is connected in series with a resistance R. A voltage Vo is

applied to the series connection. The equation that determines the voltage
V(t) across the capacitor as a function of time after the switch is closed is:
Group of answer choices
V(t) = Vo exp(t/RC)
V (t) = Vo (1 - exp(–t/RC))
V(t) = Vo (exp(–t/RC) -1)
V (t) = Vo . t

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