TLE G6 Q2 Module 3

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Republic of the Philippines
Region I
Division of Pangasinan II
Binalonan, Pangasinan


1. Prepares project plan for household linens ( TLE6 HE-Oc-6)
2. Identifies supplies/materials and tools needed for the project. (TLE6 HE-Oc-7)

Modern families are thinking of ways and means to increase their income. It has now become a
reality that to depend on one’s fixed income is not enough to sustain all the needs and wants of family
members. They have to think of other means to generate income. One popular means most families
resort to is starting a small home-based business. Those who have skill in culinary arts may start a food
business. Those with sewing skills could start to produce clothes and household lines.
Lines are fabric household items intended for daily use like bedding, tablecloths, and towels. It
refers to any cloth material used throughout the home. It can be made from a variety of materials like
cotton, silk, rayon, or combination of these.
Project Planning:
Project Plan – refers to a formal document designed to guide the control and execution of a project.
Preparing – is to expect that something will happen and be ready for it.
Planning- is the process of thinking about the activities required to achieve a desired goal.
Fabric – is a cloth or other material produced by weaving or knitting fibers.

Careful and systematic planning is the first step in starting sewing a project. Plan what to sew,
the materials you need, and how to go about the project.
Guidelines to consider in preparing for a sewing a project:
1. Study the project, make a detailed illustration, and list down the materials to be used.
2. Choose the fabric most suitable for the project.
3. Decide on the design of the project.
4. Plan the steps to be followed in making the project.
5. Prepare the sewing tools and the sewing machine.
6. Prepare the materials needed. Consider the quality of the materials to be used in the project.
Guidelines to consider in planning a project:
1. Once you have chosen the design, list the materials needed.
2. Choose the fabric most suitable for the project.
3. Plan the steps to be followed in making the project.
4. Prepare the sewing tools, materials, and sewing machine.
Making your own household lines can save money. You can also exercise your creativity by
producing the design that you really like. Some of these can also be sold to augment the family income.
What do you want to make? Recall the format for project planning earlier in the lesson.
Plan your project for household linens:
Household linens:
1. Table napkin – is a small piece of table linen used for wiping mouth and
for covering the lap to protect the clothing from food stains. The
folding of table napkin depicts an art which enhances the decoration of
your table setting.
2. Pillow case – is a removable cover for a pillow that is generally made
out of cloth. A decorative cover for your bed pillow is an example of a

3. Bed sheet – is a rectangular piece of cloth used either singly or in a pair as

bedding, being placed immediately below or above bed occupants. A
bottom sheet is laid above the mattress and bed occupants lie on it.

4. Table runner – adds color , texture, and interest to your table and is
the foundation for your table décor. Table runners also protect your
table from spills and damage that can be caused by hot pans and
dripping candle wax.
5. Placemat – is a covering or pad designating an individual place setting,
unlike the larger table cloth that covers the entire surface. Placemats
are made from many different materials, depending on their purpose: to
protect, decorate, entertain or advertise.

6. Center piece – The center piece of something is literally that piece that
goes in the center – the center piece of a table setting might be a
candle surrounded by a roses. Center piece also refers to the most
part of something.
7. Hand towel – is a piece of absorbent fabric or paper used for
drying or wiping a body or a surface. It draws moisture through
direct contact. In households, several types of fabric towels are
used, including hand towels, bath towels and kitchen towels.

8. Table cloth – is a cloth used to cover a table. Some are mainly

ornamental coverings, which may also help protect the table from
scratches and stains. Other tablecloths are designed to be spread
on a dining table before laying out table ware and food.


 Fabric should be in proper condition before using for the sewing project.
 The right choice of material for the proper way of conditioning the fabric before using, will help
produce well-sewn and well-fitted sewing project.
 A well-prepared fabric produces well-made project.
The different kinds of fabric:
 COTTON – this cloth is smooth, durable, and absorbent. It is appropriate for tropical climate. It
can be used in making blouses, aprons, house cloth, gowns, hand towels, pillow cases,
handkerchiefs, bed covers, and other home furnishings.
1. Name of fabric – Cotton
Source: Cotton Plant
Quality: Strong
Trade Name: Muslin (katsa) Poplin, terry cloth
Uses: Sleepwear, towel, pillowcase, bed sheet

Cotton Plant- Source Muslin (katsa) Poplin – Trade Name Terry cloth
Uses of Cotton fabric

Sleepwear Towel Pillowcase Bed sheet

 LINEN – This fabric comes from the flax plant. It is the oldest kind of fabric. It is cool
and absorbent.
2. Name of fabric:
LINEN Source: Flax
Quality: Strong smooth/ Absorbent wrinkles easy
Trade Name: Linen
Uses: Pillowcase, Table cloth

Flax Plant – Source Linen - Trade Name Use of Linen Fabric- Table Cloth

 RAMIE – a fabric made up of a vegetable fiber noted for its length and toughness.
3. Name of fabric: RAMIE
Source: Ramie
Quality: Strong smooth
Trade Name: Ramie
Uses: Table cloth, curtain, napkin, Bed sheet
Uses of Ramie Fabric:

Curtain Table Napkin Ramie Plant – Source

 PIÑA – a fabric made from the fibers of pineapple leaves.
4. Name of Fabric: PIÑA
Source: Pineapple Plant
Quality: Strong fine transparent thin
Trade Name: Piña
Uses: Table cloth, Bed sheet, handkerchief

Trade Name/Name: Pina Uses of Piña

Fabric: Pina is often just referred to as handkerchief
pineapple fiber. Piña is a Spanish last
name with the Portuguese
equivalent being Pina.
 SINAMAY- a lustrous, loosely woven fabric made from abaca fibers, used especially in
making ribbons, baskets, and hats.
5. Name of Fabric:
SINAMAY Source: Abaca
Plant Quality: Stiff Rough
Trade Name: sinamay
Uses: curtain, placemat ribbons

Sources: Abaca Plant Trade Name: Sinamay

Uses of Sinamay Fabric:

Ribbons Placemats
 SILK - this is an expensive fabric. It is quite difficult to cut and sew because of its fine, smooth,
and lustrous texture.
6. Name of fabric:
SILK Source:
Quality : Strong not easily wrinkled smooth shiny/thin
Trade Name: chiffon, shantung, satin, taffeta, velvet
Uses: Bed sheets, pillowcase

Source: Silkworm
Uses of Silk Fabric

Bed sheets Pillowcase

Trade Names

Chiffon Shantung Taffeta Velvet

 Wool – this cloth is suitable for the cold season. It is thick and slightly rough.
It is obtained from the fur of sheep. It is usually used in making jackets, bed sheets, and
7. Name of fabric: WOOL
Source: Sheep
Quality: does not burn, shrinks when not laundered properly, gives warmth, rough
Trade Name: Tweeds, tartan, fine wool, felt
Uses: blanket, gloves, quilts

Uses of Wool Fabric:

Blankets Gloves Quilts

Source: Sheep
Trade Name:
Tweeds Tartan Fine Wool Felt

 SYNTHETIC – made from man-made fibers woven into different fabrics like nylon, rayon,
dacron, and banlon, this cloth can be easily washed and dried.
8. Name of fabric: SYNTHETIC
Source: man-made, made from chemicals
Quality: Strong, does not wrinkled easily
Trade Name: nylon, polyester, dacron, acrylic
Uses: pillows, comforters, bed cover, table cloth

Trade Name:
Nylon Polyester Dacron Acrylic

Uses of Synthetic Fabric:

Comforter Pillow Bed cover nylon

Preparing the Fabric:

1. Soak cotton fabric overnight in water.
2. Hand to dry. Do not wring.
3. Iron wrinkles in the fabric when dry.
4. Check the fibers-lengthwise fibers (warp) should be straight.
5. Raw edge or selvage should be trimmed.
6. Iron the fabric, if needed.
Let’s Remember:
- Sewing materials are important to make sewing successful and enjoyable.
- Orderliness and cleanliness can be developed by taking care of your sewing materials.
- Maintain your work area clean and orderly.
a. Stitches Aids:
1. Needle. This is a pointed metal with an eye to carry thread and sew
fabrics together. Needles for hand sewing vary in length, point, and eye
size. They come in sizes 1-12.
2. Thread. This is used to sew fabrics. This comes in different colors and
should match the fabric for which it will be used.

3. Dressmaker’s pins. These are used to hold pieces of

fabrics temporarily. These are also called seamstress or silk

4. Needle threader. This helps to pull the thread through the eye of
the needle.

5. Seam ripper. This has a pointed and a curved end used to undo stitches
and slash buttonholes.

6. Pincushion and emery bag. The pincushion holds the pins and needles
that are not in use. The pincushion usually comes with an emery bag that
is used to polish rusty pins and needles.

7. Thimble. This protects the middle finger from being pricked

when pushing the needle through the cloth. It should fit the
finger well. Thimble comes in sizes 6-12.

b. Measuring Tools
1. Ruler. This is used to mark lines or patterns on a fabric. You can
use this as a substitute for a gauge when measuring the distances
between buttons, buttonholes, pleats or hems. It can be made up
of plastic, wood, or metal.

2. Tape Measure. This is used to take the body

measurements. The best tape measure is made up of plastic or
laminated material with metal ends. It must be flexible and must
not stretch or tear easily.
3. Dressmaker’s gauge. This is used to take detailed
measurements such as the distance between
buttons and buttonholes, pleats and hems.

c. Marking Tools
1. Tailor’s chalk. This is hard square wax used to
mark fabric. It comes in different colors an does not
leave permanent marks on the cloth.

2. Dressmaker’s carbon. This is also called tracing

paper. The tracing paper is placed between the
pattern or design paper and the fabric. The pattern or
design is
traced with the tracing wheel. The
dressmaker’s carbon can also be used for
decorative stitches.
3. Tracing wheel. The tracing wheel is used with the
dressmaker’s carbon to transfer the pattern to
the fabric.

4. Soft pencil.It is used in pattern construction. It makes

dark marks that can be easily erased when errors are
d. Cutting Tools
1. Scissors. These are used to trim pieces of fabric.
The two handles are the same in size.

2. Pinking shears. These are used to cut seam

edges on fabric. These have zigzag edges
that prevent the fabric from raveling. The
cuts they make also serve as decorative patterns.
3. Ben-handle dressmaker’s shears. These are
shears used for cutting large pieces of fabric.
They may be 6-12 inches in length. Sizes 7 and
8 are commonly used.
1. Keep all your tools in a sewing box. They should be arranged neatly.
2. Pass needles and pins in and out of an emery bag to remove the rust stains on them. Always
keep them in a pincushion.
3. Choose good quality sewing tools, especially shears.
4. Wipe your scissors dry before keeping it and occasionally apply some oil on it. Have it
sharpened when needed.
5. Keep your tape measure folded or rolled when not in use.
6. Always put your sewing box in a safe place and out of children’s reach.
Sewing materials are important to make sewing successful and enjoyable.
Orderliness and cleanliness can be developed by taking care of your sewing materials.
Maintain your work area clean and orderly.


A. Fill in the blank with the correct

1. A is a formal document designed to guide the control and execution of
B. Classify the sewing tools inside the box. Write them under the correct heading.
pincushion tailor’s chalk ruler
2. Careful and systematic is the first step in starting sewing a
tracing wheel pinking shears needle threader
3. isseam
a cloth or
ripper other material produced
thimble by weaving or knitting
4. or is used for evaluating the
Sewing Aids Measuring Marking Tools Cutting Tools
5. is to expect that something will happen and to be ready for
Directions: Read each item carefully then circle the letter of the correct answer.
5. Which part of a project plan serves as a guide for the person to know how the final outcome of the
1. It is a blueprint of a project.
a. proposal b. plan c. format d. template
2. A written guide in making a project correctly.
a. project proposal b. project plan c. project format d. project template
3. Which part of a project plan states the goals that you aim to achieve?
a. Name of the Project b. Objectives c. Design/ Sketch d. Procedure
4. This is where you list all the instructions that you must follow in order to
accomplish your project.
a. Tools Needed b. Objectives c. Procedure d. Name of the Project
product should look like?
a. Design/Sketch b. Procedure c. Tools Needed d. Procedure
6. This gives the reader an overview of what the whole project is about?
a. Name of the Project b. Objectives c. Design/ Sketch d. Procedure
7. What is the main purpose of a project plan?
a. To provide the fullest possible development of a project
b. To come up with a better household linen
c. To guide you in accomplishing your goal
d. To solve a particular problem in the project
8. Which of the following sentences is not a guideline to consider in planning a project?
a. Choose the fabric most suitable for the project.
b. Plan the steps to be followed in making the project.
c. Prepare the sewing tools, materials, and sewing machine
d. Also list the materials that are not needed.
9. Which of the following shows the correct order of the project plan?
a. Objectives, Name of the Project, Tools Needed, Design, Procedure
b. Name of the Project, Procedure, Objectives, Design, Tools Needed
c. Procedure, Tools Needed, Design, Objectives, Name of the Project
d. Name of the Project, Objectives, Design, Tools Needed, Procedure
10. What is a good title for the project plan in making a pillow case?
a. Pillowcases’ Plan c. Creating a Pillowcase
b. A Beautiful Pillowcase d. Project for Creating Pillowcase

Directions: Write True on the space before the number if the sentence is correct about project plan and
False if the statement is incorrect.
1. A project plan is a systematic and orderly way of starting any project.
2. It is difficult to follow.
3. Project plan helps you save time, effort and energy in making the project.
4. It guides you on what to do.
5. It makes a list of unnecessary rules to follow.

Direction: Answer the following questions. Each questions is given 5pts.

1. Why do we need to prepare a project plan?
2. How do you prepare the project plan?
Answer Key:
A. 1. Project plan
2. planning
3. Fabric
4. Scorecard, rubric
5. Preparing

Sewing Aids Measuring Tools Marking Tools Cutting Tools
needle threader ruler tailor’s chalk scissors
seam ripper tracing wheel pinking shears

Online Sources
Department of Education.

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