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AOCS Official Method Ce 1b-89

Reapproved 1997 • Revised 2005

Fatty Acid Composition by GLC

Marine Oils

This method determines the fatty acid composition of marine oils and marine oil esters by capillary
column gas–liquid chromatography.
This method is designed to determine the fatty acid composition of marine oils and marine oil esters
in relative (area %) values, and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in
absolute (mg/g) values using a bonded polyglycol liquid phase in a flexible fused silica capillary col-
umn. C23:0 fatty acid is used as the internal standard. The method is applicable to the analysis of
marine oil or marine oil ethyl or methyl esters, capsules of EPA and DHA and minor naturally occur-
ring polyunsaturated fatty acids (see Notes, 1).

1. Gas chromatograph—with capillary injection system 1. Sodium hydroxide—reagent grade.
(split mode preferred, operated at a split ratio of 1:50; 2. Methyl alcohol—reagent grade (see Notes, Caution).
see Notes, 2) and flame-ionization detector (FID; see 3. BF3—12% in methanol, 2-mL ampules (Supelco, Inc.,
Notes, 3), capable of meeting the following minimum catalog no. 3-3020, or equivalent).
requirements (see Notes, 4): 4. Isooctane—reagent grade (see Notes, Caution).
Injection port, 250°C 5. Sodium chloride—reagent grade.
Detector, 270°C 6. C23:0 methyl ester—see Notes, 5.
Oven temperature profile: 7. C23:0 ethyl ester—see Notes, 5.
Initial temperature, 170°C 8. Solutions
Initial hold time, 0 min (a) Alcoholic sodium hydroxide (NaOH), 0.5 N–dis-
Program rate, 1.0°C/min solve 2.0 g NaOH in methanol and make to 100
Final temperature, 225°C mL with methanol.
Final hold time, 0 min (b) Sodium chloride (NaCl)—saturated solution, dis-
2. The capillary GLC column should be of flexible fused solve 36 g NaCl in 100 mL distilled water.
silica, 25 m or more in length and 0.20–0.35 mm i.d.
The liquid phase must be bonded Carbowax-20M or an PROCEDURE
equivalent polyglycol. Examples of the latter are 1. Oils
Supelcowax-10, 30 m × 0.25 mm (or 0.32 mm) with (a) Accurately weigh (± 0.1 mg) approximately 25 mg
0.25 µm coating (Supelco, Inc., Bellefonte, PA, USA; of C23:0 methyl ester internal standard (IS) into a
catalog no. 2-4079 or no. 2-4080) and Omegawax 320, 25-mL volumetric flask and make to volume with
30 m × 0.32 mm i.d. with 0.25 µm coating (Supelco, isooctane.
Inc., catalog no. 2-4152). No constraints are placed on (b) Pipet 1.0-mL aliquots of IS (see Notes, 6) into cul-
the column supplier; however, the manufacturer’s ture tubes and evaporate the solvent. Store the tubes
claim for the upper temperature limit of the column in a freezer if they will not be used immediately.
should be noted and verified. (c) Accurately weigh (± 0.1 mg) approximately 25 mg
3. Carrier gas—hydrogen or helium, 99.99% pure or bet- of marine oil sample (may be from fish oil cap-
ter, is required. sule) into the culture tube containing the IS.
Note—An oxygen scrubber is mandatory with (d) Add 1.5 mL of 0.5 N NaOH. Blanket with nitro-
Carbowax-20M and similar columns. gen, cap tightly, mix and heat at 100°C for 5 min.
4. Any suitable amplifier, recorder, integrator or data (e) Cool, add 2 mL BF3/methanol reagent, blanket
processor may be used. with nitrogen, cap tightly, mix and heat at 100°C
5. Constant-temperature water bath or dry heating for 30 min.
block—maintained at 100°C. (f) Cool to 30–40°C, add 1 mL of isooctane, blanket
6. Screw-cap tubes—16 × 125 mm, with leak-tight with nitrogen, cap and vortex or shake vigorously
Teflon™-lined caps. for 30 sec while still warm.
7. Vial—screw- or crimp-cap, 12 mL. (g) Immediately add 5 mL of saturated NaCl solution,
8. Volumetric pipets—1 and 2 mL. blanket with nitrogen, cap and agitate thoroughly.
9. Pasteur-type pipets. (h) Cool to room temperature. When isooctane layer
10. Volumetric flasks—25 and 100 mL. separates from the aqueous layer, transfer the
11. Analytical balance—± 0.0001 g. isooctane layer to a clean glass tube, blanket with
12. Source of dry nitrogen. nitrogen, and cap.
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Ce 1b-89 • Fatty Acid Composition by GLC

(i) Extract the methanol/water phase again with an of isooctane, blanket with nitrogen, cap, and mix
additional 1 mL of isooctane. thoroughly.
(j) Combine isooctane extracts (see Notes, 7) and (e) Inject 1–2 µL under appropriate gas chromato-
concentrate to approximately 1 mL with a stream graphic conditions (see Apparatus, 1).
of dry nitrogen. See Figures 1, 2 and 3 for chromatograms of
(k) Inject (see Notes, 8) 1–2 µL under appropriate gas methyl and ethyl esters of various marine oils; see
chromatographic conditions (see Apparatus, 1). Tables 1 and 2 for retention times of marine oil
2. Methyl or ethyl esters methyl esters.
(a) Accurately weigh (± 0.1 mg) approximately 25
mg of C23:0 methyl or ethyl ester (appropriate to
1. Area percentages—Calculate the area percent for fatty
the substrate to be analyzed) IS into a 25-mL
acids by the formula:
volumetric flask and make to volume with
isooctane. 100 (Ax)
Area % fatty acids =
(b) Pipet a 1.0-mL aliquot (see Notes, 6) of the IS into At − AIS
a culture tube. Where—
(c) Evaporate the solvent. Ax = area counts for fatty acid x
(d) Accurately weigh (± 0.1 mg) no more than 15 mg At = total area counts for the chromatogram
of esters into the tube containing the IS, add 1 mL AIS = area counts of the internal standard

22:6n – 3
20:5n – 3
16:1n – 7

18:1n – 9
18:1n – 7

18:4n – 3



23:0 (IS)

22:5n – 3
18:2n – 6

20:1n – 9
18:3n – 3

20:4n – 3

20:4n – 6

21:5n – 3

22:5n – 6
20:2n – 6

20:3n – 6

22:4n – 6
20:3n – 3

Time 24:0

Figure 1. Fatty acid methyl esters of soft-gelatin-encapsulated, steam-deodorized menhaden

oil (collaborative study sample 1) analyzed on a flexible fused silica capillary column (30 m
× 0.25 mm), coated with Supelcowax-10, under the conditions noted in the text.
20:5n – 3
20:1n – 9
18:1n – 9

22:6n – 3
23:0 (IS)
22:1n – 11 + 13
22:0 Me

24:0 Me
20:0 Me
14:0 Me

16:0 Me

18:0 Me

20:1n – 7
18:1n – 7

22:5n – 3

20:4n – 3
20:4n – 6


Figure 2. Fatty acid ethyl esters of a soft-gelatin-encapsulated commercial product,

SuperEPA 500 (collaborative study sample 2) analyzed on a flexible fused silica capillary
column (30 m × 0.25 mm), coated with Supelcowax-10, under the conditions noted in
the text. The location of added saturated methyl esters is indicated for reference.

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Ce 1b-89 • Fatty Acid Composition by GLC

16:1n – 7

18:1n – 9

22:1n – 11 + 13

20:5n – 3
18:1n – 7

20:1n – 9

22:6n – 3
20:1n – 11

23:0 (IS)
18:2n – 6

18:4n – 3

18:3n – 3

22:1n – 9
20:2n – 6
20:3n – 6
20:4n – 6
20:3n – 3
20:4n – 3

22:5n – 6
22:4n – 6


Figure 3. Chromatogram of cod liver oil (collaborative study sample 3) methyl esters
analyzed on a flexible fused silica capillary column (30 m × 0.25 mm), coated with
Supelcowax-10, under the conditions noted in the text.

2. Calculation of mg of EPA and DHA per g of sample NOTES

(a) For marine oils and fish oil capsules (methyl Caution
esters)—weight of EPA and DHA (see Notes, 9), Methanol (methyl alcohol) is flammable and toxic. Avoid
expressed as mg of EPA/DHA fatty acid per g of oil: contact with eyes. Avoid breathing vapors. Use effective
fume-removal device. Can react vigorously with sodium
(Ax)(WIS)(CFx) hydroxide.
EPA or DHA, mg/g = × 1000
(AIS)(WS)(1.04) Isooctane is highly flammable. An effective fume hood
should be used at all times when working with isooctane.
(b) For ethyl esters—weight of EPA and DHA (see
Notes, 9), expressed as mg of EPA/DHA fatty acid NUMBERED NOTES
per g of sample: 1. It has been shown that the alkali-catalyzed methanoly-
sis step for the determination of long-chain marine oil
(Ax)(WIS)(CFx) fatty acids produces dimethyl and mixed-alcohol esters
EPA or DHA, mg/g = × 1000 from the plasticizer dioctyl [actually di(2-ethylhexyl)]
phthalate. An independent boron trifluoride-catalyzed
Where— methanolysis step produced a lower level of artifacts,
Ax = area counts for EPA (20:5n-3) or DHA but the official two-step process produced a higher
(22:6n-3) conversion than either catalyst did independently. The
AIS = area counts for internal standard retention times for the dimethyl, mixed-alcohol and
CFx = theoretical correction factor for EPA or dioctyl phthalates are discussed (References, 1) in rela-
DHA tion to methyl esters of common fatty acids on poly-
WIS = mass of internal standard added to the sam- glycol wall-coated open-tubular GLC columns.
ple, in mg 2. There is usually sufficient sample in marine oils analy-
WS = sample mass, in mg sis to permit operation in the split mode.
3. The column end may be inserted directly in the detec-
3. Detector correction factors—Theoretical detector cor- tor jet, or there may be a connection at the base of the
rection factors relative to C23:0 (the internal standard, jet, with or without makeup gas. If the FID requires
IS) for C20:5n-3 (0.99) and C22:6n-3 (0.97) should be makeup gas, nitrogen is satisfactory.
applied to the analytical data for optimal accuracy. 4. These are suggested operating conditions for a 30-m
PRECISION 5. Authentic standards of saturated fatty acid esters, if need-
1. Collaborative study statistics, based on results from 19 ed for peak identification, are widely available. C21:5n-3
laboratories that participated in the study, appear in should be baseline separated from C23:0 (IS), and C24:0
Table 3. should be baseline separated from C22:6n-3 (see Fig. 1).

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Table 1 Table 2
Retention times and area percent of fatty acid methyl esters Retention times and area percent of cod liver oil methyl
of steam-deodorized menhaden oil (collaborative study sam- esters (collaborative study sample 3). See Figure 3.
ple 1). See Figure 1.

Retention Relative Retention Relative

time retention Area time retention Area
Fatty acid (min) time percent Fatty acid (min) time percent
14:0 4.14 0.335 8.3 14:0 4.17 0.335 5.7
16:0 7.13 0.578 18.7 16:0 7.17 0.576 13.3
16:1n-7 7.66 0.621 12.1 16:1n-7 7.71 0.620 8.8
18:0 12.34 1.00 3.1 18:0 12.44 1.00 2.3
18:1n-9 12.97 1.05 18:1n-9 13.08 1.05
11.9 18.0
18:1n-7 13.22 1.07 18:1n-7 13.32 1.07
18:2n-6 14.57 1.18 1.2 18:2n-6 14.68 1.18 2.0
18:3n-3 17.08 1.38 0.8 18:3n-3 17.20 1.38 1.0
18:4n-3 18.38 1.40 2.9 18:4n-3 18.50 1.49 2.0
20:0 20.32 1.65 0.2 20:0 20.47 1.65 0.2
20:1n-11 20.91 1.69 20:1n-11 21.08 1.69
1.8 10.0
20:1n-9 21.12 1.71 20:1n-9 21.28 1.71
20:2n-6 23.37 1.89 0.1 20:2n-6 23.52 1.89 0.3
20:3n-6 24.66 2.00 0.2 20:3n-6 24.81 1.99 0.1
20:3n-3 26.66 2.16 0.2 20:3n-3 26.86 2.16 0.1
20:4n-6 25.74 2.09 0.8 20:4n-6 25.91 2.08 0.4
20:4n-3 28.07 2.27 1.3 20:4n-3 28.25 2.27 0.6
20:5n-3 29.29 2.37 13.8 20:5n-3 29.43 2.37 7.8
22:0 30.32 2.46 0.2 22:0 30.50 2.45 0.3
22:1n-11+13 31.27 2.53 22:1n-11+13 31.50 2.53
1.4 9.0
22:1n-9 31.63 2.56 22:1n-9 31.83 2.56
22:4n-6 37.17 3.03 0.2 22:4n-6 37.70 3.03 0.2
22:5n-6 38.83 3.14 0.2 22:5n-6 39.04 3.14 0.1
22:5n-3 41.11 3.33 2.1 22:5n-3 41.32 3.32 1.0
22:6n-3 42.86 3.47 7.9 22:6n-3 43.77 3.52 7.0
24:0 42.45 3.44 0.1 24:0 42.67 3.43 0.2
24:1n-9 43.54 3.52 0.3 24:1 43.77 3.52 0.9

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Ce 1b-89 • Fatty Acid Composition by GLC

Table 3 6. If the peak height of the IS is ≤one-half that of the EPA

Statistical analysis of results for 6 fish oils, based on results or DHA peaks, repeat the analysis using 2.0 mL of IS.
received from 21 laboratories. 7. Optional—Wash isooctane with 2 mL of water and dry
over anhydrous sodium sulfate.
Samplesa 1 2 3 4 5 6 8. Manual injection with a microsyringe is preferred;
however, an autoinjection may be used.
14:0 8.3 0.4 5.7 7.0 5.4 8.3
9. Please note that this calculation gives results for fatty
16:0 18.7 0.9 13.3 15.0 7.8 19.0 acids and not for esters of fatty acids. The analyst can
18:0 3.1 2.1 2.3 2.9 0.8 3.1 confirm detector correction factors with pure reference
18:1 11.9 8.7 18.0 14.1 10.2 11.9 standards on individual instruments and capillary
columns. The weight % calculation should always be
x, %

18:4n-3 2.9 1.9 2.0 2.1 4.4 2.9 based on theoretical FID correction factors. In case of
20:1 1.8 14.2 10.0 3.2 1.3 1.8 strongly deviating experimental factors (>5% deviation
20:5n-3 13.8 26.4 7.8 17.0 27.5 13.4 from the theoretical factor), the analyst should locate
22:1 1.4 10.6 9.0 2.4 1.0 1.3
the cause of the deviation, rather than applying the
experimental factor.
22:5n-3 2.0 4.3 1.0 2.1 2.2 2.0
22:6n-3 7.9 18.7 7.0 12.3 12.5 7.8 REFERENCES
14:0 11.7 17.1 13.1 8.3 12.0 11.6 1. J. Chromatogr. 587:263 (1991).
16:0 7.0 12.2 7.5 6.9 5.7 10.0
18:0 3.6 7.0 3.1 14.4 5.6 5.7 INFORM 1:987 (1990).
18:1 1.9 5.7 2.8 3.0 6.7 3.6 J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 64:499 (1987).
Ibid. 66:1822 (1989).

18:4n-3 2.4 7.6 4.2 6.3 5.5 4.5

General referee report on oils and fats, J. Assoc. Off. Anal.
20:1 8.0 3.2 4.5 9.7 18.1 16.2 Chem. 73:105 (1990).
20:5n-3 5.8 5.6 5.5 7.4 7.5 9.8 J. Chromatogr. Biomed. Appl. 533:1 (1990).
22:1 17.2 4.7 8.9 10.0 13.4 16.1 J. AOAC Int. 75:488 (1992).
22:5n-3 14.6 8.5 9.7 12.2 8.8 16.2
AOAC International, 16th ed., Vol. II, Method 991.39,
Gaithersburg, MD, 1995, Chap. 41, p. 20.
22:6n-3 16.1 7.5 9.9 11.7 7.5 15.5
RSDR x, mg/g

20:5n-3 115.3 223.1 64.3 157.5 241.4 117.7

22:6n-3 66.0 157.9 56.4 105.3 105.4 67.2
20:5n-3 6.0 9.2 7.7 19.8 5.4 7.9
22:6n-3 4.2 9.0 8.3 12.6 5.2 8.6
x, % RSDr
14:0 8.3 5.8
RSDR—Blind duplicate pair

16:0 18.7 2.9

(Samples 1 and 6)

18:0 3.1 1.8

18:1 11.9 1.6
18:4n-3 2.9 1.5
20:1 1.8 7.3
20:5n-3 13.8 1.9
22:1 1.4 7.9
22:5n-3 2.0 6.7
22:6n-3 7.9 3.7
x, mg/g
x, mg/g

20:5n-3 116.5 5.9

22:6n-3 66.6 5.3
aAll samples were soft-gelatin encapsulated. 1. Steam-deodorized
menhaden oil; 2. commercial ethyl ester preparation; 3. cod liver
oil; 4. commercial fish oil; 5. commercial fish oil enriched in
EPA and DHA; 6. steam-deodorized menhaden oil (blind dupli-
cate of sample 1).

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