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filfiil $R*TI


Roman bazatpe povestea adevlrati
a Iui Ruth qi a lui Jack Gruener

Traducere din limba englezl qi note

de Diana Morlraqu

i:rt Booklet

1939-r942 tg

Chopler One

life were going to be like, I would have eaten more. din via{a mea, ag fi mAncat cs
I wouldn't have complained about brushing my teeth, or Nu m-aq mai fi plAns cetr
taking a bath, or going to bed at eight o'clock every night. I would
ci ora de culcare era la ora q
have played more.'Laughed more. I would have hugged my
mult, aE fi ris mai mult, mi-4
parents and told them I loved them.
spus c[ ii iubesc.
But I was ten years old, and I had no idea of the nightmare
Dar aveam numai zece ani
that was to come. None of us did. It was the beginning of
vin[ peste noi. Niciunul dintrr
September, and we all sat around the big table in the dining room
brie qi qedeam toli in jurul m
of my family's flat on Krakusa Street, eating and drinking and
mentul familiei mele din sna&
talking: my parents, my aunts and uncles, my cousins, and me,
Jakob - although everybody called me by my Polish name, plrinlii mei, unchii qi mltusil
Yanek. toat[ lumea imi spunea Yand
"'The Jews must disappear from Europe.'That's what Hitler - Eweii trebuie sI dispar
said," Uncle Moshe said, reaching for another pastry. "I don't unchiul Moshe, intinzAndu-sr
know how much more clear he could be." nici nu cred c[ se poate.
I shivered. I'dheard Hitler, the German Filhrer,give speeches M-am cutremurat. L-am tr
on the radio. Filhrer meant "leader" in German. It was what the flnand discrrrsuri la radio. Frill
Germans called their president now. Hitler was always talking A"gaii spuneau acum germanii
about the "Jewish menace" and how Germany and the rest of despre,,ameninlarea eweial
Europe should be "Jew free." I was a Jew, and I lived in Europe, Europei ar trebui s[ fie ,,fhr{r
and I didn't want to disappear. I loved my house and my city. qi nu voiam s[ dispar. lmi iub

Ccpilolul unu


more. din viala mea, ag fi mAncat ceva mai mult.
hing my teeth, or Nu m-aq mai fi plAns c[ trebuie sd m[ sp[l pe dinti, s[ fac baie sau
very night. I would
c[ ora de culcare era la ora opt fix in fiecare sear[. M-ag fi jucat mai
rhave hugged my
mult, aq fi rAs mai mult, mi-aq fi imbrl1iqat mai des plrinlii Ei le-aq fi
spus c[ ii iubesc.
r of the nightmare
Dar aveam numai zece ani qi habar nu aveam ce cosmar avea sl
tle beginning of
vini peste noi. Niciunul dintre noi nu qtia. Era inceputul lui septem-
inthe diningroom
brie qi qedeam toli in jurul mesei celei mari din sufragerie, in aparta-
and drinking and
mentul familiei mele din strada Krakusa, mAncAnd, bAnd qi sporovlind:
cousins, and me,
my'Polish name, plrinlii mei, unchii Ei mltuqile, veriqorii mei Ei cu mine, Jakob - deEi
toat[ lumea imi spunea Yanek, dupl numele meu polonez.
That's what Hitler - Eweii trebuie s[ disparl din Europa. Aqa a spus Hitler, zise
cr pastry. "I don't unchiul Moshe, intinzindu-se dup[ incl o chiflI. Mai limpede de atAt
nici nu cred c[ se poate.
hrer, give speeches M-am cutremurat. L-am auzit Ei eu pe Hitler, Filhrer-d german,
rn- It was what the trnAnd discrrrsuri la radio. Fiihrer inseamnl ,,conducltor" in german[.
ras always talking Aqa ii spuneau acum germanii preqedintelui lor. Hifler vorbea intruna
rn1'and the rest of despre ,,ameninlarea eweiasc[" qi despre cum Germania qi restul
I I lived in Europe, Europei ar trebui s[ fie ,,fbr[ evrei". Eu eram evreu, trfliam in Europa
ree and my city. -<i nu voiam si dispar. tmi iubeam casa qi oraqul.

"The British and the French have already declared war on - Englezii Ei francezii i-au d
him," my father said. "Soon the Americans will join them. They curind o sl li se alIture Ei ameril
won't let Germany roll over all of Europe." de cap in toat[ EuroPa.
"He's already annexed Austria and Czechoslovakia," said - A anexat deja Austria gi I
Uncle Abraham. "And now he invades Poland!" unchiul Abraham. Iar acum intt
My fatirer sipped his coffee. "Mark my words: This war won't - Jineli minte ce v[ spuq d
last more than six months." Ista nu o s[ dureze mai mult &1
My uncles argued with him, but he was my father, so I Unchii meil-au contrazis, da
believed him. - Gata cu politica, spuse rnfl
"Enough politics," my mother said. She got up to clear the Mltuqile au s5.rit si-i dea o n
table, and my aunts helped her. "Yanek, why don't you put on a - Yanek, nu wei s[ ne Pt
show for us? He built his own projector." construit singur un Proiector, $i
I ran to my room to get it. It wasn't a film projector like the Am datfugain camera meaC
one at the movie theater. It was a slide projector I'd made by din acelea de la cinematograf- Fr
mounting a lightbulb on a piece of wood and positioning wooden l-am f[cut montAnd un bec Pel
plates with lenses from magnifyrng glasses in front of it. I could pl[cule din lemn cu lentile de hr
show pictures on the wall, or do shadow-puppet shows. My pe perete sau puteamincroPiun
cousins helped me hang a white sheet in the doorway of the ajutat s[ agil un cearqaf alb in 1
sitting room, and when everyone was seated I plugged in the s-a aqezat toat[ lumea, am @
projector and clicked on the radio. I liked to have musical radioul. tmi pl[cea si am acm
accompaniment, like a movie sound track. When the radio loand sonor[ a unui film. Cindn
warmed up, I found a Count Basie song that was perfeet and de-a lui Count Basie, Perfectl
started my show. inceput spectacolul.
Using cardboard cutouts of cowboys, Indians, stagecoaches, Folosind figurine din cartoni
and horses I'd glued to sticks, I projected a shadow show about diligenle Ei cai pe care le li$
a sheriffin the American Wild West who had to protect his town spectacol de umbre desPre un I
from bandits. John Wayne Westerns were my favorite films, and sI-qi apere oraqul de bandili-
I took all the best parts from his movies and made them one big filmele mele preferate, aEa ci i
story. My family laughed and cheered and called out to the lui qi am flcut din ele o singu
characters like they were real. They loved my shows, and I loved aplauda qi striga la Personaje, d
putting them on for them. I was never prouder than when I got pllceau spectacolele mele, iar I
my father to laugh! Pentru mine, cea mai mare mit
!realready declared war on - Englezii Ei francezii i-au declarat deja r[zboi, spuse tata. ln
micans will join them. They curfind o s[ li se allture qi americanii. Nu vor ldsa Germania s[-gi fac[
hope.- de cap in toatl EuroPa.
I and Czechoslovakia," said - A anexat deja Austria qi Cehoslovacia, interveni in disculie
rdes Poland!" unchiulAbraham. Iar acum invadeazl Polonia!
tata, sorbind din cafea. Rlzboiul
ert m1'n'ords: This war won't - fineli minte ce v[ spun, zise
, Ssta nu o s[ dureze mai mult de qase luni-
bct he was my father, so I unchii mei l-au contrazis, dar era tat5l meu, aqa cd eu l-am crezut.
- Gata cu politica, spuse mama, ridicandu-se s[ strAngl
seid. She got up to clear the Mltuqile au slrit s5-i dea o minl de ajutor.
Imeh *try don't you put on a - Yanek, nu wei s[ ne prezin]i un spectacol de-al tlu? $i-a
idor.' construit singur un proiector, qtiti?
m't afilm projector like the Am dat fuga in camera mea s5.-l aduc. Nu era un proiector de fiIm,
r slide projector I'd made by din acelea de la cinematograf. Era un proiector de diapozitive pe care
;ood and positioning wooden l-am fbcut montAnd un bec pe o bucat[ de lemn qi fixind in fala lui
gglasses in front of it. I could pllcu{e din lemn cu lentile de la cAteva lupe. Puteam proiecta imagini
F shadow-puppet shows. My pe perete sau puteam incropi un micteatru de umbre. Verii mei m-au
theet in the doorway of the ajutat s[ ag[! un cearqaf alb in pragul uqii de la sufragerie Ei, dupl ce
,ras seated I plugged in the s-a aqezat toatd lumea, am blgat proiectorul in prizl Ei am deschis
ffo. I liked to have musical radioul. imi placea s[ am acompaniament muzical, ca un fel de co-
md track. When the radio loanl sonor[ a unui film. CAnd radioul s-a incllzit, am gisit o melodie
iie song that was perfect and de-a lui count Basie, perfect[ pentru ce-mi trebuia mie, Ei mi-am
inceput spectacolul.
fto1s. Indians, stagecoaches, Folosind figurine din carton decupate in form[ de cowboy, indieni,
*ctea a shadow show about diligenle qi cai pe care le lipisem de niqte be!e, am proiectat un
trwho had to protect his town spectacol de umbre despre un qerif din Vestul S[Ibatic, care trebuia
EtrteFe myfavorite films, and sa-qi apere oraqul de bandili. Westernurile cu John Wayne erau
bvies and made them onebig filmele mele preferate, aqa c[ am luat cele mai bune plrti din filmele
Icered and called out to the lui gi am flcut din ele o singur[ mare poveste. Familia mea rAdea,
yloved my shows, and I loved aplauda qi striga }a personaje, de parcl ar fi fost oameni adevflrali. Le
rer prouder than when I got pldceau spectacolele mele, iar mie imi plflcea sd le prezint in fata lor.
Pentru mine, cea mai mare mflndrie era s[-l fac pe tata s[ rad[.
Maybe one day I would go to America and work in the movies. Cine Etie, poate intr-o bunlt
Aunt Gizela would often ruffle my wavy hair and say, *you look filme. Mltuqa Gizela imi ciufol
like a movie star, Yanek with your dark-blond hair and big Chiar cI ar51i ca o vedd
- -
eyes." inchis qi cu ochii SEtia mari!
I was just getting to the part where the bandit leader robbed Tocmai ajunsesem la parf
the town bank and was squaring offfor a shoot-out with the hero oraqului qi se preg[tea pentn
when the music on the radio stopped midsong. At first I thought muzica de la radio s-a oprit t
the radio's vacuum tube had blown, but then a man,s voice came crezut cd a cedat tubul electror
on the radio. auzit o voce de blrbat.
"Ladies and gentlemen, we interrupt this broadcast with the
- Doamnelor gi domnilr;
news that the German army has reached Krak6w.', qtire de maxim[ importan{i: r
"No!" myfather said.
"So soon?" Uncle Moshe said. "It's been only six days! Where
- Nu! a exclamat tata.
is the Polish army?"
- A"ga de repede? spuse und
zile! Unde e armata polonezil?
I came out from bdhind the sheet in the doorway to listen. Am ieqit de dupl cearEafull
while the radio announcer talked about polish forces ce crainicul de la radio vori
withdrawingto L6dL and Warsaw, there was a big BOOM, and retrlgeau spre L6dZ qi Varryo
my mother's teacups rattled in their saucers. My cousins and I ceEcutele de ceai ale mamei an
ran to the window to look outside. Dark smoke curled into the Ei cu mine ne-am repezit Ia fu
sky over the rooftops ofpodg6rze, our neighborhood. someone de fum negru se ridica spre cer
cried out on the next street, and the church bells of wawel cartierul nostru. De pe o strad
Cathedral rang out in alarm. clopotele catedralei Wawel aui
It was too late. The Germans were here. If I had only known Dar era prea tArziu. Nemliir
then what I know now, I would have run. I wouldn,t have Etiu acum, aE fi fugit. Nu aq rnai
stopped to pack a bag, or say goodbye to my friends, or to even iau la revedere de la prieteni,
unplug myprojector. None of us would have. We would have run priz5.. Niciunul dintre noi nu a
for the woods outside of town and never looked back. de la marginea oraEului qi nu I
But we didn't, We just sat there in my family,s flat, listening Dar nu am fhcut-o. Am rXmr
to the radio and watching the sky over Krak6wturn black as the nostru, ascultind radioul gi
Germans came to kill us. Cracoviei se innegreqte, in vrct
[workin the movies. Cine qtie, poate intr-o bun[ zi o s[ mI duc in America qi o s[ joc in
irand say, "You look filme. Mdtuqa Gizela imi ciufulea adesea pirul cret qimi spunea:
L-blond hair and big - Chiar cI ar[1i ca o vedetl de film, Yanek, cu pirul tlu blond
inchis Ei cu ochii [qtia mari!
rbrndit leader robbed Tocmai ajunsesem la partea in care capul bandililor jefuise banca
ffi-out with the hero oraqului Ei se pregltea pentru un schimb de focuri cu eroul, cAnd
nrg. At first I thought muzica de la radio s-a oprit in mijlocul cAntecului. La inceput am
lnaman'svoice came crezut c5. a cedat tubul electronic al aparatului, dar apoi din aparat s-a
auzit o voce de b[rbat.
is broadcast with the - Doamnelor qi dornnilor, intrerupem programulinobiqnuit cu o
[tak6w." qtire de maximl importan![: armata german[ a ajuns Cracovia.
- Nu! a exclamat tata.
toly Aqa de repede? spuse unchiul Moshe. Nu le-au trebuit decAt Ease
six days! Where -
t- zile! Unde e armata polonez[?
|e doorway to listen. Am ieEit de dupl cearEaful ag[1at in prag ca sI ascult Ei eu. tn weme
tout Polish forces ce crainicul de la radio vorbea despre forlele poloneze, care se
rc a big BOOM, and retrlgeau spre L6dZ qi Varqovia, s-a auzit un bubuit puternic, iar
lrMy cousins and I ceEculele de ceai ale mamei au zlnglnitin farfurioarele lor. Verii mei
mke curled into the gi cu mine ne*am repezit la fereastrS, ca si ne uitlm afard. Un quvoi
;[borhood. Someone de fum negru se ridica spre cer deasupra acoperiEurilor din Podg6rze,
nrch bells of Wawel cartierul nostru. De pe o strad[ din apropiere s-a auzit un ]ipit, iar
clopotele catedralei Wawelau inceput s[ bat[ a primejdie.
If I had only known
:. Dar era preatarziu. Nemlii erau aici. Dac[ aq fi qtiut atunci ceea ce
nL I wouldn't have gtiu acum, aq fi fugit. Nu aq mai fi zlbovit s[ imi fac bagajele sau s[-mi
ryfriends, or to even iau la revedere de la prieteni, nici mlcar sI-mi scot proiectorul din
p.Wewouldhaverun priz[. Niciunul dintre noi nu ar mai fi zlbovit. Am fi fugit in pldurea
*edback. de la marginea oraEului Ei nu ne-am mai fi uitat inapoi.
fuily's flat,listening Dar nu am fHcut-o. Am rdmas pur Ei simplu pe loc, in apartamentul
bri,turn black as the nostru, ascultAnd radioul qi uitindu-ne cum cerul de deasupra
Cracoviei se innegreqte, in weme ce germanii veneau sd ne omoare.
Chopler Two ftr


They marched in their smart grayuniforms with their legs locked irnbr[ca1i in uniformele Ior oer
straight and thrown out in frontof them the way ducks walk. It picioarele lipite, drepte, an'irl
was silly, but eerie at the same time. There were so many of ralele. Era caraghios Ei inspiil
them, all marching in time together, their shiny green helmets mul1i qi to{i mlrglluiau in
and polished black jackboots glinting in the sun. Each of the strdlucitoare, Ei cizmele mfita
soldiers wore a greatcoat and a pack on his back, and they carried soare. Fiecare soldat purta rnal
rifles over their shoulders and bayonets at their sides. pusca pe umlr gi baioneta la qr
I felt small in my little blue woolen jacket and pants and my M[ sim{eam aqa de neinses
simple brown cap. There were tanks too'- panzers, they called ldn[, cu pantalonii qi Eapca rne
them great rumbling things with treads that clanked and panzere le ziceau: nigte maqit
cannons that swiveled on top. ![c5neau, iar deasupra tunuri I
We came out to watch. All of us: men, \/omen, and children, Am iegit toti afarl s[ ne uit
Poles and Jews. We stood on the street corners and watched the ewei laolaltd. Stlteam la colqui
Germans march through our city. Not all of Poland had fallen,
germanii prin oraqul nostru.
clzuse in mAna lor. VarEoviain
the radio told us - Warsaw still held out, as did Brze66, Siedlce,
Dar acum germanii ne erau st
and L6di. But the Germans were our masters now, until our
gi englezi aveau sI vinX s[-i ah
allies the British and the French arrived to drive them out.
"The Nazis won't be so bad," an old Polish woman on the - N-o s[ ne fie aqa de rlu cl
care st[tea allturi de mine pe
sidewalk next to me said as I watched them. "I remember the
amintesc de germanii din Prin
Germans from the World War. Theywere very nice people."
foarte cumsecade.
But of course she could say that. She wasn't a Jew.
Sigur, ei ii era simplu s[ sp
For weeks we tried to live our lives as though nothing had
Slptlm6ni la rAnd am incerc
changed, as though an invading army hadn't conquered us"
fi schimbat nimic, ca qi cum nt
Copilolul doi


th their legs locked imbr5cali in uniformele lor cenu;ii, elegante, mlrq6luiau {in6ndu-qi
rz1, ducks walk. It picioarele lipite, drepte, azvirlindu-le mereu in fat[, a$a cum merg
) tYere so many of ralele. Era caraghios Ei insplimantitor in acelaqi timp. Erau foarte
finy green helmets mulli qi to{i m[rEflluiau in acelaqi ritm, iar c5qtile lor verzi,
t sun. Each of the strilucitoare, gi cizmele militare negre gi bine lustruite sc6nteiau in
L and they carried soare. Fiecare soldat purta manta gi cira un rucsac in spate; toli aveau
dr sides. puEca pe umir qi baioneta la qold.
and pants and my Mi simleam aqa de neinsemnat in micula mea jachetl albastr[ de
inzers, they called lAn[, cu pantalonii Ei qapca mea maronie qi simpl[. Erau qi tancuri -
that clanked and panzere le ziceau: niqte maEinlrii mari, zuruitoare, cu genile care
![c[neau, iar deasupra tunuri care se roteau.
men, and children, Am ieEit toli afar[ s[ ne uitlm: blrbali, femei qi copii, polonezi qi
rs and watched the ewei laolalt[. St[team la co[urile strlzilor qi ne uitam cum mdrqlluiau
Poland had fallen,
germanii prin oraEul nostru. La radio se zicea c[ nu toat[ Po]onia
clzuse in mdna 1or. Varqovia incd rezista, la fel Brze36, Siedlce qi Lodi.
lid Brze56, Siedlce,
Dar acum germanii ne erau stlpani, pan5 cand alia{ii noEtri francezi
lrs norv, until our
gi englezi aveau sI vin[ s[-i alunge.
ire them out. spus o polonezlb[tr6nl
bh rvoman on the - N-o s[ ne fie aq;a de rlu cu naziqtii,in mi-a
weme ce m[ uitam la ei. lmi
care st[tea aldturi de mine pe trotuar
.'I remember the
amintesc de germanii din Primul Rlzboi Mondial. Erau nigte oameni
ynice people."
foarte cumsecade.
rta Jew.
Sigur, ei ii era simplu sI spunl asta. Nu era eweic['
ough nothing had
sept5manih rand amincercat s[ ne continulmviala ca Ei cum nu s-ar
n't conquered us" fi schimbat nimic, ca qi cum nu ne-ar fi cotropit o armatd invadatoare.

I went to school every day, my father and uncles and cousins still hr mI duceam la qcoal5 in fiecare zil
went to work, and my mother still went to the store. But things la munci, iar mama inc[ se ducea tu
were changing. At school, the Polish boys wouldn't play soccer Ia Ecoali, b[iep polonezi nu maiil
with me anyrnore, and no Poles or Germans bought shoes from polonezi, nici nemli nu mai CIxqi
my father's store. Food became scarce too, and more expensive. mAncarea s-aimpulinat qi eratotm
Then one morning I walked to school and it was canceled. For intr-o diminea!5, m-am dus la1
good, I was told. No school for Jews. The other children tot, mi s-a spus. FIr[ qeoal[ penur
celebrated, but I was disappointed. I loved to read any and all dar eu am fost dezamlgit. lmi plio
books. But especially books about America, and books about de orice fel, dar mai ales cele del
doctors and medicine. medicinS.
I wandered the streets, watching the German soldiers and Am rltlcit haihui pe strizi, ul
their tanks, the breadlines that stretched around the block. tancurile lor,la cozile Ia pAine care
Winter was coming, and the men and women in line held their apropia iarna, iar femeile qi berb4i
coats tight around them and stamped their feet to stay warm. hainele mai bine in jurul trupuluil
When I went home at lunch-time, my father was there, which incilzeasc5. Cand m-am dus acasll
surprised me. He usually ate lunch at work. Uncle Moshe was surprins. De obicei lua prAnzul Ia u
with him at the table. My mother came out of the kitchen and la masd. Mama a ieqit din bucntlrie S
worried over me. - Eqti bolnav, Yanek? a zis a,
"Are you sick, Yanek?" She put a hand to my forehead. "Why De ce ai venit aqa deweme de la go
are you home early from school?" - S-ainchis, i-am spus Ei m-aol
"It's closed," I told her, feeling depressed. "Closed for Jews." pentru ewei.
"You see? You see?" Uncle Moshe said. He turned to my -Yezi? Vezi? zise unchiul MGI
father, looking worked up. "First they close the schools. Next it intfli inchid qcolile, urmltorul va
will be your shoe store. My fur shop! And why not? No one will privllia mea de bllnuri! $i de ce r
buy from us with Nazi soldiers telling people, 'Don't buy from mai cumpere de la noi acum, cAndr
Jews."' cumplrali de la ewei".
"But, if they close the shoe store, how will you make money?" - Dar dac[ inchid magazinul d
I asked my father. l-am intrebat pe tata.
"Jews are not to make money!" Moshe said. "We have ration - Eweii nu trebuie s[ faci bani
cards now for food. With Js all over them. Jfor Jew." cartele pentru mAncare, pline de Ii
"This will pass," my father said. "They'll crack down for a - O sI treacl, a rXspuns tata. O
time, and then things will get easier again. It's always the same. dar dupi aia lucrurile vor reveni I
ldes and cousins still Eu mlduceamla qmal5in fiecare zi, tata, unchii qiverii meiincl mergeau
tre store. But things la munc5, iar mama incl se ducea la magazin. Lucrurile ins[ se schimbau.
wouldn't play soccer La qcoal5, blietii polonezi nu mai jucau fotbal cu mine qi nimeni - nici
ubought shoes from polonezi, nici nemli - nu mai cumplra incIllIri din magazinul tatei. $i
ad more expensive. mAncarea s-a impu{inat qi era tot mai scump[.
ilitwas canceled. For tntr-o diminea![, m-am dus la qcoali qi am aflat cI s-a inchis. De
lte other children tot, mi s-a spus. FlrI Ecoald pentru ewei. Ceilalli copii s-au bucurat,
bread - any and all dar eu am fost dezamlgit. imi pllcea sI citesc, aE fi citit toate c[r!ile,
ce, and books about de orice fel, dar mai ales cele despre America qi despre doctori qi
Ierman soldiers and Am rlt[cit haihui pe strlzi, uitAndu-mI la solda]ii germani Ei la
il around the block. tancurile lor,la cozile la pAine care se intindeau in jurul blocurilor. Se
El in line held their apropia iarna, iar femeile Ei bdrbalii care stlteau la rind iEi strAngeau
hfeet to stay warm. hainele mai bine in jurul trupului qi trop5iau incetiqor pe loc ca s[ se
br was there, which incllzeascS. Cand m-am dus acas[ la prAnz, tata era acolo, ceea ce m-a
iL Uncle Moshe was surprins. De obicei lua prAnzul la muncI. Unchiul Moshe stltea lAng[ el
It of the kitchen and la mas[. Mama a ieqit din bucitirie nipustit ingrijoratX asupra mea.
Ei s-a

- Eqti bolnav, Yanek? a zis ea, lipindu-gi palm4 de fruntea mea.

om1'forehead. "Why i
De ce ai venit aEa deweme de la EcoalI?

- S-a inchis, i-am spus qi m-a copleEit deodat[ tristetea. S-a inchis
d-'Closed for Jews." pentru ewei.
pornit. Mai
iiL He turned to my -Yezi? Yezi? zise unchiul Moshe. S-a intors spre tata,
:the schools. Next it intdi inchid gcolile, urmltorul va fi magazinul tiu de pantofi, apoi
ftry not? No one will prlvllia mea de bl5nuri! $i de ce nu, md rog? Oricum nimeni n-o sI
;tle, 'Don't buy from mai cumpere de la noi acum, cind naziqtii le spun oamenilor ,,Nu mai
cumplrati de la ewei".
[you make money?" - Dar daci inchid magazinul de pantofi, cum o s[ mai faci bani?
i-am intrebat pe tata.
lil. "We have ration - Eweii nu trebuie s[ facl bani! a zis unchiul Moshe. Acum avem
fforJew." cartele pentru mAncare, pline de litera ,,8". ,,8" de la ewei.

;lll crack down for a - O sI treac5, a rlspuns tata. O s[ impun[ niqte restric]ii o weme,
It's always the same. dar dup[ aia lucrurile vor reveni la normal. se intAmpl[ mereu.

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