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REAL NAME: Sæborg Ninja

CHARACTER CONCEPT: Religious southern belle/ Rodeo clown on ice
CLAN: Ventrue
COVENANT: Lancea et sanctum
VICE: Pride
(Details on virtues and vices can be found on pages 100-105 in the World of Darkness core

Choose a Primary, secondary, tertiary, 5/4/3 dots to add, you start with 1 dot in everything for
free, normal human is 2 dots, i.e 1 dot of intelligence is a mentally handicapped character.
Vampires also get 1 free attribute dot from their clan’s favored attribute. (See page 93 in
Vampire the Requiem)
A character can not start with 5 dots in any attribute at character creation and a 1 dot or 4 dots
in attributes require a brief explanation.
Mental Physical Social
Intelligence: ●●● Strength: ● Presence: ●●●
Wits: ●●● Dexterity: ●●● Manipulation: ●●●
Resolve: ●●● Stamina: ●● Composure: ●

Choose a Primary, secondary, tertiary, 11/7/4 dots to add.
Each character also gets 3 free skill specialties which grant a +1 to dicepools pertaining to the
area that specialty involves.
For example a specialty for athletics could be jumping.
For more information, see Chapter 3: Skills in the World of Darkness core rulebook.
A character can not start with 5 dots in any skill.
We recommend that you only start with 4 dots with skills that correspond with your character
concept and/or are explained in your backstory.
Mental: (-3 Untrained) Physical (-1 Untrained) Social (-1 Untrained)
Academics____________●●OOO Athletics_Ice skating_ ●●●OO Animal Ken___Horses_●OOOO
Crafts________________●●OOO Brawl______________OOOOO Empathy____________●OOOO
Computer_____________OOOOO Drive______________●OOOO Expression__________●●OOO
Investigation___________OOOOO Firearms__Revolvers__●●●OO Intimidation__________●OOOO
Medicine______________OOOOO Larceny____________●OOOO Persuasion__________●●OOO
Occult________________●OOOO Stealth____________OOOOO Socialize____________OOOOO
Politics_______________●OOOO Survival____________●●●OO Streetwise___________●OOOO
Science______________●OOOO Weaponry__________●●OOO Subterfuge___________OOOOO
Every player starts with 3 free discipline dots they can spend on in-clan disciplines at will.
You can spend 1 of the 3 free dots on an out-of-clan discipline but if you do that dot should be
spent on something related to your character concept/backstory.
If your character is a member of the Lancea et Sanctum, Circle of the Crone or the Ordo Dracul
you may also use that dot on the magic/coils found there.
Name: Rating/
Theban Sorcery ●●
- Blood Scourge
- Liar‘s Plague
- Prison of Denial
- Sanctity
- Vitae Reliquary
Animalism ●
- Feral Whispers
Dominate ●●
- Command
- Mesmerize
Auspex ●
- Heightened Senses

Health: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● O O O = 7
Willpower: ● ● ● ● O O O O O O = 4 (4)
Blood Potency: ● O O O O O O O O O
(1 at character creation, 3 of the starting merit dots can be spent to start at BP2 or 6 of them can
be spent to start at BP3)
Max Vitae: O O O O O O O O O O = 10
Vitae: ●●●●●●●●●●
(Max vitae is 10 for characters with blood potency 1. See page 99 in Vampire the Requiem for
further details.)
Feeding Method:
(How does your character feed and on what?
You can change this any time you want.)
Feeding Dicepool:
(At the start of each event you will throw for how much vitae you start with, the dicepool for this
throw is determined by your method of feeding.
The dicepool should consist of an attribute, a skill and any bonuses such as successes on awe
or the herd merit, haven: location.)

(Clans can be found on pages 104-113 in Vampire the Requiem)
HUMANITY: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● O O O
(Characters start at humanity 7, talk to a storyteller if you feel like you should start differently)

(Note here any and all derangements your character has gained in game and how you gained

Every player starts with 7 free merit dots
Merits are bought at 2xp times the dot although members of certain covenants have a discount
on certain merits. (See page 91-92 for more details)
We will ask for an explanation for starting out with 4 or 5 dots in certain merits, such as
resources, status, retainer, allies or mentor. These reasons should appear in the backstory or
be discussed with the ST's.
Fighting Finesse ●●
Resources ●
Gunslinger ●●●
Bad Breeding ●●
Status (lancaea) ●●
Retainers ● x3

Haven (secret) ●

2x Taurus Model AP1, damage 2, 40/80/160, 8 shots. Size 2/L
Lighter + cigs
Gas-Gun +3 to hit. Soaks folks it gasoline at 20 meter range.
Sacrificial knife
Vitae repository 2x 4 vitae 1x 8 vitae

Size: 5
(Standard size is 5)

Speed: 9

Defense: 3
(Lowest of dex and wits)

Initiative Mod: 4
(dexterity + Composure)


Current Unspent Experience: 0

Total earned experience points: 42xp
(How much xp you have ever had, NOT including your 40xp at character creation.)


(Note here any xp you gain or spend and how this xp was gained or spent, feel free to add in
the day of when you earned or spent xp if you wish.)
Character Creation +40xp
+42xp (1 unspent)
-2xp resources dot
-14xp Theban Sorcery 2nd dot
-4xp Prison of Denial ritual
-2xp Vitae Reliquary ritual
-4xp Sanctity ritual
-6xp 1st dot in larceny and drive
-6xp 1st in politics and science
-6xp 2nd academic
-12 xp haven og status ● ●
-9 xp bloodherd ●● og Empathy ●
-10 xp domination ●●
-7xp Auspex ●
-2xp Haven security
+6xp refund
-6xp 3 basic retainers

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