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Professional Diploma Course in


Karen E. Wells
Copyright © 2021 by: Karen E. Wells
Cover and internal design ©2021 Karen E. Wells
All rights reserved. No part of this course may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or
mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems – except in the case of
brief quotations in articles or reviews – without the permission in writing from its publisher,
Karen E. Wells.

All brand names and product names used in this course are trademarks, registered trademarks, or
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Professional Diploma Course in Parapsychology by Karen E. Wells
Table of Contents
Karen E. Wells................................................................................................................................. 1

Copyright ........................................................................................................................................ 2

Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................ 4

Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 7

Module One .................................................................................................................................. 10

What is Parapsychology? .......................................................................................................... 10

Module One. ................................................................................................................................. 15

Self-Assessment Tasks.............................................................................................................. 15
Module Two .................................................................................................................................. 17

The World of Parapsychology .................................................................................................. 17

Module Two .................................................................................................................................. 30

Self-Assessment Tasks.............................................................................................................. 30
Module Three ................................................................................................................................ 33

Phenomena ................................................................................................................................ 33
Module Three ................................................................................................................................ 46

Self-Assessment Task ............................................................................................................... 46

Module Four.................................................................................................................................. 48

Parapsychology Processes ........................................................................................................ 48

Module Four.................................................................................................................................. 64

Self-Assessment Tasks.............................................................................................................. 64
Module Five .................................................................................................................................. 65

Paranormal Investigation Equipment ........................................................................................ 65

Module Five .................................................................................................................................. 70

Self-Assessment Tasks.............................................................................................................. 70
Summary ....................................................................................................................................... 71

Final Assignment .......................................................................................................................... 72

About..............................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

Karen E. Wells............................................................................................................................... 74

“Death is not the end, it is simply walking out of the physical form and into the spirit
realm, which is our true home. It’s going back home…. We unzip the body, so to speak, let it
fall to the ground and walk through the next door clothed in our spiritual form, which was
always there inside the physical body.” — Stephen Christopher Dennis

Welcome to this parapsychology course. This is a fascinating subject where you learn how to
investigate scenes with paranormal activity and endeavour to research and identify alternate
reasons or are able to affirm a paranormal presence. Paranormal investigations have never been
so popular and there is a great deal of scope for the individual who wishes to carve out an
alternate hobby or, even career within this niche.

It is not always easy for people to take the paranormal seriously. There are so many unknowns
and even after years of meticulous research, paranormal investigators are still not able to actively
prove the existence of spirit or that mediumship works or that telepathy is possible.
Parapsychology is a difficult field of science to truly define. Each parapsychologist is likely to
focus on specific aspects of study and may approach it from a distinct perspective.

If you are planning to make parapsychology a career, it is worth also studying for a
qualification in pyschology.

The role of the parapsychologist is to explore the existence of any spiritual presence or to
identify those who have abilities such as telepathy. Parapsychologists investigate precognition,
clairvoyance, telepathy, telekinesis, out of body experiences, extrasensory perception and

It is a remarkable field of study like no other.

There has always been a difficult integration between the sciences and as such, some do not take
parapsychology seriously. It is, therefore, important that you take a professional approach to any
investigation and are the voice of reason interpreting the data collated. This is scientific evidence
that must be treated as such.
To become a parapsychologist, you must have:

• An open mind
• Critical thinking skills
• Patience
• A methodical approach
• Confidence even under pressure
• The ability to remain calm even if the situation is tense.

There has long been a fascination with the paranormal world. You may be drawn to investigating
paranormal claims as a result of your own unexplained experiences, or, you have a natural
curiosity and wish to investigate and find out the facts for yourself. Proof of the afterlife is
something that most investigators and parapsychologists strive for. It is not just about the thrill of
facing unknown conditions but about the need to find evidence.

If you are naturally curious and like unravelling the history of potentially haunted properties,
then, it can be both fun and educational.

The history of parapsychology is extremely important as it will afford unique insight into the
research that has been done. Within this course, we also look at how you can set up as a
parapsychologist so to investigate paranormal sightings while providing a scientific outlook. If
you are a little sceptical, this will serve you well. The past has shown us that research has
revealed fraudulent occurrences. This only leads to the paranormal being doubted or viewed
badly. Paranormal studies are always likely to be controversial because it is difficult to define a
true paranormal occurrence at any event.

We suggest that you work through this course in order but please do take your time. At the end
of each module, you will find self-assessment tasks. It is important you take the time to study
these tasks and to complete them as they will help you to consolidate the information. If you
struggle to complete these sections, please take time to review the module once more.
At the end of the course, you will find a final assessment. This MUST be completed and
submitted for review. We will award your certificate of competence if you achieve a pass rate.

When ready, please turn to Module One.

Module One
What is Parapsychology?

The term parapsychology is the study of paranormal phenomena. The word para comes from the
Greek word meaning closely related to, or beyond. The official term used to be called psychical
research and this was changed to parapsychology. There is a long history into paranormal
research but before the 18th Century, it was not as popular. Studies included discussions into
divination, dowsing, apparitions, poltergeist phenomena and healing. We can say that the 17th
Century was hugely important when it came to the scientific revolution.

The methods of study drafted at that time included the study of psychic phenomena.

Within parapsychology, we study the following areas:

• Telepathy
• Near-death experiences
• Reincarnation
• Mediumship
• Precognition
• Psychokinesis
• Hauntings
Parapsychology is often considered a pseudoscience. There is a common misconception that
those who work in this field are either psychics or working as psychic entertainers.

The information known about the Universe is incomplete and we cannot even fully understand
the human potential, so there is an appealing assumption made about the mind and body and our
view of life thereafter. If we do not fully understand the human condition, how can we prove or
disprove life after death? Sadly, parapsychology is a controversial subject because we know
throughout history there have been many people who sought to mislead others. This does not
help those who are serious about their investigations.


In this part, we include a brief history as to those who have been instrumental within
parapsychology. The founder of parapsychology (as a definitive branch of psychology) is
reported to be the American botanist Joseph Banks Rhine (1895-1980). He went to Duke
University in Durham, North Carolina to work under Professor McDougall and there, began to
study the subjects that helped to shape the scientific potential of parapsychology. Along with
colleagues, Joseph Banks Rhine investigated extrasensory perception (ESP) in the 1930’s.

Rhine began to test volunteer students on ESP with some surprising results. In 1934, following
some years of lab research and statistical analysis, the first edition of the book Extra-Sensory
Perception was published. He also researched psychokinesis in the latter part of the 1930’s. In
1940, another book was published and this time, co-authored with associates including Joseph
Gaither Pratt – Extra-Sensory Perception After Sixty Years. It was considered the meta-analysis
in the history of science.

The term parapsychology (following a translation by Max Dessoir) was introduced by Rhine and
William McDougall. Although it is often believed that Rhine was responsible for developing the
concept of parapsychology, other contributions by the likes of Oliver Lodge should also be
considered. In the US, Rhine founded the institution Journal of Parapsychology and the
Parapsychological Association.
Max Dessoir (1867-1947) was a German psychologist with a keen interest in this field of
science. At just 18, he performed experiments into muscle reading and thought transference. The
findings of his research were reported in the Society for Psychical Research in 1885. Dessoir
went on to found the Gesellschaft Fur Experimental Psychologie which was dedicated to
research into paranormal phenomena and hypnosis.

Having coined the term parapsychology, he stated:

“If one…characterizes by para-something going beyond or besides the ordinary, then one
could perhaps call the phenomena that step outside the usual process of the inner life
parapsychical and the science dealing with them parapsychology.

Dessoir was known to be sceptical of physical mediumship and authored the book Vom Jenseits
der Seele: Die Geheimwissenschaften in Kritischer Betrachtung. (The Beyond of the Soul:
Occult Sciences Critically Examined).

The Royal Society

Founded in 1660, many of the Royal Society fellows demonstrated their interest in psychical
research and investigation. The work undertaken led to criticism, but the studies continued
irrespective of this. One of the fellows, Joseph Glanville completely believed in the prospect that
spirits existed and that they also interacted with the material world. He compiled information
about supernatural phenomena and defended the need to judge evidence without any bias.
However, there was a growing push towards hard science and about personal reputations. This
led to an existing fascination of the paranormal but there was much scepticism.

In the 19th Century, interest in such phenomena increased and developed into the Spiritualist
movement. In 1848, the Fox family, (New York) claimed they were receiving messages from
spirit which took the form of rapping. A simple code was invented so to interpret the messages
and they could reply in the form of yes or no. At that time, there was the suggestion that a
peddler, thought to have been murdered and buried in the basement was making contact. The
sisters later admitted they had produced the sounds. Irrespective of this, many thousands of
people continued to try and communicate with the dead.

Following this, many official organisations were set up to prove or disapprove such phenomena
including The London Dialectical Society and the National Secular Society and the Society of
Psychical Research. William Crookes conducted experiments into spiritualism in 1870’s, and
these investigations included researching into the mediums who were renowned at this time. One
such medium, Daniel Dunglas Home, (1833-1886) was renowned for his body levitations which
included being levitated through a window 70 feet from the ground. Crookes believed him to be
genuine, but his findings only created pandemonium in the scientific community.

In 1882, the Society for Psychical Research (SPR) was formed by Edmund Dawson Rogers and
Sir William Barrett in London. Scientists, sceptics, spiritualists, and believers all joined the
society. They were the first organisation to officially examine paranormal phenomena and did so
with a strong scientific approach. Members included Carl Jung, Lewis Carroll, Sigmund Freud,
and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The SPR began to focus on investigating mediums but as
spiritualism started to lose its popularity of the time, they instead, focussed on laboratory work.
Some of the members continued with their scientific experiments into hauntings and apparitions.

Harry Price

One well-known ghost investigator was Harry Price (1881-1948). He gained much publicity for
his research and investigations into paranormal phenomena and for exposing those mediums who
were fraudulent. Price began to be known by the press. He had an interest in space-telegraphy
and had set up a receiver and transmitter between Telegraph Hill, Hatcham and St. Peter’s
Church, Brockley. This is according to Richard Morris’s biography which was published in 2006
– Harry Price: The Psychic Detective.

Price wrote many books but also designed and built items to use during paranormal
investigations. This included his invention, the Telekinestoscope. This was used to assess
mediums in the 1920’s. He developed ways of photographing phenomena using infrared film and
cameras that had been adapted.
Price exposed some fraudulent photographers who were making financial gains by double
exposing photographic plates.

Price joined the Society for Pyschical Research (SPR) in 1920 and although, he had proven some
mediums to be fraudulent, he did believe that some were genuine. In 1922, he exposed William
Hope who was known as the spirit photographer. Harry Price marked Hope’s photographic plates
secretly with the brand image of the Imperial Dry Plate Co. Ltd. Hope produced images of
spirits, but his photographs did not contain the logo which revealed that he had exchanged the
materials prepared for the experiment for other plates. Price later went on to expose medium Jan
Guzyk and others.

Price went onto re-publish the Society’s experiment creating a pamphlet he called Cold Light on
Spiritualistic Phenomena – An Experiment with the Crewe Circle. This led to 84 members
resigning from the society and the rebellion was led by Arthur Conan Doyle as they believed the
Society were now against spiritualism. Doyle and others verbally attacked Price and sought to
have the pamphlet removed from circulation.
Module One.
Self-Assessment Tasks


List the categories of interest in parapsychology


Who formed the SPR?


What is the origin of para and what does it mean?


Why is parapsychology considered a pseudoscience?


In which century was the word parapsychology first used?

Why did Arthur Conan Doyle lead a revolt from the SPR?


What happened when Harry Price investigated William Hope?


Who investigated ESP in the 1930’s?

Please note that these questions are to help consolidate the information within, so do not send to
Kew Solutions.
Module Two
The World of Parapsychology

In parapsychology, we must investigate many different elements of paranormal activity. This

includes hauntings, apparitions, poltergeists, telepathy, clairvoyance, near death or out of body
experiences. The elements included here have been studied extensively since 1882 and there is
still a great deal of ongoing investigations into the paranormal including the ‘TV celebrity ghost
hunters’. There is much fascination about the metaphysical.

There are many theories as to how ghosts or apparitions occur, but we do know that on death, the
physical body does not exist anymore. It is believed that the subtle body (subconscious mind,
intellect, soul, and ego) still exists, and will move onto areas of the Universe that are yet
unknown to us. Some of these subtle bodies may become ghosts.

We can assume that there are factors that are relevant in this process such as:

• Unfulfilled desires
• Ego
• Negative impressions
• Negative emotions
• Harmful intent towards others.

Whether you believe or do not believe in the paranormal or are open to learning, when we talk
about ghosts, we talk about the energy of someone who once lived but who now lacks the
physical body. This elemental being is sustained through the environment being energetically
charged. During investigations, you may find that equipment is affected as astral beings try to
draw on the energy through batteries or appliances. Sometimes, people feel that their energy
levels are being used and they report feeling tired or weak.

But a parapsychologist does not just focus on ghost hunting, and it is possible to investigate
many areas of phenomena.


The word telepathy has Greek origins …tele – distant and patheia – feeling. Telepathy is where
an individual has the ability to hear the thoughts of another or to see images that are connected to
other peoples’ thoughts. A telepath may be able to send messages to other people as well as be
able to receive data. The term telepathy was first used in 1882 by scholar Frederic W. H. Myers
who was one of the founders of the SPR. Originally, the term used was thought transference. In
parapsychology, telepathy, precognition, and clairvoyance are categorised as a part of
extrasensory perception (ESP).

Hauntings, and apparitions

Hauntings refer to the place rather than to the spirit. A location may have a residual or active
haunting. The term apparitions are ghosts/spirits. Hauntings repeat…there may be footsteps,
knocks or, a vision of a spirit which will often take place at the same time of day or night.
Apparitions are active. Poltergeists shake beds, they can be destructive i.e., throwing objects or
will create disorder in a location. Many people consider that these can be caused by intense stress
or emotional turmoil especially in the young.


This is about an individual being able to visualise future events. The clairvoyant may feel they
have had a vision.

Clair means clear and voyance means vision.

The clairvoyant may see information about a physical event or, gain information relevant to a
person, object, or place.

Clairvoyance can be divided into three categories….

• Precognition - the person can predict future events

• Retrocognition – being able to see past events
• Remote viewing – where the individual gains an altered perception of an event

This is the ability to influence the physical world without touch. Some people say they are able
to move objects using the power of their mind, but it also relates to techniques used in
paranormal investigations i.e., electronic voice phenomena (EVP) and is where a spirit is deemed
able to influence a digital recording device.

Near death experience

Near-death experiences are common. People report experiencing a detachment from the body, of
floating or, a vision of a bright light. But there are other suggestions of interacting with those
who have passed over – typically, friends or relatives who have died. Some state that they know
they have died but there is a feeling of peace. Scientists believe that the physical body takes time
to shut down and so, even after the last breath, a near-death experience can occur, but it is simply
the process of dying and therefore, is quite natural.

Terms used

During your future investigations, you are likely to find many people who believe and some who
do not, yet there is often still a fascination with the potential for life thereafter. Scientists are
often sceptical about parapsychology being a branch of science but there is a fascination and an
underlying need that people research the paranormal in the hopes of providing proof. The
following terms may be used often in paranormal investigations:

Alien abduction - this is a brain rhythm or brain wave and is relative to relaxation, and

Altered state of consciousness – a mental state which is different from the normal wake state and
includes dreams, trance, hypnosis, and meditation

Animalistic psychology - an area of psychology investigating phenomena which might have been
explained by using terms relative to the occult, magic, supernatural or paranormal.
Anomaly – when phenomena is unexpected

Apparition – the manifestation of a person or animal. But it can include inanimate objects too.

Apport - this is an actual object transported paranormally into a closed off space or a container
set up for the purpose.

Astral body – this is a part of the physical body which separates …i.e., for astral travel.

Astral travel – this is an out-of-body experience

Aura – the energy around the body – considered to be luminous and multi-coloured.

Automatic writing – writing without consciously determining the words.

Automotism – where a person carries out an activity, but it is not done consciously.

Bilocation - a person is seen in two places at the same time.

Biofeedback - used to monitor changes in the physical body.

Bio-PK – changes occurring through psychokinetic effects.

Book test – this tests telepathy between people.

Chair test – this tests precognition. One chair is allocated randomly and the (psychic) has to give
the details of the individual who will be sitting there at some point in the future.

Channelling – this is where a person sends messages or information from one to another.

Chance – causal factors should not be considered relevant to any investigation.

Chi – the universal life force

Clairaudience – information given by spirit, but the medium hears the message.

Clairvoyance – the medium gains information usually in a visual sense.

Clairsentience – The medium receives information that can be described as a feeling or, a

Cluster illusion – seeing a pattern when it is just a series of numbers or events.

Confirmation bias – to seek or interpret evidence that is favourable to beliefs while ignoring
evidence to the contrary.

Cognitive dissonance – either reducing the importance of information to show they were right or
to re-interpret it.

Coincidences – bizarre – This is where two or more meaningful events occur in a short space of
time without any potential causal link.

Cold reading – these are sets of statements supposedly gained by paranormal methods but has
been obtained directly from the person through information given verbally or, through studying
body language or facial expressions.

Communicator – when a spirit uses the medium so to manifest and claims to be someone who
has died so to give a message.

Corn circles – usually circular formations found in crops which are potentially associated with
UFO sightings.

Cryptomensia – this is a memory of an experience or event forgotten by the conscious mind but
becomes part of awareness but without the person seeing it as a memory.

Déjà vu – the feeling that a situation has been experienced previously.

Deviceless dowsing – when a part or parts of the body is used for dowsing purposes.

Dematerialisation – objects are made to disappear during physical mediumship

Dermo-optical perception – the ability to tell brightness or colours when using touch.
Discarnate entity – where the personality (disembodied being) occurs

Doppelganger – a double of someone who is still alive

Dissociation – awareness is either blocked or separated from consciousness. This may be in


Dowsing – using a pendulum or dowsing rod to find water.

Dream veridical – this is where the dream provides information about an event that the
individual could not know about.

Ectoplasm – this is the substance produced by some mediums.

Electronic voice phenomena (EVP) – this is meant to be the voice of a deceased person.

Extra-sensory perception (ESP) – this is a 6th sense.

ESP cards – this is a deck of cards used to test ESP. It was developed by Karl Zener and has 25
cards with one of 5 symbols.

ESP projection – the person projects consciousness from the body which may be seen by others
but afterwards, they describe what was observed.

Exceptional human experience – this is a common term for those with psychic abilities.

Experimenter effect – this is an experiment which reveals some aspects of the experimenter’s
behaviour i.e., it could be unconscious communication.

Gambler’s fallacy – this is a belief that when something occurs more often in a particular time
frame, it will happen less frequently going forward or, if something happens less at a particular
time, it is likely to occur more in the future.

Ganzfeld – a specific environment which consists of un-patterned sensory stimulation.

General extra sensory perception – this is where ESP may have been taken from another person’s
mind or, via clairvoyance or both.

Glossia – when an individual speaks in different languages i.e., unknown languages.

Goat – when someone refutes the possibility that ESP could have occurred within the experiment
conditions. It could also mean someone does not believe in ESP.

Hallucination – this involves the perception of not being present.

Haunting – occurrence of paranormal phenomena in a location.

Healing – physic – when healing occurs through the laying on of hands.

Hypnagogic state – a state of consciousness experienced while falling asleep.

Hypnopompic state – a state of consciousness experience while waking up from sleep.

Instrumental trans-communication (ITC) – this is communication between spirit, discarnate

entities, and the living via an electronic device.

Introspection illusion – when there is an illusion of control when an external event is followed
but this is congruent without there being a causal link.

Intuition – coming to a specific realisation without reasoning or intellect.

Kirlian photography – high voltage, high-frequency photography. It records on film a corona

discharge caused by ionisation of the field around the object or individual. It is to record energy

Levitation – suspending or raising people or objects into the air.

Materialisation – physical mediumship which may lead to objects forming - sometimes from
Mentalism – the art of stimulating telepathy for entertainment.

Metaphysics – alternative term for parapsychology.

Muscle reading – this is where an individual mimics telepathy using unconscious muscle cues.

Near death experience – someone who was at the point of death but who recovers.

Necromancy – the attempt to deliberately contact a person who has passed over.

Occult – a broad term for supernatural beliefs and practices i.e., ESP, magic, spirituality etc.

Ouija board – marked with letters, numbers, and words to spell out messages from the other side.

Out of body experience – where the centre of consciousness is outside of the physical body.

Pareidolia – auditory – where random sounds are interpreted as voices.

Paranormal – where phenomenon occurs which exceeds the potential for what is possible

Past life regression – where an individual is hypnotised and is taken back to previous lifetimes.

Percipient – an individual who perceives or who is tested for ESP.

Phantasm – A sensory hallucinatory impression

Paranormal photography – Images on film.

Poltergeist – a noisy entity.

Possession – an entity takes possession of a body.

Precognition – a type of impression or feeling of an event in the future where the facts cannot be
known in the present.

Premonition – a feeling that something is about to happen.

PSI – this is a common term used to identify paranormal processes and/or causation. It can be
used when related to survival of death.

PSI-conducive – favourable to PSI.

PSI- hitting – this term is used in test situations where the subject responds more correctly than
would be expected if just chance.

Psychic-this is a person who has PSI ability.

Psychic surgery - a form of psychic healing which is practiced in the Philippines. A surgeon
could also perform surgery while in a trance.

Psychokinesis (PK) - a direct influence of the mind on a physical system

psychokinesis macro-this is and effects that can be seen with the naked eye

Psychokinesis micro-statistics – to monitor the effects on a small scale.

Psychokinesis retroactive-this is where psychokinesis impacts the events which have already

Psychometry - where a sensitive person will hold an object and be able to glean information
about the person or the object.

Psychoscopy - another term for psychometry

Radonics – The ability to detect radiation within a person’s body.

Reincarnation – where the soul is reborn into a new body.

Remote influencing – psychokinesis applied to biological systems.

Remote viewing – associational (ARV) – this is a type of remote viewing. a specific item can be
located but divided up into any number of locations. Each of these locations is either links or
associated with a token object or picture. The person viewing is asked to describe the target
object which also means that they are choosing a specific location or address.

Retrocognition-this is a type of extrasensory perception which the target is actually an event that
occurred in the past which could not have been learned by normal means

Revenant-this is another term for apparition

Scrying-this is a way of gaining paranormal impressions by gazing into a reflective surface

Séance - usually with a medium. It is a meeting of people trying to contact the other realm.

Second sight - psychic ability.

Selection bias-this is where an individual might remember all the positive information given by a
medium but forgets the in accuracies.

Self-fulfilling prophecy-this is where people bring understanding of events but do so without

conscious knowledge.

Sender-the person who transmits telepathic information.

Sensitive-a person who experiences ESP frequently and who is able to occasionally able to
induce it when required.

sitter-an individual who sits with a medium during the seance

Sitting-this is either an interview or a session with a medium at a seance

Spirit-an entity

Spirit hypothesis-this is a theory that consciousness will survive death in the form of a spirit and
that consciousness may be communicated to people.

Spirit photography-photographing discarnate entities.

Spiritualism-this is based on the belief that there is life after death and the ability to communicate
with people on the other side.

Stigmata - these are marks that appear on the surface of the body which imitate the wounds
meant to have been received by Christ during crucifixion.

Subliminal - this is where an event occurs beneath conscious awareness

Supernatural-this is a common term for the paranormal which suggest psi above or outside of

Superstition - this is a belief that a specific action could either bring good or bad luck even
though there is no rational reason for such a belief.

Survival - a continued existence of a person’s consciousness long after the physical body has

Synchronicity – meaningful coincidences.

Table tipping – this is where a table moves when people are sitting with fingertips connecting on
the tabletop.

Telekinesis – an older and alternate word for psychokinesis

Telepathy – reading thoughts, transmitting thoughts.

Telepathy, emotive – the transference of tactile sensations through an altered state.

Telepathy, latent – where there is a delay between the transmitter and the person receiving the

Telepathy- precognitive – gaining information concerning the future via another conscious being.

Telepathy – superconscious – connecting with the superconscious so to gain wisdom of the

human species.

Trance – an individual becomes oblivious to their surroundings and moves into an alternate state.

Transliminality - an individual demonstrates a high belief or experiences of the paranormal.

Unconscious perception – where the individual implies that an event is likely to happen in a
certain way.

Veridical – being truthful, or stating facts

Xenoglossy – speaking a language which is unknown to the person.

Zener cards – cards used to test ESP.

Module Two
Self-Assessment Tasks


What is telepathy?


What is meant by an altered state of consciousness?


What is meant by apport?


What is bilocation?


What is an aura?

In clairvoyance, what does clair mean?


What is precognition?


What is past life regression?


What is another word for metaphysics?


What is necromancy?


What is meant by a hypnagogic state?


What is phantasm?


What is the definition of pareidolia – auditory?


What is the difference between hauntings and apparitions?


What is the subtle body?


What is meant by unconscious perception?

Please note that these questions are to help consolidate the information within, so do not send to
Kew Solutions.
Module Three

There are diverse types of phenomena and to understand them, we must explore peoples’ beliefs
so that we can confirm or debunk these ideas in-situ. The role of the parapsychologist is to find
the truth – not to interpret the data to fit their intent.

When we talk about a ghost or an apparition, we must consider how to evidence it. This means
setting up technology to capture as much information as possible. During investigations, it is all
too easy to miss key signs, and this will depend on those who are present and also, the equipment
used. It is easy to misidentify evidence that could be paranormal when in fact, there is often
legitimate reasons for this event to have occurred.

People have long believed that they have witnessed either partial or full-bodied apparitions, often
in human form and wearing the clothes of their time. Orbs can be misidentified as paranormal,
but it is important to check because an orb could be dust that has been disturbed or insects.
Sometimes, the evidence gained through witnessing an event is not as accurate as we would like.
So, a scientific approach must be taken to consider whether any sights or sounds are accurate and
if not, what has caused them.

We believe it is the soul or the spirit of the person who has passed to the other side that somehow
manifests. This could be an active spirit or, a memory of a time or place. When we try to contact
one spirit in particular, it is known as necromancy or if in spiritualistic terms, a seance. During
your investigations, eyewitnesses may be convinced that what they saw was true but your role as
a parapsychologist is to investigate this.

Could they have witnessed something quite normal but in the dark, the mind conjured up patterns
to suggest a manifestation? This is possible.

When we talk about manifestations, it is when a form is seen even temporarily. As the body is
energy and spirit could enter another dimension after death, we must assume it is possible.
Energy is not destroyed but it could be altered, and in theory, could manifest. When people lose
someone close to them, it may be possible that the need to see that person tricks them into seeing
them but whether that is a physical manifestation or a hallucination, an investigation would be
needed. Peoples’ beliefs can be strong.

You may talk to those who believe they have demons in the house or that an angel is watching
over them.
With residual hauntings, we must consider whether it happens at a specific time of the
year…perhaps, an anniversary of the passing and the energy was so strong or intense at the time
that the scene replays. People tend to see paranormal events at night, but realistically,
phenomena could happen at any time. Residual hauntings rarely interact with people, and it is
possible that time was imprinted which enables the scene to be on repeat.


Ghost hunters talk about intelligent hauntings, and this is where a spirit or ghost strives to
communicate with the investigators. This is typically achieved through the equipment used rather
than investigators being able to see or hear spirit. Investigators often use an EVP – electronic
voice phenomenon and they can be used alone or as part of video monitoring. Some will use
cassette tapes rather than digital recorders, but it is important to be sure that the investigators are
using new cassettes each time rather than recording over them. If pre-recorded, a ghostly sound
could be left over from a former recording.

When using EVP, talk to the spirit in question and determine whether any intelligent responses
are gained. Always provide a little space between questions to enable any responses. At times,
the space between questions can seem unnecessarily long but time must be given so that any
overlapping of voices is diminished. At the time of the investigation, ensure that those in the
team do not whisper because this could be picked up by the EVP. It can be useful to have two
EVP’s running at the same time. This enables the chance to replay one to see whether any
communication has occurred and reduces the chance to miss any other indicators.

When playing back the recordings, it is easy to try to find patterns within words, so do not
assume what is said. The quality of some EVP’s will not be clear while others are. Sounds made
during investigations are often interpreted as voices but could be other sounds. All external
stimuli should be debunked. Believers feel that the recordings occur at such a low frequency and
would not be possible to hear normally.

Electronic interference or background noise

There is a theory that sounds heard on an EVP is likely to be interference rather than messages
from spirits. Interference can be caused through two-way receivers, phones, or other types of
sound wave. Background noise could also distort a recording and could be as simple as someone
moving their position and happens often when outside.


At times, you will hear the term portals. This is where an entity could move between dimensions
to where the portals meet…. a gateway to another plane of existence. These are also known as an
energy vortex. Some believe that the portal will be open all of the time while others feel that it
could open occasionally, and something could come through so quickly. In theory, this is
possible. It does however make it difficult to prove or disapprove. Paranormal investigators have
different theories as to potential locations of portals and the number. Cemeteries, mirrors, or a
body of water are common locations for portals.

Some investigators believe that portals can be created through a notable change of energy, this
could include strong atmospheric events as well as geological events. Any location where many
people have died could lead to a portal opening so a hospital is a prime location for one or more.

But do portals really exist?

Paranormal investigators would say yes but there is no one definitive way to determine that this
happens. When EMF meters are used, there may be a spike of energy in that area, but it would be
important to determine whether there were high EMF readings in this location previously.
Investigators will also use photographic evidence to identify/prove portal locations and circle-
shaped mist may suggest a portal. Photographs are useful but not guaranteed as evidence because
they may be manipulated. This is why as the parapsychologist; you must consider all elements if
you are to prove or disapprove the evidence. It is easy for shadows, reflections, lens flare, or
even a reaction to a flash can fool people that an apparition, orb, or portal is present.

When walking by mirrors, if there is a viable temperature change or, a sense of blurring near to
the mirror, it could be indicative of an energy vortex or a portal that connects the physical world
to a spiritual plane. There has to be energy to sustain it and often, in high concentration, which
can come from unknown source, or via magnetic or spiritual sources. These can be listed due to
the nature of the energy flow and the direction. This means there are positive portals and up flow
vortexes. When the energy flows upward from earth, the vortexes are positive and tend to
revitalise, it is more of an electric feeling that might be experienced than a magnetic one.

The other type is where the energy flows down to the earth and you may feel heavier energy near
to the mirror. It may also feel negative. It is easy to assume negative energy if a house is filled
with antiques or old furniture and also easy to pick up anxiousness or tension from others with
you. In the dark, an old property can seem to have a malevolent feel or to interpret a creaking
floorboard as someone walking on it. The mind can definitely play tricks.
When you or your team members start to feel some trepidation especially if near a portal, know
that this is common as fear is often experienced when energy flows in a downward direction.
These types of vortexes/portals are not typical, but investigators believe they exist. When a
negative portal is found, you may feel very dark emotions including anger, hate or, fear.
Emotions may fluctuate and you may feel irritable.

If you or your team members are sensitive, then, nightmares are common thereafter. People often
say that the air feels oppressive and that they find it difficult to breathe easily. At times,
investigators need to break the investigation and go outside to clear their minds and to take a

Mirrors and water sources are commonly associated to portals.

Closing the portal

It is possible that clients have opened the portal without realising and so, it may be useful to
close down the portal if they are experiencing phenomenon that is unpleasant or unnerving. This
is not always easy. Whoever closes the portal must be in a healthy, emotional place and feel
protected. Sage is an immensely powerful way to cleanse any space and can be used to clear
more than a portal. The whole house can be cleansed. When using sage to close the portal, ensure
positive energy is directed at the mirror, and visualise it being sewn up and closed.

Due to free will, positive and negative portals exist because all have the option to make their own
choices. While some investigators feel there are very few portals, others feel there are a great
many, but they may have been identified. If clients feel or sense that there is an energy present,
take it seriously. It is worth investigating these areas so to determine whether portals are present.

If a mirror has been determined an open portal, it is possible for the client to physically
remove it from their home which should stop any activity.

Ley lines
A ley line refers to a direct alignment between landmarks and historic structures. Some
investigators believe there is a connection between portals and ley lines and that there can also be
a spiritual meaning. When these lines meet, at this point, the energy is thought to be at the
strongest and this is where a vortex can form. It is believed that any natural energy – for example
water that converges at the point of the ley line, then this could feed into paranormal activity. It
has long been believed that the energy at converging points is so powerful that they should be
considered during a paranormal investigation. Ley lines can be identified by using dowsing rods
or, by using technology i.e., Google Earth.

When dowsing at ley lines, it is important to consider that powerlines, metal, underground pipes,
or trees can impact the readings. Check whether there is any buried powerlines or piping,
electricity, or electronic devices nearby as any electronic equipment or, dowsing rods might
suggest ley lines when in fact, it is something else interfering with the readings. Ley lines are
typically straight but there is a cupped ley line which will follow a hill contour.


Some will argue that a manifestation could be a hallucination or an optical illusion and this
cannot be disputed. We know that human perception is limited and so, there can be physical
explanations for such sightings even if they are not known. Another consideration is that the
human mind identifies patterns and so, this could lead to a potential mistaken sighting. Ghost
sightings often seem to occur at night, and at this point, we must consider whether an individual
might be tired and so, could easily misinterpret ghostly sights or sounds. People tend to be more
on edge at night, especially if alone and it is all too easy for imagination to run riot.

Geomagnetic fields

The weather can impact paranormal activity whether solar or lunar activity. In particular,
geomagnetic fields and solar storms can increase paranormal activity. This is the magnetic field
around the earth and these storms can affect the magnetic field. Solar storms occur as the sun
creates solar flares and the flares send charged particles which affects the magnetic shift and
impacts the geomagnetic fields. It is said that spirits and ghosts are able to use the energy
projected so to be more active.

Thunderstorms may also increase the potential for paranormal activity. Undertaking a
paranormal investigation at this time could lead to some surprising results. It is believed that
spirits are able to draw energy from their surroundings when it is electrically charged.

Studies into paranormal sightings, speculate that even changes in geomagnetic fields could lead
to the stimulation of the temporal lobe in the brain. This could produce the experiences that are
experienced. Infrasound is another reason why someone could experience fluctuating emotions
when in a supposedly haunted place. Indeed, carbon monoxide poisoning which would certainly
alter someone's perception has also been considered as an explanation for a haunting.
The full moon is also a suitable time to undertake a paranormal investigation perhaps because the
air is filled with positive ions or, there is an additional gravitational pull on the earth and tidal

The new moon is useful for paranormal activity and a dark moon is ideal for underworld
journeys according to a shamanic perspective. Winter is also considered the time for paranormal
activity as it is believed the veil between worlds is much thinner at this time (think Halloween).
In winter, it is thought that astral beings can project to the physical world more so than when in
the summer months.


Dowsing has long been used to find metals, minerals or more commonly, underground water.
Dowsing can be considered intuitive to enable answers that you would not be able to get
otherwise. Those who are proficient at dowsing claim to be right over 90% of the time.

The dowser typically uses a Y shaped branch and holds one fork in each hand. The tip will tilt
down or change direction when water is identified. Some dowsers use L-shaped metal rods.
Some people do not use tools to dowse but use a part of the body or parts of the body to indicate
answers. This is known as deviceless dowsing.

To be able to dowse correctly, the individual moves into what is known as a dowsing state (an
altered brain state) and research has revealed that the brain waves are different when dowsing. It
is believed that dowsers may have psychic skills or that they are sensitive to a weak
electromagnetic field. Equally, we can attribute it to the person moving the rods themselves. This
is known as the ideo-motor effect.

Dowsing does not heal or transform energies and it is not a way to channel spirit.


Extra-sensory perception is considered a sixth sense. This is potentially, one of the most tested
areas within the paranormal niche. ESP requires clairvoyance i.e., the individual must be able to
perceive something which is not known. Louisa Rhine – a researcher suggested that ESP actually
starts in the unconscious mind and contact is made between the centre of the mind and an
objective world. Information is brought into consciousness.

The psychiatrist Carl Jung believed that the conscious mind is able to access the unconscious
mind subliminally. There are other theories about ESP including cells present in connective
tissue, i.e., bone marrow, lymph nodes, and those tied to nerve endings. This is known as
macrophages. These cells are certainly more sensitive and more active during childhood. Other
theories include there being two sub-consciousness and the second one is the super
consciousness or the dream self, soul, subliminal self, or transcendent ego. The hypothesis here
is that two realities exist i.e., the physical one and a second one where integration exists between
the two realities. This is where ESP occurs.


This became popular in the 19th century as spiritualism rose in popularity. The medium tries to
contact spirits acting as an intermediary within the world of spirits. They claim to be able to
receive messages from those who have departed earth and at times, state that spirit actively
speaks through them. The main purpose of this is to enable evidence for proof of survival and it
is not to give advice, or to make any predictions of the future. It enables people to understand
that there is life after death.
There are two main categories:

Physical mediums

Physical mediums produce the materialisation of spirits, and this includes sounds such as
knocking. Ectoplasm is produced from within the body – at times. Physical mediumship takes
place in a private room which is often dimly lit or dark.

Mental mediums

Mental mediums tune into the spiritual world, and they can sense, hear, or see spirits. Often, they
must translate the symbols seen and information is passed onto the relevant person.


Those who believe in psychometry feel that each object has an energy field and by tuning into
this energy field, it is possible to gain a sensory impression, or vision of vital information. This is
easily tested when you connect with a medium who specialises in this.


Many people believe in the potential of reincarnation. This is where an individual may have lived
a life previously. After death, the soul starts a new life but in a different body. The word
reincarnation comes from Latin and means entering the flesh again.


Telepathy is a type of ESP. Information is passed from one person to another without any
physical contact or any known sensory channels. It is a type of ESP.

Latent telepathy
Latent telepathy occurs when a period of time occurs between information being transmitted and
the individual receiving information.

Retrocognitive, precognitive, and intuitive telepathy

This is where information about either the past, the present or the future is sent to another

Emotive telepathy

This is considered an emotional transfer, remote influence or where kinaesthetic sensations are
transferred through altered states.

Superconscious telepathy

Superconscious telepathy is where the individual taps into the superconscious parts of self – a
secondary conscious to link to a collective wisdom.


Orbs are a popular part of paranormal investigations. They are supposed to represent the energy
patterns of spirit. Investigators theorise that the orbs may hold the energy of more than one spirit
and assumptions are made on the size of orbs along with colours. They appear often in videos
taken during investigations, but we must consider that there can be other reasons for orbs. Dust
that has been disturbed can resemble an orb, but it could also be insects that are out of focus on
the recording. Most orbs are likely to have a non-paranormal reason, but glowing orbs could
indicate spirit.

Always study photographs containing orbs…

• Could there have been a lens flare?

• Could it be dust or insects?
• Were other anomaly’s experienced at the time?

There are several reasons as to why people think that orbs are spirits moving about.

• It is a common shape associated with the natural world

• It may enclose one spirit or many spirits
• The circle may represent eternity

Some people will notice orbs and at times, they may feel as if there is a purpose to the movement
or that the movement is intelligent. Search for answers at the time of investigating to determine
whether there are any other causes.
Module Three
Self-Assessment Task


What are orbs?


What is meant by superconscious telepathy?


What is meant by mental mediums?


What are portals?


What are the theories surrounding ESP?


What else might orbs be?


What are ley lines?


What part of the body do geomagnetic fields affect?


What is the ideo-motor effect?

Please note that these questions are to help consolidate the information within, so do not send to
Kew Solutions.
Module Four
Parapsychology Processes

Different investigative methods are used within parapsychology, and it is important to

understand all methods if you are going to accurately study any paranormal occurrence. Tales of
haunted locations or ghostly manifestations can easily affect the imagination, even if you are
fairly calm. You may also feel anxious at times, especially when it is not easy to identify sights
or sounds. Noticing the tension exhibited by your team members is also possible. The more
knowledge you have regarding a potential haunting or a location, the better. It enables a strategy
or plan of action.

There is often a considerable amount of history available when you undertake a little research –
death on the property, violence, trauma, or a mystery. Properties that were built on old
graveyards will naturally feel more likely to be haunted, but always keep an open mind.

Parapsychologists need to propose a hypothesis so to explain what is occurring and to be able to
predict various levels of phenomena or to predict the outcome of any new observations. All
investigations must begin with the hypothesis.

This is simply a statement that looks into cause and effect of any situation. If subsequent
experiments confirm the hypothesis, then it can be deemed a theory. Hypothesis can be modified
or rejected.

When we think about science and investigations, we must specify here that theories in science
will not be proven but only disproved.

When using experiments, note that it must be testable. It does not matter whether you prefer a
specific outcome or not, you still need to consider all aspects of the test and potential outcomes.

Whatever your aim – whether to disprove or prove phenomena, you still must check whether
there is any or rational explanation. You have to consider what cannot be disproved. This is a
fascinating element to parapsychology because if you have eliminated all reasonable causes, then
it is more likely to be paranormal.

It is not possible to prove or disprove a hypothesis with one standard test. Repeated
experimentation is essential. All scientific knowledge is built upon and so as part of any
research, you must strive to cover all aspects. The results do not have to support the initial
hypothesis, but they should be recorded as is.
Parapsychologists must search for the truth and have integrity. Fraudulent investigators only
bring a bad name into the paranormal world of research. You need to deal with phenomena as it
occurs and note your findings, your thoughts, while monitoring the behaviours of others. At
times, you will be dealing with strange phenomena and may find that your team members are
affected in some way.

Your observations may invalidate scientific laws and experiments do not always lead to the
anticipated outcome.

Having the right attitude when embarking upon any investigation is paramount for success.
While some parapsychologists will simply wish to debunk phenomena, by having an open mind,
it will enable a more scientific approach. Caution is important as well because even if many
haunted locations will have been investigated without any positive findings, we still do not
understand what we are dealing with. Take the investigation seriously.

Setting up

In your local area, you are likely to find ghost hunters who may be keen for you to join them, and
this is easier than setting up a new team. Do a little research and call or write to them. Explain
that you are trying to break into paranormal investigations and are studying to be a
parapsychologist, they may let you go on a ghost hunt with them. There may be the opportunity
to join the team thereafter. This will be a less expensive option as some members are likely to
have invested in their equipment already.

Parapsychologists are an important part of any investigation, and the role requires you to
investigate any potential anomalies and to record the outcome.

If preferred, you can set up your own team. This will take longer to do, and it is also likely to
mean that there will be some initial outlay into the right equipment. Talk to those who would be
interested in going on investigations and ensure they are committed to the process and would
take it seriously. It will not be difficult to find others who are interested in paranormal research.
One word of caution – if you (or others) have any mental health issues or are under severe
emotional stress, it is best that you resolve these issues before going on an investigation.

Consider joining the Society for Psychical Research -

Finding clients

Once you have set up as a parapsychologist, the word will soon get out. Many people are
fascinated by the prospect of life after death and the thought of residual energy or hauntings
being true is appealing. Most people you talk to will have experienced potential paranormal
events. They may not have seen anything but have felt nervous and anxious when alone. Hearing
unusual sounds or seeing something out of the corner of one eye can make them feel nervous.
Others will tell you very intriguing stories relating to their own experiences and it will sound

When you start taking on clients, you need to be a people person. This is because you must be a
good listener and be able to develop rapport with clients. Talking to eyewitnesses and being able
to reassure them that you are not judgemental and that their experience may help you with your
research is an important part of the role.

However, some people will be afraid and even feel that they are losing their mind. They may
have run out of practical options and all that is left is something that makes them fearful.
Reassure your clients and when you talk to them, be professional and sympathetic to their
situation. Some may be intrigued rather than afraid but tread carefully. Whether you or they
believe in ghosts or hauntings, living with unnerving experiences can be hard to deal with.

When you receive a request for help, make a note of all relevant information. You need to know
who is in the location when the events happen, and whether they seen an actual manifestation.
Do they hear noises and when and where does this happen? Do objects move or disappear? Is
there a history of sightings at their location? Have they made considerable changes to the
location? Who is most affected by the ghostly occurrences and when did it start?
If completely new to investigating, it is best to go along with an experienced parapsychologist so
you can observe the process and hear the types of questions asked.

Be organised. Do not leave everything until the last moment. Write down a list of questions to
prompt you when talking to clients and try to do your research before starting the investigation.
This will give you an idea as to what to expect. You can tell whether history affirms what the
client is telling you.

Imagination can play a big part in an investigation because people often expect to see or hear
something, so it fuels their anxiety. This is the same for those who are living in the house. Once
the seeds of doubt are planted in the mind, this can quickly lead to the imagination running riot.

Events can occur without any history prior to it, and at times, you will have to start an
investigation with only the information given by clients.

It is worth asking clients whether:

• A séance has been held.

• Someone has died in the house.
• Anyone has been harmed?
• Anyone has suffered with terrifying nightmares?
• Objects have disappeared
• Pets show signs of fear or aggression?

If the clients feel unsafe, or, they feel as if they have been threatened, take a note of physical
marks, nightmares experienced, sounds, or sightings.

Nightmares are caused by many things and while they usually affect children, adults can
experience severe nightmares too. Do not take this as being associated with any possible
haunting because stress, mental health conditions, or traumas can lead to nightmares. If clients
are taking antidepressants, this can lead to nightmares too. Because ghosts are considered able to
transcend both time and space, it is possible that ghosts can infiltrate dreams.

Night terrors is a disorder where the individual is unable to regain full consciousness on a
temporary level. They wake abruptly from slow wave sleep and the bad dreams are not usually
recalled but are a part of non-rapid eye movement.

We cannot discount the fact that if someone has passed over that they may try to infiltrate
dreams especially if the person sleeping is grieving.

If the clients state any of the following signs, they may have or have had a paranormal encounter.

• Unexplained noises – footsteps, knocking, banging or the sound of an item being

dropped. These sounds often become much louder.

• Lights switching on and off – if there are no electrical issues, then this could be indicative
of a ghostly presence.

• Doors/cupboards opening – if the client states that they have witnessed this without
anyone being near, there is the possibility of a paranormal occurrence. Make a note of it
including who was in the house and when it happened.

• Items disappearing – if an item disappears but it reappears a few days later, this could be
a ghostly visitor.

• Electronics switching on and off – this includes radios, TV’s, channels changing. At
times, there may be static noise with no reason. If a loved one has passed over and
suddenly, a favourite song is played, it could be the spirit trying to make contact.

• Shadows – seeing shadows from the corner of your eyes often suggests that the person
has noticed something but are unable to see spirit.
• Items appearing – suddenly and unexpectedly noticing an object has been moved or is in
a prominent place. This may be a message from a loved one.

• Hot and cold spots – if temperatures seem to fluctuate in areas of the house, make a note
of this and investigate these spots.

• Feeling that someone is watching – this may occur in a specific area of the house, or the
feeling could be generalised.

• Being touched – if the client states that they felt something…a hand or, that something
brushing past, make a note of where this happened and when. At times, if the energy is
negative, the client may have had unexplained scratches.

• Cries/voices – when a client hears the sound of crying, whispers, or quiet chatter, ask
when and where this occurred.

• Unusual smells – at times, there may be an unpleasant and unusual odour, this could be
from a negative presence.

• Apparitions – a misty, transparent, or solid human form. Orbs may be witnessed too.

• Animals – if animals seem to react to an area of the home or, appears to see something
that you are not able to, then there may be a spirit presence, but this does not mean the
spirit is there all the time.

Unexplained noises or occurrences are not always going to be spirits and in fact, may be due to
everyday aspects which have only just been recognised. Or it could be residual energy. This is
where there is an imprint of energy, and it may be played on a continuous loop. When there is
residual energy, these are easily removed by using sage. It is worth taking sage to investigations
especially where hauntings have been menacing or the clients are fearful.
You need to speak to clients with an openness and without judgement. The more information you
can gain from them, the easier it will be to investigate and to help them. Keep an open mind
however, as there will be those who are just trying to trick you. It is best for your clients to go off
site when the investigation takes place as this will help you to approach the investigation with a
professional view and to monitor each member of the team. They will all have a designated role,
and all data must be recorded and logged so to be reviewed thereafter.

Power sources

When investigating a premises, make sure you identify any locations of power lines and wiring,
otherwise, this could lead to many false readings. You are there to prove or to debunk the
haunting, so it is important to eliminate any naturally occurring reasons for unanticipated

Rule out all geomagnetic and geothermal explanations as often, sudden high positive readings
could easily be interference from conduits, appliances, or electrical wiring. This should always
be ruled out first. Environmental conditions must always be recorded so to help identify any
fluctuations or trends that could interconnect with paranormal activity. Take baseline readings at
the start, the middle and the end of the investigation irrespective of what else is happening.

Consider the following:

• Sounds can appear ghostly at night and yet could be something quite simple such as the
sound of an engine or a cat crying in the distance.
• Acoustics in an empty building could make it sound as if someone else is walking near to
you and yet, it is your own footsteps.
• Smooth surfaces can lead to unusual light patterns or reflections.
• Scratching sounds may be as simple as mice or rats.
• Bats can live in old or disused buildings so make a note of any movement, noise, or
• Windowpanes that rattle can sound eerie.
• Check to see whether objects have moved because there is a slope or an uneven
• Faulty radiators can create strange knocking noises.
• Air pressure alterations could lead to doors slamming.

When you have been requested to attend an investigation so to help clients, then always consider
the human element and be tactful. While paranormal investigations are likely to be exciting and
filled with anticipation, the people who live at the location may be genuinely fearful. Always
give them the information identified at the end of an investigation – whether good or bad. It is
likely that much of the suspected phenomena could be debunked but not all phenomena will be.
Some clients may be outwardly calm but inside, may be very worried by the sounds or noises
within the house.

Always act professionally and remain calm irrespective of any information given, as clients will
find this reassuring. Once the investigation has been completed, all equipment must be removed
and afterwards any photos, audio recordings or footage must be reviewed by all present and then
sifted through. This can be time consuming, but it is important so to identify if anything has
actually happened.

It is a good idea to meet up with the clients thereafter to show any evidence that supports the
proposed haunting but if there is none then this would also be discussed. As a team, you can
advise whether any activity is in existence or, if the space needs to be cleared of negative energy.
Simply by clearing out the space, negative energy can be reduced or dissipated.

Always treat client information as confidential unless clients have specified otherwise.

It is important that you do not go on investigations on your own. It is always best to work
alongside a group of interested people who watch out for each other. A small team works better
than a large team because there can be too much noise or movement and it is difficult to monitor
everyone and everything.

You do not have to take a lot of equipment at first, as some of the equipment which is designed
for paranormal investigations can be expensive. Check out the safety aspects of any chosen
location and be sure that there are no hidden wells, weak floorboards, or areas where you could
trip in the dark. You are also likely to want to take a protective mask so to filter out any harmful
particulates. A basic first aid kit is also useful.

Night-time investigations

Because you are likely to be investigating at night, the temperature is likely to be lower than at
other times, so wear layers of clothing so you can remove some or add some if needed. Wear flat
soft soled shoes so to reduce the potential noise as you walk. A good torch is paramount. You
may be walking outside or moving about in rooms without windows. A new location can impact
your sense of direction, and this can increase any sensation of anxiety.

Take a meticulous approach to parapsychology investigations and move from one room to the
next, giving ample time for any paranormal evidence to be experienced and collated.
Being in the dark in an unknown place will increase nervousness. It is natural for this to happen.
Check the layout before dark so you have a general idea but even so, it can be disorientating.
You should also have a walkie-talkie with you and check in regularly. Identify those areas where
paranormal activity has occurred and also, monitor where cameras or objects are placed to evoke
a response.

Know that ghostly visitors may be attached to a home or to a particular object, but spirits may
come through to deliver messages. If the paranormal visitor is a loved one, you can remain open
to their messages and presence but if a mischievous or residual presence, then, boundaries can be
set so the clients can continue to live alongside them in a harmonious way.

Most people who go into paranormal investigations have a strong yearning to see or hear spirits
whether an apparition or voice phenomena. There is a desire to find actual evidence so to be able
to inform others that there is a life after death. Manifestations can take a variety of forms
including thermal shifts in the air, smoke, fog, or light or shadows. They may manifest in a way
that looks like pale holograms of themselves. It can be very frustrating to not be able to see or
hear evidence of a ghost or spirit, but it is possible to ask a clairvoyant to attend any
investigation and you can monitor all throughout.

Disappearing objects

Many people have experienced items disappearing around the time of the paranormal activity.

Disappearing object phenomena

Disappearing object phenomena (DOP) is where an object that is in use or that is kept in the
same place, disappears. You will hear stories of items vanishing when talking to clients and
when you add up any (sometimes) disjointed evidence of paranormal interest, it starts to provide
a picture with indicators about spirits visiting or hauntings. One or more people may be involved
in the search for the object, but it cannot be found. Suddenly and without warning, the item can
be returned within a few days.

Objects disappearing are not always paranormal encounters. It may simply be a case of
absentmindedness where an item has been displaced. This solution holds less conviction if the
DOP is found back in its usual place. Of course, it could be that someone in the house borrowed
the item and returned it later.

A poltergeist may be one possible explanation as activity often includes the movement of
objects, making odd noises that cannot be explained, the sound of music and even, some unusual
odours. Could it be that the spirit was attached to the object? This might be the case if the object
had sentimental value or is it possible that the activity occurred through the person’s
subconscious mind or, there is a significant history with that item.


People are often extremely concerned if they feel that they have a poltergeist, but what is it? The
word poltergeist is a German word for noisy spirit and people who live in a property will usually
specify that they can hear knocking on walls or doors, that doors open, or bang shut, or that
furniture is moved. Objects can also be thrown.

There is concern that it is a mischievous, or negative spirit, even a demon but recent research
indicates it may be the subconscious mind of an individual creating what is called psychokinetic
activity. The person who is doing this may be going through puberty or, they could be under
severe emotional or physical stress. They are not likely to be aware of it.

Recurrent Spontaneous Psychokinesis

RSPK can often be traced back to individuals. While this person is actually a victim of this
activity, they usually do not realise that they are the cause of it. While we do not fully understand
how it works, there is a belief that the activity is caused through the subconscious mind as a
result of the stress being experienced. It is worth considering this if you embark upon an
investigation where this happens.

Ectoplasmic mists

French physiologist Charles Richet created the term ectoplasmic in 1894 as a way to describe the
mist that was associated with spirits as they manifested. The substance was considered to be
either solid or could be a vapour. He defined it as a rubbery, milky substance that protruded from
the medium’s body, and it would twist into a variety of limbs, face, or body. When exposed to
light, the substance would disappear and would return quickly to the medium’s body. There was
some thought that the light or if touched, would somehow harm the medium. Of course, many of
these mediums and ectoplasmic mists were found to be a fraud.

Elemental spirits

Elemental spirits are often considered protectors of land and are comprised of earth, air, fire, or
water. These are primitive spirits and sometimes, malevolent. In folklore, these spirits were used
by sorcerers to do their bidding, and this was done through binding which enabled the sorcerer to
command the elemental.

Shadow people

Shadow people or shadow beings are becoming more common in paranormal investigations. We
can say that these shadow people are merely the eyes playing tricks on us but is this for all
sightings? They are different than ghostly apparitions because these quite often have a mist-like
vapour where shadow people appear much darker. They usually have a human shape, but it is not
possible to ascertain their details because there are no features. This makes them quite menacing
along with red glowing eyes.
Some investigators believe that they could be demonic in nature and in which case, you must
consider why they are present and what is their aim? Other theories are that they are astral
projections which is why the form is shadowy and not fully visible. Even interdimensional
beings are a possibility and without more information, it is not even possible to discount this.
Psychics have been suggesting for years that there are different planes of existence, and that
quantum could play a role in the presence of these beings. It may even be that some aspect of the
dimensions here is beginning to merge with the dimensions of other realms.

Taking care

With any investigation, it is worth considering the very real dangers. There are emotional and
physical considerations, but it is also possible that entities could attach themselves to
investigators. In the main, we would say that ghosts cannot harm a living person but as there is
so much still to learn about metaphysics, it makes sense to be cautious.

According to paranormal investigators, there are good and bad spirits and, there can be some
spirits which try to make out they are the spirit of someone expected who has passed when
actually, the spirit is evil. Investigators have become more open to the spirit believing that they
are helping it when actually it is trying to trick them.
Some investigators have found entities are so strongly attached to them that they have been
followed home. The spirit has affected their mood, personality, and health. It is best to protect
each other and to cleanse yourself and others if necessary. If worried about an entity having
followed you home, use sage to cleanse the home.

Some paranormal investigators believe they have encountered demons or elementals which
are powerful forces and there is the thought that they may try to harm people.

If you or your clients are subject to an intelligent haunting, there are things you can do. You/they
can try to ignore it which will often lead to the activity reducing or being eliminated altogether.
If this approach increases activity, it means that the spirit is determined to get attention. Humour
can sometimes work quite well because it reduces the sense of fear associated with paranormal
activity. It is also useful to listen to the spirit and to try to work out what the spirit is trying to
communicate. Once resolved, this may cease any activity. Finally, asking the ghost to leave
because it is having a negative effect on everyone there, will often lead to an immediate
reduction in activity.

Many paranormal investigation groups take a psychic with them although there is no fixed rule
on this. A sensitive can help to identify names or find out information which is relevant to the
research, and which can help unravel any spirit’s presence. A psychic is not the core part of the
team, in fact, each person is as important and must work alongside the others. The main reason
that paranormal investigations are done is to help people and so, any investigation must be done
with a professional approach and not for sensationalism.

When clients invite you to their homes, they are trusting everyone to behave in a professional
manner and giving access to every part of their home. You may wish to set up a surveillance area
where one or more people monitor cameras if you have any. This can provide very real timely
evidence and aid the overall investigation.

Ask the client to sign a form that gives you permission to investigate their house. This just covers
you should anything go wrong.

• Do listen to any concerns that the client might have and follow any rules.
• Never interfere with personal belongings or comment about the tidiness or condition of
the property
• Do remove anything from the site.

Often, an investigation will occur more than once, especially if a large property or, if evidence
seems promising. This is dependent on the client being agreeable to the paranormal activity that
is taking place. Proving that the clients do not feel in any danger and that they are accepting of
the need to co-habit with friendly spirits, it will help you to gather more information about the
supposed haunting. It may be that so much is happening while you are there that it is impossible
to cover everything in just one night.

Sometimes, entities return which can be uncomfortable to the clients. This is especially so if the
clients feel afraid or they have been attacked. When paranormal activity impacts peoples sleep,
they start to feel exhausted and unable to cope. This makes them vulnerable if the activity
continues or escalates as it is difficult to remain emotionally balanced at these times. You must
do what is best for your clients and if necessary, you can cleanse the property of any unpleasant
Module Four
Self-Assessment Tasks


Why do you need to detect any powerlines or cables?


List four signs of hauntings.


Why should you not investigate paranormal activity on your own?


What is meant by an intelligent haunting?


Explain shadow people

Please note that these questions are to help consolidate the information within, so do not send to
Kew Solutions.
Module Five
Paranormal Investigation Equipment

When first setting out on an investigation, the most important aspects to consider is having an
open mind and a professional attitude. You must be prepared to maintain your vigilance
throughout and to observe and investigate your findings. We have mentioned that it is all too
easy to pick up on the tension of others and so, your practical common-sense approach can help
to keep the investigation on track.

People use different terms for these investigations, for example, ghost hunting is different from a
paranormal investigation. Ghost hunting tends to be done by those who are simply curious or,
who are thrill seekers. Paranormal investigations take a more professional approach and are
scientific in respect of research.

Common sense is vital as it is easy to feel disorientated, or to pick up a sense of nervousness

from others when investigating in a darkened room or are at a location which has long been
deemed haunted. There will be temperature changes at times, this alone can create tension or
anxiety or, certainly, an air of expectation. Some places may feel claustrophobic such as going
through small tunnels or into cellars.
You must be able to trust your team members. There may be the temptation to play tricks on
each other, but this should be avoided.

To be able to make scientific assessments, you need to understand the type of equipment that
investigators use.


Investigators will often take thermometers so to sense any cold spots. Recording any sudden
temperature fluctuations is extremely important and should be noted. There is a belief that when
the temperature suddenly drops in a specific area, that a spirit may be drawing upon energy so to

You may see investigators with a remote sensor wireless thermometer, and this will be placed in
an area which must be monitored. It will alert all present when there is a sudden shift in
temperature. Infrared thermometers often known as IR measures a type of EMF which is not
always discussed. This is a pistol grip metre with a laser pointer that measures temperatures from
zero degrees Fahrenheit to 600 degrees Fahrenheit. This is done as a safe distance. It can easily
be used in a dark environment as has a backlit LCD readout.

Hard wire thermometers are used to back up readings and the wire probe is extremely sensitive
and is connected to a sensitive metre. This has a digital read out.

Infrared cameras and motion sensors

Some investigators like to use infrared technology, but some do not. They prefer to see and
record in full spectrum light rather than just using infrared. Night vision video cameras are
handheld and have their own night vision technology. Infrared motion detectors are often used
because they can detect any anomalies in a controlled area either by sweeping the zone and it
then compares the thermal reading to the first one on activation. It can also detect noise in the
sweep area.
EMF and ELF meters

These are popular gadgets used by investigators and K2 EMF meters have five LED lights which
will alert when electromagnetic fields alter. Because most investigations take place in the dark,
the LED lights are extremely helpful. Any paranormal activity will create a spike in the readings,
and this is because spirit send out a pulsing electromagnetic field.

The ghost alert metre compensates for the ambient field and therefore, will only alert individuals
if the field moves above human threshold or spikes higher than normal. When entities start to
manifest, the metre moves all the way up to the highest level.

Gauss Metres are used when a wide detection range and extra sensitivity or reactivity is required.
These are precision instruments, and they detect any activity in the area investigated by revealing
the electromagnetic smog signature.

Gauss Multidetector will also detect gauss fields and is extremely sensitive. It measures
electrostatic and electromagnetic scales on an independent level and the results are highly

EMF/Gaussmeter/ELF meter

This device alerts any electrostatic – tesla and electromagnetic gauss fields and is extremely
sensitive with a considerable range and accuracy of measurement. The different frequency fields
can be monitored individually and enables lights which help the individual to read the results
even when it is dark.

Trifield Natural EM metre

These metres are quite simple to use and have an audible warning tone which is really useful
when investigating dark areas. They are sensitive and quite expensive and will only detect what
would be considered paranormal activity.

Some investigators will also use the following:

Thermal imager

This device enables the analysis of any atmospheric anomalies quite quickly. It is expensive and
so will not be used by all paranormal investigators.

Magnet field sensor

This device is able to identify, monitor and record even the slightest of changes in the magnetic

Digital thermal hygrometer

This device records both temperature and humidity information.

Ion detector

This detector is used to identify positive and negative natural and artificial ions. Ghost hunters
believe that if a spirit is about to manifest, then energy is taken from the nearby environment.
When this happens, changes in positive or negative ions are measured.

Two-way radio

A two-way radio is extremely important for all team members to stay connected. It also enables
safety throughout the investigation.
Closed circuit TV

While most groups will not be able to afford a closed-circuit TV it is extremely useful to have a
monitoring system. If there is a closed-circuit television which has night vision capability, it
means that areas can be monitored at any time without the investigators actually being in the

Night vision equipment

While flashlights are sufficient for most, night vision equipment can be really useful and enable
people to travel through the dark areas in relative safety. It also enables a unique perspective.

Sound level metres

Video and still photography

The expensive digital cameras use a format known as raw and these are uncompressed files
which means anything captured on them can be authenticated easily.

Audio and electronic voice phenomena

It is common for paranormal investigators to use tape and digital voice recorders. Electronic
voice phenomena EVPs are of interest to those who are serious about investigating paranormal
activity. They provide some unexplained audio events which may not be heard at the time but
can be identified when played back.

Voices captured are often distinctive and may include dialects and regional accents. Sometimes,
the words are difficult to identify but there have been examples where paranormal investigators
have been identified by name. Microcassettes, digital voice recorders, and wireless microphones
are often used.
Module Five
Self-Assessment Tasks


What is a digital thermal hygrometer?


What is an ELF meter?

Please note that these questions are to help consolidate the information within, so do not send to
Kew Solutions.

Thank you for completing this course on parapsychology. We hope you have enjoyed it. By now
you will understand that the world of the paranormal is not just about one thing and that being a
parapsychologist means understanding the different elements of phenomena. If you are looking
to create a career from your paranormal investigations, it is worthwhile to study psychology as
this would be a useful addition to your skills. Some people do make a fairly good career from
parapsychology and ghost hunting, but it is important to decide what you want to do with your
qualifications and to carve out a niche for yourself. You may have been inspired by TV shows
and would like to do the same. For this to happen, you would need to have a designated team of
people and much experience within the role as you build upon your successes.

Parapsychology is an interesting field of discovery. No two investigations are likely to be the

same and while some produce little activity, others will not disappoint. Parapsychology is not
about speculation but about facts, so it is important to strive for evidence. You will find new
ways of researching and investigating and identifying and scrutinising evidence. Even if you
would like there to be proof of paranormal events, it is up to you to prove it. This means keeping
one finger on the pulse of the latest information about paranormal phenomenon. Record all
information and begin to identify potential locations.

We wish you much success in your new venture.

Final Assignment

1. Do you plan to work as a parapsychologist?

2. Clarify whether you have experienced paranormal activity previously and whether now
you have studied this course, you believe that it was paranormal phenomenon.
3. Provide a case study where you have attended a paranormal investigation. State where
you have investigated, your research and any potential paranormal sightings. Analyse the
investigation and provide your scientific theory. This should be between 500-600 words.

Professional Diploma Course in


Karen E. Wells

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