I Am Not Wise

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I am not wise

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Yamikani Jamali Hassan

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Introduction ..................................................................... 8

I am not wise ................................................................. 17

Prominence of wisdom ................................................. 55

How to be wise.............................................................. 70

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I am not wise


Let the scrawny say I am firm. Let the poor say I am

rich. Still, let the intelligent say I am unwise. I must
acknowledge this world we live has more intelligentsias
than the wise. We have degree holders not knowledge
holders. We have problem finders not problem solvers. If
we were to have more wise people, the earth could have
been an exquisite domicile or else a bravura home,
surrounded by true love, respect and selfless. It could
have been moreover a magnificent place, where other
nations could not intentionally, impose policies as
human rights to other nations for self-appraisal and
supremacy if not, it could have been a splendid abode,
where everyone could feel contended with the little they
have. In addition the earth could have been a lovely
occupancy, where the rich could not deliberately,
segregate the poor and the incapacitated. Genuinely the
earth could have been a better place emphatically for the
reason that wisdom animosities thoughtlessness.

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I am not wise
Throughout my school time we could esteem some
teachers for their eloquence in English. We would
occasionally love to imitate their discourse, their
dressing and their articulation of points when teaching.
My friends and I could sometimes say ―when I grow up,
I would like to be like Mr. X, why? Because we could
comprehend wisdom in them, we could appreciate their
intelligence and the vast knowledge to things. However,
we could not realize we were inept to differentiate
wisdom and intelligence. By then, we could give a
standing ovation to someone possessing fancy cars as
wise not knowing wisdom is far-flung from being
successful. A prayerful man could also be regarded as
wise, but wisdom is aloof from just being religious. The
knowledge of how to have it or do it; is incarcerated in
why should I have it or do it,

The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.

At all my schools I attended, we could have different
cream of teachers and lectures. The first type was of the
most intelligent that could come without a teaching book

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but they could explain things excellently as if they
swallowed books. Then we had some teachers that had
sense of humor that we could never want to miss their
sessions. Above all, the characters and behaviors outside
campus and on holidays could help us classify the best
and the worst teachers amongst.

One day I got exasperated. What happened? I saw our

Social Studies teacher urinating on a tree. He was drunk,
and to him the tree was the toilet. What a shame that the
teacher of hygiene is been unhygienic. What a shame to
somebody perceived as an example is seen to be an
antithesis of own fiction. I then realized that what we
regard wise is not wise but just the nutshell of wisdom
and that nobody has to be old to be wise.

Wisdom in as far as mortality and immortality is

concerned is distant from intelligence, otherwise now the
world has more educated people but that’s when it also
has more fools. You will find someone who scored
flying colors is busy seducing small kids to sleep with.
The more the intelligentsias, the more the fools and the
more the professors, the duller the world is becoming.

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Then I saw that wisdom excels folly as light excels
darkness. –Ecclesiastes 2:13

To achieve wisdom is to know that I am dull. Wisdom is

about knowing when to do what, where to do what, how
to do what and why doing what. By pursuing wisdom, a
man sooner or later discovers that he is the master-
gardener of his soul, the director of his life and a
manager of his body.

The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows
himself to be a fool. –William Shakespeare

According to oxford dictionary; ―Wisdom is the quality

of having, experience, knowledge, and good judgment;
the quality of being wise.‖ It is the principal thing in life.
It is associated with qualities such as impartial judgment,
compassion, experiential self-knowledge, self-
transcendence and non-attachment, virtue such as ethics
and benevolence. I.e. someone may be full of common
sense wisdom but may have never completed college.

Any fool can know. The point is to understand.

–Albert Einstein

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The Webster’s unabridged dictionary defines wisdom as
knowledge, and the capacity to make due use of it.

Truly, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart

from evil is understanding. –Job 28:2

Looking at both definitions I would say; Wisdom is the

capacity of living a life of appreciating God, people and
yourself otherwise, a hypothesis of philanthropy.
Whatever you do that displeases God is stupid. If what
you are doing is bringing misery to people, just know
there might be an element of stupidity. If what you are
doing is not profiting your life, you might be unwise.
The greatest achievement for any human being is to love
God, yourself, and others.

To learn to listen more as much as you speak for the

reason that you may not hurt someone, is wisdom. Yet,
we speak more than we listen, we act more than we think
and end up disappointing God. We adventure more yet
we emulate less and continue living a wretched life.

Wisdom gives strength to the wise more than ten rulers

that are in the city. –Ecclesiastes 7:14

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One day a little king was visited by the greatest King. He
came prepared to bless and give what the new anointed
king may petition. To the surprise, the new king asked
wisdom, when he was well-timed to ask even the
kingship of the greatest King. He could not even ask for
immortality. King Solomon knew he knows little and his
humbleness made him the wisest. He knew living for
ages without wisdom is foolishness as well as, having
positions without wisdom is incongruous. He knew
having a wife without wisdom is suicide correspondingly
to, praying without wisdom is futility. He knew for him
to please God, people and himself, he must be wise. The
petition of Solomon pleased God and granted what he
wished. Am I wise?

How blessed is the man who finds wisdom, and the man
who gains understanding. For its profit is better than the
profit of silver and its gain than fine gold.
–Proverbs 3:13-14

Seek wisdom and you shall live long. The world loves
the wise, and the loved ones are the happiest and
happiness brings longevity of life.

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Wisdom is the foundation of success and success follows
wisdom. Wisdom is to follow excellence knowing
excellence always chases success. Solomon is regarded
as one of the richest man ever lived as his wisdom
helped him to excellence. He excellently used his time.
He was able to excel his 700 wives and 300 concubines.
He was excellent with his tongue; he was excellent in
governing his empire and for that reason, his excellence
was carrying successes. Mind you; where there’s
mediocrity, there is losing and where there is losing there
is failure, as such, there’s no success without wisdom.
Wisdom is to know there’s time for everything. On the
other hand, the root of wisdom is the fear of the Lord.

Do not let what others have done dictate your behavior;

instead, do unto others like you want done unto you—
you will reap what you (not others) sow in your life.

- Laws of thermodynamics

Management is wisdom. If you don’t manage well

yourself and things that surround you, you become a
fool. You might be the professor but a jester if you don’t

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manage your mouth. You might be a pastor but stupid if
you do not manage you time. You might be rich but
imprudent if you do not manage your family. You might
be a doctor but indiscreet if you do not manage your zip.
You might be a minister but a fool if you are corrupt.

Wise people do not feel frustrated with other people’s

progress as they know movement of other people doesn’t
mean they are failing. Wisdom is to know that
experience gives us opportunity to change our lifestyles.

We are all unwise if we don’t consider other people’s

feelings and happiness. We may possibly make someone
wear wisdom hat in graduations; but there is no wisdom
in wisdom diadem. Wisdom is not in the degrees but it is
in our understanding towards surroundings. Look for the
good in every situation, ignore what people say about
you and you shall be wise and live a comfortable life.
Never get troubled with people that describe you because
description belongs to the describers not the described.
Be wise! Wisdom is what we all lack. The world shall be
a better place to live if we first prioritize wisdom.

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God said; ―let’s create man in our own image, according

to our likeness‖, and that’s according to Genesis 1:26;
―to rule over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air
and over the cattle, and over all the wild animals of the
earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the
earth‖. The key words from this scripture are ―our
image‖ and ―rule‖. Our God is not the wisest of the wise;
rather he is the wise of the wisest. The bible soubriquets
God as ―the author of life‖ otherwise, the one who
created life. No one can create life other than him. So
when he said in his own image, he meant something like
him, something that meditates like him, something that
behaves like him, something that has capabilities like
him and something that is creative and wise like him.

Then he said to rule. In short God said; let’s create a

king of the creation. The first thing that God created or
put in man was the quality of judgment, the quality of
experience, and if not, he declared wisdom in man
before the shape. He made us rulers not subjects. God

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created a manager of the earth, someone who can cherish
God’s creation for God. He placed all the power and
authority unto man’s hand as an heir of God’s kingdom.

Follow the example of God, and do unto others like the

Lord does unto you—Live like the Lord lives because it
always leads to blessing. -Laws of thermodynamics

Consequently, after positioning wisdom in man, man

chose to be unwise. Man in his collapsed form could no
longer see and comprehend the thoughts and purposes of
God. He became controlled by his soul instead of his
spirit and began to look to his surroundings for the help
he needed. God created a wise king; unfortunately, man
chose to be a foolish king subdued by his subjects. Man
got controlled by things he’s supposed to control. Instead
of being a king over money, money rules a king. We
have men as kings being ruled by greedy. We have men
as kings being ruled by immoralities. Man chose death
over life. It’s wise to know that wisdom comes from
God; but doing anything contrary to God’s ways is
unwise. Am I wise?

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Do not let your heart envy the sinners, but live in the
fear of the Lord always. –Proverbs 23:17

Wisdom is to realize that the actions or outlooks that

seem to place us at a disadvantage in the world are the
very same ones that give us the advantage in the
Kingdom of God. Accordingly, the body is the servant of
the mind as it obeys the operations of the mind, whether
they be deliberately chosen or automatically expressed.
Hence, what we contemplate classes us foolish or wise
made. Let’s look at some of the facts that stain us not

1. Greedy & selfishness

God has given us enthusiasm for the good things of life

like food, money, drink, sleep, sex and so on. However,
we abuse these things when we overindulge ourselves in
them. Every time we go against God with intent to
delight in these things, we lose our ethical authority over
the spiritual forces that control life.

Abundant food is in the fallow ground of the poor, but it

is swept away by injustice. –Proverbs 13:23

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There is this human behavior that almost everyone has;
when a friend fails, we feel bad and still when they tops,
we feel worse. In view of and dissecting Adams failures
we will abstract that Adam failed because of admiration.
He wanted to be like God. He was neither contented nor
delighted with what God bequeathed him. The
expedition of competition snares our fiascos.

If you happen to come upon a bird‘s nest along the way,

in the tree or on the ground, with young ones or on the
eggs, and the mother is sitting on them, you shall not
take the mother with the young ones; you shall certainly
let the mother go, but the young ones for yourself, in
order that it may be well with you, and that you may
prolong your days. –Deuteronomy 22:6-7

Greedy is the act of wanting to have more than required.

The reason Malawi and other nations are in economic
crisis is greedy and selfishness. The reason Africa is still
a developing continent is greedy and selfishness. The
reason behind the establishment of ACB is because there
is greedy and selfishness. The fact that some people are
dying in hospitals due to absence of medicine and

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medical equipment is because of my greedy and my
selfishness as a civil servant. The most pity thing is that
the most corrupt, greedy and selfish, are the professors
and the doctors of philosophy, those who claim to be
wise. Some of whom are those claiming to be men of
God with titles (pastors, prophets, apostles and bishop)
so selfish.

The wise will inherit honor, but fools displays dishonor.

–Proverbs 3:35

If I was wise enough and not just intelligent, I could not

deliberately choose to steal tax money to build mansions
whereas citizens are dying due to lack of medical
paraphernalia. If there was wisdom in the world, the gap
between the rich and the poor won’t be colossal.
Everyone could have loved to have things that he can
manage. No one could choose to build a big house with
empty rooms when someone has nowhere to sleep.
Wisdom puts God first, your neighbor second and
yourself last. Greedy walks hand-in-hand with partners
such as; cruelty, dishonesty, theft, evil thoughts,

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lewdness, adultery, murder, and all kinds of folly. People
are suffering because of my foolishness.

The righteous has enough to satisfy his appetite, but the

stomach of the wicked is in want. –Proverbs 13:25

My church is not progressing because I am not wise. I

chose greedy over generous. I chose selfishness over
selflessness. We have pastors who divert the true gospel
just to entertain politicians and businessmen. Today
nations are full of corruptions yet we have prophets. In
the bible, prophets were siding with the poor;
condemning and rebuking oppression yet these days we
have political-oriented prophets who sides with the
oppressors against the poor. What they know is to
capture bedrooms in the air using fancy phones. Jesus
called Herod a wolf, he was not afraid to denounce
injustice and evil.

The voice of the people is the voice of God, which

means also to speak for the people you speak for God.
The world needs the message of hope yet preachers are
busy praising corrupt politician for favors and handouts.

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Wisdom is to speak the truth for the interest of God,
disregarding the consequences. We are not wise for
overlooking our duties and responsibilities by being
blindfolded by possessions and positions. It is worth
therefore choosing rather to withstand ill-treatment with
the people of God, than to enjoy the passing pleasure of
sin with the oppressors.

Who among you is wise and understanding? Let him

show by his good behavior his deeds in the gentleness of
wisdom. –James 3:13

John the Baptist said; he who has two shirts must share
with anyone who has none. However, as a Member of
Parliament I desire to have ten houses with corrupt
money while someone is sleeping under a bridge because
I do not care. We have lots of dresses but we can’t share
with someone. As a high court judge I prefer to divert
justice by having a khaki envelope to buy a car for a side
chick just for a five minutes sex without considering the
life of the casualty as I only care for my feelings.
“Cursed is he who accepts a bribe to strike down an
innocent person” Deuteronomy 27:25 says. As a

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professor I choose to sleep with students otherwise
making them failures without caring about their future
yet, people call me a wise man.

Bread obtained by falsehood is sweet to a man, but

afterwards his mouth will be filled with gravel.
–Proverbs 20:17

Today churches are full of immoralities because of

foolish pastors and we have more corrupt people yet we
have more Christians. In the early church you could find
beggars, widows, the orphans lined up at the church
entrances to get help, but now you can’t find any, only at
mosques. As a Pastor I choose to take all the tithes and
offerings for my personal gain without considering the
poor in and out of my church because I care for my
happiness. ―Bring the whole tithe into the store house, so
that there may be food in my house….. Malachi 3:10.‖
On Deuteronomy 14:28-29 God is giving regulations
concerning tithe which has been brought to his house by
allocating the beneficiaries of tithe. It says, ―At the end
of every third year you shall bring out the tithe of your
produce of that year and store it up within your gates.

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And the Levite, because he has no portion or inheritance
with you, as well as the stranger, the orphans and the
widows in your towns, may come and eat and be
satisfied, that the Lord your God may bless you in all the
work of your hand which you do.‖ The bible is clear and
straight forward about these things. These days only the
Levites (Pastors, Apostles, Bishops, Prophet) are the
beneficiaries of tithe. They changed the verse and
sidelined the other beneficiaries. I am unwise.

I am not wise up until I am delivered from the spirit of

greedy. As a young girl I tolerate sleeping with other
people’s husbands without considering the feelings of
his wife as I only care for my beauty and life. As a
young man I choose to impregnate girls and run away
without thinking of the girls and the unborn babies,
never get satisfied with one skirt. Am I wise? God
created us as pro-creators not assassinators to keep on
forcing girls to abort babies. Why do we care more about
ourselves and reputation if we say we are wise?

For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is

disorder and every evil thing. -James 3:16

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Greedy will make me lose sight of my true mission in
life or business because my focus is on myself and my
money. It’s not eccentric that people are failing to run
offices, marriages, lives and even churches because of
being blurred with selfishness. The focus is not to deliver
but to divert. Not to serve but to be served. They say; ―I
just want to make my children proud‖ but God is utterly
ashamed of you for being unwise. They also say; ―a goat
graze where it has been tied.‖ But the fact is; you cannot
justify what the Lord regard as evil.

Wealth obtained by fraud dwindles, but the one who

gathers by labor increases it. –Proverbs 13:11

As an African President; I fail to invest in education for

my citizens but I opt to fly my kids to Europe for good
education after depleting my country’s Education
systems. As an African leader; I fail to invest in health
for my country and opt to go outside Africa looking for
treatment when sick after draining money meant for
health systems. If Africa could have had selfless leaders,
it could have been the powerhouse of the world. Africa
is rich of minerals but Africa is the poorest, why? It’s

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because of being led by poorest leaders. The mentality of
leaders and citizens is so pathetic and pitiable.

I have realized that politics is a business; you invest your

time, money and resources during campaigns only to
embezzle taxes of the poor as returns after winning.
When a wise leader emerges in Africa, they conspire
against his life. No one cares for Africans and the greedy
of Africans corrodes Africa’s unity to the corrosion of

―We have it in our power to begin the world again.‖

–Thomas Paine, 1778

We all want to be on top still, when we reach the top we

don’t want to help others come on top. We only care of
our lives, families and friends. If wisdom is about
accumulating wealthy, why do we die? Why do our rich
dead bodies need poor people to dig their grave? The
very same people we denied good healthy, good water,
good accommodation and good education. Why not
letting our millions give eulogy on my funeral? Why not
driving my Rose Royce phantom to my grave? Why do I

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choose intelligent over wisdom? I am not wise for being
greedy and selfish. Don’t make someone else life so
difficult because God will make your life difficult.
Create ease for other people by being selfless. Be wise!
Pay what you owe to others (James 5:4).

2. Fake

The moment Adam left eve alone the moment the devil
cheated her. Adam tried to hide but he could not hide
from God. Sometimes we think I am safe and invisible to
anyone but he who sees our hearts sees us and sees our
ways. The world is full of cheaters and fraudsters. We
have preachers who preach sin against their own
consciences. They will start the sermon with this phrase
―don’t concentrate on my lifestyles just receive the
words from the holy spirit‖. It is therefore a dangerous
mistake to simply assume the title ―prophet‖,
―Reverend‖, ―Apostle‖, ―Bishop‖, or ―Pastor‖ makes a
person godly.

We have Congregates who shout amen on benedictions

only and regard salvation messages as mind-numbing

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and old school. We have members who can allow their
fellow Christian die of hunger and contribute food stuffs
at his funeral. No Philadelphia in churches. Drunkards
are philanthropic than Christians.

Christians would like to die sinners but want to have a

church decorated funeral. Is it wisdom to have a
decorated funeral when you are going straight to hell? I
think I am not wise for being a charlatan. It’s better to be
a comprehensive sinner.

It’s a pity we constantly know whom we love but we

don’t know who loves us. Sometimes it’s good to ask
yourself some questions like; if I am wise like I claim,
why am I a fraud to my children and wife? They really
don’t know who I am. I have so many secrets like a
shrine. God blessed me with a beautiful wife but I cheat
behind her back. Am I wise?

An excellent wife is the crown of her husband, but she

who shames him is as rottenness in his bones.
– Proverbs 12:4

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If I am wise why am I cheat on my husband? God united
us as one but I choose to kill him to get all the riches he
suffered to amass only to be a free widow. Am I wise?

But the man who commits adultery is an utter fool.

-Proverbs 6:32

I want to be successful man but I choose to buy two

loaves of bread for a girlfriend and my wife instead of
buying one for a single home. Am I wise? Instead of
spending much time with my kids grooming them to
flourish in future, I choose being busy whatsapping my
side chick. Am I wise? Foolishness is getting married for
sex; wisdom is getting married for companionship. I am
unwise sharing my hard working money with prostitutes
for my wife to take care of me when in vicious circle.

You only have a bicycle but you cheat your wife and
what if God bless you with a car how fake will you be?
Are you wise? Sometimes just because God loves us so
much, he deliberately let us remain poor for he knows
our hearts are so immoral to be destroyed if we are to
become rich.

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Enjoy life with the woman whom you love all the days of
your fleeting life which he has given to you under the
sun: for this is your reward in life, and in your toil in
which you have labored under the sun. –Ecclesiastes 9:9

Are you wise? Why rushing into marriage yet you are
still searching? Wisdom is to let your partner or loved
one go, if you know you will continue being fake and
unfaithful. Wisdom is to realize we were created with a
heart not a memory card to keep more loved ones.
Foolish friends may say if you are not cheating, you are
not a real man but wisdom says; prefer to be stupid
among men but be honorable before God. Don’t be a real
man of deception. A real man meditates using his brain
not with his private parts. Wisdom is to realize God took
a single rib from a man not from men to create a woman
not women. Mind you: A strong person is never
controlled by feelings, but mindfulness. Marry the
woman who loves you not you want and she will build a
wonderful home for you. God does not give you a
complete wife; he will give you a wife material to make

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a woman you see in your mind out of that material. Be
wise smart and not fake. Be wise and sharp in mind.

As a loving hind and a graceful doe, let her breasts

satisfy you at all times; be exhilarated always with her
love. –Proverbs 5:19

I can be a manager at my office but if I cheat my wife, I

am fool. I might be reputable nurse in a society, but if I
cheat my husband with doctors at night shifts, I am a
fool. Solomon wisdom was dwindled because of more
women. For the beginning of downfall, is the love of
infidelity, thereby we can conclude that: for the love of
women as a man is the root of foolishness.

Yes, when we die nobody will either say we were fake or

foolish, they won’t mention the negative side of us.
Everyone shows indulgence at funeral and they will
never say we’re gangster even though we were
hoodlums, but that should not make us unwise.

There are so many churches and so many religions but

how many people are righteous? My friend once told me
this story. A certain rich man somewhere managed to

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contribute 80% of the finances for a new church
building. Four years down the line he was caught pants
down committing adultery and the disciplinary
committee gathered to map way forward. All the
evidences proved his infidelity. But at that time to
deliver judgment, the church elder opened the meeting
with these word; ―You know the bible says don’t judge
for you will be judged‖ and then my friend said ―I hope
yourself can figure out how the story ended.‖ So, being
sedentary I cogitated; would the verse uttered if the guy
was poor? Why being fake with Christianity? Why are
we insincere? Why do we say we are wise but biased?
Why do we talk about gender balance yet we only focus
on women and girl child rights only. Aren’t boys
abused? Are we wise?

You define your own life. Don‘t let other people write
your script. –Oprah Winfrey

In life I have realized one thing: fools are sweet talkers.

They know how to convince people but they fail to walk
the talk. Fake people convey people into a situation they
can’t persevere themselves. They may perhaps advise

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you to withstand something they can’t endure. They
proclaim philosophies to look wise and buckskin the
problem yet they cannot buy the very same philosophy.
They will want you to be royal and them fraudulent.
They will interrupt you with their policies yet nothing
perceptible will come out of the policy. Be sharp: don’t
clap hands on dogmata as dogmas are not developments,
wait for actions. They will induce you bread is expensive
while they have a bakery. They appear heartened while
they are euphoric and your misfortune is their fortune.
When disaster falls on you, allowances falls in their
accounts. These times no one succors and comforts for
free. Always be wise.

An honest man is a confident man. A sagacious man

can’t be bought with anything he stands for the truth. A
shrewd man is full of integrity, he speaks the truth
always. He never gets angry with gossips. Cain was a
fake brother to Abel. He hated his brother because God
blessed him; some people hate people because they are
blessed. You will never do wrong to them, but they hate
you because of the blessing you have. In a forest, it’s an

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upright tree which is wanted by a carpenter. What is not
yours is not yours even if you can grab it.

These gossip problems, war, racism, xenophobia and

many more, are elevated by fake foolish people who fail
to understand that God gave us domain over the earth
and not over other people. Wise people are always
cautious with gossipers; as gossipers may seize people to
hate an innocent person to esprit de corps a hypocrite.
It’s unwise to hate someone just because of rumor mills,
always pray for discernment spirit to help you balance
stories. A person who speaks about other people to you
also speaks about you to other people. Pulling others
down won’t make you rise up. He who has strengthened
and purified his thoughts does not need to consider the
malevolent microbe. I am unwise if I am a cheater.

3. Faith without action

―When there is a hill to climb don‘t think that waiting

will make it smaller.‖ Author Unknown

I am not wise if I always let God do all for me. God

created me in his own likeness. He made me a pro-

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creator. He made me a man of possibilities. I have the
ability to do all things through Christ who strengthens
me. The confidence that enthused God creating the
universe should also prompt me to creating
conglomerates. If I fail, sometimes it’s because I am not
wise. He who has conquered doubt and fear has
conquered failure. Our natural tendencies incline us to
act and to think opposite from how God does. God has
never failed so why should his image be prone to
failures? It’s for embracing prayer to disentangle all our
ramparts. Is it wise that God should find a wife for us
and do all the provisions while we are enjoying
matrimonial remunerations? By saying we should not
worry about tomorrow, Jesus didn’t mean we should not
think about tomorrow. By saying his eyes is on the
sparrow he didn’t mean we should have chicken
mentality. Wisdom is to make Jesus the board chair of
my life while I am the CEO.

Faith is the bucket that draws from the well of potential

within you. –Myles Munroe

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God divided the red sea and told Moses to tell the
children of Israel to move otherwise he could have
carried them all in the wind to the other side. Jesus fed
5000 people because someone had something to be
bourgeoned. No one has ever succeeded by prayer alone,
even though Moses was so close with God but he was
taking actions for miracles to materialize. God’s
involvement is influenced by man’s involvement. It’s
unwise to pray to God to help us pass examination while
we are just dragging our feet. The Holy Spirit does not
work like that. There are probably millions of people
who consider themselves great people of faith, and yet
they procrastinate all the time. True faith demands
action. We need not to wait for some special word from
God telling us what to do. In the Bible, God has already
given us most of the direction we need in our lives, the
only thing left to do is to follow and obey.

―Procrastination is the seed of self-destruction.‖

-Matthew Burton

It’s unwise to pray to God to mend you marriage when

in true sense you are rude and uncouth to you husband.

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It’s unwise to expect a wife to obey you when you are a
pretender. You have a duty, she has a duty, and God has
a duty for the marriage to work. The husband has to love
his wife; the wife has to obey the husband and God
blesses the family. Gender should not substitute the role
of a man as the head of the family. Identify your husband
as the CEO of the family though you’re the CEO at the
office. The reason men rubbishes their wives to work, is
because they never want to misplace the respect.

I am not going to continue knocking that old door that

doesn‘t open for me. I am going to create my own door
and walk through that. –Ava DuVernay. That’s Faith.

If you have bad attitude, work on it and change. Its

unwise aiming to be loved the way you are, nobody
loves nonsense. Be a girl with plans, a woman with
methodology and a lady with class. You can say you
don’t need a man to be successful; but remember without
men there are no women. You can say you will be
single; but remember God said a man is complete when
he has a wife. Somebody needs somebody. Without
somebody, there are no children. Though the devil can

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lure you into homosexuality but a family involves a man
and a woman.

―If you have goals and procrastination, you have

nothing. If you have goals and you take action, you will
have anything you want.‖
-Thomas J. Vilord

Wisdom helps us to trust God and work for prosperity.

Wisdom helps us understand that no tithe and alms no
blessings. Wisdom helps us to know, no work no tithe.
No work and no tithe are equal to no riches and no favor.
Combining work and faith makes a person wise. Work
without faith is irrational. Faith without work is idiocy.
Its wisdom to know God heals malaria but its foolishness
to be unconcerned with mosquitoes believing God will
chase them. Abraham is regarded as a father of faith
because he was into animal husbandry and trusting God
for his prosperity. Take a step to move as you believe in
God to guide you. Slow progress is still progress and
jumping is part of flying. Sometimes the smallest step in
the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your

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life. Tiptoe if you must but take the step, God will divide
your sea on the way.

We generate fears while we sit. We overcome them by

action. –Dr. Henry Link

Its wisdom to know that changing of a year is not

changing of things. The way you approach a new year
will ultimately determine the outcome of that year in
your life. With faith we know that every year has good
things for us but with procrastination we end the year
without getting something. Its wisdom to know that,
years will go, years will come but things won’t change
unless people change. We enter years with a changed
mindset if we are to see change that comes with a new
year. We need to have discernment spirit for all time
achievement. We need to try for us to fly. Take a step
always towards God and God will take a step towards
you. I know by 12:00 midnight of every 31st December
people rejoices and dance celebrating a new year.
However, no new year brings change, the success, the
favor, the love and the happiness we so much desire. It’s
the mentality change that changes situations, its prayer

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that changes things, its hardworking that changes
circumstances. Mind you: every year has 525,600
minutes, 8,760 hours, 365 days, 52 weeks and 12
months. It’s what you do with those minutes, hours,
days, weeks and months that will make your year a
successful. Since you are full of potential, you should
not be the same person next year that you are this year.
Don’t let anyone fool you, pray as much as you can
inhale and work as much as you can exhale. In so doing
you will be wise and changing of years won’t affect you
as there’s no day or year superior to the other in the eyes
of the Lord.

If my mind can conceive it, if my heart can believe it then

I can achieve it. –Muhammad Ali

Faith sees what is invisible. It deals with what exists but

hasn’t been manifested. It inspires you to say you’re
blessed even when you might not look like it; when
someone asks how you are doing. God’s blessings are in
you and every single while that you claim you are
blessed, the blessings inside you propagate. Faith
without work is like a car without tires. Though you can

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press your gas vehemently it will neither move nor take
you anywhere.

4. Disrespecting my body

The reasons God wakes me up in the morning, it’s

because there is something he has for me. It’s wise
therefore to speak to God every day, first thing in the
morning. It is necessary to know the purpose for being
alive. It is wisdom to thank him for the life and to ask
him to establish his ways for the day. It is unwise to stop
going to church when someone disappoint us as nobody
owns the church. It is unwise additionally to stop praying
when things are tough. Jehovah is my shepherd, I shall
not want. When the lord is our shepherd, he will lead us
into blessings. He is going to lead us into flesh waters.
It’s wise subsequently, to let God lead our physical and
spiritual forms in everything and we shall prosper.

We should let God have full control of our bodies and

mind. Why? I am what I am because of God. You are not
wise up until you know the purpose of God for creating
your body. At birth a baby cries and a mother smiles

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while at death a mother cries and her child can either cry
or smile. Crying at birth as a child is a must and not an
option. However crying when dead is an option not a
must. If you die a righteous person you cry at birth only
and smiles in heaven while to a sinner he cries at birth
and cries in hell as double.

If you try to live without God, you will completely mess

up your life, because life without purpose brings abuse.
–Myles Munroe

My body, my choice and no one has a right over me.

Mind you; your body is the temple of God. No one
knows the purpose of creation, only the creator knows
the purpose. Therefore, it is wisdom to return to the mind
of our Creator to find out the purpose for our existence.
Whatever you do with your body, you’ll be responsible
before God. God did not create bodies for immorality
rather he created them as his earth based home (do you
not know that you are a temple of God, and that the
spirit of God dwells in you? 1 Corinthians 3:16). It is
wise to know what to know, to see what to see and to
dress what to dress. It is unwise therefore to deny a guy

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access to your pin and give him easy access to your
private parts. It is unwise to regard premarital sex as a
proof of love. These days virginity that was the most
expensive asset is now cheaper than a box of pizza.
―You cannot buy a car without road-test‖ they say. But a
question could be who made you the instructor? We
rather fear HIV/AIDS and not God by opting to have
protected premarital sex to be safe. We forget no one
negotiates with God’s commandments. HIV may miss us
but Hell won’t miss us. Let’s be wise.

The sheep will spend its entire life fearing the wolf, only
to be eaten by the shepherd. –African proverb

It’s a pity that this generation looks wise to be stupid; yet

it has girls scheduled for hips and breast surgery. Are we
wise? It has men going for manhood enlargement. Are
we wise? All these are just to satisfy the urge and
amplify the fornication spirit. Wisdom is to know that no
surged breast will seduce Jesus to make you enter
heaven. Respect your body and be happy. Wisdom is to
know that while Jesus deals with the heart; our outlook
speaks what’s inside our heart. I am not wise by thinking

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I can get a good marriage by displaying my nudity. All
marriages based on sex are but a pornographic studio not
a family. Marriage is far more than sex.

It doesn‘t matter what you do, if you don‘t understand

why you are doing it you are wasting your time.
–Myles Munroe

I am not wise regarding being white as beautiful. I am

not wise regarding black as beautiful. We are all
beautiful before the creator (and God saw that it was
good). Respect your complexion and be contented as a
beautiful person is someone who appreciates natural
beauty. Silver and gold is mine says the Lord but, he
chose not to put them on your tongue or nose, why? You
look beautiful without them. Many Look, Few See.
Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who
fears the Lord is to be praised. In this case, a beautiful
person is he/she who has Jesus. Be wise and appreciate
the way God created you.

Keep your face always toward the sunshine, and

shadows will fall behind you. –Walt Whitman

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The moment a young girl starts admiring her own beauty
the moment she gets unforeseen pregnancy. We are not
on this earth for cosmetics, and no face paint will
unleash your potentials. You may devote your entire life
trying to demonstrate that you are somebody and still
feel like nobody. Be free from that today! You do not
have to live with that wrong mindset any longer. You
don’t have to try to be somebody, because you are
somebody already.

God wants you to look like you and act like Him.
–Myles Munroe

Never fear those who can harm your body but cannot
touch you spirit and you shall live a purposeful life.

5. Mismanagement

I was gladdened this other day watching Benny Hinn’s

encounter with Myles Munroe. Munroe said; ―According
to Genesis chapter 1, God created man for management‖.
We might say God created me to praise him; yeah that’s
right as well but we must not forget he has angels who
worship him every second. Thus, the primarily goal for

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God creating man is to manage the earth. God created
trees and wanted his image to care. God created people
and wanted people to care people. Management is the
spinal column of success as management conserves
blessings. There are skills, talents, and unique aspects of
personality packaged in you for the good of the world—
use them. However, you will never know the wealth, the
skill, the riches planted in you until you manage and
bring them up.

There is precious treasure and oil in the dwelling of the

wise, but a foolish man swallows it up. –Proverbs 21:20

Am I wise? Why do I lose? Whatever I mismanage I will

lose. If I abuse my position in an office I will be sacked.
Global warming is a result of mismanagement. Man is a
threat to nature; man is a destroyer of creation because
he discounted the management spirit that God put in
him. Solomon mismanaged his wisdom and ended up
disappointing God. He asked wisdom to rule God’s
people but he used it for the acquirement of 1000

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Why do you spend money for what is not bread, and your
wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to me,
and eat what is good, and delight yourself in abundance.
-Isaiah 55:2

Marketing has its origin in the fact that man is a creature

of needs and wants. Needs and wants create a state of
discomfort in persons, which is resolved through
acquiring products to satisfy these wants and needs.
Nevertheless, it is important to manage your money and
your businesses very well in as far as satisfaction is
concerned. Don’t over spend on unusable things that
won’t make turnovers just to quench your thirst on
possessions. For not everything your eyes set on is to be
purchased. And not every business loomed is to be
ventured. Be smart and meditate before disbursements.

A wise man thinks ahead; a fool doesn‘t, and even brags

about it! -Proverbs 13:16

I always get astonished when I visit my parents. They

will serve food in the plates that are older than me. When
I ask mom why she keeps on keeping them she will say

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―I want your kids to use them so that you may use the
money intended for plates on their clothes instead‖. I
hope my kids won’t put them in a museum. Sometimes
it’s not being stingy but it’s being wise.

―Be sure you know the condition of your flocks, give

careful attention to your herds; for riches do not endure
forever, and a crown is not secure for all generations‖
-Proverbs 27:23–24

If you don’t know the purpose of a wife, you’ll

mismanage her. If you don’t know what a husband is for,
you’ll abnormally use him. And of course, the greatest
catastrophe transpires when you don’t know what
children are for and you misuse them. Eli mismanaged
his children and lost their and his life too. A lovely father
is a sharp-eyed father. A father who loves and want the
best from his children, chastises children. Children need
discipline. If you try to show fake love by allowing them
do what they want to do, karma will easily catch you. If
you defend your children’s misbehaviors, one day you
will hire a lawyer to defend their crimes. If you let them
run around with boys, one day you will run around

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looking for their medication. It’s the duty of a parent to
provide for kids. On the other hand, it’s wise to provide
all their needs and not all their wants. Know what is
necessary for your kids. The fact that you can provide
everything is not the fact that they must have everything.
Learn to manage their time. Don’t show preferentialism
on your kids, but share your love, time, money and stuffs
equally. It is wisdom for parents to unleash potentials in
children as education is not the only benefactor to a
positive future. Let the musicians become musicians and
not accountants they will miss the mark. Let soldiers
become soldiers and don’t force them become pastors
they will slap members in church. God put seeds in us,
and we should not force a mango seed bear pawpaw
fruit, it’s a malapropism.

―Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house;

your children will be like olive plants around your table.
-Psalms 128:3

Are you wise? Why do you quarrel with your husband

before the kids? You are supposed to be an example to
your kids. Kids copy what parents does. A wise father

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will make his children do a piece work before giving
them their wants in order to install the spirit of working
in them. When a child does well, reward them. Talk
positive about them, play and pray with them.

―A person who is put in charge as a manager must be

faithful‖ -1 Corinthians 4:1–2

Manage your tongue, talk to people with respect. Your

tongue can either build or destroy your and other people
future. To you family members, speak properly. You
may talk the right things but if the way you are saying is
so hush, it hurts people and instead of grasping your
wise words they get hurt. Words can be forgiven but
they will never be forgotten – learn to be careful with
how you speak to others.

Learn to revere advice. The fact that you enjoy arguing is

not an assurance to argue all time. The fact that you
know the life of the one giving you advice is not a
guarantee to discuss their ways, just receive the advice
for your own blimey. Love to listen to advices and you
will enjoy the benefits of the earth.

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Learn to control and managing your heart in as far as
love and relationships is concerned. Learn to move on
with your life after break-up. Don’t get busy finding
ways of making your ex feel jealousy. You might end up
being HIV positive, mismanaging time and resources.
Instead of hustling after being deserted by a woman for
being poor, you are busy finding another girl. Be wise.
What you need is money not another woman. Hustle, be
rich, they will come looking for you.

―When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his

disciples, ‗Gather the pieces that are left over. Let
nothing be wasted‖. -John 6:12

Know what to buy. Don’t buy for the sake of

competition. It’s better to drive a car you will manage
than that will manage you. Cook required food not
contemptible. Live like water; adjust yourself in every
situation and in every shape but have your flow. The fact
that your neighbor is eating pizza should not make you
buy pizza. If you don’t earn like them, don’t spend like
them. If you are not rich like them, don’t relax like them.
If you are not wise like them, don’t enjoy like them. The

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fact that people are moving fast, should not adjust your
flow, you will end up being in trouble.

Manage your time very well. Don’t pray during working

hours and don’t work during praying hours. Don’t spend
the whole 24 hours on whatsapp; you will not only
destroy your prospect but your eyes too. I am not wise
for whatsapping in church. It can take you years to build
something, but it can take just seconds for it to fall if you
mismanage it.

The bad news is time flies. The good news is you‘re the
pilot. –Michael Altshuler

Manage your dressing; a pant is not supposed to be

exhibited even if it is a brand-new. Every outfit was
designed for an occasion and for a purpose. It’s not
wisdom wearing party apparel at church be reverential.

In Malawi we have lots of water but we just let them run

freely to Mozambique without making use of them. Why
can’t Malawians advance mega farms along the shire
river and irrigation systems close to Lake Malawi? Let’s
learn to manage God’s given resources to prosper.

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1. Invites favor

Do not let kindness and truths leave you; bind them

around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.
So you will find favor and good repute in the sight of
God and man. –Proverbs 3:3-4

The universe does not favor the greedy, the dishonest,

the vicious, even though on the sheer surface it may
sometimes give the impression of that; but it helps the
honest, the magnanimous, and the virtuous. When you
are wise you have both people and God’s favor. The
world loves wise people. God loves wise people too.

Good understanding produces favor, but the way of the

treacherous is hard. -Proverbs 13:15

Everybody wants wisdom but no one wants to be wise.

Wise people are marvelous. They may meet storms but
storms don’t contain them. They find courage and
solutions to go through storms. They do not wait for
storms to end for them to move rather, they move in the

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storm to find the end of the storm. Wisdom brings
solution to the world, yes! Intelligence alone can solve
problems but having wisdom is having solutions. Wise
people are Virtuosos, when the earth experience drought,
they bring in irrigation ideas to save people from famine.
When a pandemic covers nations they produce vaccines
or drugs to fight the disease. People love them,
government honors them. When people are fighting they
become advocators to bring peace. The sufferings of
Jesus Christ united Herod and Pilate.

The strong, wise, calm man is always loved and revered.

He is like a shade-giving tree in a drought land, or a
shielding rock in tempest. When a man is shy to propose
to a girl, they are introduced to help conquer Jericho.
Unfortunately, some find it as the opportunity to change
the formula and bring their own equation to the
detriment of a friend.

Paying tithe is wisdom. Tithe stirs the favor of God to

open the gates of blessings in heaven over you. This is
not in the context that blessings shall fall like manna.
Blessing is a result, a consequence linked to something

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we have previously done. God meant his favor shall be
on us. When his favor is with you, you have good health.
When you have good health, you work. When you work
you make profits or you get salaries. When God’s favor
is with you, it invites men favor. When you have favor
of men, you easily get employed and get promoted. You
easily have business connections. Wisdom is the source
of favor. The wiser a man becomes, the greater is his
success. Even the average trader will find his business
prosperity increase as he develops a greater self-control
and equability, for people will always prefer to deal with
a man whose demeanor is strongly phlegmatic.

2. Prospers

See I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse.

–Deuteronomy 11:26

Wise people are rich people. Choosing to be wise is

choosing to be blessed. Being rich is not having cars or
houses, but having things that can sustain you. Being
rich is having the peace of mind. Being blessed is having
what you need. When you have all you wanted but

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having restless mind, just know you’re poor. The riches
from wisdom bring stupor and synchronization.
Achievement, of whatever kind, is the crown of effort,
and the diadem of thoughts.

Both blessings and curses are spiritual forces that make

things happen in the future. -Daniel A. Brown, PhD

Joseph’s wisdom helped him become a governor in a

foreign land. Wisdom prospers you against all odds.
Jacob’s wisdom inspired him to dig a well in the dessert.
Where you are, does not befuddle your success but your
perspective towards the place. Opportunities always lie
in places where people complain. Complaining is a sign
of dumbness. When imprudent complain the wise rise up
and solve the problem. The big the problem, the bigger
the thinking, the bigger the thinking, the huge the
solution, the huge the solution, the more opportunities
emerges. When the opportunities are more, the more the
investments you can create, the more you invest the
more you generate and the richer you become. When you
are wise you have the capabilities to clash ―IM‖ in
impossibilities to make possibilities out of nothing.

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Positive thinking and positive attitude attracts
prosperity, peace and happiness. It also exposes us
towards the path of achievements and success.
–Anurag Prakash

Wisdom in other terms is the power that instigates

dormancy to magnificence. To others Gold was just a
mere stone. However, gold is valuable today because
someone in the 3,000 BC out viewed gold in a right way.
Gold is just a stone but wisdom saw billions in a stone.
People saw clay as soil to tread on but a potter saw
vessels in clay. God put many resources around us to
challenge our spirit, body, soul, and time for prosperity.
When you are wise you never allow the standards and
attitudes of this world to influence your efforts rather
your use your efforts to utilize the resources God put on
earth for your prosperity. You are meant to use all the
gifts and talents and skills that are uniquely yours. You
were not meant to live in poverty and hunger or sickness.
You were meant to live an abundant life. Just be wise!

Be wise, salary will never make you rich rather it just

reduces the level of poverty. –Sakurai Mbanda

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Wisdom guides you to the first step in achieving
prosperity and wealth, which is learning to appreciate
what you already have. Only wise people know the
power of appreciation, and the appreciators are givers. If
you don’t appreciate you can’t give, if you don’t give,
you can’t create dwellings for new and better things.
Giving creates a room for reception. A sea or lake that
has no outlet, certainly dries up, so make sure you satisfy
God not men in whatever you do.

Daniel A. Brown, PhD said; ―If we want to prosper

beyond what our natural abilities and life‐circumstances
afford us, we can simply choose to become generous and
to give away more of the little we have.‖ So wisdom
inspires me to be generous to prosper. You and I can
activate the power of blessing by the choices we make!

―If you want to end up with more, give more away.‖

-Daniel A. Brown, PhD

Solomon is regarded as one of the richest men on earth

because he was wise. He was into agriculture, mining,
writing and many sectors. He could manage to manage

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his time and resources to become successful. People
these days are nervous to mend their circumstances, but
are reluctant to improve themselves; they therefore
remain bound. Daniel prospered in a foreign land
because of wisdom. All the kings of his time promoted
him and favored him for being bizarre and wise.

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you

must keep moving. –Albert Einstein

Isaac prospered in Philistine because of wisdom. He

used his wisdom in irrigation and agriculture. The more
jealous the philistines were; the more prosperous Isaac
was becoming. Why? Isaac had wisdom of creating ways
to create wealth. When you are wise, they may take your
possessions but they may not take what influences your
possessions. Have wisdom and prosper!

3. Puts you on a right track

A wise man‘s heart directs him towards the right, but the
foolish man‘s heart direct him towards the left.
–Ecclesiastes 10:2

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Sometimes it’s hard to stop a rolling stone but wherever
it may roll, it always seems to find its way back home.
Where there’s wisdom there’s sense of purpose, and
where there’s sense of purpose there’s accomplishment.
When you replace ―why is this happening to me‖ with,
―what is this trying to teach me‖ you are in a right
direction and everything changes.

Not having the best situation, but seeing the best in your
situation is the key to happiness. –Marie Forleo

Wisdom helps you to do the right thing at a right time.

Wisdom helps you to balance and manage time or things.
We all mess up but wisdom helps us understand that it’s
what we do after we mess up that count. Wisdom helps
you understand you owe your mother more than your
wife. Wisdom helps us understand that God created us to
work not to do corruption (you shall eat your sweat).
Wisdom helps us understand that early bird catches
worms. Wisdom helps us understand that China and
Malawi have 24 hours, but the more Malawi sleeps, the
more poor it becomes. Sleeping is sweet yes and it is the
source of dreams but let’s be wise by being more awake

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to see visions. Take note; Aerobics and good diet boosts
our immunity and not sleeping.

The rich and the poor have this in common: the Lord is
the maker of them all. –Proverbs 22:2

In a total lie where you cannot say you love God and you
don’t love your neighbor; it is in congruent that you
cannot love the invisible and despise the visible. It’s not
wisdom therefore to be a millionaire at church while
your parents are suffering. How can you buy a jeep for
your pastor when your father doesn’t even have a shoe?
God doesn’t work like that. Charity begins at home.
Uplift your siblings before helping others. Jesus said on
Acts 1:8……. And you will be witnesses in Jerusalem,
in all Judea and Samaria, and the ends of the earth. He
was trying to mean you have to help your siblings first
before your neighbor.

Where would any of us be without our family and

friends? –Kobi Yamada

When you have wisdom, you do not do things to be

observed or applauded for; rather you do them simply

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because they are the right things to do. Wisdom helps
you to know what, when and where to argue. Before
arguing or answering as a wise person you ask yourself
is this person mentally mature enough to grasp the
concept of different perspective? If not there is no point
to argue. You do not have to speak always and you do
not have to be quite always. It’s not anywhere we need
to lead and it’s not anything we need to follow. It’s not
always we have to fight and it’s not always we have to
run. God told Joseph to escape to Egypt though he had
all controls over Herod and all the abilities to protect
baby Jesus, however, it was not the right time to fight.

It is in the shelter of each other that the people live.

–Irish proverbs

It’s not every girl we have to propose and not every man
is to be accepted. Its wisdom to know that some other
females are just there as acquaintances’ not sexual
partners, and they follow you around so that you can
help them prosper not to procreate. Not all open door are
accessible and not all men are ATMs. Its foolishness to
ask money from every man you meet as a young girl,

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learn to work. If you don’t have money for whatsapp
bundle, then you are not ready to have a smart phone. By
the aid of strength of mind, perseverance, purity,
righteousness, and well-directed thought a man ascends;
by the aid of acrimony, indolence, impurity, corruption,
and confusion of thought a man descends.

He who lives constantly in the conception of noble and

lofty thoughts, who dwells upon all that is pure and
unselfish, will, as surely as the sun reaches its zenith and
the moon it‘s full, become wise and noble in character,
and rise into a position of influence and blessedness.
-Allen James

Wisdom helps us not to argue with God when situations

are not right. You easily adapt and know God sometimes
take you through some unfavorable conditions to make
you wiser, to make you strong, and to make you know
him better. The sufferings of a right placed man are not
worthy compared with glory that is to be revered to him.

The thoughtful little things you do each day have an

accumulated effect on all our tomorrows. –Alexandra

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4. It kills pride

And let the brother of humble circumstances glory in his

high position. –James 1:9

Wisdom helps us to kill the spirit of pride. What has

been is what will be, and what has been done is what
will be done; there is nothing new under the sun.
Wisdom helps us realize that we came naked and naked
we shall leave. Wisdom aids us understand that whatever
I have is not mine but God used me as a storage wherein
the poor have access to use for their survival. Clean
thoughts make clean habits. God blessings should not
make us gods amidst the poor rather should lengthen our
arms towards them. Wisdom makes us an epitome of

Folly is set in many exalted places while rich men sit in

humble places. I have seen slaves riding on horses and
princes walking like slaves on the land.
–Ecclesiastes 10:6

Most of the times the most pride are not the richest. We
fail to give by saying its little people will laugh at me.

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We always want to be praised whenever we give, but
does God get praised in that? Wisdom is to know God is
pleased with faithfulness not in copiousness. When you
wait to have much to start giving, you will never give as
no one has ever been satisfactory. For that reason, give
to God out of what God gave you. Do not wait to have
much to start giving, start giving to have much. Be
humble to give anything to God as long as you are
faithful with what you are giving. Just give to God what
belongs to God and take what belongs to you. When you
confiscates tithe it proves your arrogance and it puts you
neck-to-neck with God.

There is one who pretends to be rich but has nothing;

another pretends to be poor, but has great wealth.
–Proverbs 13:7

If you are young today, you will be old tomorrow so

respect the elders. If you are rich today, you might be
poor or your kids might be poor tomorrow. The past
cannot define the present but present can define the
future. Rich fathers give birth to lazy children or
grandchildren because they are stress-free with the riches

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of the family. Poor fathers give birth to hardworking
children or grandchildren because they are preoccupied
with poverty. For instance, Jesus said, ―The last shall be
first‖ and, ―Whoever wants to be significant should
become the servant of all.‖ Be humble and he shall lift
you and your family up.

Through presumption comes nothing but strife, but with

those who receive counsel is wisdom. -Proverbs 13:10

When wisdom murders pride in you, you don’t hate

advice. Hating advice is a spirit of pride. You regard
yourself wise to be rebuked. You regard yourself smart
to be outsmarted. Whenever you get annoyed on advice-
givers for reproaching you, just know you are arrogant
and foolish. Wise people values criticism and reflect for
their good.

Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who

hates reproof is stupid. -Proverbs 12:1

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But if anyone of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God,

who gives to all men generously and without reproach,
and it will be given to him. –James 1:5

Life is a race, if you don’t run fast, you’ll get trampled.

Seek wisdom and you shall succeed. We have been
trying to be wise but we never get wise because we wish
to have wisdom with wrong motives, so that we may
spend it on our pleasures.

The beginning of wisdom is: Acquire wisdom; and with

all your acquiring, get understanding. -Proverbs 4:7

1. Read

What I love most about reading: it gives you the ability

to reach higher ground. And keep climbing. -Oprah

Wisdom isn’t found in any book; it’s a deeper and

extensive. Still, books uplift our thoughts, and when we
emulate the notions in a book into action, we become

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wise. Our brain is a supercomputer. The number one
skill set is to learn how to learn. Thus, one routine of
learning is through reading. Reading is a process in
which wisdom is diffused from the writer to the reader.
A man can only rise, conquer, and achieve by lifting up
his thoughts. He can only remain weak, and abject, and
miserable by refusing to lift up his thoughts. Reading
uplifts our thoughts. Reading opens up streams of
wisdom in our IQs. When you read you open the veins of
wisdom and knowledge in your brain. When you read
you unseal the concealed possessions of life. We get to
understand things better when we come across to other
people’s view of understanding. This helps our
understanding, our actions, our abilities and approach.

A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies... the man

who never reads lives only one. –George R.R Martin

If you don’t like to read, you have no paragon. Read to

understand, stop concluding. Read to know not to pass
examination. Read to become wise not to become a
professor. The best readers sometimes are the best
leaders. Don’t just read whatsapp memes but find

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important thesis that have acumens for your being. Find
books that are helpful not seductive. Read to capture and
not to just pass time.

This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth,
but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you
may be careful to do according to all that is written in it:
for then you will make your way prosperous, and then
you will have success. -Joshua 1:8

The bible is the right lively source of wisdom. However,

reading it only won’t make us wise, but by doing what it
says. Those who read the bible with understanding attain
wisdom. Those who read it in a meaningless way are
diverted. We learn to experience God’s way of living
when we read our bible. The bible is a sole way by
which we slide to get into God’s membrane, expression
and personality. You need to study God’s Word to
understand the purpose he created you for. Do not read
the bible only when you have been given a chance to
preach. Read it habitually. Learn to love to read and
people will love to learn from what you read.

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2. Humbleness

When pride comes, then comes disgrace; but wisdom is

with the humble. –Proverbs 11:2

If humbleness was a person, he would make a good

leadership. Humbleness instructs us that we know
nothing. When you open your mouth to say you don’t
know people open their mouth to teach you become
wise. Serve others instead of getting them to serve you;
love people unconditionally, instead of loving them with
a set of expectations; express compassion and be
benevolent to people who oppose you; live your life in
submission, rather than in rebellion.

The reward of humility and fear of the Lord is riches and

honor and life. –Proverbs 22:4

To be humble simply means that we do not overestimate

ourselves. We realize that without God, we can achieve
nothing. All that we are and all that we have are direct
results of the mercy of God. There is nothing we have
that we did not receive. Whoever we are, we are made by
God. Thereby to know and do the aforementioned; is

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wisdom. To be self-made is to be self-destroyed. The
meeker we are, the greater we will be. The most humble
people most of the times are the wisest. To know that I
am not wise is wisdom. To acquire greatest wisdom you
have to accept that you know nothing. You will know
everything if you agree to take the very little.

He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the

companion of fools will suffer harm. –Proverbs 13:20

Be humble to be under wise people; to be wise. Don’t

walk with fools to be wise among them, you will be
turned a fool. A plant that humbles itself close to a river
never withers.

Humble yourself in the presence of the Lord, and he will

exalt you. –James 4:10

3. Receive Jesus

Men do not attract that which they want, but that which
they are. So we are who we are because of the “I am
who I am.” The God who created you in his image still
desires to see you in a resolution he originally intended.

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Adam traded his wisdom to the devil. And the devil
exported his dullness to man. Accordingly, God sent
Jesus into the world to bestow what Adam lost to the
serpent. Mind you; Jesus is the wisdom of God. So the
very reliable source of wisdom is to be in Jesus Christ.
The bible refers him as the head of a man. Therefore,
whosoever has no Jesus has no head; whosoever has no
head has no brain and no brain no wisdom. Wisdom is
found in the brain and brain in the head. Whosoever has
Jesus has the ability to possibilities and impossibilities.

And he is the radiance of his glory and the exact

representation of his nature, and upholds all things by
the word of his power….. -Hebrews 1:3

The writer to the Hebrews describes Jesus as the ―Word

of God’s power.‖ Once you receive Jesus you receive the
antivirus of your brain and he instantly scans your brain
to quarantine all viruses of failure and bad thoughts for
deletion. He makes certain you think and do positive all
the time for he knows good thoughts and actions can
never produce bad results; bad thoughts and actions can
never produce good results. He substantiates that the old

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master who contaminates our brain to dullness is
eliminated. He ascertains he becomes the only king and
no other king rules you for your own good. It’s not wise
to be warm.

But wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable,

gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits,
unwavering, without hypocrisy. –James 3:17

Jesus enhances the small kernels of wisdom in us to

improve control over our thoughts, emotions and actions.
The one who will conquer the world must first conquer
himself but we cannot conquer the forces in us without
Jesus because he will save you from sin and death. When
Jesus saves you from sin and death, he will revitalize
your prospective spirit by giving you his Holy Spirit to
dwell in you and to attach to your spirit. For the reason
of that gift, you will arise to flourish again in the many
things he gave you before you were born. Through Jesus,
God will renew your spiritual life and reconnect your
soul to His fountain of wisdom and knowledge. We need
Jesus if we are to be wise therefore as only him can build

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us become wise. Mind you; a love for Christ produces a
love for mankind.
4. Change your mindset

If you do not like anything change it, if you cannot

change it, adjust your mindset. So if your mind is full of
nonsense, change it be full of sense. Your mind is a
magnet, you attract what you think. Wisdom is to think
positive and act positively. If you think of blessings you
attract blessings. If you think of problems you attract
problems. Wisdom cultivates good thoughts and always
helps our mind to remains positive and optimistic. Your
option to think, to imagine, to plan, and to put your plan
into action draws wisdom. Always challenge your brain
to good thoughts because your brain is like a farm; If no
useful thoughts are put into it, then an abundance of
useless weed-thought will fall therein, and will continue
to produce their kind.

All you need is to change your mentality. A man cannot

directly choose his state of affairs, but he can choose his
point of view, and so indirectly, yet surely, figure his
state of affairs. If you would protect your body, patrol

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your mind. If you would renew your body, titivate your
mind. Wisdom will never come if you don’t challenge

Every prudent man acts with knowledge, but fool

displays folly. -Proverbs 13:16

Foolishness is always the end product of wrong thought

in certain trend. It is a clue that the individual is out of
harmony with himself, with the edict of his being. The
sole and supreme use of mindset change is to purify, to
burn out all that is wretched, stupid and impure.
Foolishness ceases for him who is pure in mind. A man
is not properly acclimatized until he is a happy, healthy,
and prosperous being; and happiness, health, and
prosperity are the products of a harmonious alteration of
the inner with the outer, of the man with his
surroundings. Therefore, Mindset change is actually
imperative and we need to change our mindset. Do not
crave for things rather crave for wisdom and things shall
follow you! ........................................................................
―Those who cannot change their minds cannot change
anything‖ -George Bernard Shaw

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 Grade your wisdom according to conducts on the
following chart.

Excellent Very good Good Poor Very poor

10 8 6 4 0


60-70 - Excellent 45-59 - Very Good 30-44 - Good 10-29

- poor 0-9 Very poor

B. What do these results tell you about you?

C. In what areas can you improve?

D. Are you wise?

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You can think it’s impossible, but God is ready to impart you
with wisdom. Unexplained encounters and blessings are
before you. You just need wisdom to acknowledge them.

Welcome to a ―life of wisdom‖. If you have been living a pity

life, it’s time you have to start capturing blessings in an
extraordinary way.

I am not wise is designed with you in mind. Every page is

intended to help you make a lifelong habit of living each day
with a mindfully point of view and participating in God’s
supernatural purpose for your life.

-Yamikani Jamali Hassan

Yamikani Jamali Hassan, author of I

am not wise, is the owner of J.H Chung
Media, a publishing entity that is
dedicated to providing the best teaching
tools and youth oriented magazines. He
is also the author of Living a life of a
predator book. He ispred
not married and the current national
youth secretary of Apostolic Faith Mission in Malawi.

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