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Main Motion (S.

That Administration negotiate a financial framework for a downtown City-
owned sports and entertainment facility with the Katz Group based on the
following terms and conditions:

1. Maximum Price - $450,000,000 to be set prior to any approval by

Council of adequate price guarantees
2. Confirmation of Katz Group commitment of $100M.
3. User fee (Ticket Surcharge) to fund capital costs of $125M

4. Evaluate options for a CRL(s): That administration revise and

reframe projected CRL project(s) to support the City’s overall downtown
plan with $20 million from the CRL to be directed to arena and the balance
of proceeds used to support other priority downtown projects (Quarters,
Jasper Avenue, Warehouse District) in conjunction with the overall
downtown plan.

5. a) Evaluation options for further support (potentially $105 million) to

be paid for by either direct tax revenues from the arena, or savings from
not having to pay current subsidy and parking revenue increase to the
b) That the total of 4 and 5 in terms of the City’s direct contribution to
the arena building would not exceed $125 million

6. City owns the arena and the land for any new facility.
7. Agreement on fair market value of the arena property.
8. An agreement is entered into with the Katz Group, with the Katz
Group responsible for operating costs and generating necessary revenues
for 30 years.

9. Project cannot proceed until the balance of funds are confirmed.

10. That Administration continues to work with Northlands to ensure the
City understands their financial challenges and how these can be

11. Location agreement whereby the necessary agreements are signed

to ensure that the Edmonton Oilers operate out of the facility for 30 years.

12. That the City retain the right to access to facility 4 weeks per year –
uses to be determined by the City but may include allocation of uses to
Northlands or other bodies, for example, the Canadian Finals Rodeo,
Capital EX and other events the City deems of civic importance.

13. City to negotiate options for potential revenue sharing.

14. Investigate the opportunities for lottery through establishment of
foundation, with proceeds directed towards community benefits in the new

15. That Administration provide a report on options for the naming rights.

Amendment (L.Sloan/S. Mandel) Carried

16. That Administration negotiate the requirement for a Community
Benefits Agreement associated with the above framework as part of any
negotiated agreement.

Amendment (L.Sloan/J. Batty) Carried

17. That the final negotiated agreement be brought back to Council for

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