VIII Winter Holidays

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Winter Holidays

Class VIII
Session 2021-2022
Dear Students ,
Holistic education is a relatively new movement that seeks to engage all aspects of the learner including mind, body
and spirit. In the educational process, students should be offered a wide variety of ways to learn in order to choose
the way or experiment with the way.
The school constantly endeavors to impart holistic education by creating a congenial and stimulating academic
environment for the learners by engaging them in different activities frequently. To meet the challenges hurled by the
pandemic situation, the school leaves no stone unturned to trigger the Cognitive, Psycho motor
and Affective domains of the learners. To achieve the aforementioned objectives, Teachers have created
Activity based worksheets to keep the students equated, engaged and entertained.
During Winter Holidays from December 31, 2022 to January 9, 2022 , remedial classes will also be conducted,the
time table of the classes will be shared separately.In the winter holidays you must :
 Research on the topic allocated to you for the Project under Ek Bharat , Shresth Bharat Campaign.
 Complete the daily activities and worksheets as per the daily engagement calendar.
We expect you to spend your time productively and judiciously in this winter break with academic honesty
DPS, Siddharth Vihar
January 2022 Daily Engagement Calendar of worksheets and activities

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

3rd Lang+ Maths

2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Science + 3rd Maths + Computer
English+ SST Science + Hindi Computer + Maths English + SST
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Life skills
Day/Date Subject 1 Subject 2
January 1 German - Prepare a scrapbook on any one of the Maths
2022 following topics:(approx 5 pages)
1. Famous German Cuisine and Drinks. Verify Algebraic Identity a+b^2
2. Famous German Poetry and Songs.


Worksheet 2

French: Faites les phrases utilisant les mots

Take a print out of the same, frame sentences in
fair notebook.

Worksheet 1

Sanskrit - Sanskrit-निमनननिख शब्दिदा सहदयखयद

सास्क खति पञ वदकयदनि रचयख।

[बदन्ः , बदनन्द , ्न्द्ति, वककत , चट्दः , सरोवरः ,

क्रखः ]
Learning Students will able to learn sentences with the help Students will learn about algebra
Outcome of sangya/ sarvnaam, avyay shabds,dhaatus .

January 3 German Science

On an A3 size sheet, make a creative chart on
myth busters related to adolescence.
Ensure that you cover at least 4-5 myths.Be as
creative as possible.

Worksheet 4
French: Dessinez l'image sur un papier

Draw it on a chart paper and paste it on a


Worksheet 3

Learning French: Students will learn different expressions The students will be able to understand the myths
Outcome in their masculine and feminine forms. about adolescence and understand the correct
German : Students will be able to use correct statement
form of articles and prepositions with their
corresponding genders.
January 4 English SSC
2022 Indian National Movement -Gandhian Era
Make a Web Tree about Parts of Speech on A3
sheet.Write a self composed poem on the theme Making of ply cards used during the National
Health is Wealth. Movement

Worksheet 5
Worksheet 6

Learning Students will be able to recall all the parts of Students will be able recapitulate the chapter from
Outcome Speech .Students will be able to put their lower level to higher level.
thoughts in own words
January 5 Science Hindi
In summer days, run a plastic comb through your
hair a number of times. Take it close to a thin
stream of water coming out through a tap. The
comb will attract the stream of water and the
stream will bend towards the comb. What kind
of force is it? Worksheet 7
Learning Learn about force and heat छदत सवया ्त जीवि मे रदयरी नतिि ्त महतव ्ो समझ पदएागत|
Outcome पतमचा्, रदमधदरी ससाह द्ि्र आद् जैसत रचिद्दरो सत साबानधख
जदि्दरी पदर ्र पदएाग|त सदाप और बदज पदठ ्् भदानख अनय पदठ्ो ्त
सदथ ्ो सवया ्त शब्ो मे ननिित योगय होगत| अिदचछत् नतिि ्् उनचख
पदकयद ्त मदधयम सत पूर् ्रित योगय|
January 6 Computer Maths
Make 2 page website on E-Learning Artificial Verify Algebraic Identity a^2 - b^2
 History of AI
 Evolution of AI
 Human Intelligence & AI
 Applications of Machine Learning Worksheet 10

Worksheet 9
Learning Students will revise creating website And the
Outcome concept, History & Machine Learning of artificial
January 7 English SST
2022 Union Government
Worksheet 11
Create a flow chart to explain the different steps
Make a beautiful poster On any Of the following
involved in the passing of an ordinary bill to
topics :
money bill
2.Women Empowerment
3.Save Water Worksheet 12
4. Support Health workers
5.Save girl child

Read the The Sneeze from Literary Reader book

And Prepare a WORD WALL of 20 difficult
words from the chapter.
Learning Students will be able to express their thoughts Students will able to compare the powers of
Outcome through drawings & slogans.The students will be president and the prime minister
able to learn new words
January 8 Maths Computer
2022 Make a Mind Map on
Algebraic Identities Working Model  computer ethics and crimes
 Virus
LINK -  Trojan  Worm
 Protection from Virus
 Spyware & Adware
 Phishing & Pharming
Worksheet 13  Internet Fraud & Scam

Worksheet 14
Learning Students will be able to learn about algebric Student will become aware about Internet Frauds
Outcome expressions & Scams

January 9 Life skills

2022 Learning from Mistakes!
Own Your Mistakes: You can't learn anything from a mistake until you admit that you've made it. So,
take a deep breath and admit to yours, and then take ownership of it. Mistakes teach us what doesn't
work and encourages us to create new ways of thinking and doing. For your winter holiday
homework of Life skills, you are required to interview your parents on what mistakes did they learn
from and share yours as well. Remember to record the video and then complete the following
worksheet and upload it on the One classroom link.
Learning Students will learn to accept their mistakes gracefully and also find out ways to fix their wrong actions
Outcome by introspecting them.
Assignment No - 12 Subject - German
Topic - Past perticiple Tense Date - January 1, 2022
Learning Objective - Students will be able to put correct form of verb.
Q.No Questions
1. Fill the gaps with the correct past participle.

1. Ich bin reiten __________.

2. Ich bin schwimmen __________.

3. Ich bin Skateboard __________.

4. Ich bin __________.

5. Ich bin einkaufen __________.

6. Ich bin Ski __________.

7. Ich bin in die Disco __________.

8. Ich bin ins Kino __________.

9. Ich bin angeln __________.

10.Ich bin Kanu __________.

gegangen gefahren radgefahren


Assignment No - 14 Subject - French

Topic - La Grammaire Date - January 1, 2022
Learning Objective - Students will be able to utilize the concepts of grammar that they have learnt.
Q.No Questions
1. Trouvez les questions:
a) Il va à Paris.
b) Nous partirons pour Rome demain.
c) Tous le matins, il se réveille à 4 h.
d) Marie est triste parceque son amie est malade.
e) J'ai trois livres dans mon sac.
2. Complétez avec à, au, à la, à l', aux.
a) Ils vont ____________opéra.
b) Tu vas _____________Canada?
c) Tu regardes une émission____________télé.
d) Ils mangent__________restaurant.
e) Il habite____________Nice.
3. Complétez avec les adverbes de quantité:

a) Elle préféré ________________mayonnaise dans la pizza.

b) Il y a ________________légumes dans le frigo.
c) ___________professeurs y a-t-il dans la réunion.
d) Il a___________Chaussettes dans mon tiroir.
e) Les indiens mangent___________fruits que le Japonais.


Assignment No - Subject - Sanskrit

Topic - Ch -12 अनखजद्नमल Date - January 1, 2022

Learning Objective - नवददथा प्-वदच् शब्ो, िवीि-शब्ो, प्क नख-पतयय खथद समदस-यदक शब्ो ्द जदि पदर ्रे गत

Q.No Questions
प्क नख-पतयय नवभदग ्द रख ।

(्) सदधनयखदमल

(ि) हदखवदः
(ग) गहरीयदः

(घ) जदखदमल

(ङ) ्ख्व:

समदसनवगहा ्द रख

(्) अनिननवशत

(ि) शब््ोोः

(ग) धिदनखररमल

(घ) ितत्ोोद:

(ङ) ्दनदनखरत

पूर्वदकयति उतरख ।

(्) सवद्नर उप्ररदनि ्नसमिल यनतत नवदमदिदनि सननख?

(ि) ्त गहरीयदः ्त च हदखवदः?

(ग) सदमदनज् मदधयमति वया ्त ोदमल आ्दिा- प्दिा च ्द म्ः?

(घ) उप्ररदिदा पयोगतर वया ्््कशदः भवदमः?

प्निमद्रा ्द रख।
(्) जिदः ्दय्यय: गूगनशररा गचछननख।

(ि) समबनधदिदमल महतवा िदनसख।

(ग) ्दय्ोद ए्दगखद िशयनख।

(घ) वया नवशत समप्र सदधयदमः।

Assignment No - Subject - Maths
Topic - Algebric Expressions and Identities Date - January 1, 2022
Learning Objective - Formulas and its applications
Q.No Questions
1. Subtract 3x – 4y – 7z from the sum of x – 3y + 2z and -4x + 9y – 11z.
2. Write down the product of -8x2y6 and -20xy verify the product for x = 2.5, y = 1
3. Evaluate :-
1. (2x + 8) by (x – 3)
2. (3x2 + y2) by (2x2 + 3y2)
4. SOLVE-: (3x – 2) (2x – 3) + (5x – 3) (x + 1)
1. (2m + 1)2
2. (9a + 1/6)2
1. (1001)2
2. (999)2
1. (82)2 – (18)2
2. (467)2 – (33)2

Assignment No - 11 Subject - German
Topic - Past perfekt Date - January 3, 2022
Learning Objective - Students will be able to make correct use of Past perfekt Tense .
Q.No Questions
1 Fill the gaps with the correct past participle.

gehört gespielt
gespielt gespielt
getanzt gesehen
gespielt gelesen
gemacht ferngesehen
1. Ich habe Tennis __________.

2. Ich habe Basketball __________.

3. Ich habe am Computer __________.

4. Ich habe einen Film __________.

5. Ich habe __________.

6. Ich habe Musik __________.

7. Ich habe Fußball __________.

8. Ich habe Hausaufgaben __________.

9. Ich habe in der Disco __________.

10.Ich habe ein gutes Buch __________.

2. Put the words in the correct order.

1. Tennis Ich habe gespielt.

2. Ich Basketball gespielt habe.

3. habe Ich gespielt am Computer.

4. habe einen Film gesehen Ich.

5. ferngesehen habe Ich.

3. Fill the gaps with the correct form of sein or haben.

1. Ich _____ in die Disco gegangen.

2. Ich _____ Fußball gespielt.

3. Ich _____ einen Film gesehen.

4. Ich _____ in der Disco getanzt.

5. Ich _____ radgefahren.

6. Ich _____ schwimmen gegangen.

7. Ich _____ Musik gehört.

8. Ich _____ ferngesehen.

9. Ich _____ einkaufen gegangen.

10. Ich _____ Ski gefahren.

Assignment No - 15 Subject - French
Topic - Compréhension écrite Date - January 3, 2022
Learning Objective - Students will enhance their reading and writing skills.
Q.No Questions
1. Répondez:
a) Nommez deux pays où les français vont pour les vacances?
b) Qu' est-ce qui se développée et devient à la monde?
2. Dites vrai ou faux:
a) Pour les français en général, les vacances idéales se passent en juillet et en août.
b) Les français n'aiment pas visiter les villes.
3. Donnez le contraire:
a) Jeune
b) Viennent
4. Donnez l'infinitif:
a) Préfèrent
b) Organisé
5. Complétez avec des prépositions:
a) La table est ______________bois.
b) Nous allons un congé___________jour.


Assignment No - 2 Subject - Sanskrit

Topic - पदठ-१३ गोवद प्तशः Date - January 3,2022

Learning Objective - नवददथा प्-वदच् शब्ो, िवीि-शब्ो, प्क नख-पतयय खथद समदस-यदक शब्ो ्द जदि पदर ्रे गत

Q.No Questions
1. वचि-पररवख्िा ्द रख।

(्) जिदः सागीखनपयदः आसिल। (ए्वचित)

(ि) पय्ट्द: आिन्ा नवन्ननख। (न्वचित)

(ग) यूयमल जनत अखरख (न्वचित)

(घ) अहमल पय्टिदय गनमषयदनम। (बहवचित)

(ङ) वयमल सववनो्त नवहरदम:। (न्वचित)

2. नवनधननङन्दरत पररवख्यख।

(्) जिदः िकतयनपयदः सननख।

(ि) अत जनपररवहिा सदगमा भवनख।

(ग) ्त पमदि िद् सखः।

(घ) पय्ट्दः अत जनत खरननख।

(ङ) मदखययपतर खणरद नदिदा ्क नोः भवनख।

3. पूर्वदकयति उतरख।

(्) गोवदप्तशसय पदचीि िदम द्मल आसीखल?

(ि) गोवद ्सयदः पव्खतकङिनदयदः आवकतः अनसख?

(ग) ि्ीिदा जनति क्ा सदगमा भवनख?

(घ) गोवदप्तशत ्त ोदा ्क नोः भवनख?

4. प् निमद्रा ्द रख।

(्) अत ्त पमदििद् सखः।

(ि) गोवदप्तशत बहवः ्तवदनयदः सननख।

(ग) अत पय्ट्दः जनक्रद: ्द व्ननख।

Assignment No - Subject - Science
Topic - Reaching the Age of Adolescence Date - January 3, 2022
Learning Objective - To understand the topic better
Q.No Questions
1. Fill in the blanks:
1. The glands of the ……………….. system secrete hormones.
2. In males, the hormone ……………. controls sexual characteristics.
3. The larynx is bigger in ………………… .
4. Ovulation is the production of an …………….. by one of the ……………. .
2. State True or False:
1. Glands release hormones into the blood stream through ducts. ……………..
2. Hormones act wherever they are released by the glands. ……………..
3. Adolescence is marked by the onset of puberty. ……………
4. The unfertilized egg is called foetus. ………………
3. Match the columns:

‘A’ ‘B’

1. Hormones are secreted by a. Males

2. Legal age for marriage of boys in India is b. Larynx

3. Voice box is also called c. Females

4. Ovary is found in d. 21 years

5. Testis are found in e. Endocrine glands

4. The table given on next page’ shows the data on likely heights of boys and girls as they grow in age.
Draw graphs showing height and age for both boys and girls on the same graph paper. What
conclusions can be drawn from these graphs?

5. Word game: Use the clues to work out the words:

Across (†’)
3. Protruding voice box in boys
4. Glands without ducts
7. Endocrine gland attached to brain
8. Secretion of endocrine glands
9. Pancreatic hormone
10. Female hormone
Down (†“)
1. Male hormone
2. Secretes thyroxine
3. Another term for teenage
5. Hormone reaches here through blood stream
6. Voice box
7. Term for changes at adolescence
6. Tick the correct option:
1. Adolescents should be careful about what they eat, because:
(a) proper diet develops their brains
(b) proper diet is needed for the rapid growth taking place in their body
(c) adolescents feel hungry all the time
(d) taste buds are well developed in teenagers
2. Reproductive age in women starts when their:
(a) menstruation starts
(b) breasts start developing
(c) body weight increases
(d) height increases
3. The right meal for adolescents consists of:
(a) chips, noodles, coke
(b) chapati, dal, vegetables
(c) rice, noodles and burger
(d) vegetable cutlets, chips and lemon drink
4. Which of the processes in the body is controlled by hormones?
(a) Blood circulation
(b) Growth
(c) Digestion
(d) Excretion

Assignment No - 5 Subject - English

Topic - Reading Comprehension Date - January 4, 2022
Learning Objective - Students will be able to comprehend the passage & answer the questions based on it
Q.No Questions
1. Read the following poem carefully.
1 Deep in the night
When all is still
A moon beam climbs the window-sill.
Over your bed
2 It softly flies
To see if sleep has closed your eyes.
A pinch of gold
Some fairy sand
3 It clasped within that moonbeam's hand
And if by chance
You're not asleep
4 It comes tip-toe on gentle feet.
To touch your eyes
With golden beams
And take you to the land of dreams.
2. TYPE I (Multiple Choice Questions]
Write the option you consider the most appropriate
1.The poet speaks of the moonlight as if it were
(a) a watchman (b) a thief (c) a shadow (d) a fairy
3. "A pinch of gold/ Some fairy sand"(lines 7 -8). The poet has used this expression to describe
(a) the colour of the moonlight (b) a child's dream world (c) the face of the moon (d) the face of
an innocent child
4. A soothing effect of the moonlight is that
(a) it climbs the window-sill (b) it tip-toes on gentle feet (c) it puts a child to sleep (a) it rubs a pinch
of golden sand on eyes
5. The "you" in the poem most probably is
(a) the poet himself (b) a little child (c) a mother (d) a golden fairy
6. Which of the following expressions best describes the silent movement of the moonlight?
(a) Deep in the night (b) All is still (c) Climbs the window-sill (d) Comes tip-toe on gentle feet
7. TYPE -II (Gap Filing & Sentence Completion Questions)
Given below is the summary of the poem. Complete it by writing the missing word against the correct
blank number in the space provided.
8. During the night, rays of (a).......... slowly come inside rooms through the (b)..........over your
(c)............ . It appears (d)............ in colour and comes to check if you are (e)........... or not. In case
you are not asleep, it (f).......... on its feet and touches your (g)........... . Then you are taken to the
world of (h)............


Assignment No -1 Subject -Social Science

Topic - Indian National Movement - Gandhian Era Date - January 4, 2022
Learning Objective - Students will be able recapitulate the chapter from lower level to higher level.
Q.No Questions
1. Draw the time line of the different movements occurred during 1915-1947.(Use pencil colours or sketch
pens to draw it)
2. When did Gandhi ji came to India fro South Africa?
3. Who were the early important leaders of the Indian National Congress?
4. What was Rowlwtt Act ?Why did the Indian oppose it?
5. Read the passage and write the following answers
Write the importance of Gandhi's Salt March.
6. When did the Jallianwal Bagh incident take place? Who was responsible for the movement ?

Assignment No - Subject - Science
Topic - Force and Pressure Date - January 5,2022
Learning Objective - To understand the different types of force
Q.No Questions
1. Define force.
2. What type of force will be used to life a box of clothes?
3. What is more suitable in a desert for walking-heels or sport shoes? Explain your answer
4. An archer stretches her bow while taking aim at the target. She then releases the arrow, which begins
to move towards the target. Based on this information fill up the gaps in the following statements
using the following terms:
muscular, contact, non-contact, gravity, friction, shape, attraction.
(a) To stretch the bow, the archer applies a force that causes a change in its ……………… .
(b) The force applied by the archer to stretch the bow is an example of ……………… force.
(c) The type of force responsible for a change in the state of motion of the arrow is an example of
a ………….. force.
(d) While the arrow moves towards its target, the forces acting on it are due to …………… and that
due to ………………………. of air.
5. Trucks intended to carry heavy loads have 8 tyres instead of 4. Why?
6. State True or False:
Pressure doesn't depend upon size and shape of the container.
Atmospheric pressure increases with increase in altitude.
Friction opposes the relative motion between two surfaces in contact.
7. Why does a person with high blood pressure sweat a lot?
8. Fill in the blanks:
1. To draw water from a well we have to …………………. at the rope.
2. A charged body ………………….. an uncharged body towards it.
3. To move a loaded trolley we have to ………………….. it.
4. The north pole of a magnet ……………………. the north pole of another magnet.
Assignment No -1 Subject - Hindi

Topic - समदस Date - January 5,2022

Learning Objective - छदत आपस मे साबाध रिित वदनत शब्ो सत अवगख हो पदएाग|त ्ो यद ्ो सत अनध् शब्ो ्ो जोडित ्् नवनध ्ो
समझ स्े गत| समदस मे पयदक होित वदनत समसख प्ो ्् जदि्दरी पदर ्र पदएागत| समदस ्त नियमो ्ो समझ स्े गत | शब्ो मे
आए समदस ्ो पहचदि ्र उस्त भत् ननि पदएागत|
Q.No Questions
समदस द्सत ्हखत है?
अवयीभदव समदस ्द नकर कयद है?
निमनननिख वदकय मे नजि प्ो मे समदस हआ है, उनहे ननि्र नवगह ्रखत हए पयदक समदसो ्त िदम नननिए महदतमद गदँधी
आजनम ्तश ्् सतवद मे नीि रहत।

अवयीभदव समदस ्द ए् उ्दहरर नवगह सनहख ्ीनजए।

खतपदरो समदस ्् पररभदोद नननिए।
‘्शदिि’ सदमदनस् प् मे समदस ्द िदम बखदइए खथद समदस-नवगह भी ््नजए।

्म्धदरय समदस ्् पररभदोद ्ीनजए।
‘नतभदवि’ सदमदनस् प् मे समदस ्द िदम बखदइए खथद समदस-नवगह भी ््नजए।

‘िीन्णठ’ सदमदनस् प् ्द नवगह ्र समदस ्द िदम नननिए।
‘िवरदत’ सदमदनस् प् मे समदस ्द िदम बखदइए व समदस-नवगह भी ््नजए।

Assignment No - Subject - Computer

Topic - HTML Date - January 6, 2022
Learning Objective - Students will recall all the HTML tags and website development
Q.No Questions
1. Write a HTML code to design feedback form using following details
 Name of the student
 Class
 admission number
 gender
 subject list ( English, Hindi, maths, sst, science, computer)
 Student feedback
 Submit and reset buttons


Assignment No - 12 Subject - Maths

Topic - Algebric Expressions and Identities Date - January 6,2022
Learning Objective - Learn various identities and expressions
Q.No Questions
1. Solve using identities-
(x+4) (x+7) B) (x+11) (x-5)
2. Simplify the following
(i) (x2- y2)2 + 4x2y2
(ii) (p + q)2- (p - q)2 + p2q2
(iii) (2m - 8n)2+ (2m + 8n)2
3. Using identities, evaluate.
(a) 91²
(b) 89²
(c) 2022
4. Find the value of x if 8x=352 -272
5. If a -1/a =4, find the value of a2 + 1/a2
6. If p +q =13 and pq =22, then p2 + q2
7. Solve- 1. (ab - bc)2+2ab²c
2. (m2- n2m)2+ 2m2n2

Assignment No - 11 Subject - English
Topic - Modals Date - January 7, 2022
Learning Objective - Students Will Be Able To Use The Modal Verbs In Sentences
Q.No Questions
1. Write a few things that one 'shouldn’t'/'mustn’t' do at the following places.
At a hospital
• ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________
At an airport
• ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________
While driving on a road
• ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________
In a public library
• ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________
• ___________________________________________________________
• _____________________________________________________
2. Tick (✓) the correct option.
(a) The food tastes stale. I think we should/ought to send it back. The manager must/ought to send us
a fresh dish instead, without billing us for it.
(b) I have been too busy with my work. I ought to/should spend more time with my family
(c) It is raining heavily outside. You should/ought to postpone your programme. But if it is too urgent,
you should/must take an umbrella along. (d) We must/should keep medicines away from small
(e) The mobile manual says that it ought to/should be switched off for two minutes fortnightly.
(f) Five o’clock in the morning is too early to reach the station. You must/should have booked your
seat on some other train.
(g) Since there were no vegetables in the fridge, she ought to/had to eat biscuits for dinner.
(h) Do you think I should/ought to apply for this job?
(i) I am feeling sick. I mustn’t/shouldn’t have eaten all those chocolates.
(j) If you want to buy cheap clothes, you have to/must wait for the annual sale.
(k) ‘Can we go to watch a movie on Saturday morning?’ ‘I am afraid we can’t. I should/have to go to
the dentist.’
(l) You must/ought to inform your parents about your decision to work abroad.

Assignment No - Subject - Social Science

Topic - Union Executive Date - January 7,2022
Learning Objective - Students will be able to differentiate between he powers and function of the president
and the prime minister
Q.No Questions
1. Identify the picture and answer the following questions :

a) Name the person and the his portfolio.

b) Who was the first vice president of India ?
c) Enumerate the role of vice president ?

2. Define the following terms :

a) no confidence motion
b) electoral college
c) Impeachment
3. Choose the correct option
1. Who presides over the sessions of the Lok Sabha?
(a) the Speaker (b) the President (c) the Vice-President
2. What is the maximum strength of the Lok Sabha?
(a) 350 (b) 552 (c) 250
3. How many houses does the parliament have?
Go Back(a) one (b) two (c) three
4. There should not be a gap of more than ______________ months between two sessions of the
(a) three months (b) six months (c) four months
5. Which list includes subjects on which both the State and Union Legislatures can make laws?
(a) State List (b) Union List (c) Concurrent List

4. Fill in the blanks:

1. The functions of the government is divided into three organs namely______, _____and ______.
2. The Union Parliament has two houses. They are _____________________ and _________________.
3. The _____________________ is a permanent house.
4. The President nominates _____________________ members to the Lok Sabha.
5. The council of ministers is answerable to the _____________________.
6. The President is the _____________________ head of the government. The real head is the
7. . The President may be removed by the Parliament by a procedure known as
8. . The President appoints the judges of the_____________________ Court and the
_____________________ Courts.
9. . The Vice-President is the ex-officio chairman of the _____________________. The President
appoints the leader of the _____
10. ________________ party in the Lok Sabha

5. Picture study
a) Can you identify the person?
b) What role and function does he have in the union executive?

6. State whether the following statements are true or false:

1. The President is the titular head of the country. _____
2. The Deputy Ministers hold important portfolios. _________
3. The first Prime Minister of India was Lal Bahadur Shastri. _____
4. The laws made by the Parliament are implemented by the Union Executive. _____
5. All the Ministers of the Council of Ministers work individually. _____


Assignment No - 15 Subject - Maths

Topic - Data Handling Date - January 8,2022
Learning Objective - Students will develop more understanding of bar graphs and pie charts
Q.No Questions
1. The marks scored by 20 students in a test are given below:
84, 57, 53, 89, 41, 57, 47, 64, 58, 44, 53, 72, 51, 78, 71, 62, 56, 68, 54, 42
Complete the following frequency table:

(i) What is the upper limit of 40–50?

(ii) What is the upper limit of 70–80?
(iii) What is the class size?

2. Draw a pie-chart for the following data of expenditure on various items in a family.

3. A die is thrown. What is the probability of getting:

(i) an even number?
(ii) an odd number?
(iii) A number between 3 and 6?

4. Draw a histogram for the daily earnings of 30 general stores given in the following table
5. The following pie-chart represents the marks scored by a students. If he obtained 540 as total marks,
answer the following questions:

(i) In which subject did the student score 120 marks?

(ii) What is the difference in the marks obtained in Maths and English?

6.10. A bag contains 3 blue and 2 red balls. A ball is drawn at random. What is the probability of drawing a red

7.9. What is the probability of a number selected from the numbers 1, 2, 3, ....., 20 such that it is a prime





Assignment No - Subject - Computer
Topic - Artificial intelligence and computer ethics & Date - January 8,2022
Learning Objective - Students will recall the basic concept of artificial intelligence And computer ethics precautions from
online crimes
Q.No Questions
1. What is artificial intelligence?
2. List artificial intelligence around us
3. Explain which type of artificial intelligence you want in your life
4. Write any five Computer ethics
5. List any five precautions which we should take against cyber crimes

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