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Human Translation and Machine Translation may look similar from the first glance, but actually
are two opposites.
What's Wrong with Machine Translation

There is some confusion between these two methods; Actually, the differences are so extreme
from one another, so it is possible to relate to them as two opposites. In order to understand the
severe drawbacks of the Machine Translation, let's examine it from three aspects:

1. As a response to the needs of sites and Enterprise.

2. Potential market and business model.
3. Development costs.

What is the source of the difficulty? Contrary to the translation of separate words (e.g., a human intelligence is needed here, to Understand the sentence, and with the
lack of such a technology, there is no valuable translation engine available today. One of the
ways that bored web surfers use to ammuse themselves, is to direct one of the web translation
engines to a web document, and to be "tickled pink" as to the differences between the source and
the result, and the absurd meaning.
Advantages and disadvantages of machine translation

Advantages of machine translation

Quick Translation
Using the machine translation system enables you to save your time while translating large texts.

Low price
If a professional translator translates your text, you have to pay enough money for each page but
very often we need just a point of matter, general idea. In this case machine translation system is
reliable and effective for us.

Many people use machine translation systems to translate their private emails, because no one
would agree to give his private correspondence to translator who he doesn't know, or no one
would entrust financial documents to other people.

Usually a professional translator becomes specialized in a definite field, but machine translation
system can translate any a text about any area. For the translation of special terminology you
have to just switch on a corresponding setting.

Online translation and translation of web page content

The advantage of online translation services is obvious. Online translation services are at hand
and you can translate information quickly with this service. Furthermore you can translate any
web page content and query of search engine by the use of machine translation systems.
Disadvantages of machine translation
Lack of superior exactness
You can’t entrust Machine translation system if you need superior exact translation of the
official documents, agreements and so on. You can get the gist, first draft of a translation then
you can work on it and correct for exactness.

Inferior translation quality of the texts with ambiguous words and sentences
Machine translation is based on formal and systematic rules so sometimes it can’t solve
ambiguity by concentrating on a context and using experience or mental outlook as a human
Machine translation which is also known as Computer Aided Translation, is basically the use of
software programs which have been specifically designed to translate both verbal and written
texts from one language to another. In the face of rapid globalization, such services have become
invaluable for people and you just cannot think of any disadvantages of machine translation.
Nevertheless, like everything has its pros and cons, so does machine translation. Let's go over the
advantages of machine translation:
 When time is a crucial factor, machine translation can save the day. You don't have to
spend hours poring over dictionaries to translate the words. Instead, the software can
translate the content quickly and provide a quality output to the user in no time at all.
 The next benefit of Machine translation is that it is comparatively cheap. Initially, it
might look like a unnecessary investment but in the long run it is a very small cost
considering the return it provides. This is because if you use the expertise of a
professional translator, he will charge you on a per page basis which is going to be
extremely costly while this will be cheap.
 Confidentiality is another matter which makes machine translation favorable. Giving
sensitive data to a translator might be risky while with machine translation your
information is protected.
 A machine translator usually translates text which is in any language so there is no such
major concern while a professional translator specializes in one particular field.
Disadvantages of Machine Translation:
 Accuracy is not offered by the Machine translation on a consistent basis. You can get the
gist of the draft or documents but machine translation only does word to word translation
without comprehending the information which might have to be corrected manually later
 Systematic and formal rules are followed by machine translation so it cannot concentrate
on a context and solve ambiguity and neither makes use of experience or mental outlook
like a human translator can.
These are the primary advantages and disadvantages of using Machine translation for a
document regardless of language. They can be weighed and the right decision can be made
depending on the information and the quality that is required.

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