Analysis of Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter In: DTC-SVM Induction Motor Drive For FCEV

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Analysis of Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter in
DTC-SVM Induction Motor Drive for FCEV
“Control” stream Group “6”

1. GADISSA FIKRU-----------------------------04472/06

2. TADESSE ALEMAYEHU-------------------05128/06

3. TADESSE TENAWU--------------------------05131/06

4. ROBEL H/MICHAEL-------------------------04989/06

Submitted To Mr. Henok.A

Submission date June 5/2017

We would like to express our great tanks and appreciation to Jimma University especially Jimma
Institute of Technology for giving us such a mandatory work that expect from technology student.
Next, our greatest gratitude is to our adviser Dr.Amruth RT who offered us with constructive
comments and excellent suggestion that led to noticeable improvement in style and presentation
of the project material. Students in our peer group have used drafts of different chapters and
provides with useful feedback and comments that led to the improvements of the presentation of
the material in the project: to each of us we are thankful. Finally, and most of all, our sincerest
appreciation is to our department heads and CBE coordinator who have manage us in the
preparation of this community based problem project.

Table of Contents
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................................................... ii
List of figures .............................................................................................................................................. iv
List of Acronyms ......................................................................................................................................... v
List of symbols ............................................................................................................................................ vi
ABSTRACT................................................................................................................................................... i
CHAPTER ONE ......................................................................................................................................... 1
1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Statement of the problem ................................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Objective ............................................................................................................................................ 1
1.2.1. General objectives ....................................................................................................................... 1
1.2.2. Specific objectives ...................................................................................................................... 1
1.3. Methodology ...................................................................................................................................... 1
1.4. Major Assumptions Made for the Work ............................................................................................ 2
1.5. Scope and Limitation ......................................................................................................................... 2
1.5.1. Scope ........................................................................................................................................... 2
1.6. Outline of the project ..................................................................................................................... 2
CHAPTER TWO ...................................................................................................................................3
2. LITERATURE REVIEW ......................................................................................................................3
CHAPTER THREE ......................................................................................................... 4
3. SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM .............................................................................................................. 4
3.1. System components and operation ................................................................................................. 4
CHAPTER FIVE ...................................................................................................................................... 16
5. SIMULATION RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ................................................................................ 16
5.1. Software Simulation Results and Discussions ............................................................................. 16
5.1.1. Simulation of timer stage ........................................................................................................ 16
5.1.2. Simulation of output stage: .................................................................................................... 17
5.1.3. The overall Simulation............................................................................................................ 18
CHAPTER SIX ......................................................................................................................................... 20
6. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION .................................................................................. 20
6.1. Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... 20
6.2. Recommendations for Future Work ................................................................................................. 20
References .................................................................................................................................................. 21

List of figures

Figure 1.1: General block diagram of automatic switching system for indoor…………………...2
Figure. 3.1: symbol of LDR……………………………………………………………………….5

Figure.3.2: Resistance vs. illumination curve of LDR…………………………………………….6

Figure.3.3: 555 Timer diagram pin configuration…………………………………………….......7

Figure.3.4.Timer stage…………………………………………………………………………...11

Figure.3.5: Output stage……………………………………………………………………….....12

Figure.3.6: General Circuit diagram of automatic switch system for indoor light………………13
Figure.3.7: Voltage divider circuit…………………………………………………………….…13

Figure.4.1: Output voltage from Timer stage…………………………………………………....15

Figure.4.2: of circuit diagram for the output stage……………………………………………...16

Figure.4.3: The overall Simulation circuit diagram……………………………………………..17

List of Acronyms

AC Alternative Current
DC Direct Current
SW Switch
THR Threshold
TRIG Trigger
IC Integrated Circuit
CTRL Control Voltage
LDR Light dependent resistor
E.m.f Electromotive force
NO Normal Open
NC Normal Closed
PWM Pulse Width Modulation
PAM Pulse Amplitude Modulation

List of symbols

C Capacitor
D Diode
R Resistance
V Voltage
L Lamp
RL Relay

Manual switching of lights has been employed over the years in lighting installations to control
the switching of lights. This mode of switching comes with a lot of challenges for instance the
lights remaining ON or OFF even at instances when this shouldn’t be the case, leading to power
wastage as well as posing security risks at night when some of the security lights remain OFF. The
manual switching of lights is also a bit cumbersome to the users. This project aims to address the
problem of manual switching by employing an automatic switching mechanism whereby the
turning ON and OFF of lights is automated such that the lights are either ON or OFF strictly when
the necessity arises. The features are such that the lights are ON only when necessity arises, the
amount of light intensity is quite low hindering visibility, and otherwise the lights are
turned/remain OFF for the indoor lights. The security lights turn ON at the onset of darkness and
OFF at the onset of sunlight. We intend to use a light dependent resistor (LDR), NPN bipolar
junction transistor, an IC 555 timer, and a relay to achieve this objectives

A switch can simply defined as a device operated to turn electric current ON or OFF. Switch are
important devices in electrical and electronic design. They are hence, widely used components
today serving as control device in modern electrical system circuit. Switch can also defined as
device by which circuit parameter or signal such as electrical current can be either linked to or cut
off from another part of circuit manually or automatically.
A key feature of automatic switch system is that its operation is light dependent that is the device
is activated only when it is powered ON in the absence of ambient light or in sufficiently dark
environment making it a light dependent automatic OFF switch for electrical appliances. It uses
light dependent resister (LDR) as its light sensor.
1.1. Statement of the problem
Sometimes people forget to turn OFF the light while they leaves there rooms. This may lead to the
power wastage and also life time of the light is decreased. In addition due to poor installation s,
the light remaining ON or OFF even at instances when this shouldn’t be causes.
To avoid this problem we are point to make a circuit which automatically turns ON the switch and
turn OFF again when necessity rises depend on light intensity.
1.2. Objective
1.2.1. General objectives
The overall goal of this thesis to create a switch to turn a lamp ON automatically when the room
gets dark, and turn it OFF again after a set period of time.
1.2.2. Specific objectives
 To analysis light sensor switch and dark detector switch.
 To construct light activated switch circuit.
 To study the working principle of light dependent resistor

1.3. Methodology
The methods of work are organized and accomplished through a sequence of stages. Those are

 Input stage
 Timer stage
 Output stag

1.4. Major Assumptions Made for the Work
Major Assumptions Made for the Work
 We assume there is an input sources (i.e. DC) to oscillate the relay.
 The value of material such as; capacitor (C=100nf), resistor (R1=1kΩ, R2=3.3kΩ, No
table of figures entries found.R3=10kΩ), input voltage (VIN =12v) and relay
 We assume maximum value of light intensity of night is 19.4 and the threshold light
intensity of the day is 19.5.
 We assumed Diode is used to prevent reverse voltage caused by the coil of relay.

1.5. Scope and Limitation

1.5.1. Scope
 Construction of prototype for Timer stage circuit.
 Construction of prototype for Output stage circuit.
 Construction of prototype for Automatic switching system for indoor light
1.5.2. Limitation
It is significant known that the design of our work is depend on the light intensity of the
day .If the light intensity is very low that is in cold condition (in our system, if light
intensity less than 19) the conductivity of light dependent resister is decrease and its
resistivity is increase. At this condition the system is fail to work properly. If the value of
components not selected properly (resistors and capacitors), the time delay is affected.
There for, their value is selected depend on time delay.

1.6. Outline of the project

The organization of this thesis report is well detailed and vast in its coverage; it covers all the
activities encountered during the project work. The first chapter of this work includes introduction,
aims and objective, and scope. Chapter two highlight on literature review, chapter three highlight
on description of system and some of the component used were emphasized, chapter four highlight
on result and discussion, testing and simulation of automatic switching for indoor system. Chapter
five is all about the conclusion and recommendation

The idea behind this thesis is to produce input voltage which oscillate the relay by using LDR, 555
Timer and capacitor that store energy to produce oscillation for relay and turn ON relay, then user
over come from the darkness. In this project we use LDR as light sensor 555 Timer used as time
delay (the time that system output take to reach its final value), npn transistor, relay which
oscillated by timer voltage to turn on and OFF the switch. We use also capacitor with the value of
100nf and load resistor which connected in parallel with LDR with value of 10k.To operate this
system first we connect AC bulb to the relay in series and connect the battery to the circuit. Then
adjust the light fall on LDR. When the light intensity is low the bulb is glow.

When the light intensity is very large the bulb is not glow. This is because the timer output voltage
switch the transistor and the relay is connected to the ground. Finally the relay start switching and
bulb is switch.



Input stage Timer stage Output stage

Fig.3.1. Block diagram of the project

Light dependent resistor (LDR) for light sensor and 555 timer have been selected. LDR starts
taking the light from sun. The component and device used in our system are explained in the
section below.

3.1. System components and operation

Light dependent resistor (LDR)
LDR is a device whose resistivity is a function of the incident electromagnetic radiation. Hence
they are light sensitive devices. They are also called photo conductors, photo conductive cells or
simply photo cells. They are made up of semi conductive materials having high resistances. The
following symbol used to indicate LDR and the arrow indicates light falling on it.

Fig. 3.2: symbol of LDR

Working principle of LDR
LDR works on the principle of photo conductivity. Photo conductivity is an optical phenomenon
in which the material conductivity is increased when light is absorbed by the material. When light
falls i.e. when photons falls on the device the electrons in valance band of the semiconductor
material are excited to conduction band. Hence when light having enough energy strikes on the
device, more and more electrons are excited to the condition band which result in large number of
charge carrier. The result of this process is more and more current starts flowing through the device
when the circuit is closed and hence it is said that the resistance of the devices has been decreased.
LDR’s are light dependent device whose resistance is decreased when light falls on them and i.e.
increased in the dark. When LDR is kept in dark its resistance is very high .This resistance is called
dark resistance. It can be as high as 1Mohm and if the device is allowed to absorb light its resistance
will be decreased drastically. If a constant voltage applied to it and intensity of light increased the
current start increasing. Fig.3.3 below shows resistance vs. illumination curve for particularly

. Fig.3.3 below shows resistance vs. illumination curve for particularly LDR.

Fig.3.3: Resistance vs. illumination curve of LDR.

LDR are nonlinear device. There sensitivity varies with the wave length of light incident on them.
Some LDR might not at all response to a certain range of wave length. Based on the material used
different LDR are different spectrum response curve.


The transistor is a three-layer semiconductor device consisting of either two n- and one p-type
layers of material or two p- and one n-type layers of material. The former is called an NPN
transistor, while the latter is called a PNP transistor. The transistor can be used for switching,
voltage stabilization and other functions.


It provides isolation between lamp and the device because as we know device may work on AC as
well as on DC. The received signal from lamp which works on DC hence we require a relay to
bridge the gap. The relay extremely useful when we need to control current or voltage with the
same electrical signal.

Factor for selecting an appropriate relays are:

*The voltage and current required to strength the coil.
*The voltage we will acquire in the output.
*The amount of armature.
*The amount of contacts for armature.
*Number of electrical associate (NC and NO).

NE555 Timer:
The NE 555 timer IC is an integrated circuit (chip) used in a variety of timer, pulse generation,
and oscillator applications. It can be used to provide time delays, as an oscillator, and as a flip-flop
Additional terminals are provided for triggering or resetting if desired. In the time delay mode of
operation, the time is precisely controlled by one external resistor and capacitor. For a stable
operation as an oscillator, the free running frequency and duty cycle are accurately controlled with
two external resistors and one capacitor.


 Timing from microseconds through hours

 Operates in both a stable and mono stable modes
 Normally on and normally off output
 Available in 8-pin MSOP package

Explanation of different terminals of 555 Timer

Fig.3.4: 555 Timer diagram pin configuration

1. Ground: This terminal is used to provide a zero voltage rail to the integrated circuit to
divide the supply potential. All the voltages are measured with respect to this terminal.

2. Trigger Terminal: This pin is an inverting input to a comparator that is responsible for
transition of flip-flop from set to reset. The output of the timer depends on the amplitude of the
external trigger pulse applied to this pin.
3. Output Terminal: Output of the timer is available at this pin. There are two ways in which
a load can be connected to the output terminal either between pin 3 and ground pin (pin 1) or
between pin 3 and supply pin (pin 8).
4. Reset Terminal: To disable or reset the timer a negative pulse is applied to this pin due to
the fact it is referred to as reset terminal. When this pin is not to be used for reset purpose, it should
be connected to + VCC to avoid any possibility of false triggering.
5. Control Voltage Terminal: The function of this terminal is to control the threshold and
trigger levels. Thus either the external voltage or a pot connected to this pin determines the pulse
width of the output waveform. The external voltage applied to this pin can also be used to modulate
the output waveform. When this pin is not used, it should be connected to ground through a 0.01
micro Farad to avoid any noise problem.
6. Threshold Terminal: This is the non-inverting input terminal of comparator 1, which
compares the voltage applied to the terminal with a reference voltage of 2/3 VCC. The amplitude
of voltage applied to this terminal is responsible for the set state of flip-flop.
7. Discharge Terminal: This pin is connected internally to the collector of transistor and
mostly a capacitor is connected between this terminal and ground. It is called discharge terminal
because when transistor saturates, capacitor discharges through the transistor. The capacitor
charges at a rate determined by the external resistor and capacitor, when the transistor is cut-off.
8. Supply Terminal: A supply voltage of + 5 V to + 18 V is applied to this terminal with
respect to ground (pin 1).


The 555 timer is used in many circuits, for example one shot pulse generator in mono stable mode
as an oscillator in a stable mode or in bi stable mode to produce flip flop type action. It is also used
in many types of other circuits for achievements of varies purpose for instance pulse amplitude
modulation (PAM), pulse width modulation (PWM) and etc.


An electronic device that allows current to flow in one direction only; a valve. It is a two-terminal
semiconductor device, having a p-n junction, used chiefly as a rectifier. In our system it is used to
prevent reverse voltage caused by the coil of relay not to harm Q2 or external component.

Timer stage
The Schmitt trigger in fig. below is a logic state at its input to a low logic state at its output and
vice versa. The input voltage at the input of the 555 Timer based trigger is controlled by voltage
divider circuit consists of LDR and effective resistor with a value of 10k. The LDR is connected
directly to the input of Schmitt trigger. LDR has light dependent resistances character with its
resistance increases with decreasing light intensity. The voltage division offered by the resistor
and LDR is in the following ratio.

RL=10 where RLDR in kilo ohms which varies light intensity.

The expressions for input voltage VIN at the input of 555 Timer is given by
VIN= RLDR/ (RLDR+10) ×12volts

From the above expression it is obvious that logic state (high or low voltage) at the input depends
on the value of RLDR. There are two possible cases: in presence of ambient light and the absence
of ambient light.

Case 1: The value of RLDR is very low and hence the 10k equivalent resistance would divide
greater proportion of 12v voltage signal as the resistance of the LDR is very small and negligible
when compared to 10k resistance. Therefore a low voltage will appear at the input of 555 Timer.

Case 2: The value of RLDR is very large. As a result, a greater percentage of 12volt is divided
across the LDR presenting a high voltage input at the input of 555 Timer. The Timer is used to
provide a clean switching of the time delay circuit ON or OFF. The change in resistance of the
LDR is conditioned to generate an oscillation free output with 555 Timer which provide the enable
or disable control needed to switch the Timer unit ON (in the dark) or OFF(in bright light).

The switching threshold for the inverter is fixed at VCC/3 required for a low to high logic state
switching and 2Vcc/3 for high to low logic state switching. For 12v DC supply this yield 4v and
8v respectively. Whenever the voltage across LDR is less than 4volt the logic state at pin 3 of 555
Timer is disable condition and in the input voltage exceed 8v at the output of the Timer is enable
condition. When the input voltage between 8v and 12v in dark environment the capacitor
connected to pin 5 of 555 Timer eliminates noise in the circuit.

Fig.4.1.Timer stage

Output stage:

The output stage consists of a BJT transistors, two resistor with 1k and 3.3k, a freewheeling diode
and a normally closed relay as shown in fig. below. The base resistor 1k on Q2 of the BJT generate
the base bias current when the output of Q1 goes high. The collector current then flow in BJT
causing the relay operate. The freewheeling diode protect against the back e.m.f from the inductive
coil of the relay. The load OFF the lamp glows when the device has operated. The contacts of relay
once operated opens, creating an open circuit between lamp and AC supply.

Fig.4.2: Output stage

Fig.4.3: General Circuit diagram of automatic switch system for indoor light.

Design calculations
Voltage divider:

Fig.4.4: Voltage divider circuit

𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡 = 𝑅𝐿𝐷𝑅+10𝐾 ∗ 𝑉𝐼……………………………………1

For large value of RLDR measured in MΩ in night time

𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡 = 𝑅𝐿𝐷𝑅+10𝐾 ∗ 12 Since the value of LDR resistors is very large 10k is ignore and the

value of Vout =12v. For small value of LDR resistor measured in Ω in day time Vout=1.2v.

Measure of light intensity using LDR

The resistance of LDR varies according to the amount of light that fall on it. The relationship
between RLDR and light intensity lux for typical LDR is given by:

RLDR = 500/LUX…………………………………….… (2)

Substitute equation (1) in to equation (2)

500 500
𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡 = [( ) /( + 10𝐾)] ∗ 12
𝐿𝑈𝑋 = [( ) − 500] /10𝐾



5.1. Software Simulation Results and Discussions
To simulate this project we use protues 8 professional software because Proteus was designed to
be practical (easy to use, efficient, complete), readable and consistent. Its strongest points are:
 Powerful string manipulation;
 Comprehensibly of Proteus scripts;
 Availability of advanced data structure

5.1.1. Simulation of timer stage

Fig.5.1: Output voltage from Timer stage

The circuit diagram for Timer stage is constructed on proteus 8 simulating software as shown on
the above fig. in order to measure the output voltage at pin 3.

From the simulation result:

 The output voltage is depende on the LDR.

 In the presence of light the value of LDR is very small and give the out put voltage
one third of input voltage wich provide disable condition to switch the Timer.
 In the absence of light the value of LDR is very large and give the output voltage two
third of input voltage which provide the able condition to switch the timer.

5.1.2. Simulation of output stage:

Fig.5.2: of circuit diagram for the output stage

The circuit diagram for the output stage is constructed on proteus 8 simulating software as shown
on the figure above in order to show the vibration of relay.

From the simulation result:
 For disable condition of the switch Timer, that means for large value of
LDR the relay cannot oscillate and the switch is at normal open (NO).
 For able condition of the switch Timer that is for low value of LDR the
relay becomes oscillate and the switch is at normal closed (NC).

5.1.3. The overall Simulation

Fig.5.3: The overall Simulation circuit diagram

The circuit diagram for the overall simulation is constructed on proteus 8 simulating software as
shown on the figure above in order to show how the automatic switching system for indoor works.

From the simulation result:
At high value of light intensity, the value of voltage across LDR is greater than two third
of supply voltage and the trigger provide disable conditions by changing high logic state
to low logic state and makes relay de-energize.
For low value of light intensity the value of voltage across LDR is less than one third of
supply voltage and the trigger provide able conditions by changing low logic state to high
logic state and makes relay energize.



6.1. Conclusion
Our work is done through the planning, flow process and design of software implementations. The
system has been a tough one; the chapters‟ one up to four has actually tried as much as possible to
explain strongly almost all what is involved in simulation implementation of this thesis. The use
of technologies has increased lately, and the uses are searching for everything can make their lives
as easy as possible, so to implement such an idea will be useful and serve many people who really
need automatic switch system in place of manual system for indoor light. This thesis is done by
using 555 Timer, relay, LDR, and forward biasing diode .Light dependent automatic switch Timer
is constructed. The system design is a unique Timer was timing controls dependent on light
intensity. It was primarily designed to aid users who habitually forgot to turn OFF a manual switch
in the day time, by providing save automatic means to switch OFF a relay.
As we have seen from simulation results at high value of light intensity, the value of voltage across
LDR is greater than two third of supply voltage and the trigger provide disable conditions by
changing high logic state to low logic state and makes relay de-energize. Similarly for low value
of light intensity the value of voltage across LDR is less than one third of supply voltage and the
trigger provide able conditions by changing low logic state to high logic state and makes relay
Generally, we use LDR that ranges from 0.1 to 19.4 for night time and 19.5 and above for day time
light intensity to generate voltage across light dependent resistor.
6.2. Recommendations for Future Work
In this project we already finished the design, simulation parts and construction of design
implementation. But we design the system only for single lamp. For the future, we suggest to
others that someone who will improve or modifies the project for high building with multiple lamp
on the different floor and also we wish to do for a switch that turns OFF automatically during
night time when the output or light is not needed.

[1]. Boylestad, “Electronic devices and circuit Theory”, Seventh Edition
[2]. 555 timer tutorials (online). Available at:
[3]. circuit.
[4]. and-Technology-Electronic product/Transistor as switch
using LDR


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