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J. Phys. Chem.

C 2009, 113, 9239–9250 9239

A Density-Functional Theory Study of the Water-Gas Shift Mechanism on Pt/Ceria(111)

Richard T. Kinch, Carlos R. Cabrera, and Yasuyuki Ishikawa*

Department of Chemistry and the Chemical Physics Program, UniVersity of Puerto Rico,
P.O. Box 23346, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00931-3346
ReceiVed: NoVember 13, 2008; ReVised Manuscript ReceiVed: March 26, 2009

w This paper contains enhanced objects available on the Internet at

Density-functional theory has been used to model the interactions between ceria(111) and CO adsorbed on
platinum in order to provide insights into the mechanism behind the water-gas shift reaction on this material.
Morphological studies on ceria show the presence of various defect sites, both cerium and oxygen vacancies,
which are believed to be the reason for the catalytic activity of the substrate. Of these defect sites, the reported
calculations clearly show the preference for platinum to bind in cerium vacancies, as opposed to a defect-free
surface or an oxygen deficiency site. Currently there are two main pathways proposed for this mechanism: a
direct redox pathway and a formate-intermediate pathway. In both scenarios the initial step is the same: the
oxygen storage capacity of ceria provides the oxygen necessary to oxidize CO into CO2; water then adsorbs
and is dissociated in these oxygen vacancies helping reform the ceria surface. The key difference between
the two mechanisms is either the desorption of CO2 and the formation of H2 when a second water molecule
adsorbs at a site where water had been previously dissociated (catalyzed by platinum), or the formation of a
formate species from the interaction of the adsorbed CO2 with adjacent water molecules. Energy pathways
are mapped for both processes, demonstrating the preference toward the initial direct redox pathway. However,
the resulting formation of adsorbed hydroxide species in the oxygen vacancies adjacent to the platinum hinders
this pathway. A bifunctional mechanism is then presented as a means to remove these species and thereby
form formate. The activation of these adsorbed hydroxides is also studied.

1. Introduction molecular hydrogen, are also of particular interest by presenting

a viable means to store and transport a liquid source of molecular
Alternate sources of energy are becoming a necessity as hydrogen.4
nonrenewable fossil fuels like petroleum are being depleted.
One such area that is generating great interest is the hydrogen CnHm + nH2O f nCO + ((m/2) + n)H2 (1.1)
fuel cell. Hydrogen is the most efficient fuel available for use H2O + CO f CO2 + H2 (1.2)
in proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC); however, it
has many drawbacks derived from two key physical properties: Catalytic steam reforming of methanol (SRM) devices
(1) it is a gas at room temperature and (2) it is highly explosive, operates at a temperature range of 250-300 °C and at
especially when transported under high pressure. To avoid these atmospheric pressure.5,6 These devices can then be attached to
limitations and simultaneously take advantage of an already a hydrogen fuel cell to generate electricity, thereby providing
well-established petroleum-based infrastructure, a fuel that has all the advantages of a fuel such as methanol without the
drawbacks that would be present by using it directly in a fuel
similar properties to petroleum can be used: simple, liquid
cell. These operating conditions are also very promising for
hydrocarbons, such as methanol and ethanol, have received
portable technology.
increased interest over the past years as fuel cell technology
One of the main steps in the conversion of a hydrocarbon
advances for these reasons. fuel to molecular hydrogen is the water-gas shift reaction
Direct methanol fuel cells (DMFC) are intensively studied (WGSR) (eq 1.2). It is a crucial part of the reformation process
because methanol can be readily introduced as an alternative because its purpose is to oxidize the CO resulting from the
fuel without significantly altering the transportation, storage, dehydrogenation of the hydrocarbons or alcohols, and in the
and delivery requirements that are in use for petroleum. process produce additional H2. Platinum, in particular, has
Methanol, however, has its own problems when used in fuel proven to be a reliable, although expensive catalyst for this
cells. CO poisoning of the platinum catalyst and methanol process. Recently, there has been increasing interest in develop-
crossover through the proton exchange membrane are just a few ing new, more cost-effective systems to be used as catalysts
of the problems to overcome in order to successfully implement for low-temperature WGSR.4 One group of these new catalysts
DMFCs as a viable alternative energy source.1-3 Even if these is based on cerium oxide (ceria). Among other materials, ceria
limitations are overcome, molecular hydrogen still possesses a has been used extensively as a three-way catalyst in automobiles;
much higher energy density. Because of this, reformer units, the ability for ceria to readily donate oxygen from its lattice,
which convert a hydrocarbon fuel through various stages into referred to as oxygen storage capacity, is believed to account
for its efficiency.7 The same ability this catalyst has to efficiently
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. Phone: +1 787 764 oxidize CO into CO2 is now being harnessed for use in reformer
0000. Fax: +1 787 756 7717. E-mail: cells to generate H2. This unique property has prompted several
10.1021/jp810021e CCC: $40.75  2009 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 05/04/2009
9240 J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 113, No. 21, 2009 Kinch et al.

research groups to develop ceria-based catalysts by doping or redox pathway and the formate-intermediate pathway described
depositing a variety of catalytically active metals (Cu, Pt, Au, earlier. The direct molecular dynamics calculations were
Pd).8-12 The focus of this new research is to attempt to reduce performed to confirm different steps in each of these mecha-
the operating temperature of the process with the goal of nisms. The goal of this study is to map the WSG mechanism
implementing onboard reformer units for fuel cells to power on Pt/ceria and gain atomic-level understanding of the catalytic
machinery such as automobiles. processes and solid-gas interactions involved in the WGSR.
The details on how the WGS process occurs on Pt/ceria
catalysts are the subject of a number of speculations and debates. 2. Computational Details and Methodology
There are two main pathways that have been proposed to help
The calculations presented herein were obtained by using
explain how molecular hydrogen is formed in the WGS reaction.
DFT,22,23 expanding the Kohn-Sham orbitals with a double
One pathway is a direct redox process involving the mobile
numerical basis set (dnp) as defined in the DMol3 code from
surface oxygen atoms of the ceria substrate,13 and the other
Accelrys, Inc.27,28 Exchange and correlation interactions were
involves the formation of a formate intermediate mechanism.10,14
described with the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) func-
The formate-intermediate pathway has been studied by Rod-
tional.29 The reaction pathways were mapped to locate their
riguez et al.15 to explain the WGS mechanism on catalytic metal
transition states (TS) and respective activation energies
surfaces, and the presence of formic acid has been identified
utilizing the nudged elastic band (NEB) technique30 by
through several studies.16,17 However, the thermal stability of
iteratively fixing the distance by a fraction of an angstrom
these intermediates, and therefore their involvement in the
between two atoms of interest and performing a partial
reaction, is debatable at the high operating temperatures that
optimization. A full optimization was performed both before
can be achieved.18
the constraint was applied and after the TS were located to
Gorte et al. proposed the redox process with the following
ensure that the energy of both the initial and final structures
reaction pathway:
was at a minimum. For all geometry optimizations, the core
CO + σ f COads electron energies were described with a density-functional
H2O + σ f Oads + H2 semicore pseudopotential (dspp); for all energy calculations
all core electrons were included and a scalar correction for
COads + Oads f CO2 + 2σ relativistic effects on heavier atoms was applied.31 In all
where essentially ceria is oxidized by water and reduced by cases, all the atoms surrounding the surface vacancies along
CO. The second pathway, posited by Shido and Iwasawa, is with any platinum, water, or CO molecules present (and any
summarized as follows: other structures they formed during this process) were
allowed to relax during the optimization. Because of the
CO + σ f COads nature of the ionic cluster that is studied, it was necessary to
H2O + 2σ f Had + OHads apply a thermal smearing to the low-lying states for the
OHads + COads f HCOOads + σ system. The occupation of all states that were 0.05 eV above
the ground state was averaged by using the thermal smearing
HCOOads + σ f CO2,ads + Hads code to allow for energy convergence.32
2Hads f H2 + 2σ Direct first-principles molecular dynamics24-26 is a quasi-
In this notation, σ is assigned to an arbitrary adsorption classical molecular dynamics (MD) method in which the
site, whether it be on the ceria surface, the metal catalyst, or potential surface is generated “on the fly” as each trajectory
both. develops rather than being fit to an analytical form. The
Several groups have developed Pt/ceria catalysts for the energies and gradients were calculated with use of the DMol3
WGS reaction.8-13,15,19-21 Bera et al. synthesized one such code. The Verlet algorithm33 was employed to integrate the
catalyst through a combustion synthesis reacion, which classical equations of motion with time steps of 0.5 fs. The
yielded finely dispersed platinum over the ceria surface.8 zero-point vibrational energy (ZPE) for CO was calculated
Another technique used to create these catalysts involved separately, and the turning point bond distance was intro-
solution deposition of the metal followed by a high- duced. No ZPE was given to the ceria cluster or platinum.
temperature reduction of the material.11 Of particular interest The initial temperature T of the system was calculated from
is the work of Flytzani-Stephanopoulos et al., who developed the total kinetic energy, which was scaled to 300 K:
a highly active catalyst with a minimal amout of platinum
loading.9 A deposition-precipitation technique19 was used ∑ i Miυi2/2 ) (3N - 6)kT/2 (2.1)
to deposit platinum on dispersed ceria nanoparticles, and the
where N is the number of nuclei in the system, and Mi and υi
excess metal was removed via cyanide leaching, which
are the mass of the ith nucleus and its velocity, respectively.
removed over 90% of the deposited platinum. Most impor-
All the atoms were allowed to move freely during the MD
tantly, the catalytic activity of these materials before and after
cyanide leaching was virtually unaffected. Characterization
of these catalysts by scanning transmission electron micros-
3. Metal Oxide Cluster Modeling
copy (STEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX),
and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) identified these The high-vacuum scanning tunneling microscopy (STM)
remaining platinum particles to be atomic or finely dispersed study performed by Esch et al. on ceria(111)34 clearly shows
and ionic.9 the presence of numerous oxygen vacancy sites, whose number
The focus of this study is a theoretical examination of the and structure are temperature dependent. There are also some
WGS mechanism on Pt/ceria. Using density-functional theory defect sites that were unable to be characterized, which could
(DFT)22,23 and direct first-principles molecular dynamics,24-26 be cerium deficiency sites on the surface.
we probe the nature of active reaction environments, and Flytzani-Stephanopoulos et al. reported that the use of ceria
compare the energetics of the different steps in both the direct nanoparticles of around 3 nm has been shown to increase the
The Water-Gas Shift Mechanism on Pt/Ceria(111) J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 113, No. 21, 2009 9241

Figure 1. Top and angular view of the cluster model for a cerium vacancy defect site (a) and an oxygen vacancy site (b). Red spheres and lines
are oxygen atoms, and white spheres and lines are cerium atoms. Orange spheres are the active oxygens that surround the cerium vacancy. The top
layers of the clusters have been represented with a ball and stick model to highlight the surface structure.

catalytic activity of systems for the WGS reaction.35 The (111)

surface was chosen because various studies have shown that
for polycrystalline samples and nanosized ceria particles, this
is the most prevalent and most stable face.36,37 Characterization
of the catalysts prepared by Bera and Flytzani-Stephanopoulos8,9,19
indicates the presence of finely dispersed or atomic platinum
on the ceria surface (or also within the lattice, as is the case
with Bera et al. and their procedure to dope ceria with platinum).
The XPS characterization of the catalyst developed by Flytzani-
Stephanopoulos et al. clearly elucidated the ionic nature of the
platinum on the ceria surface. In addition, scanning transmission
electron microscopy/EDX measurements showed no metal
particles remaining. The catalytic activity of this catalyst
remained unaffected even after over 90% of the metal was
removed from the surface. High-resolution transmission electron
microscopy studies also confirmed the removal of all metallic
Considering these two studies8,9,19 and the previous work
on Pt/ceria catalysts,10-12 a simple model can be constructed
to elucidate the WGS mechanism on this surface. Ceria was
modeled in a small cluster of 36 oxygen and 24 cerium atoms,
with the top layer of the surface comprised of oxygen as
shown in Figure 1, parts a and b. Since ceria is nonconduct-
ing, a small cluster can be used to model the behavior of the
surface of a larger nanoparticle. This system was used to Figure 2. Top and angular view of the cluster model for a linear
oxygen vacancy site. Red spheres and lines are oxygen atoms, and white
model platinum deposition in single oxygen or cerium spheres and lines are cerium atoms. The top layers of the clusters have
vacancy sites. In the case of a linear oxygen vacancy, as been represented with a ball and stick model to highlight the surface
seen in the STM images by Esch et al.,34 a slightly larger structure.
cluster was used consisting of 68 oxygen and 34 cerium
atoms, as seen in Figure 2. Platinum was placed in each
vacancy type and its final position was optimized. model with the sum of the energies of the cluster with the
The binding energies of cerium and oxygen were calculated defect and the removed atom as seen in the following
by comparing the energy of the optimized defect-free cluster equation:
9242 J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 113, No. 21, 2009 Kinch et al.

B.E. ) (Evac/CeO2 + Eatom) - Eatom / CeO2 (3.1) was most stable on the ceria surface. High vacuum surface
studies performed by Esch et al. clearly show that the most
in which Eatom/CeO2 is the total energy for the geometrically abundant defect sites on the ceria surface are oxygen vacancies.34
optimized system of the defect-free ceria cluster, Evac/CeO2 is the However, this alone does not necessarily mean that these are
total energy of the system removing the selected atom (oxygen the defect sites where platinum becomes embedded. There are
or cerium) thus forming the defect site (the atoms that comprised two different scenarios available for platinum to adsorb on the
the defect site were allowed to relax during the optimization), surface: (1) oxygen vacancy sites, whether they are single or
and Eatom is the total energy of a single removed atom. grouped together in different arrays, or (2) cerium vacancy sites,
The results show that the binding energy for cerium is nearly which could be present on the surface or where platinum atoms
three times greater than that for oxygen (∼122 kcal/mol and could replace ceria within the lattice and on the surface.
∼48 kcal/mol, respectively). These values are much smaller that
To this extent, two small ceria clusters were constructed: one
the results obtained by Minervini et al.38 for the formation of
containing a cerium vacancy in the center, and another with an
oxygen and cerium vacancies of 3.2 eV (74 kcal/mol) and 11.11
oxygen vacancy in the center, as detailed previously. Platinum
eV (256 kcal/mol), respectively, which were obtained from
periodic calculations of bulk ceria. This discrepancy is due to was placed within each of the vacancies and its position was
the surface atoms not being fully coordinated (as in the case of optimized. Platinum remains within the cerium vacancy after
a bulk study). On the (111) surface, for example, each oxygen optimization; however, a different picture emerges for its
atom is coordinated to three cerium atoms, half the number for interaction with the oxygen vacancy site. The adjacent cerium
bulk ceria (which accounts for the binding energy of the surface atoms repel the platinum atom, and instead of binding within
atoms being approximately half the reported value of the the cavity at or near the location of the removed oxygen atom,
periodic calculations). it repositions itself about 2 Å above the surface.
These defect sites were also chosen based on these previous The binding energy of the platinum atom was calculated
experimental works. The cerium vacancy site was studied by using the same method for calculating the cerium and
primarily to account for the combustion synthesis procedure oxygen binding energies in the ceria lattice (eq 3.1). In this
Bera et al. developed to produce platinum-doped ceria,8 as well case, Eatom/CeO2 is the total energy for the geometrically
as to help account for the results from the work performed by optimized system with platinum embedded in the particular
Flytzani-Stephanopoulos et al.9,19 Both these studies present an defect site, Evac/CeO2 is the total energy of the system removing
XPS analysis for the platinum region and both show that the the platinum and maintaining the defect site (the atoms that
majority of the platinum present in the catalyst is in either Pt(II) comprised the defect site were allowed to relax during the
or Pt(IV) charged states. Flytzani-Stephanopoulos et al. em- optimization), and Eatom is the total energy of a single
phasize that these oxidized metal species are the active sites platinum atom. A negative value would indicate that the
for the WGSR.35 The following DFT calculations will show platinum is not bound.
that this is attributed to the platinum replacing cerium atoms The binding energy for platinum in a cerium vacancy (as
within the lattice or on the surface. Oxygen vacancy sites are would be the case for doped Pt/ceria) was 54.22 kcal/mol, while
the most abundant defect sites on the ceria surface; however, it the binding energy of platinum within (or more precisely
is unlikely that platinum would remain within an oxygen adsorbed above) an oxygen vacancy was only 13.55 kcal/mol.
vacancy site. Furthermore, if a platinum ion were to replace a In a linear oxygen vacancy, the behavior of platinum remains
surface oxygen atom, it would then acquire a formally negative unchanged. The optimized structure for this weakly adsorbed
charge. The other possibility is for the platinum atom to simply platinum over an oxygen vacancy is presented in Figure 3.
be chemisorbed to the ceria surface, interacting with the surface Comparing these binding energies, the platinum adsorbed in
oxygen. However, considering the sodium cyanide leaching the oxygen vacancy can be attributed to the weakly bound
technique used by Flytzani-Stephanopoulos et al. to remove the platinum on the catalyst prepared by Flytzani-Stephanopoulos
excess platinum from the surface, any platinum adsorbed on et al. that can be removed via cyanide leaching.9 The fact that
the surface would preferentially complex with the cyanide ions these catalysts retain the same catalytic activity before and after
and hence be removed. cyanide leaching further justifies that the remaining platinum
in that catalystsin essence the active platinum sitessrests within
4. Results and Discussion a cerium defect site. Figure 4 presents the geometrically
4.1. Platinum Adsorption Site. To identify the active site optimized Pt/ceria cluster, clearly illustrating that platinum is
for the WGSR, it was necessary to determine where platinum embedded within the cerium deficiency site, with the surround-

Figure 3. Top view (a) and angular view (b) of the optimized structure for platinum adsorbed above an oxygen vacancy. Red spheres and lines
are oxygen atoms, white spheres and lines are cerium atoms, and the blue sphere is a platinum atom.
The Water-Gas Shift Mechanism on Pt/Ceria(111) J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 113, No. 21, 2009 9243

Figure 4. Optimized structure for platinum within cerium vacancy: top view (a) and angular view (b). Red spheres and lines are oxygen atoms,
white spheres and lines are cerium atoms, the blue sphere is a platinum atom, and the orange spheres are the active oxygen surrounding the cerium
vacancy site.

TABLE 1: Mulliken Population Analysis for Selected Atoms

during Different Stages of the Water-gas Shift Reaction predominant charge states in the catalyst synthesized by
Flytazni-Stephanopoulos et al. are Pt(II) and Pt(IV), as seen
charge from the X-ray photoelectron spectra of the platinum region.9
formation of H 2O The reason for platinum to be present in this oxidized state is
initial Pt/ Pt-CO2 dissociation because it is replacing the formally charged Ce(IV) ion within
atom ceria system complex on Pt the lattice. However, in agreement with other studies in the
subsurface oxygen -0.762 -0.777 -0.744 area,40,41 ex situ XPS may not necessarily reflect the true charged
subsurface oxygen -0.763 -0.735 -0.783 states during reaction conditions (which can be shown with
subsurface oxygen -0.763 -0.733 -0.744 significantly different charges of the platinum atom during
active surface oxygen -0.624 -0.625 -0.628
different steps of the mechanism). Despite this discrepancy, there
active surface oxygen -0.623 -0.625 -0.627
active surface oxygen -0.624 -0.551a -b is little dispute as to whether the platinum atoms that participate
platinum 0.999 0.582 0.571 in the reaction are ionic or metallic. The charge analysis clearly
oxygen (OHads) -0.617 indicates that the platinum atom is in a reduced charge state
hydrogen (OHads) 0.231 due to the charge transfer from the surrounding oxygen atoms.
hydrogen (ads:Pt) 0.163 4.2. CO Adsorption and CO2 Formation. The first step of
carbon (CO) 0.458 the WGS mechanism is the adsorption of CO and the formation
oxygen (CO) -0.249
of CO2. Energetics studies show that CO binds strongly to the
surface cerium 1.287 1.255
platinum atom in the cerium deficiency site, and spontaneously
This oxygen has been removed from the oxygen vacancy after forms a very stable Pt-CO2 complexs36.62 kcal/mol lower
interacting with CO to form CO2. b This oxygen atom is missing in energy than the reactant asymptote for the processsby
because of the removal of CO2 from the system. extracting one of the oxygen atoms adjacent to the platinum. It
is interesting to note that the adsorbed CO2 is nonlinear, which
ing surface oxygen atoms (these atoms have been colored orange is attributed to the interaction of the extracted oxygen atom with
to highlight their positions) expanding around it. The Ce-O the ceria surface. The equilibrium distance of Pt-C for this
distance for these active oxygen ranges from 2.56 to 2.59 Å, structure is 2.13 Å, and the O-C-O angle formed by the
slightly larger than the corresponding distance in the crystal Pt-CO2 complex is 126.2°. To obtain the energy necessary for
(2.34 Å). As will be shown later, these reactive oxygen atoms removal of CO2 from the surface, the distance between the
are a vital part of the catalytic activity of this system. platinum atom and the carbon of the CO2 molecule was
Mulliken population analysis39 was performed on the system, iteratively stretched by 0.1 Å, and the system was geometrically
and the results show that the adsorbed platinum atom in the reoptimized. After each geometry optimization, the energy of
cerium vacancy site is ionic in nature. Table 1 shows the each system was evaluated by using all-electron DFT, removing
Mulliken charge for various cerium and oxygen atoms as well the pseudopotential that was applied during the geometric
as the adsorbed platinum (examples of these are indicated in optimization. Figure 5a presents the energy diagram for the
Figure 4). Although Mulliken population analysis does not adsorption of CO, and formation and evolution of CO2 in the
provide a highly accurate description of the charge separation absence of water. The dissociation of the Pt-C bond requires
of the atoms in the system, it does provide a semiquantitative 11.71 kcal/mol. It is interesting to note that although the CO
view of how charge is distributed. When the Mulliken charge extracts an oxygen atom from the surface, it remains weakly
for the various subsurface oxygen atoms is compared during physisorbed in the oxygen vacancy of ceria surface. This weak
different steps of the mechanism, no significant change is physisorption is only 5.71 kcal/mol, and can be overcome
observed. It can be clearly seen that the active oxygens all have thermally. The net process is highly exothermicsthe difference
a consistently lower Mulliken charge than the other oxygen in between the reactant and product asymptotes for this step of
the ceria lattice. Another key feature is the change in Mulliken the mechanism is 19.19 kcal/mol.
charge of the platinum atom as different species are adsorbed In the presence of water, this process is hindered, but the net
to it. These results coincide with the characterizations performed result is still exothermic. Water adsorbs to the ceria surface and
by Bera and Flytzani-Stephanopoulos, who both clearly state can hydrogen bond to the CO2 adsorbed on the platinum atom,
that the platinum present in their catalysts is ionic.8,9 The increasing the energy required for the CO2 to escape the surface.
9244 J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 113, No. 21, 2009 Kinch et al.

Figure 5. Energy diagrams for the CO2 formation-evolution pathway (a) in the presence of one H2O molecule and (b) in the absence of H2O.

Figure 5b shows the energy pathway for the formation and providing the driving force for CO2 to break away from the
evolution of CO2 in the presence of one adsorbed water platinum atom, even though the minimum energy pathway for
molecule. This trend persists for increasing amounts of adsorbed this process (Figure 5) shows that it is a very stable complex.
water. 4.3. Water Dissociation on the Ceria Surface. The active
Direct MD calculations were performed on the cluster to oxygen atoms on the ceria surface are depleted with each
confirm the formation of the Pt-CO2 complex. Figure 6 presents subsequent oxidation of CO, leaving several oxygen vacancy
snapshots of these MD simulations of CO approaching the Pt/ sites surrounding the platinum atom. These vacancies are the
ceria surface. A movie clip of the MD snapshots presented in most favored sites for water adsorption. Figure 7 compares the
Figure 6 is also available online. The initial temperature for energy for water adsorbed on different sites on the catalyst
this calculation was 300 K, and the CO molecule was given an surface and the difference in energy between each of them.
initial kinetic energy of 0.005 eV (0.12 kcal/mol). The ZPE for These results demonstrate that water is most stable when
CO was calculated separately, and the turning point bond adsorbed in an oxygen vacancy site. Once water is adsorbed in
distance was introduced. The results from the direct molecular the cavity (with the oxygen located slightly above where the
dynamics calculation confirm the spontaneous nature of the surface oxygen used to be), platinum catalyzes its dissociation.
formation of CO2. The MD simulation shows that as CO
This dissociation is a crucial step not only because it helps
impinges on the surface, it binds to one of the active oxygen
regenerate the catalyst surface, but also because this process is
forming CO2 molecules at the 12.5 fs time step, and then binds
a source of atomic hydrogen for the later steps of the mechanism.
to the platinum atom, confirming the formation of the previously
described Pt-CO2 complex. The CO2 molecule then begins to Water binds in the oxygen vacancy site with an exothermicity
vibrate, and slowly breaks away from the platinum atom, of 9.68 kcal/mol. The dissociation of the water molecule by
becoming more linear in the process. At 94 fs, the CO2 takes stretching the bond between the hydrogen atom facing the
on a linear geometry and the captured oxygen from the ceria adsorbed platinum and the oxygen atom of the water molecule
surface is no longer bound to the surface. The initial spontaneous requires 7.98 kcal/mol. The net result is only slightly exothermic
formation of the Pt-CO2 complex is highly exothermic, (2.96 kcal/mol). Atomic hydrogen is then bound to the platinum
releasing 36.88 kcal/mol. Even with the deformation of the ceria atom, while the hydroxide settles in the oxygen vacancy. Figure
cluster from the high exothermicity of the complexation, this 8a shows the energy pathway for the activation of water in one
release of energy is imparted to the kinetic energy of the product, of the oxygen vacancies surrounding the platinum atom.
The Water-Gas Shift Mechanism on Pt/Ceria(111) J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 113, No. 21, 2009 9245

activation energy barrier of 40.59 kcal/mol (1.76 eV) for this

process. When these results are compared to the activation
energy for the dissociation of water on Pt/ceria (7.89 kcal/mol),
the vital role of ceria in this catalyst becomes apparent.
4.4. Formation of H2. The final step of the WGS reaction
is the formation and evolution of molecular hydrogen. As
previously stated, there are two schemes that stand out: (1) a
formate intermediate mechanism proposed by Shido and
Iwasawa10,14 and (2) a direct redox process driven by the oxygen
storage capacity of ceria.13,20 In the subsequent sections we
discuss the routes for the generation of molecular hydrogen for
each of these posited mechanisms.
4.4.1. Direct Formation of H2. Considering an active site
where all active oxygen atoms surrounding the platinum atom
are removed either by CO2 formation and its subsequent removal
or by temperature reduction of the ceria surface, it can be shown
that one water molecule can settle in these vacancies and be
dissociated by platinum, leaving up to three adsorbed hydrogen
atoms on the metal. Figure 8 presents the energy pathways for
the dissociation of additional H2O in these oxygen vacancies.
The resulting hydroxide adsorbates on the ceria surface are
highly reactive; other molecules that impinge on the platinum
atom can disturb these radicals and facilitate the reformation
Figure 6. Snapshots from the direct molecular dynamics calculation
of water, which still remains stable in the oxygen vacancy. In
of CO impinging on the Pt-ceria surface. (An MD animation consisting
of 148 frames run at a temperature of 300 K for the CO adsorption addition, water can hydrogen bond to these adsorbates and
and CO2 formation, each frame corresponding to 0.5 fs, is provided as weaken their binding energy within the vacancy.
a Web Enhanced Object.) Even when platinum is saturated by three adsorbed hydrogen
atoms, spontaneous H2 generation between the adsorbed atoms
Additional water that is dissociated by platinum requires less is not observed. Even as the distance between two adsorbed H
energy as seen in Figures 8b and 9. atoms is decreased no evolution is evident; the energy of the
Calculations done by Rodriguez et al. on oxide clusters on system increases rapidly at an almost exponential rate and even
bulk metal surfaces show that H2O is dissociated on the oxide, after exceeding the equilibrium bond distance of molecular
and this is the highest energy barrier (14 kcal/mol) to overcome hydrogen. Cheng et al. performed a DFT study of H2 dissocia-
in this process.15,21 Theoretical calculations performed by Liu tion on Pt6 clusters, and observed that these clusters can be
et al.42 and Gokhale et al.43 on metal surfaces (Cu and Au) saturated with hydrogen at a Pt/H ratio of up to 1:4.44
consistently show that the dissociation of water is the highest Since it is not apparent that H2 forms from two adsorbed
energy barrier to overcome. Liu et al. report energy barriers for hydrogen atoms on platinum, an alternate approach was
bulk metals ranging from 27.21 kcal/mol (1.18 eV) to 35.28 implemented by introducing an additional water molecule to
kcal/mol (1.53 eV), depending on the metal studied and face observe its interaction with the adsorbed hydrogen. The
exposed. Metal nanoparticles still show high-energy barriers, optimized structure of Pt-ceria after introducing a fourth water
but are lowered by up to 5.5 kcal/mol (0.24 eV) due to the molecule is shown in Figure 10. As can be seen in the image,
higher activity of the lower coordinated surface atoms. Ad- the surface hydroxides can be removed from the oxygen vacancy
ditionally, after comparing the results for the metal nanoparticles by ambient watersforming a H2O-OH complexsalthough they
on metal ZnO2 and ceria, Liu et al. conclude that ceria must be remain weakly bound in the oxygen vacancy. This complex has
directly involved in the WSGR.42 Gokhale et al.43 report an been identified and found to be stable in the gas phase by

Figure 7. Adsorption energies for water on different sites on the ceria surface.
9246 J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 113, No. 21, 2009 Kinch et al.

Figure 8. (a) Platinum-catalyzed water dissociation in adjacent oxygen vacancy. (b) Platinum-catalyzed second water dissociation in adjacent
oxygen vacancy.

Figure 9. Platinum-catalyzed third water dissociation in final adjacent oxygen vacancy.

Schofield et al.45 Although the formation of this complex is rate H2. Once the distance between the water molecule and the
possible, the energy required for this complex to escape the adsorbed hydrogen on platinum reaches approximately the
surface is 18 kcal/mol. The migration of this complex across equilibrium bond distance of molecular hydrogen (0.7 Å),
the ceria surface requires 8.10 kcal/mol, but it is possible that the formation of H2 is clearly observed. The energy diagram
the hydroxide species can easily reoccupy the oxygen vacancy for the formation of H2 from a hydrogen-saturated platinum is
site. It is also possible for hydroxide species adsorbed on the displayed in Figure 11a; the behavior of this process when there
ceria surface within oxygen vacancies to migrate along linear is a single adsorbed hydrogen on the platinum atom is slightly
oxygen vacancies. This process requires only 4.9 kcal/mol. With different energetically and can be observed in Figure 11b.
the removal of the hydroxide, whether by complexation or 4.4.2. Regeneration of the Oxygen Vacancy. The initial and
migration across vacancies, another water molecule could then spontaneous formation of CO2 is highly dependent on the
bind in the oxygen vacancy next to the platinumswhich now presence of adjacent reactive oxygen atoms from the ceria
has one to three adsorbed hydrogen atomssand react to gene- surface. Once these oxygen atoms are depleted, in order for
The Water-Gas Shift Mechanism on Pt/Ceria(111) J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 113, No. 21, 2009 9247

vacancy facing the oxygen of the CO2, and their positions

were optimized. The results of this optimization can be seen
in the initial state of the energy diagram in Figure 12. The
water placed in the vacancy facing the carbon remains
adsorbed in this site, yet the water that was placed in the
vacancy facing the oxygen escapes the defect site and
hydrogen bonds to the CO2. To test the formation of formate,
or any other intermediate, the O-H distance of the adsorbed
water facing the carbon atom was stretched and the activation
energy for this dissociation was mapped. Figure 12 shows
Figure 10. Geometrically optimized structure of Pt-ceria with three
the energy diagram for this process, which does not present
dissociated water molecules after the introduction of an additional water the formation of formate or any other intermediate, but rather
molecule. simply presents a path similar to the platinum-catalyzed
dissociation discussed in the previous section, with an
the reaction to continue, it is necessary to generate CO2 from activation energy of 5.69 kcal/mol. It appears that the
other surface adsorbates. After the initial generation of H2, presence of the adsorbed CO2 does not affect this dissociation.
hydroxide species remain in the oxygen vacancy site. It is To generate formate, it is necessary to involve the interaction
possible for these hydroxides to react with adsorbed CO on of these two adsorbed species on the platinum atom. To test
the platinum atom to form some intermediate species which the viability of this reaction, only the interatomic distance
could either directly generate CO2, similar to the bifunctional between the carbon and the adsorbed hydrogen were constrained.
mechanism that presides over platinum/ruthenium (Pt/Ru) As the C-H distance shortened, the bond length of the Pt-CO2
catalysts for methanol oxidation46-48 or a formate or formic complex increased accordingly, until when the C-H distance
acid intermiediate. approached 1.24 Å. The CO2 desorbed, and subsequently formed
4.4.3. Generation of a Formate Species. The pathway a formate species, which was not bound to the surface. Figure
proposed by Shido and Iwasawa14 posits that adsorbed CO 13 illustrates the energetics for the formation of this formate
reacts with an adjacent adsorbed OH species to generate a species.
formate intermediate, which then decomposes into CO2, The water molecule that formed a hydrogen bond with the
leaving an adsorbed hydrogen atom. One approach that could adsorbed CO2 was then applied the same constraints. This
generate formate or formic acid is the reaction of an adsorbed dissociation, which requires 8.76 kcal/mol, results in a
CO2 with an adjacent water molecule also adsorbed on the hydroxide species adsorbed in the oxygen vacancy and the
ceria surface. For this scenario, two water molecules were formation of an adsorbed HOCO on platinum. However, this
placed in adjacent oxygen vacancies, one having a hydrogen structure was not stable and reverted back to the initial
atom facing the carbon of the CO2, and another placed in a structure with the slightest perturbation. From these results

Figure 11. Energy diagrams for the formation of H2 from (a) an adsorbed hydrogen atom on H-saturated platinum with an adjacent water molecule
and (b) a single adsorbed hydrogen on platinum with an adjacent water molecule.
9248 J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 113, No. 21, 2009 Kinch et al.

Figure 12. Energy diagram for the dissociation of water in the presence of Pt-CO2 complex.

Figure 13. Energy diagram for the formation of formate from H and CO2 adsobed on platinum.

there appears to be only one viable path for the direct

formation of formate: the interaction of an adsorbed CO2 with
an adjacent water molecule. The resulting formate could then
react with an adjacent water (or even the adsorbed hydroxides
on the surface) to generate H2 and CO2.
As previously stated, it is possible that adsorbed CO can
interact with adsorbed surface hydroxide species to form
either formate or HOCO similar to the bifunctional mecha-
nism proposed by Watanabe et al. to explain the activity of
Pt/Ru catalysts.46-48 To test this route, CO was adsorbed to
the platinum center with no active oxygen surrounding it (as
would be the case of a surface that has been quickly depleted
of these oxygens due to the facile oxidation of CO). This
was done due to the preference of CO to spontaneously form
CO2 as detailed earlier. The distance between the carbon atom
Figure 14. Energy diagram for the formation of HOCO from COads:Pt
of the adsorbed CO and the oxygen atom of the adsorbed and OHads:ceria.
hydroxide was decreased at intervals of a fraction of an
angstrom and the activation energy for the process was
mapped. This simulation resulted in the formation of a stable Flyztani-Stephanopoulos for the “slow formate” process.49
HOCO species adsorbed on the platinum center. Figure 14 From other DRIFTS studies on Pt/CeO2 Meunier, et al. have
presents the energy diagram for this process along with the also proposed that the formate pathway can only account for
structure of the adsorbed HOCO. The energy barrier for the roughly 5% of all CO2 produced.50 The presence of a carboxyl
formation of this species is 9.21 kcal/mol, which is on par species (HOCO) has been shown in this mechanism, but it
with most of the other steps of the mechanism. Simulations does not interact directly with adjacent water to form H2.
performed in the gas phase for the isomerization of HOCO However, with the formation of HOCO via a path similar
into formate present an energy barrier of over 30 kcal/mol. to a bifunctional mechanism, it is possible that platinum could
When the HOCO species is adsorbed on the platinum, the capture the hydrogen, thereby forming CO2,ads and Hads. From
isomerization takes a different route, requiring 20 kcal/mol. the previous calculations, it is clear that CO2 can readily
These results coincide with experimental interpretations of escape the surface, leaving simply Hads. This process then
DRIFTS spectra of Au/Ce(La)O2 catalysts prepared by generates a cyclic path where water can once again approach
The Water-Gas Shift Mechanism on Pt/Ceria(111) J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 113, No. 21, 2009 9249

Figure 15. Complete energy diagram for the WSGR considering the redox mechanism.

Figure 16. Complete energy diagram for the WSGR after the depletion of all active oxygen surrounding the platinum atom.

an oxygen vacancy and produce H2. Afterward, CO binds to adsorb in the newly available oxygen vacancy adjacent to
the platinum and the formation of another HOCO species the platinum and react with the adsorbed hydrogen on the
takes place. platinum atom to generate H2; the energetics for this step is
4.5. Overview of the Mechanism. Combining the indi- similar to what is illustrated in Figure 11. Alternatively, CO
vidual steps that have been identified for the WGSR on this can sequentially remove all the active oxygen atoms before
catalytic surface, it is evident that the process is highly any water is able to dissociate (Figure 16) due to the fast
exothermic, even with some energy barriers of up to 12 kcal/ kinetics for this process, as seen in the MD simulations. Once
mol. Figure 15 presents the complete pathway for the WGSR all active oxygen atoms are depleted via the formation of
on this catalyst following a direct redox process starting with CO2, a water molecule can then dissociate in one of the
the spontaneous formation of CO2 (oxidation of CO by lattice vacancies and the resulting hydroxide on the surface must
oxygen). After the evolution of CO2, H2O adsorbs in the migrate (which requires only 4.9 kcal/mol) to free an oxygen
newly formed oxygen vacancy (VO), and is catalytically vacancy for a second water to adsorb and subsequently form
dissociated by the adjacent platinum (as observed in Figure H2. It is important to note that additional CO molecules may
8). This process can continue iteratively until all active continue to adsorb on the platinum center, which in turn can
oxygen atoms surrounding the platinum atom have been react with the hydroxide adsorbed in the oxygen vacancy
depleted (Figure 15). Once water has been dissociated, it is and generate a HOCO species. This HOCO species can
possible to generate molecular hydrogen by removing the isomerize to generate a formate species, which can then be
adsorbed surface hydroxide, which can migrate across a linear catalyzed by the platinum atom, resulting in an adsorbed
oxygen vacancy (4.9 kcal/mol). Another water can then hydrogen on the platinum and CO2 escaping the surface. The
9250 J. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 113, No. 21, 2009 Kinch et al.

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