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H. Sick, F. Veillon·
Sick, F. Veillon· Sectional
Sectional Anatomy
Anatomy of
of the
the Temporal
Temporal Bone
Henri Sick, Francis Veillon

Atlas of Slices
of the Temporal Bone
and Adjacent Region
Anatomy and Computed
Horizontal, Frontal, Sagittal Sections

With 187 Photographs

l.E Bergmann Verlag Miinchen

Henri Sick
Professor of Anatomy
Praticien Hospitalier

Francis Veillon
Chef de Clinique des Universites
Assistant des Hopitaux

Faculte de Medecine
Universite Louis Pasteur
4, rue Kirschleger
F-67085 Strasbourg Cedex

ISBN-13 :978-3-642-80518-9 e-ISBN-13:978-3-642-80516-5

001: 10.1007/978-3-642-80516-5

CIP-Titelaufnahme der Deutschen Bibliothek:

Sick, Henri:
Atlas of slices of the temporal bone and adjacent region: anatomy and computed tomography;
horizontal, frontal, sagittal sect. / Henri Sick; Francis Veillon. - Miinchen : Bergmann;
New York; Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, 1988
Franz. Ausg. u.d. T.: Sick, Henri: Atlas de coupes series de 1'0s temporal et de sa region

NE: Veillon, Francis:

French edition: Atlas de Coupes Seriees de 1'0s Temporal et de sa Region.
Anatomie et Tomodensitometrie.

This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation,
reprinting, reuse of illustrations, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in other ways, and storage in data banks. Duplication of this publication
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© J. F. Bergmann Verlag, Miinchen 1988

Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1988

Photographs by R. Becker

Reproduction of photographs: Karl Porupski GmbH & Co. KG, Stuttgart

2382/3321-543210 - Printed on acid-free paper

Imaging of the temporal bone has become a procedure wide- Xenon gas detectors numbering 512 to 1024 measure the
ly used by radiologists and otologists throughout the world. amount of X-ray photons passing through the head/body,
This atlas, matching histological sections with computed to- permitting computers to calculate the X-ray attenuation in
mographic scans (CT) taken in the axial, frontal, and sagittal the patient for the total time that the tube and detectors
planes, offers a unique approach to the comprehension of the rotate around the transverse axis. X-ray attenuation values
anatomical detail of the area. This will nicely supplement the are calculated for an array of "voxels" representing the dif-
many other books and papers that have been published over ferent regions of the body section scanned. The image area is
the years describing the normal anatomy of the temporal divided up into 256 x 256 or 512 x 512 pixels, stored as a
bone using plain film studies, multidirectional tomography, matrix of numbers in the computer. The digital image thus
computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging. stored in the computer is converted by a digital to analog
The Department of Anatomy in Strasbourg has a magnifi- converter and displayed on a TV monitor tube using a gray
cent collection of anatomical specimens including the tempo- scale with steps varying from -1000 to + 4000 CT or
ral bone obtained over a period of many years. Professor H. "Hounsfield" units. Each Hounsfield unit corresponds to a
Sick has prepared histological sections of the normal new- 0.1 % change in tissue attenuation or density. The total actu-
born and adult temporal bone for this project. These sections al scan time varies from 2-7 s for most machines now in use.
have been correlated with CT scans obtained under the direc- For the temporal bone, a scan thickness of 1.0 -2.0 mm is
tion of Dr. Francis Veillon. used giving an image with a resolution of 0.35-0.5 mm.
The important function of the ear with regard to hearing Since all of the data obtained are stored in the memory of the
has been known since the days of the Greeks already in computer, images may be readily reformatted in the frontal
400-500 B.C. Descriptions of this can be found in various and/or sagittal planes if they cannot be obtained in the planes
writings by such well-known figures Hippocrates, Aristotle, directly by hyperextending or otherwise modifying the posi-
Galen, and many others. Over the years, the understanding tion of the head.
of the various functions and anatomical details evolved from This remarkable progress has been made possible
the 16th century on, the most significant progress having through an interdisciplinary approach by the combined ef-
been made in the 1900s. After the discovery of X-rays, signif- forts of the anatomist, radiologist, physicist, otologist, and
icant advances were made with the use of tomography in others, and an unprecedented financial commitment to CT
1921 (Bocage), multidirectional tomography in 1932 (Ziedes research and development during the 1970s and early 1980s.
des Plantes), and computed tomography in 1972 (G. N.
Hounsfield). Barbara L. Carter, M.D.
Most state-of-the-art CT scanners are "third genera- Professor of Radiology and Otolaryngology
tion," where both the X-ray tube and the detectors rotate Chief of C. T. Scanning
around the patient. The X-ray tubes are specially designed Chief of E.N.T. Radiology
with high heat capacity and rapid cooling rates in order to New England Medical Center Hospitals
maximize patient throughput. Solid-state or high-pressure Boston, Massachusetts, USA

We wish to thank the many colleagues and friends who kind- histological sections. Monsieur R. Becker, whose skill pro-
ly assisted us in compiling this work. Particularly, we are vided the excellent photographic material.
endebted to Dr J. C. Dosch, Chef de Service of the Radiology Our professors and colleagues, in both Anatomy and
Department of the Centre de Traumatologie et Orthopedie in Radiology, were unfailingly helpful and encouraging during
Illkirch-Graffenstaden who kindly helped us in carrying out the long gestation of this manuscript. Finally, the interven-
computed tomographic scans. Madame D. Rossler, who was tion of Professor H. J. Clemens (Bergmann Verlag) proved
unsparing in time and effort to ensure a coherent series of conclusive in the closing stages of preparation.
Table of Contents

Foreword (Professor Barbara L. Carter, M.D.) V F16. 76, 77

Acknowledgements . VI F17. 78, 79
Introduction . . . . . 1 F18. 80,81
Material and Methods . . . 3 F19. 82, 83
Material . . . . . . . . 3 F20. 84,85
Methods . . . . . . . . 3 F21. 86,87
Some Pointers for Readers. 3 F22. 88, 89
Abbreviations . . . . . . 4 F23. 90,91
F24. 92,93
Horizontal Sections (Anatomy, CT, CTN) F25. 94,95
Hl 6,7 F26. 96,97
H2 8,9 F27. 98,99
H3 10, 11 F28. 100, 101
H4 12,13 F29. 102, 103
H5 14-17 F30. 104, 105
H6 18,19
H7 20,21 Sagittal Sections (Anatomy, CT, CTN, CTR)
H8 22,23 Sl 108, 109
H9 24,25 S2 110,111
Hl0 26,27 S3 112,113
H11 28,29 S4 114, 115
H12 30,31 S5 116,117
H13 32,33 S6 118,119
H14 34,35 S7 120, 121
H15 36,37 S8 122, 123
H16 38,39 S9 124, 125
H17 40,41 S1O. 126, 127
H18 42,43 S11. 128, 129
S12 . 130,131
Frontal Sections (Anatomy, CT, CTN) S13 . 132,133
Fl 46,47 S14. 134,135
F2 48,49 S15. 136, 137
F3 50,51 S16. 138,139
F4 52,53 S17. 140, 141
F5 54,55 S18. 142, 143
F6 56,57 S19. 144, 145
F7 58,59 S20. 146, 147
F8 60,61 S21. 148, 149
F9 62,63 S22. 150, 151
FlO. 64,65 S23. 152, 153
Fll . 66,67 S24. 154, 155
F12. 68,69 S25. 156, 157
F13 . 70, 71
F14. 72, 73 References. 158
F15. 74, 75 Subject Index 159

The temporal bone and its adjacent region occupy a 6 cm auditory meatus with its nerves, communications with the
sided cubic space in the adult. In this confined area are subarachnoid space, and situation in relation to the labyrinth
situated two overlapping receiving systems (static and acous- is seen plainly. Peripherally, by extending the study, anterior-
tic), as well as numerous elements crossing from the cranial ly lie the cavernous sinus, the lateropharyngeal spaces, and
cavity to the peripharynx and deep facial regions. The mor- the pharynx, identified by tracing the auditory canal, or,
phology of these static and acoustic systems is doubly diffi- posteriorly, the nape of the neck.
cult to investigate due to their miniature scale and complex The frontal plane series, technically more difficult to car-
design. The traversing elements crossing the region indicate ry out, can be regarded as eminently suitable for investiga-
its importance as a crossroads between the endocranial and tion of the tympanic cavity and the traversing structures. On
extracranial surfaces. the central sections, all of the main walls and the ossicles are
To tackle this problem, two seemingly contradictory ap- completely visible. The outer sections show the connections
proaches were necessary: to separate and enlarge the compo- between the endocranial and extracranial regions through
nents of the receiving systems, while retaining an overall view the jugular, lacerum, oval, round, and spinous foramina all
of the widest possible area in order to follow the pathways sited around the temporal bone.
and relations of the traversing elements. The sagittal planes are the most difficult to interpret. The
Serial sections cut in the three basic planes succeeded in most elementary structures can assume astonishing outlines,
meeting these demands. Thin serial slices cut closely together but in these pictures the position of the temporal bone in its
and observed under a magnifying glass or microscope pro- entirety at the base of the skull is well illustrated. In live
vided a more reliable identification and isolation of all the subjects, it is usually only possible to make sections by using
structures than would other methods. On each slice, the com- three-dimensional reconstruction.
ponent parts of the temporal bone (petrous, squamous, tym- Comparison of scan sections carried out at different ages
panic) were identified and situated in relation to the cavities shows at once the common points and differences between
of the external, middle, and inner ear. These cavities were adult and neonatal images. The bony labyrinth and the ossi-
defined by their walls and contents: ossicles, facial nerve, cles are fully developed by the third trimester of pregnancy.
tegmen tympani, membranous labyrinth, endolymphatic ca- It is mainly the parts around these structures which are mod-
nal. .. ified during the growing period. The main differences to note
Quite an extensive area is covered by these slices in order in the neonatal images concern the tympanic ring, the subar-
to trace the elements crossing the temporal and to situate this cuate fossa and the pneumatisation. The tympanic ring forms
bone in the general architecture of the base of the skull. Each an incomplete ring, which at birth is open on its superior
part of the temporal bone is placed in its own environment, surface and which is transformed into a gutter-shaped bony
and initially surrounded by its connections with the other lamina, it conditions the form of the external acoustic me-
cranial bones. atus. The subarcuate fossa, which at birth is wide open be-
On the endocranial face, the middle and posterior fossae neath the anterior semicircular canal, gradually closes during
are separated by the superior edge of the petrous bone. On the growing period to form the petromastoid canal.
the extracranial face lie the pharyngeal, lateral pharyngeal, Finally, pneumatisation, absent in the foetus, develops
deep facial, auriculotemporal, and mastoid regions. The rela- after birth. Far from being contradictory, neonatal histolog-
tionship between the endocranial and extracranial regions is ical sections and neonatal and adult CT scans complement
established through the temporal bone. each other. In most cases, the CT scan image corresponds
Each series of section planes is adapted to the study of perfectly with the anatomical structures.
specific topographic details. In each series, the planes of the However, in the light of current knowledge, this encour-
sections were chosen so that a spatial reconstruction could be aging finding may be upset by two situations where the
made of the whole region. Peripherally, where the structures anatomy and imaging disagree. Where any given histological
are simple and homogeneous, they are spaced relatively section fails to show structures visible on a CT scan, individ-
widely apart; centrally, where many small but important ual modifications (variations) must be born in mind, or the
structures lie and overlap, they are closer together. technical abilities of the apparatus questioned (thickness of
Exploration was restricted to general orthogonal planes scan section).
thereby eliminating the many attempts required to avoid Where the CT scan does not show all the structures visi-
superpositioning in conventional tomography and radiology. ble on the histological slice, the latter should be studied more
It is essential to clearly define these planes so that the same closely, bearing in mind that any image only discloses part of
characteristic elements are visible at every examination, even the message it contains, but rapid technical progress is bring-
when using different techniques. ing the discrimatory capacity of both methods into line with
Horizontal planes are most widely used in current clinical each other.
practice. Technically simple, an overall view of the entire
temporal bone is obtained. On these sections, the internal
Material and Methods

Material the plates and are 7 -10 times enlarged pictures of the origi-
nal slices. They give an overall view of the region while still
The material for the sections comes from eight premature providing a quite detailed reading of the structures. A further
babies born after the 7th month of gestation. At this age, the selection, presented in this atlas, contains only those slices
development of the inner ear cavities and the ossicles is com- necessary for spatial reconstruction and for explaining CT
parable with these structures in the adult. Images.
The subject is preserved by injecting a solution of ethyl The scan sections were carried out on a high-resolution
alcohol and forma line into the ascending aorta. This tech- Compagnie Generale de Radiologie (C.G.R.) machine,
nique rarely gives satisfactory results with the central ner- CE 12000. The field was 87 mm, the reconstruction matrix
vous system, but is successful with other tissues. This materi- 512 x 512. The section thickness was 1 mm, sections were
al was cut into histological slices following CT examination. contiguous.
All slices in any series are from the same subject. The CT scan The neonatal scan sections were carried out on anatomi-
sections were carried out on adult volunteers, none of whom cal specimens. Only the head was placed in the machine, its
had a lesion in the temporal region. In any given series of exact position was determined when the earliest images were
sections (horizontal, frontal, or sagittal) we have tried to read. The horizontal plane of reference was suborbital
maintain strict consistency, most of the sections being taken suprameatal, corrected by about a 15° flexion of the head.
from the same subject, with the exception of one series which This plane passed through the nasion and upper edge of the
was completed by a scan image of an adult anatomical spec- external acoustic meatus. The highest sections were through
Imen. the superior edge of the petrous bone, the lowest involved the
mastoid process.
The frontal plane of reference was perpendicular to the
horizontal and transversed the apex of the petrous bone. The
Methods frontal plane series extended to the posterior part of the
First, scan sections were made to analyse the selected The sagittal plane of reference was the median plane. The
anatomical material. This initial investigation was carried sections employed went from the foramen lacerum to the
out to check the quality of the preparation and to place external ear.
markers to visualize the planes of the sections. If the CT The adult scan sections were obtained from live volun-
images were good, the material was treated so that histolog- teers or were carried out on anatomical specimens. The same
ical sections could be made. planes of reference were used as in neonatal imaging. The use
The temporal bone region was removed en bloc, taking of anatomical specimens made it possible to complete the
into account the markers placed under radiological control. horizontal section series and to obtain direct sagittal sections
Decalcification was carried out in a mixture of 10 cc hy- which are difficult to carry out with current computed to-
drochloric acid and 90 cc formaline. This solution was re- mography. The air in the subarachnoid space and the blood
newed three or four times in approximately 1 week. vessels illustrates the outline of their lining. The sagittal sec-
The decalcified specimen was rinsed in formaline and dehy- tion series was enriched by reformatted images from horizon-
drated in increasingly concentrated alcohol baths. Perme- tal sections obtained from live subjects.
ation by different types of paraffin was carried out in an The scan images were compared with each other and with
incubator for 2 weeks. The specimen was then placed in the histological slices. There was a good correlation between
correct position in a block of paraffin. neonatal histological and scan material and also between
The block was cut up into slices, 10 -12 microns in thick- neonatal histological slices and adult scan images.
ness. Each slice was removed and examined briefly under a
magnifying glass. Roughly, one in ten undamaged slices were
retained. Smoothing out and fixing such large slices is a
high-risk occupation! The slices were stained with hema- Some Pointers for Readers
toxylin and eosin (Hemalun P. Mayer).
Despite the loss of some slices due to much handling, the Each plane is represented by a histological slice and by one
series of slices was consistent. In all, a horizontal series of or more computed tomographic images set out on facing
140, a frontal series of 250, and a sagittal series of 300 sec- pages of the atlas. Exceptionally, the histological slice has no
tions was retained. computed tomographic equivalent, as certain very fine im-
Each slice was analysed separately, then compared with portant structures, visible on close-cut slices are inaccessible
adjacent slices; those considered characteristic, about one in to the currently too-thick scan section. In every series (hori-
three, were photographed on a 9 x 12 film. These constitute zontal, frontal, sagittal), a histological slice can be compared
4 Material and Methods

with adult (CT), neonatal (CTN), or both types of computed Abbreviations

tomographic image. In the sagittal section series, there is
often an additional tridimensionally reformatted computed • Slice identification and orientation:
tomographic image (CTR). Some structures seen on the his-
tological slice are not visible or retained on computed tomo- ANT anterior
graphic sections (different print in captions). In other cases, F frontal
due to the thickness of the scan sections, structures are seen H horizontal
on the image which are already at a distance in the corre- INF : inferior
sponding histological plate. For sections at the same level, LAT lateral
similar structures have similar numbers throughout the atlas. MED : medial
However, on account of page-setting, it was impossible to POST : posterior
keep the caption numbers in the scan sections in successive S sagittal
order. The size of each structure can be seen at a glance on SUP : supenor
the scale opposite each anatomical photograph. The centi-
metric scale does not apply to scan sections. • Imaging:
The needs of the reader will determine his or her attitude
to the atlas: overall or detailed study or seeking just one item A anatomy
of information. Overall study entails a spatial view of all the CT adult computed tomography
structures, to be found in classic anatomy textbooks. Armed CTN neonatal computed tomography
with this knowledge, the reader can then proceed to identify CTR adult computed tomography, tridimensional re-
the section planes, make detailed analysis of their contents, formatted images
and then, by careful synthesis, rebuild a structure in space.
Simultaneous study of histological and scan plates will facil- • Abbreviations used in captions:
it ate spatial reconstruction. On completion of a systematic
examination of a series of sections, it may be interesting to a. artery
cross-check the findings with those on the orthogonal planes n. nerve
in order to form a personal opinion. r. ramus
When searching for a specific item of information, the v. vem
reader (in a hurry) may consult the alphabetical index. By () qualifies preceding term
doing this, a structure and its adjoining region will be quickly * image of a structure visible in computed tomogra-
found on the different planes of the section, but analysis is phy but with no corresponding structure on the
confined to the author's interpretation. histological section
print anatomical structure with corresponding struc-
ture visible in computed tomography
Horizontal Sections H1-H18
6 Horizontal Sections

Horizontal section through the superior portion of the petro us
part, horizontal and vertical portion of the squamous part of
the temporal bone. Characteristic features are the superior
semicircular canal, the tegmen tympani and the subarcuate

1. Middle cranial fossa

2. Superior semicircular canal
3. Superior semicircular canal
4. Subarachnoid space
5. Superior petrosal sinus
6. Cerebellum
7. Middle meningeal a., v.
8. Superficial temporal a. , v.
9. Dura mater
10. Temporalis
11. Middle meningeal a., v.
12. Temporal bone (vertical portion of the squamous part)
13. Cartilage of the auricle
14. Cartilage of the auricle
15. Temporal bone (horizontal portion of the squamous part)
16. Posterior auricular a., v.
17. Tegmen tympani
18. Petrosquamous fissure
19. Auricularis posterior
20. Subarcuate fossa, petromastoid canal
21 . Sigmoid sinus
Horizontal Sections 7

~~--~----~~~~~~~ 15

~------~~~~~~r-- 16



A lcm



8 Horizontal Sections

Horizontal section through the superior part of the petrous
bone and the superior semicircular canal. The subarcuate fossa,
well developed at birth, in the adult only represents the inner
aperture of the petromastoid canal.
1. Ophthalmic a.
2. Lesser wing of the sphenoid bone
3. Internal carotid a.
4. Oculomotor n.
5. Cavernous sinus
6. Middle cranial fossa
7. Dorsum sellae
2 8. Superior petrosal sinus
2 9. Subarachnoid space
10. Pons
11. Trigeminal n.
27 12. Superior petrosal v.
13. Superior semicircular canal
14. Cerebellar hemisphere
15. Vermis
16. Middle meningeal a., v.
17. Superficial temporal a., v.
18. Temporalis
19. Temporal bone (vertical portion of the squamous part)
20. Middle meningeal a., v.
21. Petrosquamous smus
22. Cartilage of the auricle
23. Petrosquamous fissure
24. Temporal bone (horizontal portion of the squamous part)
25. Posterior auricular a.
26. Superior semicircular canal
27. Epitympanic recess
28. Auricularis posterior
29. Subarcuate fossa
30. Subarcuate fossa (petromastoid canal)
31. Sternocleidomastoid
32. Sigmoid sinus
33. Mastoid emissary v.
34. Splenius capitis
35. Parietal bone
36. * Antrum

' - - - - 32

Horizontal Sections 9

r?ilIj~- 16

.......1+H~...- - 17





lo R


12 _~ ~-±~~~~~~--- 28

~~~~d-~~~~- 29


--~~~~~--~~------------- 33

~~'~~~~~~+--------- 34

-~~~~~~~~~----------------- 35



10 Horizontal Sections

Horizontal section through the upper part of the posterior
semicircular canal, the epitympanic recess and the subarcuate
20 fossa .

21 1. Internal carotId a.
2. Hypophysis (anterior lobe)
3. Trigeminal ganglion
4. Cavernous sinus
5. Dorsum sellae
6. Trigemmal n.
7. Basilar a.
8. Superior cerebellar a.
9. Pons
10. Subarcuate v.
24 11. Superior petrosal v.
27 12. Crus commune of the posterior and the superior semicircular canals
13. Posterior semicircular canal
14. Tela choroidea of the fourth ventricle
15. Cerebellar hemisphere
16. Vermis
17. Superficial temporal a.
18. Middle meningeal a ., v.
19. Temporalis
20. Middle cranial fossa
21. Temporal bone (vertical portion of the squamous part)
22. Petrosquamous sinus
23. Petrosquamous fissure
24. Temporal bone (horizontal portion of the squamous part)
25. Tympanic cavity (epitympanic recess)
26. Posterior auricular a.
27. Superior semicircular canal
28. Lateral wall of the epitympanic recess
29. Cartilage of the auricle
30. Subarcuate fossa
31. Retroauricular lymph node
32. Sigmoid sinus
eTN 33. Sternocleidomastoid
34. Mastoid emissary v.
35. Splenius
36. Parietal bone
20 37. * Antrum
38. * Internal acoustic meatus




Horizontal Sections II

A 1cm


12 Horizontal Sections

Horizontal section through the upper part of the lateral semi-
circular canal. All of the semicircular canals and the epitympan-
ic recess is visible in this section.

1. Superior ophthalmIc v.
2. Body of the sphenoid bone
3. Antenor intercavernous smus
4. Lateral caroticocavernous a.
5. Internal carotid a.
6. Trigeminal ganglion
7. Hypophysis
8. Cavernous sinus
9. Dorsum sellae
10. Trigeminal n.
11. Basilar a.
12. Supenor cerebellar a.
13. Subarachnoid space
14. Internal acoustic meatus
15. Pons
16. Facial n., vestibulocochlear n.
17. Crus commune of the superior and the posterIOr semicircular canals
18. Flocculus
19. Tela choroidea of the fourth ventricle
20. Cerebellar hemisphere
21. Vermis
22. Greater wing of the sphenoId bone
23. Sphenosquamous suture
24. Temporahs
25. Zygomatic process
26. Middle cranial fossa
27. Middle menmgeal a., v.
28. Petrosquamous fissure
29. Temporal bone (horzzontal portion of the squamous part)
30. Head of the malleus
31 . Incudomalleolar joint
32. Body of the incus
33. Tympanic cavity (epitympanic recess)
34. Lateral wall of the epitympamc recess
35. Posterior auncular a.
36. Superior semicircular canal
37. Lateral semicircular canal
38. Cartilage of the auricle
39. Subarcuate fossa
40. Sternocleidomastoid
41. Posterior semicircular canal
42. Retroauricular lymph node
43. Aqueduct of vestibule
44. Sigmoid sinus
45. Splenius
46. Mastoid emissary v.
Horizontal Sections 13


~;er- 29
~~WA:t-- 30

_~1r-- 33




A lcm



14 Horizontal Sections

Horizontal section through the superior part of the internal
acoustic meatus and the whole lateral semicircular canal. First
portion of the facial canal, the geniculate ganglion, the superior
branch of the vestibular nerve, the aqueduct of vestibule, the
vestibule, the cochlea, the posterior semicircular canal, the epi-
tympanic recess, the head of the malleus and the body of the
incus are demonstrated.

1. Middle cranial fossa

2. Body of the sphenoid bone
3. Ophthalmic n.
4. Oculomotor n.
5. Cavernous sinus
6. Trigeminal ganglion
7. Internal carotid a.
8. Dorsum sellae
9. Trigeminal ganglion
10. Basilar plexus
11. Basal turn of the cochlea
12. Geniculate ganglion
13. Facial n.
14. Pons
15. Internal acoustic meatus
16. Vestibular ganglion
17. Anterior inferior cerebellar a.
18. Vestibulocochlear n.
19. Subarachnoid space
20. Aqueduct of vestibule
21. Crus commune of the superior and the posterior semicircular canals
22. V. of the lateral recess of the fourth ventricle
23. Flocculus
24. Choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle
25. Medulla oblongata
26. Aqueduct of vestibule
27. Tela choroidea of the fourth ventricle
CTN 28. Vermis
29. Cerebellar hemisphere
30. Zygomatic process
31. Temporalis
32. Sphenosquamous suture
33. Temporal bone (vertical portion of the squamous part)
34. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone
35. Superficial temporal a., v .
36. Middle meningeal a.
37. Petrosquamous fissure
38. Temporal bone (horizontal portion of the squamous part)
39. Head of the malleus
40. Incudomalleolar joint
41 . Tympanic cavity
42. Incus
43. Superior branch of the vestibular n.
44. Lateral wall of the epitympanic recess
45. Vestibule (utricle)
46. Aditus ad antrum
47. Petrosquamous fissure
48. Cartilage of the auncle
49. Lateral semiCircular canal
50. Posterior semicircular canal
51. Sigmoid sinus
52. Mastoid emissary v.
53. Sternocleidomastoid
54. Splenius
Horizontal Sections 15

.~ ~~----~--~~~~~~ ~ 30

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 31

~~~~~T----'~-T~~~~ 32

~~~~~~~'~~~~~~~ 33

1~1~~~~r+~~~~~~~~7- 34


.->o.,c~---- 37

<----------- 38

'i-<.-.-'- - - - 39

~ . .;c_::__-- 40
IlI!H1h-....,,'*"~'"· f"r"........... ,.-.~ ~.8I ~~- 42

--~~--+---~~~ ~~--~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~---45
~~ 1hr.~~~~~~~~~~~-46



A em


16 Horizontal Sections

H5 (continued)
Horizontal section through the superior part of the internal
acoustic meatus and the whole lateral semicircular canal. First
portion of the facial canal, the geniculate ganglion, the superior
branch of the vestibular nerve, the aqueduct of vestibule, the
vestibule, the cochlea, the posterior semicircular canal, the epi-
tympanic recess, the head of the malleus and the body of the
incus are demonstrated.

1. Middle cranial fossa

2. Body of the sphenoid bone
3. Ophthalmic n.
4. Oculomotor n.
5. Cavernous sinus
6. Trigeminal ganglion
7. Internal carotid a.
8. Dorsum sellae
9. Trigeminal ganglion
10. Basilar plexus
11 . Basal turn of the cochlea
12. Geniculate ganglion
13. Facial n.
14. Pons
15. Internal acoustic meatus
16. Vestibular ganglion
17. Anterior inferior cerebellar a.
18. Vestibulocochlear n.
19. Subarachnoid space
20. Aqueduct of vestibule
21 . Crus commune of the superior and the posterior semicircular canals
22. V. of the lateral recess of the fourth ventricle
23 . Flocculus
24. Choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle
25. Medulla oblongata
26. Aqueduct of vestzbule
27. Tela choroidea of the fourth ventricle
28. Vermis
29. Cerebellar hemisphere
30. Zygomatic process
31. Temporalis
32. Sphenosquamous suture
33. Temporal bone ( vertical portion of the squamous part)
34. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone
35. Superficial temporal a. , v.
36. Middle menmgeal a.
37. Petrosquamous fissure
38. Temporal bone (horizontal portIOn of the squamous part )
39. Head of the malleus
40. Incudomalleolar Joint
41. Tympanic cavity
42. Incus
43. Superior branch of the vestibular n.
44. Lateral wall of the epitympanic recess
45. Vestibule (utricle )
46. Aditus ad antrum
47. Petrosquamous fissure
48. Cartilage of the auricle
49. Lateral semicircular canal
50. Posterior semicircular canal
51. Sigmoid sinus
52. MastOid emissary v.
53. Sternocleidomastoid
54. Splenius

Horizontal Sections 17

R JM'~~--~~~~~~~~.l--30


~~~~~--~~~~~~a- 32

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 33

.-~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ 34


. ---.. .:--=----- 37
L..-: - -_ _ _ _ _ 38

;--:;".....::..- - - 3 9

~"(..:Ii~~;:-- 41
~?H~~r.~~~,,~ 42
~"-'1~"""+-- 43
~!lI!IiiIiH.,j"'~,I-- 45


A 1cm


18 Horizontal Sections

Horizontal section through the second portion of the facial
canal. The principal features are: the internal acoustic meatus,
the vestibulocochlear nerve, the basal turn of the cochlea, the
vestibule, the posterior semicircular canal, the medial aperture
of the aqueduct of vestibule, the epitympanic recess, the head
of the malleus, the body and short limb of the incus. CT section
has been made on anatomical preparation.

j. Middle cranial Jossa

2. Ophthalmic n.
3. Cavernous sinus
4. Trigeminal ganglion
5. Internal carotid a.
6. Chvus
7. Greater petrosal n.
8. Basal turn oj the cochlea
9. Abducent n.
10. Basilar plexus
11. Subarachnoid space
12. Utricular n.
13. Basilar a.
14. Saccule
15. Cochlear n.
16. Saccular n.
17. Inferior anterior cerebellar a.
18. Vestibulocochlear n.
19. Internal acoustic meatus
20. Vestibule (utricle)
21 . Aqueduct of vestibule
22. Foramen cecum
23. Medulla oblongata
24. Choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle
25. Inferior cerebellar peduncle
26. Aqueduct oj vestibule
27. Fourth ventricle
28 . Tela choroidea of the fourth ventricle
29. Cerebellar hemisphere
30. Vermis
31. Temporalis
32. Parotid gland
33. Greater wing oj the sphenoid bone
34. Sphenosquamous suture
35. Temporomandibular joint
36. Superficial temporal a. , v.
37. Auriculotemporal n.
38. Temporal bone (horzzontal portion oj the squamous part )
39. Cartilage of the auricle
40. Middle meningeal a.
4 j. Petrosquamous fissure
42. External acoustic meatus
43. Lateral wall oj the epitympanic recess
44. Head oj the malleus
45. Incudomalleolar joint
46. Tympanic cavity
47. Facial n. (second portion)
48. Short limb oj the inCUS
49. Posterior ligament of the incus
50. Petrosquamous fissure
51 . Lateral semicircular canal
52. Sternocleidomastoid
53. Posterior semicircular canal
54. Splenius
55. Sigmoid sinus
56. Mastoid fontanelle
Horizontal Sections 19

fooLiI~~--.,..,m~- 31
~A~~~~~r-~~ 32
~~rft.+-r."""'~- 33


~~~~~~·~~~~~ 35


~~~r-~~~~ '~~~--~~ ~~~~~~-38


""''''1ino.:~~~- 42
!,",,=.,1;~~_I:a-- 43

tvn:.-:S~r-- 44

__ "L"'t~~ 46

....oh-- 4 7
\Itn~~~-- 48



A lcm


20 Horizontal Sections

Horizontal section through the vestibular window and the base
of the stapes. The basal and the second turns of the cochlea, the
internal acoustic meatus, the posterior semicircular canal, the
vestibule, the upper part of the tympanic sinus and the third
portion of the facial nerve canal are visible. On the anatomical
section the handle of the malleus and the long limb of the incus
appear in the epitympanic recess. On CT section, the head of
the malleus, the body, the short limb and the origin of the long
limb of the incus are still visible. The CT section was performed
on anatomical material.

1. Maxillary n.
2. Body of the sphenoid bone
3. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone
4. Trigeminal ganglion
5. Mandibular n.
6. Internal carotid a.
7. Carotid canal
8. Clivus
9. Second turn of the cochlea
10. Basal turn of the cochlea
11. Basilar plex us
12. Cochlear n.
13. Internal acoustic meatus
14. Basilar a.
15. Saccular n.
16. Vestibule
17. Foramen singulare, posterior branch of the vestibular n.
18. Subarachnoid space
19. Olive
20. Choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle
21 . Medulla oblongata
22. Cerebellar hemisphere
23. Parotid gland
24. Condylar process of the mandible
25. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone
26. Sphenosquamous suture
27. Superficial temporal a. , v.
28. Disk of the temporomandibular Joint
29. Temporal bone (horizontal portion of the squamous part )
30. Middle meningeal a.
31 . Petrosquamous fissure
32. Petrotympanic fissure
33. Temporal bone (petrous part)
34. Anterior ligament of the malleus
35. Chorda tympani
36. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
37. External acoustIc meatus
38. Neck of the malleus
39. Chorda tympam
40. Tensor tympam
41. Cochleariform process
42. Long limb of the inCUS
43 . Cartilage of the external acoustic meatus
44. Lateral wall of the epitympanic recess
45. Tympanic cavity
46. Posterior auricular a.
47. Vestibular window and base of the stapes
48. Tympanic sinus
49. Facial n. (third portion)
50. Factal canal
51. Posterior ampulla
52. Sternocleidomastoid
53. Posterior semicircular canal
54. Splenius
55. Sigmoid SinUS
56. Obliquus capitis superior
Horizontal Sections 21

A lcm
22 Horizontal Sections

Horizontal section through the anterior and the posterior limbs
of the stapes. The turns of the cochlea, the vestibule, the poste-
rior semicircular canal, the tympanic sinus, the third portion of
the facial nerve canal, the canal of the tensor tympani, the
handle of the malleus and the long limb of the incus are demon-
strated. The CT section was performed on anatomical material.

1. Mandibular n.
2. Foramen lacerum
3. Internal carotid a.
4. Internal carotid venous plexus
5. Clivus
6. Apical turn of the cochlea
7. Temporal bone (petrous part)
8. Basal turn of the cochlea
9. Second turn of the cochlea
10. Basilar plexus
11 . Internal acoustic meatus
12. Basilar a.
13. Olive
14. Choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle
15. Medulla oblongata
16. Subarachnoid space
17. Lateral pterygoid
18. Condylar process of the mandible
19. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone
20. Disk of the temporomandibular joint
21. Middle meningeal a.
22. Temporal bone (petrous part)
23. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
24. Tensor tympani
25. Cochleariform process
26. Handle of the malleus
27. Long limb of the incus
28. Stapes
29. Temporal bone (retromeatic portion of the squamous part )
30. Tympanic cavity
31. Stapes
32. Pyramidal eminence
33. Vestibule
34. Posterior ampullary n.
35. Facial n. (third portion), facial canal
36. Stylomastoid a.
37. Posterior ampulla
38. Tympanic sinus
39. Posterior semicircular canal
40. Sigmoid sinus
41. Obliquus capitis superior
42. Occipital bone
43. * Temporal bone (horizontal portion of the squamous part)

Horizontal Sections 23

A 1cm

24 Horizontal Sections

Horizontal section through the superior part of the external
acoustic meatus. The turns of the cochlea, the inferior part of
the internal acoustic meatus, the vestibule, the posterior semi-
circular canal, the tensor tympani, the tympanic sinus, the pyra-
midal eminence, the third portion of the facial nerve canal, the
stapes, the long limb of the incus and the handle of the malleus
are visible.

1. Body of the sphenoid bone

2. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone
3. Foramen rotundum
4. Maxillary n.
5. Mandibular n.
6. Foramen lacerum
7. Internal carotid a.
8. Internal carotid venous plexus
9. Tensor tympani
10. Clivus
11. Apical turn of the cochlea
12. Basal turn of the cochlea
13. Second turn of the cochlea
14. Basilar plexus
15. Inferior petrosal sinus
16. Internal acoustic meatus
17. Basilar a.
18. Vestibule
19. Posterior ampullary n.
20. Posterior ampulla
21. Olive
22. Medulla oblongata
23 . Subarachnoid space
24. Lateral pterygoid
25. Parotid gland
26. Condylar process of the mandible
27. Superficial temporal a., v.
28. Maxillary v.
29. Middle meningeal a.
30. Chorda tympani
31. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
32. Tympanic cavity
33. External acoustic meatus
34. Handle of the malleus
35. Cartilage of the external acoustic meatus
36. Chorda tympani
37. Long limb of the incus
38. Stapes
39. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
40. Tympanosquamous fissure
41. Temporal bone (retromeatic portion of the squamous part)
42. Petrosquamous fissure
43. Pyramidal eminence
44. Promontory
45 . Stapedius
46. Third portion of the facial canal
47. Tympanic sinus
48. Posterior semicircular canal
49. Sigmoid sinus
50. Splenius
51. Sternocleidomastoid
52. Occipital a.
53. Occipital bone
54. Obliquus capitIs superior
55. * Temporal bone (horizontal portion of the squamous part)

Horizontal Sections 25




~JL-----'-:""-'----- 51

~~~~th~L-----!...-===52 53



A lcm
26 Horizontal Sections

Horizontal section through the upper part of the perilymphatic
duct (aqueduct of cochlea). The limbs of the stapes are not
visible but the head of the stapes and the ligament of the
stapedius muscle are well delineated.

1. Body of the sphenoid bone

2. Greater wing oj the sphenOId bone
3. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone
4. Mandibular n., foramen ovale
5. Foramen lacerum
6. Middle meningeal a.
7. Internal carotid a.
8. Chorda tympani
9. Tensor tympani
10. Petrooccipital sinus
11. Cochlea (apical turn)
12. Cochlea (basal turn)
13. Cochlea (second turn)
14. Vestibule
15. Inferior petrous sinus
16. Basilar a.
17. Posterior ampullary n.
18. Perilymphatic duct (aqueduct oj cochlea)
19. Posterior ampulla
20. Olive
21. Medulla oblongata
22. Sigmoid sinus
23. Subarachnoid space
24. Lateral pterygoid
25. Neck of the mandible
26. Parotid gland
27. Parotid lymph nodes
28. Superficial temporal a., v.
29. Maxillary v.
30. Tympanic part oj the temporal bone
31. Tympanic membrane
CTN 32. External acoustic meatus
33. Cartilage of the external acoustic meatus
34. Handle oj the malleus
35. Tympanic cavity
36. Long limb oj the incus
37. Chorda tympani
38. Stapes
39. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
40. Tympanosquamous fissure
41. Stapedius
42. Temporal bone (retromeatic portion oj the squamous part)
43. Petrosquamous fissure
44. Promontory
45. Cartilage of the auricle
46. Stapedius, pyramidal eminence
47. Facial n. (third portion oj the Jactal canal)
48. Tympanic sinus
49. Posterior semicircular canal
50. Splenius
51 . Occipital a.
52. Occipital bone
53. Sternocleidomastoid
54. Obliquus capitis superior
Horizontal Sections 27

~~~~~~~j~r&~~~~~Mf~ 31

-fl'::: /---41

J rl~~~~~~-~'~~~ ~~~fl~'---~H~~'~~---46

~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---47



~~~~. 53


A em

28 Horizontal Sections

Horizontal section through the upper part of the cochlear win-
dow, the perilymphatic duct (aqueduct of cochlea), the auditory
tube. The internal acoustic meatus and the vestibule are no
longer visible.

1. Body of the sphenoid bone

2. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone
3. Mandibular n.
4. Otic ganglion
5. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone
6. Middle meningeal a.
35 7. Carotid canal
36 8. Cartilage of the auditory tube
9. Chorda tympani
40 10. Internal carotid a.
11. Internal carotld venous plexus
42 12. Petrooccipital sinus
41 13. Cochlea (apical turn)
14. Cochlea (second turn)
47 15. Cochlea (basal turn)
48 16. Inferior petrous sinus
17. Cochlea (basal turn)
18. Cochlear window (round window)
50 19. Tympanic cavity (recess)
20. Perilymphatic duct (aqueduct of cochlea)
21. Basilar a.
22. Glossopharyngeal n.
23. Posterior ampulla
24. Olive
25. Vagus n., accessory n.
26. Medulla oblongata
27. Sigmoid sinus
28. SubarachnoId space
29. Neck of the mandible
30. Lateral pterygoid
31. Parotid gland
32. Parotid lymph node
33. Superficial temporal a., v.
34. Maxillary v.
35. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
36. External acoustic meatus
37. Tympanic membrane
38. Cartilage of the auricle
39. External acoustic meatus
40. Handle of the malleus
41. Long limb of the incus
42. Tympanic cavity
43. Promontory
44. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
45. Chorda tympani
41 46. Tympanosquamous fissure
43 47. Temporal bone (retromeatic portion of the squamous part)
48. Petrosquamous fissure
50 49. Pyramidal eminence
50. Faclal n. (third portlon of the facial canal)
51. Stapedius
52. Tympanic sinus
53. Longissimus capitis
54. Posterior semicircular canal
55. Digastricus
56. Sternocleidomastoid
57 . Splenius
58 . Occipital a.
59. Occipital bone
60. Obliquus capitis superior
2"' 61 . * Canal of the tensor tympani
62. * Temporal bone (horizontal portion of the squamous part)

Horizontal Sections 29

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-- 29

~~~~~~~~- 30

_"f4.::,r=;;:6~;A-- 3'

:!N:;,--:.,........~~4-- 32

IL-- - 33

~-- 35

f~~~~~~~~-- 36

~~~~~~~~~~~~- 37

~---- 38

, ~"'~~,r~,L~~~~~~~~--- 39

~"MH~~~~~~~~~~---- 52

~~~~~~~~~~------- 53
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-------- 54
~~Jj~~~~~~.-~~~------ 55

~~~~~~~------- 56

~~~~~~~~--------- 57

1 em

30 Horizontal Sections

Horizontal section through the basal tum of the cochlea, the promontory
and the cochlear window. The carotid canal, the auditory tube, the third
portion of the facial canal and the handle of the malleus are visible. The
incus is no longer visible.

1. Lateral pterygoid
2. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone
3. Pterygoid venous plexus
4. Otic ganglion
5. Mandibular n.
6. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone
7. Middle meningeal a.
8. Longus capitis
9. Carotid canal
10. Chorda tympani
11. Auditory tube
12. Internal carotid a.
13. Internal carotid venous plexus
14. Cochlea (apical turn)
15. Cochlea (second turn)
16. Cochlea (basal turn)
17. Tympanic n.
18. Inferior petrous sinus
19. Cochlear window (round window)
20. Perilymphatic duct (aqueduct of cochlea)
21. Tympanic cavity (recess)
22. Glossopharyngeal n.
23. Basilar a.
24. Occipital bone
25. Posterior semicircular canal
26. Vagus n., accessory n.
27. Olive
28. Medulla oblongata
29. Sigmoid sinus
30. Subarachnoid space
31. Neck of the mandible
32. Parotid gland
33. Parotid lymph node
34. Superficial temporal a.
35. Tympamc part of the temporal bone
36. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
37. External acoustic meatus
38. Cartilage of the external acoustic meatus
39. Handle of the malleus
40. Tympanic membrane
41. Tympanic cavity
42. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
43. Tympanosquamous fissure
44. Chorda tympani
45. Temporal bone (retromeatic portIOn of the squamous part)
46. Petrosquamous fissure
47. Tympanic cavity
48. Facial n., facial canal
49. Tympanic sinus
50. Longissimus capitis
51. Dlgastricus
52. Splenius
53. Occipital a.
54. Sternocleidomastoid
55. Occipital bone
56. Obliquus capitis superior
Horizontal Sections 31


~~~~'I--- 34

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 37

~~~~.~ ~~ttf~·' f------45
~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~1~----46
~~~~~ ~~~'~~~~~r------47

~~r ~--~~~------48





, ~-------------------55

A lcm



32 Horizontal Sections

Horizontal section through the basal turn of the cochlea, the
promontory, the cochlear window and the superior bulb of the
jugular vein. The handle of the malleus, the auditory tube and
the third portion of the facial canal are well defined.

1. Lateral pterygoid
2. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone
3. Pharynx (wall of the nasal part)
4. Mandibular n.
5. Cartilage of the auditory tube
6. Middle meningeal a.
7. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone
8. Chorda tympani
9. Auditory tube
10. Carotid canal
11. Internal carotid a.
12. Internal carotid venous plexus
13. Longus capitIs
14. Tympanic cavity
15. Cochlea (basal turn)
16. Tympanic n.
17. Promontory
18. Cochlear window (round window)
19. Tympanic cavity
20. Inferior petro us sinus
21 . Glossopharyngeal n.
22. Basilar a.
23. Occipital bone
24. Vagus n., accessory n.
25. Medulla oblongata
26. Sigmoid sinus
27. Subarachnoid space
28. Neck of the mandible
29. Parotid gland
30. Parotid lymph node
31. Superficial temporal a.
32. Pterygoid venous plexus
33. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
34. Cartilage of the external acoustic meatus
35. Handle of the malleus
36. External acoustic meatus
37. Tympanic membrane
38. Cartilage of the auricle
39. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
40. Tympanosquamous fissure
41. Chorda tympani
42. Temporal bone (retromeallc portion of the squamous part)
43. Petrosquamous fissure
44. Temporal bone (petrous part)
45. Facial n., facial canal
46. Digastricus
47. Longissimus capItis
48. Splenius
49. Sternocleidomastoid
50. OccipItal a.
51 . Occipital bone
52. Obliquus capitis superior
53. Rectus capItis posterIor major
54. * Superior bulb of the jugular vem
55. * Temporal bone (horizontal portion of the squamous part)
56. * Perilymphatic duct

Horizontal Sections



A 1 em

34 Horizontal Sections

Horizontal section through the inferior part of the petrous
bone. The third portion of the facial canal is involved close to
the stylomastoid foramen. The auditory tube is still open in the
tympanic cavity.

1. Lateral pterygoid
2. Cartilage of the auditory tube
3. Tensor veli palatini
4. Lateral wing of the pterygoid process
5. Pharynx (wall of the nasal part )
6. MandIbular n.
7. Middle meningeal a.
8. Chorda tympani
9. Auditory tube
10. Longus capitis
11. Internal carotid venous plexus
12. Internal carotId a.
13. Carotid canal
14. Cochlea (basal turn)
15. Tympanic n.
16. Petrooccipital sinus
17. Occipital bone
18. Inferior petro us sinus
19. Glossopharyngeal n.
20. Vertebral aa.
21. Vagus n., accessory n.
22. Medulla oblongata
23. Internal jugular v.
24. Subarachnoid space
25. Neck of the mandible
26. Parotid gland
27. Pterygoid venous plexus
28. Auriculotemporal n.
29. SuperficIal temporal a.
30. Parotid lymph node
31. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
32. Tympanic cavity
33. External acoustIc meatus
34. Promontory
35. Tympanic membrane
36. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
37. Chorda tympani
38. Styloid process
39. Facial n.,facial canal
40. Digastricus
41 . Sternocleidomastoid
42. Longissimus capitis
43. Occipital a.
44. Splenius
45. Longissimus capitis
46. Obliquus capitis superior
47. Rectus capitis posterior major
Horizontal Sections

~":':::"~~..---- 28

~~!:Z(;~~r 30








~1~~~ '~~--~~~.~-----------------46

A 1 em

36 Horizontal Sections

Horizontal section through the inferior part of the tympanic
cavity, the carotid canal and the jugular foramen.

1. Lateral pterygoid
2. Auditory tube
3. Medial pterygoid
4. Cartilage of the auditory tube
5. Lateral wing of the pterygoid process
6. Tensor vel! palatmi
7. Mandibular n.
8. Pterygoid venous plexus
9. Pharynx (nasal part)
10. Chorda tympani
11. Pharyngeal recess
12. Levator veli palatini
13. Peripharyngeal space
14. Longus capitis
15. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
16. Carotid canal
17. Internal carotid a.
18. Internal carotid venous plexus
19. Temporal bone (petrous part)
20. Cochlea (basal turn)
21. Rectus capitis anterior
22. Petroocclpital sinus
23. Occipital bone (basilar part )
24. Tympanic n .
25. Glossopharyngeal n.
26. Inferior petro us sinus
27. Internal jugular v.
28. Hypoglossal canal
29. Vagus n., accessory n.
30. Hypoglossal n.
31. Venous plexus of the hypoglossal canal
32. Vertebral a.
33. Medulla oblongata
CTN 34. Occipital bone
35. Subarachnoid space
36. Mandibular r.
37. Maxillary a.
38. Middle meningeal a.
39. Parotid lymph node
40. Maxillary a.
41. Superficial temporal a .
42. Parotid gland
43. External acoustic meatus
44. Facial n. (temporal r. , zygomatic r.)
15 45. Tympanic cavity
46. Tympanic membrane
45 47. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
43 48. Facial n.
49. Temporal bone (petrous part )
47 50. Styloid process
51. Digastricus
52. SternocleIdomastoid
53. Occipital a.
54. Longissimus ca pitis
55. Splenius
49 56. Obliquus capitis superior
57. Rectus capitis posterior major
58. Semispinalis capitis
59. * Auditory tube

Horizontal Sections 37

1 36
7 38
8 39





A 1 em


38 Horizontal Sections

Horizontal section through the inferior part of the tympanic
cavity and the carotid canal. On CT of the adult, note the
carotid canal and the auditory tube.

1. Lateral wing of the pterygoid process

2. Lateral pterygoid
3. Medial pterygoid
4. Pharyngeal ostium of the auditory tube
5. Torus tubarius
6. Tensor veli palatini
7. Lingual n.
8. Inferior alveolar n.
9. Chorda tympani
10. Levator veli palatim
11 . Pharyngeal recess
12. Peripharyngeal space
13. Longus capitis
14. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
15. Internal carotid a.
16. Internal carotid venous plexus
17. Carotid canal
18. Temporal bone (petrous part)
19. Rectus capitis antenor
20. Occipital bone (basilar part)
21. Glossopharyngeal n.
22. Inferior petrosal smus
23. Vagus n.
24. Hypoglossal n.
25. Accessory n.
26. Venous plexus of the hypoglossal canal
27. Vertebral a.
28. Medulla oblongata
29. Basilar venous plexus
30. Occipital bone (squamous part)
31. Subarachnoid space
32. Mandible
33. Maxillary v.
34. Parotid lymph node
35. Maxillary a.
36. Superficial temporal a.
37. Parotid gland
38. Facial n. (temporal r., zygomatic r.)
39. External acoustic meatus
40. Tympanic membrane
41. Tympanic cavity
42. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
43 . Styloid process
44. Internal Jugular v.
45. Digastricus
46. Occipital a.
47. Sternocleidomastoid
48. Longissimus capitis
49. Obliquus capitis superior
50. Splenius
51. Rectus capitis posten or major
52. Semispinalis capitis
53. * Foramen ovale
54. * Foramen spinosum
55. * Auditory tube
56. * Petrosquamous fissure
57. * Petrous bone (tegmen tympani)
58. * Petrotympanic fissure
59. * Sigmoid sinus
60. * Temporal bone (horizontal portion of the squamous part)
61. * Zygomatic process
62. * Condyle of the mandible
63. * Facial canal (third portion)
Horizontal Sections 39

9 33
10 35
11 37



A lcm

40 Horizontal Sections

Horizontal section through the inferior part of the tympanic cavity and the
beginning of the carotid canal.

1. Lateral wing of the pterygoid process

2. Tensor veli palatini
3. Inferior alveolar n.
4. Lingual n.
5. Ostium of the auditory tube
6. Torus tubarius
7. Medial pterygoid
8. Levator veli palatim
9. Pharynx (nasal part)
10. Pharyngeal recess
11. Peripharyngeal space
12. Longus capitis
13. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
14.•Temporal bone (petrous part)
15. Internal carotid a.
16. Tympanic cavity
17. Tympanic membrane
18. Rectus capitis anterior
19. Glossopharyngeal n.
20. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
21. Vagus n.
22. Hypoglossal n.
23. Accessory n.
24. OccIpital bone
25. Vertebral a.
26. Medulla oblongata
27. Basilar venous plexus
28. Subarachnoid space
29. Mandibular r.
30. MaxIllary v.
31. Superficial temporal v.
32. External carotid a.
33. Parotid gland
34. Parotid lymph node
35. Styloid process
36. Digastricus
37. Internal jugular v.
38. Occipital a.
39. Rectus capitis lateralis
40. Sternocleidomastoid
41. Longissimus capitis
42. Splenius
43. Obliquus capitis superior
44. Rectus capitis posterior major
45. Semispmalis capitis
Horizontal Sections 41






r--------------- 38

~~,~u~r~~; ~~~-----------------40



A 1cm
42 Horizontal Sections

Horizontal section. The inferior part of the petrous bone and the tympanic
part of the temporal bone with the styloid process laterally are still visible.

1. Medial pterygoid
2. Levator veli palatmi
3. Constrictor pharyngis superior
4. Pharynx (nasal part)
5. Penpharyngeal space
6. Longus capitis
7. Stylopharyngeus
8. Styloid process
9. Internal carotid a.
10. Temporal bone (petrous part)
11. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
12. Glossopharyngeal n.
13. Rectus capitis anterior
14. Vagus n.
15. Accessory n.
16. Hypoglossal n.
17. Internal jugular v.
18. OccIpital bone
19. Basilar plexus
20. Medulla oblongata
21. Vertebral a.
22. Subarachnoid space
23. Inferior alveolar n.
24. Masseter
25. Mandibular canal
26. Mandibular r.
27. External jugular v. (origin)
28. External carotid a.
29. Parotid gland
30. Lymph node
31. Digastricus
32. Occipital a.
33. Sternocleidomastoid
34. Rectus capitis lateralis
35. Longissimus capitis
36. Obliquus capitis superior
37. Splenius
38. Suboccipital venous plexus
39. Semispinalis capitis
Horizontal Sections 43






~~~. 4~--------------32






A em


Frontal Sections F1-F30
46 Frontal Sections

Frontal section through the posterior part of the zygomatic process, the
squamous part of the temporal bone, the auditory tube, the levator veli
palatini and the pterygoids.
Frontal Sections 47

2 4 5 6 78 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 34 35 36 37 38
1 ern


1. Hypophysis 14. Sphenosquamous suture 27. Pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone
2. Body of the sphenoid bone 15. Middle meningeal a. 28. Deep temporal n.
3. Internal carotid a. 16. Zygomatic process 29. Maxillarya.
4. N. of the pterygoid canal 17. Dura mater 30. Lingual n.
5. Abducent n. 18. Squamous part of the temporal bone 31. Inferior alveolar n.
6. Cavernous sinus 19. Temporalis 32. Pterygoid venous plexus
7. Ophthalmic n. 20. Pharynx (nasal part) 33. Lateral pterygoid
8. Oculomotor n. 21. Soft palate 34. Inferior alveolar a.
9. Trochlear n. 22. Pharynx (oral part) 35. Mandibular r.
10. Mandibular n. 23. Levator veti palatim 36. Masseter
11. Middle cranial fossa 24. Auditory tube 37. Parotid gland
12. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone 25. Tensor veli palatini 38. Parotid lymph nodes
13. Deep temporal n. 26. Medial pterygoid
48 Frontal Sections

Frontal section through the temporomandibular joint and the posterior
part of the zygomatic process. Also to be seen are the auditory tube
surrounded by the levator, tensor veli palatini, pterygoid, temporal and
Frontal Sections 49

3 4 5 6 7 8 91011 12 13 14 15 16 17 19

. ....

20 21 22 23 24 2526 27 28 29 30 31 32 ,36 37 40
1 em



1. Body of the sphenoid bone 15. Sphenosquamous suture 28. Deep temporal n.
2. Cavernous sinus 16. Middle meningeal a., v. 29. Medial pterygoid
3. Internal carotid a. 17. Zygomatic process 30. Lingual n.
4. Pterygoid canal 18. Temporal bone (vertical portion of the 31. Maxillary a.
5. Abducent n. squamous part) 32. Pterygoid plexus
6. N. of the pterygoid canal 19. Temporahs 33. Inferior alveolar a.
7. Ophthalmic n. 20. Pharynx (nasal part) 34. Inferior alveolar a.
8. Maxillary n. 21 . Soft palate 35. Lateral pterygoid
9. Dura mater 22. Pharynx (oral part) 36. Temporomandibular joint
10. Foramen ovale 23. Levator veli palatini 37. Masseter
11. Accessory meningeal a. 24. Auditory tube 38. Condylar process of the mandible
12. Deep temporal n. 25. Cartilaginous part of the audItory tube 39. Parotid gland
13. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone 26. Tensor veli palatini 40. Parotid lymph node
14. Middle cranial fossa 27. Pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone
50 Frontal Sections

Frontal section through the temporomandibular joint. Over the auditory
tube, we see the foramen lacerum, with medially the nasal part of the
pharynx and laterally the otic ganglion in the vicinity of the mandibular
Frontal Sections 51

2 6 7 8 10 11 13 14 15

7 8 19 20 3 40 41 42
1 em



1. Body of the sphenoid bone 15. Squamous part of the temporal bone 29. Medial pterygoid
2. Internal carotid a. 16. Temporalis 30. Deep temporal n.
3. Abducent n. 17. Pharynx (nasal part) 31. Medial pterygoid
4. Pterygoid canal 18. Soft palate 32. Inferior alveolar n.
5. Tngeminal ganglion 19. Pharynx (oral part) 33. Maxillary a.
6. Maxillary n. 20. Longus capitis 34. Infenor alveolar a.
7. Sphenoid bone 21 . Cartilaginous part of the auditory tube 35. Lateral pterygoid
8. Accessory meningeal a . 22. Levator vel! palatmi 36. Inferior alveolar a.
9. Foramen ovale 23 . Auditory tube 37. Neck of the mandible
10. Middle cranial fossa 24. Tensor veli palatim 38. Masseter
11. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone 25. Otic ganglion 39. Temporomandibular joint
12. Sphenosquamous suture 26. Pterygoid process 40. Parotid gland
13. Middle meningeal a., v. 27. Mandibular n. 41. Condylar process of the mandible
14. Zygomatic process 28. Mandibular n. 42. Parotid lymph node
52 Frontal Sections

Frontal section through the temporo-
mandibular joint. The mandibular
nerve runs into the foramen ovale,
medially the otic ganglion is located
on the lateral surface of the auditory

4 10 12 13 14 39

Frontal Sections 53

19 20 21 22 2~ 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3435 36 38 39 40 41 42



1. Body of the sphenoid bone 15. Middle meningeal a., v. 29. Mandibular n.
2. Longus capitis 16. Temporal bone (verttcal portion of the 30. Medial pterygoid
3. Cavernous sinus squamous part ) 31. Medial pterygoId
4. Internal carotid a. 17. Temporahs 32. Auriculotemporal n.
5. Abducent n. 18. Superficial temporal a. 33. Maxillary a.
6. Trigeminal ganglion 19. Pharynx (nasal part) 34. Inferior alveolar a.
7. N. of the pterygOid canal 20. Pharynx (oral part) 35. Lateral pterygoid
8. Mandibular n. 21. Soft palate 36. Neck of the mandible
9. Dura mater 22. Levator veti palatini 37. Condylar process of the mandible
fa. Mandibular n., foramen ovale 23. Cartilaginous part of the auditory tube 38. Temporomandibular Jomt
11. Middle cranial fossa 24. Auditory tube 39. Zygomatic process
12. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone 25. Tensor veli palatini 40. Superficial temporal v.
13. Sphenosquamous suture 26. Pterygoid venous plexus 41. Parotid lymph node
14. Temporal bone (horizontal portIOn of the 27. Otic ganglion 42. Parotid gland
squamous part) 28 . Pterygoid process
54 Frontal Sections

Frontal section through the temporomandibular joint. The mandibular
nerve runs into the foramen ovale leaving medially the otic ganglion
located on the lateral surface of the auditory tube. The middle meningeal
artery originates from the maxillary artery.
Frontal Sections 55

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 3940
1 em



1. Body of the sphenOId bone 14. Middle meningeal a. , v. 27. Medial pterygoid
2. Longus capitis 15. Temporal bone (vertical portIOn of the 28. Medial pterygoid
3. Internal carotid a. squamous part) 29. Auriculotemporal n.
4. Abducent n. 16. Temporalis 30. Middle meningeal a.
5. N. of the pterygoid canal 17. Pharynx (nasal part) 31. Maxillary a.
6. Trigeminal ganglion 18. Pharynx (oral part) 32. Lateral pterygoid
7. Mandibular n. 19. Cartilaginous part of the auditory tube 33. Maxillary v.
8. Dura mater 20. Levator veli palatini 34. Neck of the mandible
9. Mandibular n., foramen ovale 21. Auditory tube 35. Condylar process of the mandible
10. Middle cranial fossa 22. Tensor veli palatini 36. Temporomandibular jomt
11. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone 23. Pterygoid venous plexus 37. Parotid gland
12. Sphenosquamous suture 24. Otic ganglion 38. Superficial temporal v.
13. Temporal bone (horizontal portIOn of the 25. Pterygoid process 39. Parotid lymph node
squamous part) 26 Mandibular n 40. Superficial temporal a.
56 Frontal Sections

10 15
Frontal section through the foramen
spinosum, the carotid canal and the
posterior part of the zygomatic pro-

Frontal Sections 57

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2930 31 32 33 34 35



1. Baszlar part of the occIpital bone 13. Middle meningeal a. 25 . Middle meningeal a.
2. Cavernous SInUS 14. Temporomandibular Joint 26. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone
3. Abducent n 15. Temporal bone ( vertical portIOn of the 27. Lateral pterygoid
4. Petrous part of the temporal bone squamous part) 28. Aunculotemporal n.
5. Internal carolld a., carotid canal 16. Temporalis 29 . Maxillary v.
6. Internal carotId venous plexus 17. Pharynx (nasal part) 30. Maxillary a.
7. Tngeminal ganglion 18. Longus capitis 31. Condylar process of the mandible
8. Greater petrosal n. 19. Constrictor pharyngis superior 32. Auriculotemporal n.
9. Mandibular n. 20. Cartilaginous part of the auditory tube 33. Zygomallc process of the temporal bone
10. Middle cranial fossa 21 . Levator veli palatim 34. Superficial temporal a.
11. Sphenosquamous suture 22. Auditory tube 35. Parotid gland
12. Temporal bone (horizontal portion of the 23 . Tensor tympani
squamous part) 24. Foramen splnosum
58 Frontal Sections

Frontal section through the anterior
part of the petro us bone which sup-
ports the trigeminal ganglion. At a
lower level lies the carotid canal with
more laterally the auditory tube and
the tensor tympani.

17 18 21 31

Frontal Sections 59

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 1920 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 30

SUP A 1 em



1. Basilar part of the occipital bone 11. Middle menmgeal a. 21. Auditory tube
2. Cavernous smus 12. Temporal bone ( vertical portion of the 22. Chorda tympani
3. Abducent n. squamous part) 23 . Greater wmg of the sphenoid bone
4. Petrous bone 13. Temporalis 24. Sphenosquamous suture
5. Trigeminal ganglion 14. Superficial temporal v. 25. Maxillary v.
6. Dura mater 15. Longus capitis 26. Maxillary a.
7. Greater petrosal n. 16. Constrictor pharyngis superior 27. Superficial temporal a.
8. Tensor tympani 17. Petrous part of the temporal bone 28. Superficial temporal v.
9. Middle cranial fossa 18. Internal carotid a. 29. Auriculotemporal n.
10. Temporal bone (horizontal portion of the 19. Internal carotid venous plexus 30. Parotid gland
squamous part) 20. Stylopharyngeus 31. * Tympani c cavlly
60 Frontal Sections

Frontal section through the anterior part of the cochlea and the tympanic
Frontal Sections 61

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3233 34 35 36

SUP A lcm



1. BasIlar part of the occipital bone 14. Petrous part of the temporal bone 24. Internal carotid venous plexus
2 Abducent n. 15. Petrosquamous fissure 25. Stylopharyngeus
3. InferIor petrosal sinus 16. Temporal bone (horizontal portion of the 26. Petrotympanic fissure
4. Petrous part of the temporal bone squamous part) 27. StylOId process
5. Trigeminal n. 17. Petrosquamous fissure 28. Stylohyoideus
6. Basal turn of the cochlea 18. Temporal bone (horizontal portion of the 29. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
7. SuperIor petrosal smus squamous part) 30. Tympanic cavity
8. Second turn of the cochlea 19. Middle meningeal a., v. 31. Chorda tympani
9. Dura mater 20. Temporal bone (vertical portion of the 32. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
10. Cochlea squamous part) 33. Tympanosquamous fissure
11. Greater petrosal n. 21. Temporalis 34. External carotid a.
12. Tensor tympani 22. Longus capItis 35. Tympanosquamous fissure
13. Middle cranial fossa 23. Internal carotid a. 36. Parotid gland
62 Frontal Sections

3 5 8 10 11 13 14 15 16 F9
Frontal section through the cochlea
and the anterior part of the tympanic

18 21 2226 27 34

Frontal Sections 63

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
1 em



1. Abducent n. 13. Petrous part of the temporal bone 23 . Stylopharyngeus

2. Inferior petrosal smus 14. Petrosquamous fissure 24. Petrotympanic fissure
3. Petrous part of the temporal bone 15. Temporal bone (horizontal portion of the 25. Styloid process
4. Trigeminal n. squamous part) 26. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
5. Basal turn of the cochlea 16. Temporal bone (vertical portIOn of the 27. Tympanic cavity
6. Superior petrosal sinus squamous part) 28 . External carotid a.
7. Dura mater 17. Temporalis 29. Chorda tympani
B. Second turn of the cochlea lB. Basilar part of the occipital bone 30. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
9. Greater petrosal n. 19. Longus capitis 31. Parotid gland
10. Tensor tympani 20. Retropharyngeallymph node 32. Parotid lymph node
11. Middle cranial fossa 21. Internal carotid a. 33. Cartilage of the external acoustic meatus
12. Petrotympanic fissure 22. Apical turn of the cochlea 34. * Temporomandibular joint
64 Frontal Sections

Frontal section through the cochlea
(modiolus) and the anterior part of
the head of the malleus. Over the ten-
sor tympani the facial nerve canal is
visible on adult CT and the greater
petrosal nerve on the microscopic

20 24 26 29 31 34 37


4 6 42 42 14 12 15 37 13 17 18

20 24 29 10 31 34 43
Frontal Sections 65

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41

SUP A 1em



1. Abducent n. 16. Petrosquamous fissure 29. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
2. Infenor petrosal sinus 17. Temporal bone (horizontal portIOn of the 30. StylOId process
3. Tngemmal n. squamous part) 31. Tympanic cavlty
4. Petrous part of the temporal bone 18. Temporal bone (vertical portion of the 32. Tympamc membrane
5. ModIOlus (cochlea) squamous part) 33. Chorda tympam
6. Basal turn of the cochlea 19. Temporalis 34. External acoustic meatus
7. Superior petrosal sinus 20. Basilar part of the occipital bone 35. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
8. Dura mater 21. Longus capitis 36. Tympanosquamous fissure
9. Cochlea 22. Retropharyngeal lymph node 37. Lateral wall of the epitympanic recess
10. Tensor tympani 23. Basal turn of the cochlea 38. Parotid lymph node
II. Greater petrosal n. 24. Internal carotId a. 39. External acoustic meatus
12. Tegmen tympani 25. Internal carotid venous plexus 40. ParotId gland
13. Middle cranial fossa 26. Petrous part of the temporal bone 4I. Cartilage of the external acoustic meatus
14. Head of the malleus 27. Stylopharyngeus 42. * Facial canal
15. Epltympanic recess 28. Petrotympanic fissure 43. * TemporomandIbular joint
66 Frontal Sections

2 5 7 8 11 12 15 16 Ftt
Frontal section through the anterior
part of the internal acoustic meatus,
the first portion of the facial nerve
and the geniculate ganglion. The head
of the malleus is clearly visible in the
epitympanic recess.

23 26 29 31 32 35


2 4 5 7 8 10 29 15 16 17 18 3334 19

24 23 11 26 28 35 31 38
Frontal Sections 67

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 252627 28 29 30 31 32 3334 35 38

SUP A 1cm



1. InferIor petrosal smus 15. Head of the malleus 27. Stylopharyngeus

2. Posterior cranial fossa 16. Tegmen tympani 28. StylOId process
3. TrIgeminal n. 17. Petrosquamous fissure 29. Tympanic cavity
4. Internal acoustic meatus 18. Temporal bone (hortzontal portion of the 30. Tympamc membrane
5. Petrous part of the temporal bone squamous part) 31. External acoustic meatus
6. Superior petrosal sinus 19. Temporal bone (vertical portion of the 32. Manubrium mallei
7. Cochlea squamous part) 33. Tympamc part of the temporal bone
8. First portion of the facial n. 20. Temporalis 34. Tympanosquamous fissure
9. Dura mater 21. Longus capItis 35. Epitympanic recess
fO. Geniculate ganglion 22 . Retropharyngeal lymph node 36. CartIlage of the external acoustIc meatus
fl. Tensor tympani 23. Cochlea 37. Parotid gland
12. Middle cramal [ossa 24. Internal carotid a. 38. External acoustic meatus
13. Chorda tympani 25. Petrotympamc fissure
14. Neck of the malleus 26. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
68 Frontal Sections

Frontal section through the internal
acoustic meatus, the first portion of
the facial nerve, the geniculate gan-
glion, the tendon of the tensor tympa-
ni and the incudomalleolar joint. The
external acoustic meatus is also visible
in the section.

25 29 32 38 41 42


22 26 25 29 3332 37 41 38 39 45
Frontal Sections 69

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1213 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2930 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

SUP A 1cm



1. PosterIOr cramal fossa 17. Temporal bone (hoYlzontal portIOn of the 31. Styloid process
2. Inferior petrosal smus squamous part) 32. Tympanic cavity
3. Petrous part of the temporal bone 18. Middle meningeal a., v. 33. Tensor tympani
4. Tngeminal n. 19. Temporal bone (verllcal portion of the 34. Tympallic membrane
5. Internal acoustlc meatus squamous part ) 35. Tendon of the tensor tympani
6. Supenor petrosal smus 20. Temporalis 36. Chorda tympalll
7. Petrous part of the temporal bone 21. Cartilage of the auricle 37. Neck of the malleus
8. First portIOn of the facial n. 22. Basilar part of the occipital bone 38. External acoustlc meatus
9. Dura mater 23. Longus capltts 39. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
10. Gemculate ganglion 24. Retropharyngeallymph node 40. Tympanosquamous fissure
11. Middle cranial fossa 25. Cochlea 41. Epitympanic recess
12. Head of the malleus 26. Internal carotid a. 42. Lateral wall of the epitympanic recess
13. Tegmen tympani 27. Internal carotid venous plexus 43. Parotid gland
14. Incudomalleolar joint 28. Petrotympanic fissure 44. Carttlage of the external acousttc meatus
15. Body of the incus 29. Tympamc part of the temporal bone 45. External acoustic meatus
16. Petrosquamous fissure 30. Stylopharyngeus
70 Frontal Sections

3 5 7 12 13 14 16 17 20 21 F13
Frontal section through the internal
acoustic meatus, the first portion of
the facial nerve canal, the incudo-
malleolar joint, the tendon of the ten-
sor tympani and the external acoustic

28 31 32 35 40 41 42


3 5 7 8 12 13 1441 16 18 20 21

25 2 29 28 323635 17 4240 45
Frontal Sections 71

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17181920 21 22 23

242526 27 28 2930 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 383940 41 42 43 44 45

SUP A 1cm



I PosterIOr eramal fossa 17. Epltympamc recess 31. Petrotympamc fissure

2. InferIOr petrosal SinUS lB. Petrosquamous fissure 32. Tympamc part of the temporal bone
3. Petrous part of the temporal bone 19. Petrosquamous smus 33. Stylopharyngeus
4. Tngeminal n. 20. Temporal bone (horizontal portion of the 34. Styloid process
5. Internal acoustic meatus squamous part) 35. Tympamc cavity
6. Cochlear n. , labyrinthine a. 21. Temporal bone ( vertical portion of the 36. Tensor tympam
7. Faczal canal squamous part) 37. Tympamc membrane
B. Cochlea 22. Temporalis 38. Chorda tympam
9. Supenor petrosal smus 23 . CartJlage of the auricle 39. Neck of the malleus
10. FaCIal n. 24. Longus capitis 40. External acoustic meatus
It. Dura mater 25. Basilar part of the occipital bone 41. Body of the incus
12. Faczal n. 26. Rectus capitis anterior 42. Lateral wall of the epltympamc recess
13. Middle cranial fossa 27. Retropharyngeal lymph node 43. Parotid gland
14. Head of the malleus 2B. Cochlea 44. Cartilage of the external acoustic meatus
15. Incudomalleolar jomt 29. Internal carotid a., carotid canal 45. External acoustic meatus
16. Tegmen tympani 30. Internal carotid venous plexus
72 Frontal Sections

2 3 4 5 7 12 10 38 13 14 16 44 19 F14
Frontal section through the internal
acoustic meatus, the first and second
portion of the facial nerve, the in-
cudomalleolar joint, the manubrium
mallei and the external acoustic me-

1 22 25 27 29 32 34 35 40 39

Frontal Sections 73

2 3 4 5 678 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 3435 36 3738 39 40 41 42 43

SUP A 1cm



f. In/enor petrosal SinUS 17. Petrosquamous fissure 32. Tympanic cavity

2. PosterIOr cramal fossa 18. Middle menmgeal a., v. 33. Tympanic membrane
3. Petrous part of the temporal bone 19. Temporal bone (vertical portion of the 34. Manubrium mallei
4. Internal acousllc meatus squamous part) 35. External acousllc meatus
5. Ve s abulocochlear n. 20. Temporalis 36. Chorda tympani
6. TentorIum cerebelh 21. Cartilage of the auricle 37. Incudomalleolar joint
7. FaCial n. 22. Basilar part of the occipital bone 38. Head of the malleus
8. Superior petrosal sinus 23. Longus capitis 39. External acoustic meatus
9. Dura mater 24. Retropharyngeal lymph node 40. Lateral wall of the epltympamc recess
10. FaCial n. 25. Internal carotid a. , carotid canal 41. Parotid gland
It. Cochleariform process 26. Internal venous plexus 42. Cartilage of the external acoustIc meatus
12. Middle cramal fossa 27. Cochlea 43. Auncle
f3. Body of the inCUS 28. Petrotympanic fissure 44. * Temporal bone (horizontal portion of the
f4. Tegmen tympam 29. Tympanic part of the temporal bone squamous part)
15. Body of the incus 30. Stylopharyngeus
16. Epitympanic recess 3t. StylOId process
74 Frontal Sections

3 45 6 9 11 13 14 15 16 17 20 F15
Frontal section through the anterior
part of the vestibule, the superior se-
micircular canal, the basal turn of the
cochlea, the internal acoustic meatus,
the second portion of the facial nerve,
the external acoustic meatus. The bo-
dy of the incus is visible in the epitym-
panic recess.

29 32 31 36 38 46 41


23 2 29323638 31 41 40
Frontal Sections 75

2 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

2324 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 42 43 44

SUP A 1 ern



1. PosterIOr cranial fossa 17. Epuympamc recess 32. Promontory

2. Inferior petrosal sinus 18. Petrosquamous fissure 33. Stylopharyngeus
3. Petrous part of the temporal bone 19. Petrosquamous sinus 34. StylOId process
4. Cochlear n. 20. Temporal bone (vert Ical portion of the 35. Tympanic membrane
5. Tentorium cerebelli squamous part) 36. Tympanic cavity
6. Vestibular n. (superior branch) 21. Temporalis 37. Manubrium mallei
7. Utnculoampullary n. 22. Cartilage of the auricle 38. Facial n. (second portion). stylomastoid a.
8. Supenor petrosal sinus 23. Basilar part of the occipital bone 39. Chorda tympani
9. Vestibule (saccule) 24. Longus capitis 40. External acoustic meatus
10. Vestibule (utricle ) 25. Rectus capitis anterior 41. Lateral wall of the epitympanic recess
11. Petrous part of the temporal bone 26. Retropharyngeal lymph node 42. Cartilage of the external acoustic meatus
12. Dura mater 27. Internal carotId venous plexus 43. Parotid gland
13. Superior semicircular canal 28. Internal carotid a. 44. Auricle
14. Middle cramal fossa 29. Basal turn of the cochlea 45. * Internal acoustic meatus
15. Body of the inCUS 30. Petrotympamc fissure 46. * Lateral semicircular canal
16. Tegmen tympani 31 . Tympanic part of the temporal bone
76 Frontal Sections

Frontal section through the internal
acoustic meatus, the vestibule, the su-
perior semicircular canal, the basal
turn of the cochlea, the vestibular
window (oval window), the second
portion of the facial nerve, the body
and the long limb of the incus and the
lateral semicircular canal. The lateral
semicircular canal is better delineated
on the CT section than on the histo-
logic slice.

30 35 32 36 39 41 43

Frontal Sections 77

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 181920 21 22 23 24 25

26 27 28 2930 31 32 33 3435 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

SUP A 1em



1. Basilar part of the occipital bone 17. Superior semIcircular canal 33 . Cochlea
2. Posterior cranial fossa 18. Middle cranial fossa 34. StyloId process
3. Inrerior petrosal sinus 19. Epitympanic recess 35. Promontory
4. Petrous part of the temporal bone 20. Tegmen tympani 36. Tympamc cavlly
5. Cochlear n. 21. Petrosquamous fissure 37. Facwl n. (second portIOn) , stylomastOid a.
6. Internal acousflc meatus 22. Petrosquamous SInUS 38. Tympanic membrane
7. Utrlculoampullary n. 23. Temporal bone ( vertical portIOn of the 39. Long limb of the incus
8. SuperIor petrosal sinus squamous part) 40. Chorda tympam
9. Saccule 24. Temporalis 41 . External acoustic meatus
10. Vestibule 25. Cartilage of the auricle 42. Body of the incus
11. Base of the stapes, vestibular window 26. Longus capitIs 43. Lateral wall of the epllympanic recess
(oval window) 27. Rectus capitis anterior 44. CartIlage of the external acoustic meatus
12. UtrIcular n. 28. Retropharyngeal lymph node 45. ParotId gland
13. UtrIcle 29. Internal ca rotid a. 46. * Temporal bone (horizontal portIOn of the
14. Dura mater 30. Cochlea squamous part)
15. SuperIOr osseous ampulla 31. Petrotympanic fissure
16. Superior ampullary n. 32. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
78 Frontal Sections

3 5 4 7 12 16 19 20 21 23 53 22 26 F17
Frontal section through the internal
acoustic meatus, the superior semicir-
cular canal, the anterior part of the
lateral semicircular canal. Compared
with the last section, we now see the
communication between the basal
turn of the cochlea and the vestibule
and also the incudostapedial joint.

29 343637114045 44 49 51 48

Frontal Sections 79

2 345 6 7 891011121314151617181920 21 22

29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 3738394041 42 4344 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52

SUP A lcm



1. Posterior cranial fossa 19. Superior semicircular canal 37. Promontory

2. Inferior petrosal sinus 20. Lateral osseous ampulla 38. Styloid process
3. Petrous part of the temporal bone 21. Eplfympanic recess 39. Tympanic n.
4. Cochlear n. 22. Middle cranial fossa 40. Tympanic cavity
5. Internal acoustlc meatus 23. Tegmen tympani 41. Stapes (anterior limb)
6. Saccular n. 24. Petrosquamous fissure 42. Head of the stapes
7. Utnculoampullary n. 25. Petrosquamous sinus 43. Incudostapedial joint
8. Tentorium cerebelh 26. Temporal bone (vertical portion of the 44. Long lzmb of the incus
9. SuperIor petrosal sinus squamous part) 45. Facial n. (second portion), stylomastoid a.
10. Saccule 27. Temporalis 46. Tympanic membrane
11. Base of the stapes, vestibular window 28. Cartilage of the auricle 47. Chorda tympani
(oval window ) 29. Basilar part of the occipital bone 48. External acoustic meatus
12. Vestibule 30. Rectus capitis anterior 49. Body of the incus
13. Utricular n. 31. Longus capitis 50. Cartilage of the external acoustic meatus
14. Utricle 32. Retropharyngeal lymph node 51. Lateral wall of the epitympanic recess
15. Dura mater 33. Internal carotid a. 52. Parotid gland
16. Supenor osseous ampulla 34. Cochlea 53. * Temporal bone (horizontal portion of the
17. Superior ampullary n. 35. Petrotympanic fissure squamous part)
18. Lateral ampullary n. 36. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
80 Frontal Sections

3 4 10 13 14 15 17 18 19 22 FI8
Frontal section through the internal
acoustic meatus, the superior semicir-
cular canal, the lateral semicircular
canal, the vestibular window (oval
window), the basal turn of the cochlea
and the incudostapedial joint.

30 33 37 3840 3244 16 49 52


3 4 10 38 13 15 14 16 18 49 19 17 55 22

25 30 33 37 32 42 46 52
Frontal Sections 81

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1516 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3233343536373839404142 4344 45 46 474849 50 51 52 54

SUP 1 ern


1. Posteflor cranial fossa 20. Petrosquamous fissure 38. Vestibular window (oval window), base of the stapes
2. Inferior petrosal sinus 21. Petrosquamous sinus 39. Dlgastncus
3. Petrous part of the temporal bone 22. Temporal bone (vertical portion of the 40. Head of the stapes
4. Internal acousllc meatus squamous part ) 41. Incudostapedial joint
5. Utriculoarnpullary n. 23 . Temporalis 42. Long limb of the inCUS
6. Saccular n. 24. Cartilage of the auricle 43. Tympanic membrane
7. Saccular n. 25. Basilar part of the occipital bone 44. Tympamc cavity
8. Tentorium cerebelli 26. Longus capitIs 45. Chorda tympam
9. Supenor petrosal sinus 27. Rectus capitis anterior 46. External acoustic meatus
10. Vestibule 28. Superior cervical ganglion 47. Tympamc part of the temporal bone
11. UtrIcle 29. Internal carotid a. 48. Tympanosquamous fissure
12. Utncular n. 30. Petrous part of the temporal bone 49. Body of the incus
13. Superior osseous ampulla 31. Petrotympanic fissure 50. Parotid gland
14. Facial n. (second portion), stylomastoid a. 32. Tympanic part of the temporal bone 51. Cartilage of the external acoustic meatus
15. Superior semicircular canal 33. Base of the cochlea 52. Lateral wall of the epitympamc recess
16. Lateral semicircular canal 34. Occipital a. 53. External acoustic meatus
17. Middle cranial fossa 35. Tympanic n. 54. Cartilage of the auricle
18. Epitympanic recess 36. Styloid process 55. * Temporal bone (horizontal portIOn of the
19. Tegmen tympani 37. Promontory squamous part)
82 Frontal Sections

3 4 6 7 11 12 13 15 16 17 20 F19
Frontal section through the posterior
part of the internal acoustic meatus
and the origin of the foramen singu-
lare, the most posterior part of the
cochlea. We also see the superior and
lateral semicircular canals, the subar-
cuate fossa, the cochlear window
(round window), the vestibular win-
dow (oval window) and the second
portion of the facial nerve canal.

24 28 34 36 37 30 41 40 14 49

Frontal Sections 83

22 23 24 25 26 27 2829 30313233343536373839404142 4344454647 48 4950 51 52

1 em



1. Posterior cranial fossa 19. Petrosquamous sinus 36. Promontory

2. Infenor petrosal SinUS 20. Temporal bone (vertical portion of the 37. Vestibular wmdow (oval window), base of the
3. Petrous part of the temporal bone squamous part) stapes
4. Internal acoustic meatus 21. Cartilage of the auricle 38. Stapes
5. Posterior ampullary n. 22. Atlas 39. Stapedius (tendon)
6. Foramen singulare 23. Atlantooccipital Joint 40. Facial n., stylomastoid a.
7. Saccule 24. Occipital bone 41. Tympanic cavity
8. Tentorium cere belli 25. Longus capitis 42. Chorda tympani
9. Supenor petrosal SinUS 26. Rectus capitis anterior 43. Tympanic membrane
10. Subarcuate fossa 27. Ascending pharyngeal a. 44. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
11. Utricle 28. Petrous part of the temporal bone 45. Tympanosquamous fissure
12. Superior osseous ampulla 29. Petrotympanic fissure 46. External acoustic meatus
13. Superior semicircular canal 30. Tympanic part of the temporal bone 47. Short limb of the incus
14. Lateral semicircular canal 31. Tympanic n. 48. Parotid lymph node
15. Middle cranial fossa 32. Occipital a. 49. Lateral wall of the epitympanic recess
16. Epitympanic recess 33. Cochlea 50. Cartilage of the external acoustic meatus
17. Tegmen tympani 34. Cochlear window (round wmdow) 51. Parotid gland
18. Petrosquamous fissure 35. Digastricus 52. Cartilage of the auncle
84 Frontal Sections

Frontal section through the foramen
singulare, the subarcuate fossa , the
vestibular window, the cochlear win-
dow, the second portion of the facial
nerve, the superior semicircular canal.
Now the vestibule is connected only
with the lateral semicircular canal.

31 34 41 43 14 49

Frontal Sections 85

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3839 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 53
, em



1. Posterwr cramal fossa 19. Petrosquamous sinus 37. Styloid process

2. OccIpital bone 20. Temporal bone ( vertical portIOn of the 38. Digastricus
3. Jugular foramen squamous part) 39. Stapes (postenor crus)
4. Infenor petrosal smus 2t. CartIlage of the auricle 40. Tympanic cavity
5. Petrous part of the temporal bone 22. OccipItal condyle 41. Stapedius (tendon)
6. Foramen singulare, posterior ampullary n. 23. Atlantooccipital jomt 42. Tympanic membrane
7. Tentorium cerebelli 24. Atlas 43. Facial n. (second portion)
8. Vestibule 25 . Longus capitis 44. Parotid lymph node
9. Superior petrosal smus 26. Ascending pharyngeal a. 45. Chorda tympalll
10. VestIbular window (oval window), base of the 27. Rectus capitis antenor 46. External acoustic meatus
stapes 28. Venous plexus of the hypoglossal canal 47. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
11. Subarcuate fossa 29. Inferior ganglion of the vagus n. 48. Tympanosquamous fissure
12. Superior semicircular canal 30. Glossopharyngeal n. 49. Long limb of the inCUS
13. Petrous part of the temporal bone 31. Petrous part of the temporal bone 50. Cartilage of the auncle
14. Lateral semicircular canal 32. Petrotympanic fissure 51. Lateral wall of the epitympanic recess
15. Middle cramal fossa 33. Tympanic part of the temporal bone 52. Parotid gland
16. Epllympamc recess 34. Tympamc cavity 53 . Cartilage of the auncle
17. Tegmen tympani 35. Occipital a.
18. Petrosquamous fissure 36. Cochlear window (round window)
86 Frontal Sections

6 7 13 1114 414415 17 58 49 22
Frontal section through the peri-
lymphatic duct, the origin of the en-
dolymphatic duct, also note the poste-
rior ampullary nerve, the surbarcuate
fossa, the vestibule, the superior and
lateral semicircular canals, the tym-
panic sinus and the second portion of
the facial canal.

2 8 35 40 42 36 47

Frontal Sections 87

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1213 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

36 42 44
SUP A 1cm



1. Posterior cranial fossa 21. Petrosquamous sinus 40. Tympamc cavity

2. Occlplla! bone 22. Temporal bone ( vertica! portIOn of the 41. Tympamc cavity
3. Choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle squamous part) 42. Stapedius ( tendon )
4. Cerebellum 23. Carttlage of the aurIcle 43. Stylomastoid a.
5. Jugular foramen 24. Dura mater 44. Facial n.
6. Penlymphatic duct 25. Occipital condyle 45. Tympanic membrane
7. Petrous part of the temporal bone 26. Atlantooccipltal Jomt 46. Chorda tympam
8. Postenor ampullary n. 27. Atlas 47. External acoustic meatus
9. Endolymphatic duct 28. Hypoglossal canal 48. Tympanosquamous fissure
10. Tentorium cerebelli 29. Ascending pharyngeal a. 49. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
11. Vestibule 30. Venous plexus of the hypoglossal canal 50. SternocleidomastoId
12. Superior petrosal sinus 31. Rectus capitis anterior 51. Short limb of the incus
13. Subarcuate fossa (petromastoid canal) 32. Infenor ganglion of the vagus n . 52. Aditus ad antrum
14. Superior semicircular canal 33. Internal Jugular v. 53. Parottd lymph node
15. Lateral semiCircular canal 34. Petrotympanic fissure 54. Lateral wall of the epitympanic recess
16. Petrous part of the temporal bone 35. Cochlear window (round window) 55. Carttlage of the external acousttc meatus
17. Middle cranial fossa 36. Tympanic part of the temporal bone 56. Parotid gland
18. EpItympanic recess 37. Tympanic cavity (tympanic sinus) 57. Cartilage of the auricle
19. Tegmen tympani 38. Styloid process 58. * Temporal bone (horizontal portion of the
20. Petrosquamous fissure 39. Digastncus squamous part )
88 Frontal Sections

6 8 12 10 14 15 17 18 20 F22
Frontal section through the origin of
the posterior ampullary nerve and the
beginning of the endolymphatic duct.
We also see the vestibule, the subarcu-
ate fossa (petromastoid canal), the su-
perior and lateral semicircular canals,
the tympanic sinus and the second
portion of the facial nerve. On the
anatomical section, the ossicles have
disappeared. Medially to the petrous
bone the jugular foramen and the hy-
poglossal canal are visible.

25 2 5 32 34 40 4243 52


5 6 1012 4314 17 48 15 55 20

23 2 3334 37 44
Frontal Sections 89

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

35 37 45 47 49 51
1 ern



1. PosterIOr cramalfossa 20. Temporal bone (vertical portIOn of the 39. Dlgastncus
2. Occlpllal bone squamous part ) 40. Tympanic cavity ( tympanic sinus)
3. Choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle 21. Posterior auricular a. 41. Tympalllc part of the temporal bone
4. Cerebellum 22. Cartilage of the auricle 42. Stapedius ( tendon, pyramidal emmence)
5. Jugular foramen 23. Occipital bone 43. Facial n.
6. Petrous part of the temporal bone 24. Atlantooccipltal Jomt 44. External acoustic meatus
7. SubarachnOId space 25. Hypoglossal canal 45. Tympanic membrane
8. Endolymphallc duct 26. Atlas 46. Chorda tympam
9. Tentorium cerebelh 27. Ascending pharyngeal a. 47. Lymph node
10. Superior semicircular canal 28. Hypoglossal n. 48. Tympamc part of the temporal bone
11. Superior petrosal sinus 29. Venous plexus of the hypoglossal canal 49. Tympanosquamous fissure
12. Suharcuate fossa (petromastoid canal) 30. lnfenor ganglion of the vagus n. 50. Temporal bone (retromeatic portion of the
13. Petrous part of the temporal bone 31. Internal jugular v. squamous part)
14. Lateral semiCIrcular canal 32. PosterIOr ampullary n. 51. Petrosquamous fissure
15. Middle cranial fossa 33. Petro us part of the temporal bone 52. Petrous part of the temporal bone
16. Dura mater 34. Vestibule 53. Temporal bone (retromeahc portIOn of the
17. Mastoid antrum 35. Petrotympanic fissure squamous part)
18. Temporal bone (retromeatlc portIOn of the 36. OccIpital a. 54. Sternocleidomastoid
squamous part) 37. Tympamc part of the temporal bone 55. * Temporal bone (horizontal portIOn of the
19. Petrosquamous fissure 38 . Styloid process squamous part)
90 Frontal Sections

6 11 8 10 15 16 19 22 F23
Frontal section through the posterior
osseous ampulla, the vestibule, the
posterior part of the superior semicir-
cular canal. Note the subarcuate fos-
sa, the endolymphatic duct, the tym-
panic sinus, the lateral semicircular
canal, the second portion of the facial
nerve canal and the mastoid antrum.

30 5 35 41 44 18 50 48

Frontal Sections 91

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1213 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

36 42 44



1. Posterior cranial fossa 21. Petrosquamous smus 40. Tympamc cavity

2. Choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle 22. Temporal bone ( vertical portion of the 41. Tympanic cavity (tympanic Sinus )
3. Occipital bone squamous part ) 42. Dlgastricus
4. Cerebellum 23. Cartilage of the auricle 43. Stapedius
5. Jugular foramen 24. Dura mater 44. Faczal n. (second portIOn)
6. Petrous part of the temporal bone 25. Occipital bone 45. Chorda tympani
7. Subarachnoid space 26. Atlantooccipital joint 46. Tympamc part of the temporal bone
8. Subarcuate fossa 27. Atlas 47. Tympanosquamous fissure
9. Endolymphatic duct 28. Hypoglossal n. 48. Temporal bone (retromeallc portIOn of the
10. Superior semicircular canal 29. Ascending pharyngeal a. squamous part )
11. Vestibule 30. Hypoglossal canal 49. Petrosquamous fissure
12. Tentorium cere belli 31. Venous plexus of the hypoglossal canal 50. Petrous part of the temporal bone
13. Superior petrosal smus 32. Vagus n., accessory n. 51. Petrosquamous fissure
14. Subarcuate fossa 33. Internal Jugular v. 52. Sternocleidomastoid
15. Petrous part of the temporal bone 34. Posterior osseous ampulla 53 . Temporal bone (retromeatlc portion of the
16. Middle cranial fossa 35. Petrous part of the temporal bone squamous part)
17. Dura mater 36. OCCipital a. 54. Lymph node
18. Lateral semiCircular canal 37. Petrotympanic fissure 55. Cartilage of the auricle
19. Mastoid antrum 38. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
20. Petrosquamous fissure 39. Styloid process
92 Frontal Sections

6 8 12 10 14 15 17 18 20 F24
Frontal section through the crus com-
mune of the posterior and the superi-
or semicircular canals, the lateral
semicircular canal, the posterior os-
seous ampulla, the posterior part of
the tympanic sinus and the mastoid
antrum. The endolymphatic duct, the
second portion of the facial nerve and
the subarcuate fossa are clearly visi-

25 2 5 32 34 40 4243 52


5 6 1012 4314 17 48 15 55 20

23 2 3334 37 44
Frontal Sections 93

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011121314151617 18 22 23 24 26 27 28

293031 323334 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 4243444546 4748 49 505152 53 54 55 56

SUP A 1 em



1. Posterior cranial fossa 21 . Middle cranial fossa Occipital a.

2. Choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle 22. Petrous part of the temporal bone Styloid process
3. Cerebellum 23. Mastoid antrum Digastricus
4. OccipItal bone 24. Temporal bone (retromeatic portIOn of the Tympanic cavity (tympamc sinus)
5. Accessory n. squamous part) Petrotympanic fissure
6. Jugular foramen 25. Petrosquamous fissure Tympanic cavity
7. Petrous part of the temporal bone 26. Temporal bone (vertical portion of the Stapedius
8. Subarachnoid space squamous part) Facial n.
9. Subarcuate fossa 27. Auricularis postenor Tympanic part of the temporal bone
10. Endolymphatic duct 28. Cartilage of the auricle Chorda tympani
1t. Dura mater 29. Hypoglossal n. Tympanosquamous fissure
12. Crus commune of the posterior and the superior 30. Occipital bone Temporal bone (retromeatic portion of the
semicircular canals 31. Ascending pharyngeal a. squamous part)
13. Superior semicircular canal 32. Atlantooccipital joint 52. Petrosquamous fissure
14. Vestibule 33 . Atlas 53. Petrous part of the temporal bone
15. Tentorium cerebelli 34. Venous plexus of the hypoglossal canal 54. Sternocleidomastoid
16. Lateral semicircular canal 35. Superior ganglion of the vagus n. 55 . Petrosquamous fissure
17. Superior petrosal sinus 36. Accessory n. 56. Retroauricular lymph node
18. Subarcuate fossa 37. Internal jugular v. 57. * Squamous part of the temporal bone
19. Petro us part of the temporal bone 38. Posterior osseous ampulla
20. Lateral semicircular canal 39. Petrous part of the temporal bone
94 Frontal Sections

3 7 10 11 12 17 19 20 18 21 25 F25
Frontal section through the crus com-
mune of the superior and the posteri-
or semicircular canals, the posterior
osseous ampulla, the lateral semicir-
cular canal, the vertical portion of the
facial nerve canal. Note the en-
dolymphatic duct, the stapedius and
the posterior part of the subarcuate

27 2831 32 34 40 41

Frontal Sections 95

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

SUP A 1cm


1. Posterior cranial fossa 15. Subarcuate fossa 28. Hypoglossal canal

2. Choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle 16. Dura mater 29. Ascending pharyngeal a.
3. OccIpital bone 17. Lateral semicircular canal 30. Venous plexus of the hypoglossal canal
4. Cerebellum 18. Middle cranial fossa 31. Atlantooccipital joint
5. Accessory n. 19. Petrous part of the temporal bone 32. Atlas
6. Superior ganglion of the vagus n. 20. Mastoid antrum 33. Internal jugular v.
7. Jugular foramen 21. Temporal bone (retromeatic portion of the 34. Posterior osseous ampulla
8. Subarachnoid space squamous part) 35. Occipital a.
9. EndolymphatJc duct 22. Petrosquamous fissure 36. Styloid process
10. Petrous part of the temporal bone 23. Middle meningeal v. 37. Tympanic sinus
11 .Crus commune of the superior and the posterior 24. Auricularis posterior 38. Digastricus
semicircular canals 25. Temporal bone (vertical portion of the 39. Stapedius
12. Lateral semicircular canal squamous part) 40. Facial n.
13. Tentorium cere belli 26. Cartilage of the auricle 41. Mastoid process
14. Superior petrosal sinus 27. Occipital bone 42. Sternocleidomastoid
96 Frontal Sections

5 6 8 9 F26
Frontal section through the posterior
part of the lateral semicircular canal,
the posterior semicircular canal and
the third portion of the facial nerve

14 16 17 18 23

Frontal Sections 97

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

A 1cm



1. Choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle 10. Middle meningeal v. 19. Occipital a.
2. Cerebellum 11. Mastoid fontanelle 20. Stylomastoid a .
3. Subarachnoid space 12. Auriculans posterior 21. Stylomastoid a.
4. Endolymphatic duct 13. Cartilage of the auricle 22. Stapedius
5. Posterior semicircular canal 14. Hypoglossal canal 23. Facial n. (third portion )Jacial canal
6. Lateral semicircular canal 15. Condylar process of the occIpital bone 24. Digastricus
7. Superior petrosal sinus 16. Occipital bone 25. Mastoid process
8. Subarcuate fossa 17. Jugular foramen 26. Sternocleidomastoid
9. Petrous part of the temporal bone 18. Posterior semicircular canal
98 Frontal Sections

4 7 F27
Frontal section through the posterior
semicircular canal. The other ele-
ments of the internal ear are no longer

12 15 17 20


4 7 5

12 13 24 14 15 17 20 19
Frontal Sections 99

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1920 21 22 23
1 em



1. Cerebellum 9. Auricularis posterior 17. Posterior semicircular canal

2. EndolymphatJc duct 10. Mastoid fontanelle 18. Occipital a.
3. Subarachnoid space 11. Auricle 19. Mastoid process
4. Posterior semicircular canal 12. Occipital condyle 20. Facial canal, stylomastoid a.
5. Sigmoid sinus 13. Atlantooccipital joint 21. Digastricus
6. Petromastoid canal, subarcuate a., v. 14. Atlas 22. Splenius
7. Petrous part of the temporal bone 15. Jugular foramen 23. Sternocleidomastoid
8. Middle meningeal v. 16. Rectus capitis lateralis 24. * Hypoglossal canal
100 Frontal Sections

4 5 7 F28
Frontal section through the posterior
convexity of the posterior semicircu-
lar canal.

13 14


4 5

Frontal Sections 101

2 3 4 5 6 7




1. Cerebellum 8. Internal vertebral venous plexus 15. Rectus capitIs lateralis

2. Subarachnoid space 9. Vertebral a. 16. Occipital a.
3. Sigmoid sinus 10. Dura mater 17. Digastricus
4. Posterior semicircular canal 1t. Atlantooccipital joint 18. Longissimus capitis
5. Petrous part of the temporal bone 12. Atlas 19. Splenius
6. Auricularis posterior 13. Occipital bone 20. Sternocleidomastoid
7. Mastoid fontanelle 14. Szgmoid sinus
102 Frontal Sections

5 7 F29
Frontal section tangential to the pos-
terior convexity of the posterior semi-
circular canal.

12 14


10 11 12 14
Frontal Sections 103

4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20



1. Cerebellum 8. Internal vertebral venous plexus 15. Rectus capitis lateralis

2. Subarachnoid space 9. Vertebral a. 16. Occipital a.
3. Dura mater 10. Atlas 17. Longissimus capitis
4. Sigmoid sinus 1f . Atlantooccipital joint 18. Posterior semicircular canal
5. Petrous part of the temporal bone 12. OCCipital bone 19. Splenius
6. Lymph node 13 . Vertebral a. 20. Sternocleidomastoid
7. MastOid fontanelle 14. SigmoId sinus
104 Frontal Sections

Frontal section behind the cavities of the temporal bone.
Frontal Sections 105




1. Cerebellum 6. Dura mater 11. LongIssImus cap1tls

2. SubarachnoId space 7. Vertebral a. 12. Splenius
3. Sigmoid sinus 8. Occipital bone 13. SternocleidomastOId
4. Petrous part of the temporal bone 9. Obhquus capitIs superior 14. Lymph node
5. Atlas 10. Occipital a.
Sagittal Sections Sl-S25
lOS Sagittal Sections

3 5 SI
Sagittal section through the lateral part of the external acoustic
meatus and the squamous part of the temporal bone.

1. Sphenoidal fontanelle
2. Temporalis
3. Temporal bone (vertical portion of the squamous part)
4. Dura mater
5. Middle cranial fossa
6. Mastoid fontanelle
7. Emissary v.
8. Superficial temporal a.
9. Cartilage of the external acoustic meatus
10. External acoustic meatus


Sagittal Sections 109

8 9 10

A lcm


110 Sagittal Sections

Sagittal section through the most lateral part of the epitympanic

1. Temporalis
2. Bichat's fat pad
3. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone
4. Sphenosquamous suture
5. Temporal bone (vertical portion of the squamous part)
6. Middle cranial fossa
7. Temporal bone (horizontal portion of the squamous part)
8. Epitympanic recess
9. Temporal bone (horizontal portion of the squamous part)
10. Petrosquamous fissure
11. Petrous part of the temporal bone
12. Petrosquamous fissure
13. Petrous part of the temporal bone
14. Transverse sinus
15. Parotid lymph node
16. Zygomatic process of the temporal bone
17. Parotid gland
18. Superficial temporal a.
19. External acoustic meatus
20. Cartilage of the external acoustic meatus


7 14

Sagittal Sections III

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20

A 1cm

5 6 7 8 9 11 13



112 Sagittal Sections

4 6 7 21 9 11 1012 S3
Sagittal section through the lateral part of the epitympanic recess
and the malleus.

1. Temporalis
2. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone
3. Sphenosquamous suture
4. Squamous part of the temporal bone
5. Middle meningeal a.
6. Middle cranial fossa
7. Temporal bone (horizontal portion of the squamous part)
8. Petrosquamous fissure
9. Incus
10. Tegmen tympani
11. Epitympanic recess
12. Petrous part of the temporal bone
13. Petrous part of the temporal bone
14. Sigmoid sinus
15. Zygomatic process of the temporal bone
16. Parotid lymph node
17. Parotid gland
18. Superficial temporal a., v.
19. Cartilage of the external acoustic meatus
20. External acoustic meatus
21 . Temporal bone (horizontal portion of the squamous part)
22. Temporal bone (retromeatic portion of the squamous part)
20 14
23 . Petrosquamous fissure
24. Petrous part of the temporal bone
CT 25. Sternocleidomastoid

6 7 9 11 10 12 14

20 21
Sagittal Sections 113

2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 3




INF 20
114 Sagittal Sections

21 5 25 9 11 12 13 14 15 S4
Sagittal section through the epitympanic recess, the head of the
malleus, the incus and the lateral part of the lateral semicircular

1. Temporalis
2. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone
3. Sphenosquamous suture
4. Middle cranial fossa
5. Squamous part of the temporal bone
6. Temporal bone (horizontal portion of the squamous part)
7. Middle meningeal a.
8. Petrosquamous fissure
9. Head of the malleus
10. Incudomalleolar jomt
11. Body of the incus
12. Tegmen tympani
13. Epitympanic recess
14. Lateral semicircular canal
15. Petrous part of the temporal bone
16. Ossification area surrounding the petromastoid canal
17. Sigmoid sinus
18. Zygomatic process of the temporal bone
19. Temporalis
20. Masseter
21 . Condylar process of the mandible
22. Parotid gland
23. Disk of the temporomandibular joint
27 17 24. Superficial temporal a., v.
25. Tympanosquamous fissure (lateral and upper part )
26. Cartilage of the external acoustic meatus
27. External acoustic meatus
28. Short limb of the incus
29. Petrosquamous fissure
30. Sternocleidomastoid
Sagittal Sections lIS

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

A 1cm

4 5 25 9 11 12 15



27 28
116 Sagittal Sections

Sagittal section through the epitympanic recess, the malleus, the incus, the
lateral and the superior semicircular canals.

1. Greater wing of the sphenoId bone

2. Temporalis
3. Sphenosquamous suture
4. Squamous part of the temporal bone
5. Zygomatic process of the temporal bone
6. Middle cranial fossa
7. Temporal bone (horizontal portion of the squamous part)
8. Petrosquamous fissure
9. Tegmen tympani
10. Head of the malleus
11. EpItympanic recess
12. Incudomalleolar joint
13. Incus
14. Anterior semIcircular canal
15. Dura mater
16. SIgmoid sinus
17. Emissary v.
18. Masseter
19. Transverse facIal a.
20. Articular dIsk
21. Facial n. (branches)
22. Condylar process of the mandible
23. Superficial temporal a.
24. Parotid lymph node
25. Parotid gland
26. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
. 27. External acoustic meatus
28. Cartilage of the external acoustic meatus
29. Temporal bone (retromeatic portion of the squamous part)
30. Petrosquamous fissure
31. Tympanosquamous fissure
32. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
33. Sternocleidomastoid
34. Petrous part of the temporal bone
35. Lateral semicircular canal
36. Splenius
37. SternocleidomastOId
Sagittal Sections 117

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 293031 32 33 34 35 36 37

A 1cm

4 6 7 8 10 13 9



26 27 2932 35 34
118 Sagittal Sections

5 4 26 8 10 11 12 35 17 S6
Sagittal section through the lateral, superior and posterior semicir-
cular canals. The third portion of the facial nerve, the tympanic
cavity containing the malleus and the incus are visible on the

1. Temporalis
2. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone
3. Sphenosquamous suture
4. Middle cranial fossa
5. Temporal bone (horizontal portion of the squamous part)
6. Petrosquamous fissure
7. Anterior ligament of the malleus
8. Tegmen tympani
9. Head of the malleus. incudomalleolar joint
10. Incus
11. Lateral semicircular canal
12. Superior semicircular canal
13. Dura mater
14. Third portion of the facial canal
15. Superior semicircular canal
16. Ossification area surrounding the petromastoid canal
17. Posterior semicircular canal
18. Sigmoid sinus
19. Posterior cranial fossa
20. Parietal bone
21. Masseter
22. Disk of the temporomandibular joint
23. Condylar process of the mandible
25 27 28 24. Parotid gland
23 38 14 18
25. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
CT 26. Manubrium mallei
27. External acoustic meatus
28. Tympanic membrane
29. Tympanic cavity
30. Chorda tympani
31. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
32. Temporal bone (retromeatic portion of the squamous part)
33. Petrous part of the temporal bone
34. Digastricus
35. Lateral semicircular canal
36. Splenius
37. Sternocleidomastoid
38. * Stapedius

4 5 9 10 8 II 19

25 27 14 18
Sagittal Sections 119

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112 1314 15 16 17 18 19 20


4 5 6 8 11 12 16


120 Sagittal Sections

4 5 6 7 9 8 11 12 13 15 14 17 20 S7
Sagittal section through the third portion of the facial nerve, the
manubrium mallei, the long limb of the incus and the three semi-
circular canals.

1. Temporalis
2. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone
3. Sphenosquamous suture
4. Middle cranial fossa
5. Temporal bone (horizontal portion of the squamous part)
6. Petrosquamous fissure
7. Tympanopetrous fissure
8. Tegmen tympani
9. Malleus
10. Epitympanic recess
11 . Long limb of the incus
12. Superior semicircular canal
13. Lateral semicircular canal
14. Ossification area surrounding the petromastoid canal
15. Superior semicircular canal
16. Lateral semicircular canal
17. Posterior semicircular canal
18. Sigmoid sinus
19. Tentorium cerebelli
20. Posterior cranial fossa
21. Masseter
22. Condylar process of the mandible
23. Disk of the temporomandibular joint
24. Superficial temporal a., V. , auriculotemporal n.
25. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
22 25 28 30 32 34 35 16 18 26. Parotid gland
27. Anterior ligament of the malleus
CT 28. External acoustic meatus
29. Chorda tympani
30. Tympanic membrane
31. Sternocleidomastoid
32. Tympanic cavity
33. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
34. Facial canal, third portion of the facial n.
35. Stapedius
36. Petrous part of the temporal bone
37. Styloid process
38. Digastricus
39. Splenius

4 5 7 12 16 17 20

25 32 34
Sagittal Sections 121

3 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 5 6 17 18 19 20

31 1em


ANT ----if-- POST

122 Sagittal Sections

4 8 9 10 14 15 16 18
Sagittal section through the three semicircular canals, the canal of
the facial nerve, the stapedius, the malleus and the long limb of the

1. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone

2. Temporalis
3. Sphenosquamous suture
4. Temporal bone (horizontal portion of the squamous part)
5. Petrosquamous fissure
6. Anterior ligament of the malleus
7. Chorda tympani
8. Tegmen tympani
9. Epitympanic recess
10. Lateral semicircular canal
11. Superior semicircular canal
12. Superior semicircular canal
13. Ossification area surrounding the petromastoid canal
14. Lateral semicircular canal
15. Posterior semicircular canal
16. Sigmoid sinus
25 30 32 17. Tentorium cerebelli
18. Posterior cranial fossa
eTR 19. Masseter
20. Disk of the temporomandibular jomt
21 . Condylar process of the mandible
22. Superficial temporal a., V., auriculotemporal n.
23. Parotid gland
24. Tympanopetrous fissure
25. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
26. Malleus
27. External acoustic meatus
28. Incus
29. Tympanic membrane
30. Tympanic cavity
31. Facial n.
32. Facial canal, third portion of the facial n., stylomastoid a.
33. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
34. Stapedius
35. Styloid process
36. Dig:!stricus
37. Posterior semicircular canal
38. Splenius
39. Occipital a. (branch)
40. Small occipital n.
Sagittal Sections 123

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18


29 31 33 1em


124 Sagittal Sections

Sagittal section through the most lateral part of the vestibule, the
three semicircular canals, the second portion of the facial nerve,
the incudostapedial joint and the manubrium mallei.

1. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone

2. Temporalis
3. Sphenosquamous suture
4. Middle cranial fossa
5. Temporal bone (horizontal portion of the squamous part)
6. Petrosquamous fissure
7. Petrotympanic fissure
8. Chorda tympani
9. Tegmen tympani
10. Tendon of the tensor tympani
11. Epitympanic recess
12. Facial canal, second portion of the facial n.
13. Vestibule
14. Ossification area surrounding the petromastoid canal
15. Superior semicircular canal
16. Lateral semicircular canal
17. Posterior semicircular canal
18. Tentorium cerebelli
19. Sigmoid sinus
20. Posterior cranial fossa
21. Masseter
22. Disk of the temporomandibular joint
23. Condylar process of the mandible
24. Superficial temporal a. , V. , auriculotemporal n.
25. Tympanosquamous fissure
23 25 26 28 30 32 34 40 19 26. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
27 . Parotid gland
CT 28. External acoustic meatus
29. Tympanic membrane
30. Manubrium mallei
31. Long hmb of the incus
32. Stapes
33. Tendon of the stapedius
34. Tympanic cavity
35. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
36. Stapedius
37. Styloid process
38. Digastricus
39. Longissimus capitis
40. Posterior semicircular canal
41. Splenius
42. Occipital a.
43 . Small occipital n.
44. * Mastoid air cell

4 5 6 9 11 12 1315 16 17 20

25 26 34 40 14 19
Sagittal Sections 125

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

27 29 34

4 5 7 9 11 12 13 16 14 15 17



26 28 30 34 32 35 40
126 Sagittal Sections

5 6 9 11 13 16 17 18 19 S10
Sagittal section through the lateral part of the vestibule, the three
semicircular canals, the subarcuate fossa, the second portion of the
facial nerve, the manubrium mallei and the stapes.

1. Temporalis
2. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone
3. Sphenosquamous suture
4. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone
5. Temporal bone (horizontal portion of the squamous part)
6. Petrosquamous fissure
7. MIddle cranial fossa
8. Chorda tympani
9. Tegmen tympani
10. Tensor tympani
11. Second portion of the facial n.
12. Superior and lateral ampullary n.
13. Vestibule
14. Subarcuate fossa
15. Superior petrosal sinus
16. Lateral semicircular canal
17. Superior semicircular canal
18. Posterior semicircular canal
19. Posterior cranial fossa
20. Sigmoid sinus
21. Tentorium cerebelh
22. Masseter
23. Mandible
24. Auriculotemporal n.
25. Maxillary a., v.
23 26 28 313234 41 20 26. Tympanosquamous fissure
27. Anterior tympanopetrous fissure
CT 28. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
29 . Parotid gland
30. Tympanic membrane
31. External acoustic meatus
32. Malleus
33. Stapes
34. Tympanic cavity
35. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
36. Posterior tympanopetrous fissure
37. Digastricus
38. Styloid process
39. Canal of the stapedIUs
40. Petro us part of the temporal bone
41 . Posterior semiCircular canal
42. OccipItal a.
43 . Longissimus capitis
44. Obhquus capitis supenor
45. SplenIUS
46. Small occipital n.
Sagittal Sections 127

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 516 17 18 19 20 21

32 1em


128 Sagittal Sections

2 10 12 14 15 18 17 20 21 SII
Sagittal section through the subarcuate fossa (petromastoid ca-
nal), the joining of the lateral semicircular canal to the vestibule,
the vestibular window (oval window), the stapes and the manubri-
um mallei.

1. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone

2. Middle cranial fossa
3. Lateral pterygoid
4. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone
5. Sphenosquamous suture
6. Temporal bone (horizontal portion of the squamous part)
7. Petrosquamous fissure
8. Middle meningeal a.
9. Chorda tympani. anterior tympanopetrous fissure
10. Tegmen tympani
11. Tensor tympani
12. Second portion of the facial n.
13. SuperIOr and lateral ampullary n.
14. Vestibular window (oval window)
15. Vestibule
6 32 38 37 44 49 23 16. Superior petrosal SInUS
17. Subarcuate fossa
CTR 18. Lateral semicircular canal
19. Superior semicircular canal
20. Posterior semicircular canal
21 . Posterior cranial fossa
22. Tentorium cerebelli
23. Sigmoid sinus
24. Temporalis
25 . Coronoid process of the mandible
26. Mandible
27. Lateral pterygoid
28. Maxillary a. , v.
29. Auriculotemporal n.
30. Sphenomandibular ligament
31. Superficial temporal a., v.
32. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
33. Parotid gland
34. Tympanic membrane
35. External acoustic meatus
36. Manubrium mallei
37. Stapes
38. Tympanic cavity
39. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
40. Posterior tympanopetrous fissure
41. Styloid process
42. Petrous bone
43 . Digastricus
44. Posterior semicircular canal
45 . Occipital a.
46. Longissimus capitis
47 . Obliquus capitis superior
48. Splenius
49. * Mastoid air cell
Sagittal Sections 129

2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 14 15 7 18 19 20 21 22 23

3 42 1 em



130 Sagittal Sections

2 5 6 7 8 109 11 13 14 15 S12
Sagittal section tangential to the crus commune of the superior and
posterior semicircular canals, passing through the vestibular win-
dow (oval window), the geniculate ganglion and the utriculoam-
pullary nerve.

1. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone

2. Middle cranial fossa
3. Lateral pterygoid
4. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone
5. Anterior tympanopetrous fissure . chorda tympani
6. Tegmen tympani
7. Tendon of the tensor tympani
8. Geniculate ganglion
9. Utriculoampullary n.
10. Vestibular wmdow (oval window)
1 f. Vestibule
12. Superior petrosal sinus
13. Subarcuate fossa
14. Superior semiCircular canal
15. Posterior semicircular canal
16. Tentorium cerebel1i
17. Sigmoid sinus
18. Posterior cranial fossa
19. Temporalis
20. Coronoid process of the mandible
21 . Mandible
22. Maxillary a., v.
23. Auriculotemporal n.
25 28 32 37 24. Sphenomandibular ligament
25. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
CT 26. Superficial temporal a., v.
27. Tympanic membrane
28. External acoustic meatus
29. Manubrium mal1el
30. Parotid gland
31. Stapes
32. Tympanic cavity
33. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
34. Styloid process
35. Posterior tympanopetrous fissure
36. Petrous part of the temporal bone
37. Posterior semicircular canal
38. Occipital a.
39. Longissimus capitis
40. Obliquus capitis superior
41. Splemus
Sagittal Sections 131


ANT --If--- POST

132 Sagittal Sections

3 6 8 10 12 1514 16 18 S13
Sagittal section through the crus commune of the superior and the
posterior semicircular canals, the vestibular window (oval win-
dow), the geniculate ganglion, the utriculoampullary nerve and the
tensor tympani.

1. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone

2. Lateral pterygoid
3. Middle cramal fossa
4. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone
5. Petrosquamous fissure
6. Tegmen tympani
7. Tendon of the tensor tympani
8. Geniculate ganglion
9. Utnculoampullary n.
10. Vestibular window (oval window)
11. Petro us part of the temporal bone
12. Vestibule
13. Superior petrosal sinus
14. Subarcuate fossa
15. Crus commune of the superior and the posterior semicircular canals
27 29 38 4? 19 16. Superior semicircular canal
17. Tentonum cerebelli
eTR 18. Posterior cranial fossa
19. Sigmoid sinus
20. Coronoid process of the mandible
21. Temporalis
22. Mandible
23. Maxillary a., v.
24. Auriculotemporal n.
25. Sphenomandibular ligament
26. Chorda tympani
27. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
28. Superficial temporal a.
29. Tympamc cavity
30. External acoustic meatus
31. Parotid gland
32. Manubrium mallei
33. Tympanic membrane
34. Stapes
35. Styloid process
36. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
37. Posterior tympanopetrous fissure
38. Recess of the tympamc cavity
39. Petrous part of the temporal bone
40. Digastricus
41. OCCIpital a.
42. Posterior semicircular canal
43. Obliquus capitis superior
44. Splenius
45. Semispinalis capitis
Sagittal Sections 133

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1516 17 18 19

24 30 32 37 39 41



134 Sagittal Sections

3 6 7 8 9 11 S14
Sagittal section through the crus commune of the superior and the
posterior semicircular canals, the ampulla of the posterior semicir-
cular canal, the facial and utriculoampullary nerves, the posterior
part of the endolymphatic duct and the tensor tympani.

1. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone

2. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone
3. Middle cranial jossa
4. Middle meningeal a.
5. Petrosal n.
6. Tensor tympani
7. First portion oj the jacial n.
8. Utriculoampullary n.
9. Vestibule
10. Superior petrosal sinus
11. Crus commune oj the superior and the posterior semicircular canals
12. Tentorium cere belli
13. Endolymphatic duct
14. Sigmoid sinus
15. PosterIOr cramal jossa
16. Occipital bone
17. Temporalis
18. Coronoid process of the mandible
19. Mandible
20. Lateral pterygoid
21. Alveolar a.
22. Maxillary a.
23. Sphenomandibular ligament
24. Chorda tympani
26 28 34 35 36 25. Parotid gland
26. Tympanic part oj the temporal bone
CT 27. Superficial temporal a., v.
28. Tympanic cavity
29. Tympanic membrane
30. Styloid process
31. Digastncus
32. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
33. Tympanopetrous fissure
34. Tympanic cavity
35. Posterior osseous ampulla
36. Sigmoid sinus
37. Obliquus superior capitis
38. Semispinalis capitis
39. Splenius

3 7 8 9 1\ 13 15

2628 35 36
Sagittal Sections 135

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
- , -
,. -"
~ ..'l..:..'"'S:. I)
• • . ~-£~

" JL ~-
-. ---
- . '

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 323334 35 36 37 38 39



136 Sagittal Sections

5 7 10 8 14 S15
Sagittal section through the vestibule, the ampulla of the posterior
semicircular canal, the cochlear window (round window) and the
tensor tympani. The origin of the endolymphatic duct and the
bottom of the internal acoustic meatus are visible in the anatomic

1. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone

2. Middle cranial fossa
3. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone
4. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone
5. Tensor tympam
6. Petrous part of the temporal bone
7. Facial n.
8. Internal acoustic meatus
9. Utriculoampullary n.
10. Vestibule
11. Cochlear wmdow (round window)
12. Superior petrosal sinus
13. Endolymphatic duct
14. Posterior cranial fossa
15. Temporalis
16. Lateral pterygoid
17. Mandible
18. Lateral pterygoid
19. Alveolar n.
20. Medial pterygoid
21 . Middle meningeal a.
22. Chorda tympani
23 24 3011 35 23. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
24. Tympanic cavity
25. Superficial temporal a. , v.
26. Tympanic membrane
27. Styloid process
28. Digastricus
29. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
30. Basal turn of the cochlea
31. Tympanopetrous fissure
32. Petrous part of the temporal bone
33. Occipital a.
34. Rectus capitis latera lis
35. Posterior osseous ampulla
36. Occipital bone
37. Sigmoid sinus
38. Obliquus capitis superior
39. Semispinalis capitis
40. Splemus

2 5 10 13 14
Sagittal Sections 137

2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10'1 12 14

- ... . .. ""Lo.

21 23 35

2 5 7 9 10



INF 23 24 30 11 35
138 Sagittal Sections

2 6 7 8 12 13 S16
Sagittal section through the most lateral part of the cochlea, the
medial part of the vestibule, the bottom of the internal acoustic
meatus and the cochlear window (round window).

1. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone

2. Middle cranial fossa
3. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone
4. Mandibular n.
5. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone
6. Tensor tympani
7. Cochlea
8. Cochlea
9. Facial n.
10. Superior petrosal sinus
11. U triculoampullary n.
12. Internal acoustic meatus
13. Vestibule
14. Posterior osseous ampulla
15. Tentorium cerebelh
16. Petrous part of the temporal bone
17. Posterior cranial fo ssa
18. Occipital bone
19. Temporalis
20. Lateral pterygoid
21. Mandible
22. Alveolar n.
23. Maxillary a.
24. Medial pterygoid
25. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
25 26 32 38 26. Tympanic cavity
27. Superficial temporal a. , v.
CT 28. Tympanic membrane
29. External acoustic meatus
30. Styloid process
31 . Digastncus
32. Basal turn of the cochlea
33. Saccular n.
34. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
35. Posterior tympanopetrous fissure
36. Cochlear window (round window)
37. Occipital a.
38. Tympanic cavity
39. Posterior ampullary n.
40. Rectus capitIs lateralis
41 . Sigmoid sinus
42. Obliquus capitis superior
43. Rectus capitis posterior major
44. Semispinalis capitis
45. Splenius

2 6 7 8 12 17

25 26 32 41
Sagittal Sections 139

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 11 12 13 1415 16 17 18

28 31 33 35 37 39 lcm

2 6 7 8 12 13



25 26 32 36 14
140 Sagittal Sections

6 7 12 17 817
Sagittal section through the very medial part of the vestibule and
the posterior ampulla, the basal turn of the cochlea, the cochlear
window (round window) and the origin of the saccular and poste-
rior ampullary nerves.

1. Middle cranial fossa

2. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone
3. Foramen ovale, mandibular n.
4. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone
5. Tensor tympani
6. Cochlea
7. Cochlea
8. Facial n.
9. Superior petrosal sinus
10. Utriculoampullary n.
11. Saccular n.
12. Internal acoustic meatus
13. Vestibule
14. Posterior ampullary n.
15. Posterior osseous ampulla
2425 30 16. Petrous part of the temporal bone
17. Posterior cranial fossa
eTR 18. Temporalis
19. Mandible
20. Lateral pterygoid
21. Inferior alveolar n.
22. Maxillary a.
23 . MedIal pterygoid
24. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
25. Tympanic cavity
26. Tympanic membrane
27. Styloid process
28. External acoustic meatus
29. Digastricus
30. Basal turn of the cochlea
31. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
32. Tympanopetrous fissure
33. Cochlear window (round window)
34. Tympanic cavity (recess of the cochlear wmdow)
35. Jugular foramen, internal jugular v.
36. Rectus capitis lateralis
37. Occipital bone
38. Obliquus capitis superior
39. Rectus capItis posterior major
40. Semispinalis capitis
41. Splenius
Sagittal Sections 141

2 3 4 5 67 8910111213141516 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 3334 35 36 37 38 39 40 41

A lem

5 6 7 12 17



24 25 30 34 14 35 37
142 Sagittal Sections

2 7 8 13 16 S18
Sagittal section through the basal turn, the second turn of the
cochlea and the cochlear window. The posterior ampullary nerve
and the saccular nerve are visible at the internal acoustic meatus.

1. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone

2. Middle cranial fossa
3. Deep temporal n.
4. Foramen ovale, mandibular n.
5. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone
6. Tensor tympani
7. Second turn of the cochlea
8. Basal turn of the cochlea
9. Superior petrosal sinus
10. Facial n.
11. Utriculoampullary n.
12. Saccular n.
13. Internal acoustic meatus
14. Posterior ampullary n.
15. Petro us part of the temporal bone
25 24 31 17 16. Posterior cranial fossa
17. Sigmoid sinus
CTR 18. Temporalis
19. Lateral pterygoid
20. Mandible
21. Medial pterygoid
22. Otic ganglion
23. Auditory tube
24. Tympanic cavity
25. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
26. Superficial temporal a.
27. External acoustic meatus
28. Styloid process
29. Tympanic membrane
30. Digastricus
31 . Basal turn of the cochlea
32. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
33. Tympanopetrous fissure
34. Cochlear window (round window)
35. Tympanic cavity (recess of the cochlear window)
36. Internal jugular V., jugular foramen
37. Rectus capitis lateralis
38. Occipital bone
39. Obliquus capitis superior
40. Rectus capitis posterior major
41. Semispinalis capitis
42. Splenius
Sagittal Sections 143

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10" 2 13 14 '5 16 17

26 28 32 34 36 , em



144 Sagittal Sections

Sagittal section through the turns of the cochlea and the internal
acoustic meatus with the beginning of the posterior ampullary
nerve canal. Note the origin of the auditory tube in the anterior
part of the tympanic cavity.

1. Middle cranial fossa

2. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone
3. Foramen ovale
4. Otic ganglion
5. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone
6. Mandibular n.
7. Second turn of the cochlea
8. Basal turn of the cochlea
9. Modiolus
10. Tentorium cerebelli
li. Facial n.
12. Vestibular n.
13. Internal acoustic meatus
14. Posterior ampullary n.
15. Petrous part of the temporal bone
16. Jugular foramen
17. Sigmoid sinus
18. posterior cranial fossa
19. Occipital bone
20. Temporalis
2I. Lateral pterygoid
22. Mandible
23 . Maxillary a.
24. Lingual n.
29 27 13 25. Medial pterygoid
26. Auditory tube
CT 27. Tympanic cavity
28. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
29. Styloid process
30. Digastricus
3I. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
32. Tympanopetrous fissure
33. Basal turn of the cochlea
34. Internal jugular v.
35. Rectus capitis latera lis
36. Suboccipital venous plexus
37. Obliquus capitis inferior
38. Suboccipital n.
39. Rectus capitis posterior major
40. Semispinalis capitis
4I. Splenius
Sagittal Sections 145

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
1 em

7 8 13 14 18



27 33 16 19
146 Sagittal Sections

20 5 6 8 S20
Sagittal section through the turns of the cochlea, the internal
acoustic meatus, the cochlear nerve, the lateral part of the carotid
canal and the most anterior part of the tympanic cavity.

1. Middle cranial fossa

2. Greater wing of the sphenoid bone
3. Mandibular n.
4. Trigeminal ganglion
5. ApIcal turn of the cochlea
6. Basal turn of the cochlea
7. Vestibulocochlear n.
8. Internal acoustic meatus
9. Petrous part of the temporal bone
10. Jugular foramen
11. Posterior cranial fossa
12. Sigmoid SinUS
13. Occipital bone
14. Temporalis
15. Lateral pterygoid
16. Maxillary a.
17. Medial pterygoid
18. Otic ganglion
19. Auditory tube
20. Tympanic cavity
21. Tympanic n.
22. Carotid canal
23. Second turn of the cochlea
24. Tympanic part of the temporal bone
25. Tympanopetrous fissure
26. Basal turn of the cochlea
24 26 27 27. Internal jugular v.
28. Glossopharyngeal n.
29. Rectus capitis lateralis
CT 30. Vagus n.
31. Condylar process of the occipital bone
32. Atlantooccipital JOInt
33. Suboccipital venous plexus
34. Obliquus capitis inferior
35. Rectus capitIS posterior major
36. Semispinalis capitis

6 8 9 11

20 22 26 27 12
Sagittal Sections 147

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

A lem



148 Sagittal Sections

4 5 7 S21
Sagittal section through the basal turn, the second turn of the
cochlea, the internal acoustic meatus, the carotid canal and the
auditory tube.

1. Lesser wing of the sphenoid bone

2. Sphenoid bone
3. Trigeminal ganglion
4. Middle turn of the cochlea
5. Basal turn of the cochlea
6. Tentorium cerebeIIi
7. Internal acoustic meatus
8. Posterior cramal fossa
9. Occipital bone
10. Lateral pterygoid
11. Pterygoid process
12. Medial pterygoid
13. Tensor veli palatini
14. Auditory tube
15. Levator veli palatini
16. Internal carotid a., carotid canal
17. Vagus n. (inferior vagal ganglion)
18. Inferior petrosal sinus
19. Jugular foramen
20. Condylar process of the occipital bone
21. Atlas
22. Atlantooccipital joint
23 . Spinal n. Cl
24. Intervertebral v.
16 28 25. Obliquus capitis inferior
26. Rectus capitis posterior major
CT 27. Semispmalis capitis
28. * Internal jugular v.

5 7 8

Sagittal Sections 149

2 3 5 8 9



INF 16
150 Sagittal Sections

4 8 32 10 13 822
Sagittal section through the basal turn of the cochlea, the carotid
canal and the auditory tube. The internal acoustic meatus is visible
on the CT section.

1. Orbit
2. Superior orbital fissure
3. Lesser wmg of the sphenoid bone
4. Middle cranial fossa
5. Maxillary n.
6. Trigeminal ganglion
7. Tentorium cerebelli
8. Basal turn of the cochlea
9. Trigeminal n.
10. Petrous part of the temporal bone
11. Petro occipital suture
12. Choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle
13. Posterior cranial fossa
14. Cerebellum
15. Lateral pterygoid
16. Sphenoid bone
17. Pterygoid process
18. Medial pterygoid
19. Tensor veli palatini
20. Auditory tube
21. Levator veli palatini
22. Internal carotid a.
23. Internal carotid a.
24. Superior cervical ganglion
22 33 25. Rectus capitis anterior
26. Atlas
CT 27. Atlantooccipital joint
28. Spinal n. C1
29. Obliquus capitis mferior
30. Occipital bone
31. Rectus capitis posterior major
32. * Internal acoustic meatus
33. * Internal Jugular v.
Sagittal Sections 151

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
1 em

4 8 32 13



152 Sagittal Sections

6 9 29 S23
Sagittal section through the medial part of the cochlea, the carotid
canal and the auditory tube.

1. Orbit
2. Superior orbital fissure
3. Lesser wing of the sphenoid bone
4. Maxillary n.
5. Sphenoid bone
6. Middle cranial fossa
7. Trigeminal ganglion
8. Motor part of the trigeminal n.
9. Cochlea
10. Pons
11. Choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle
12. Cerebellum
13. Pterygoid process
14. Medial pterygoid
15. Tensor veli palatini
16. Auditory tube
17. Levator veli palatini
18. Internal carotid a., carotid canal
19. Internal carotid a.
20. Supenor cervical ganglion
21. Rectus capitis anterior
22. Occipital bone
23. Atlas
24. Atlantooccipital joint
18 25. Hypoglossal canal
26. Posterior cranial fossa
CT 27 . Occipital bone
28. Rectus capitis posten or major
29. * Internal acoustic meatus
Sagittal Sections 153

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

6 9 29



18 22
154 Sagittal Sections

Sagittal section through the medial part of the cochlea.

1. Superior orbItal fissure

2. Lesser wing of the sphenoid bone
3. Maxillary n.
4. Trigeminal ganglion
5. Pons
6. Choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle
7. Cerebellum
8. Medial pterygoid
9. Sphenoid bone
10. Tensor veli palatini
11. Auditory tube
12. Levator veli palatini
13. Internal carotid a.
14. Petrous part of the temporal bone, cochlea
15. Petrooccipital suture
16. Rectus capitis anterior
17. Occipital bone
18. Condylar process of the occipital bone
19. Atlantooccipital joint
20. Spinal n. Cl
21. Posterior cranial fossa
22. Occipital bone
23. Rectus capitis posterior major
Sagittal Sections 155

2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
1 em

13 14 21



17 18
156 Sagittal Sections

Sagittal section through the petrous apex.

1. Anterior clinoId process of the sphenoid bone

2. Maxillary n.
3. Oculomotor n.
4. Trigeminal ganglion
5. Petrous part of the temporal bone
6. Mesencephalon
7. Pons
8. Inferior petrosal sinus
9. Choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle
10. Cerebellum
11. Pterygoid process
12. Medial pterygoid
13. Sphenoid bone
14. Tensor veli palatini
15. Auditory tube
16. Levator veli palatmi
17. Internal carotid a.
18. Retropharyngeallymph node
19. Petrooccipital suture
20. Rectus capitis anterior
21. Occipital bone
22. Condylar process of the occipital bone
23. Atlantooccipital Joint
24. Marginal sinus
25. Spinal n. C1
26. Dura mater
27. Rectus capitis posterior major
28. Occipital bone
Sagittal Sections 157

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

I .

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1920 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

A 1cm

5 19




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Subject Index

abducent nerve 18,47,49,51,53,55,57,59,61,63,65 dura mater 6,47,49,53,55,59,61,63,65,67,69,71,73,75,77,79,

accessory meningeal artery 49, 51 87,89,91,93,95,101, 103,105, 108, 116, 118, 156
accessory nerve 28, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 91, 93, 95
aditus ad antrum 14, 16, 87 emissary vein 108, 116
alveolar artery 134 endolymphatic duct 87,89,91,93,95,97,99,134, 136
alveolar nerve 136 epitympanic recess 8, 10, 14, 16, 18,20, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79,
anterior inferior cerebellar artery 14, 16, 18 81,83,85,87, 110, 112, 114, 116, 120, 122, 124
anterior intercavernous sinus 12 external acoustic meatus 20,28, 30, 32, 34,36, 38,65,67,69, 71, 73,
antrum 8, 10 75,77,79,81,83,85,87,89, 108, 110, 112, 114, 116, 118, 120, 122,
aqueduct of vestibule 14, 16, 18 124, 126, 128, 130, 132, 138, 140, 142
articular disk 116 external carotid artery 42, 61, 63
ascending pharyngeal artery 83, 85, 87, 89, 91, 93, 95 external jugular vein 42
atlantooccipital joint 83, 85, 87, 89, 91, 93, 95, 99, 101, 103, 146, 148,
150, 152, 154, 156 facial canal 20, 30, 34,38, 65, 71, 97, 99, 118, 120, 122, 124
atlas 83,85,87,89,91,93,95,99, 101, 103, 105, 148, 150, 152 facial nerve 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 67, 69,
auditory tube 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 142, 144, 71,73,75,77,79,81,83,85,87,89,91,93,95,97, 116, 120, 122,
146, 148, 150,152, 154, 156 124, 126, 128, 130, 132, 134, 136, 138, 140, 142, 144
auricle 73, 75, 99 flocculus 12,14, 16
auricularis posterior 6, 8, 93, 95, 97, 99, 101 foramen cecum 18
auriculotemporal nerve 18, 34, 53, 55, 57, 59, 120, 122, 124, 126, 128, foramen lace rum 22, 24, 26
130, 132 foramen ovale 26, 38,49, 51, 53, 55, 140, 142, 144
foramen rotundum 24
basilar artery 10, 12, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32 foramen singulare 20, 22, 83, 85
basilar plexus 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 42 foramen spino sum 38, 57
basilar venous plexus 38, 40
Bichat's fat pad 110 geniculate ganglion 14, 16, 67, 69
glossopharyngeal nerve 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 85, 146
canal of the stapedius 126 greater petrosal nerve 18,57,59,61,63,65
carotid canal 20,28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 57, 65, 71, 73, 146, 148, 152
cartilage of the auditory tube 28, 32, 34, 36 hypoglossal canal 36,87,89,91,95,97,99,152
cartilage of the auricle 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 26, 28, 32, 69, 71, 73, hypoglossal nerve 36, 38, 40, 42, 89, 91, 93
75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 85, 87, 89, 91, 93, 95, 97 hypophysis 10, 12, 47
cartilage of the external acoustic meatus 20, 24, 26, 30, 32, 63, 65, 67,
69,71,73,75,77,79,81,83,85,87,108, 110, 112, 114, 116 incudomalleolar joint 12,14,16,18,69,71,73,114, 116, 118
cavernous sinus 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 47, 49, 53, 57, 59 incudostapedial joint 79, 81
cerebellar hemisphere 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 incus 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 83,
cerebellum 6,87,89,91,93,95,97,99,101, 103, 105, 150, 152, 154, 85,87,112,114,116,118,120,122,124
156 inferior alveolar artery 47, 49, 51, 53
chorda tympani 20, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67, inferior alveolar nerve 38, 40, 42, 47, 51, 138, 140
69,71,73,75,77,79,81,83,85,87,89,91,93,118, 120, 122, 124, inferior cerebellar peduncle 18
126, 128, 130, 132, 134, 136 inferior petrosal sinus 24,26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69,
choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 87, 89, 91, 93, 71,73,75,77,79,81,83,85, 148, 156
95,97, 150, 152, 154, 156 internal acoustic meatus 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75,
clivus 18, 20, 22, 24 77,79,81,83, 136, 138, 140, 142, 144, 146, 148, 150, 152
cochlea 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, internal carotid artery 8, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34,
71,73,75,77,79,81,83, 136, 138, 140, 142, 144, 146, 148, 150, 36,38,40,42,47,49,51,53,55,57,59,61,63,65,67,69,71,73,
152, 154 75,77,79,81, 148, 150, 152, 154, 156
cochlear nerve 12, 18,20,71,75,77,79 internal carotid venous plexus 22,24,28, 32, 34, 36, 38, 57, 59, 61, 65,
cochlear window (round window) 28, 30, 32, 83, 85, 87, 136, 138, 140, 69, 71, 73, 75
142 internal jugular vein 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 87, 89, 91, 93,95, 140, 142,
cochleariform process 20, 22, 73 144, 146, 148, 150
constrictor pharyngis superior 42, 57, 59 internal vertebral venous plexus 101, 103
intervertebral vein 148
deep temporal nerve 47, 49, 51, 142
digastricus 28, 30, 32, 34, 36,38,40,42, 81, 83, 85, 87, 89, 91, 93, 95, jugular foramen 85, 87, 89, 91, 93, 95, 97, 99, 140, 142, 144, 146, 148
97,99, 101, 118, 120, 122, 124, 126, 128, 132, 134, 136, 138,140,
142, 144 labyrinthine artery 71
dorsum sellae 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 lateral ampullary nerve 79, 126, 128
160 Subject Index

lateral caroticocavernous artery 12 ophthalmic artery 8

lateral osseous ampulla 79 ophthalmic nerve 14, 16, 18,47, 49
lateral pterygoid 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, orbit 150, 152
57, 128, 130, 132, 134, 136, 140, 142, 144, 146, 148, 150 ostium of the auditory tube 38, 40
lateral semicircular canal 12, 14, 16, 18, 75, 81, 83, 85, 87, 89, 91, 93, otic ganglion 28, 30, 51, 53, 55, 142, 144, 146
95,97, 114, 116, 118, 120, 122, 124, 126, 128
lateral wall of the epitympanic recess 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 65, 69, 71, parietal bone 8, 10, 118
73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 85, 87 parotid gland 18, 20, 24, 26, 28, 30, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 47, 49, 51, 53,
levator ve1i palatini 36, 38, 40, 42, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 148, 150, 55,57,59,61,63,65,67,69, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81,83,85,87,110,
152, 154, 156 112, 114, 116, 118, 120, 122, 124, 126, 128, 130, 132, 134
lingual nerve 38, 40, 47, 49, 144 parotid lymph node 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55,
longissimus capitis 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40,42, 101, 103, 105, 124, 63, 65, 83, 85, 8~ 11~ 11~ 116
126, 128, 130 perilymphatic duct 26, 28, 32, 87
longus capitis 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, peripharyngeal space 36, 38, 40, 42
67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 85 petromastoid canal 6, 8, 99, 114, 118, 120, 122, 124
lymph node 89,91, 103, 105 petrooccipital sinus 26, 28, 34, 36
petro occipital suture 150, 154, 156
malleus 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, petrosal nerve 134
114, 116, 118, 120, 122, 124, 126,128, 130, 132 petrosquamous fissure 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32,
mandible 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 32, 34, 36, 38,40, 42, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 38,61,63,65,67,69,71,73,75,77, 79, 81, 83, 85, 87, 89, 91, 93,
57, 114, 116, 118, 120, 122, 124, 126, 128, 130, 132, 134, 136, 138, 95, 110, 112, 114, 116, 118, 120, 122, 124, 126, 128, 132
140, 142, 144 petrosquamous sinus 8, 10, 71, 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 85, 87, 91
mandibular canal 42 petrotympanic fissure 20, 38, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81,
mandibular nerve 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 47, 51, 53, 55, 57, 83, 85, 87, 89, 91, 93, 124
138, 140, 142, 144, 146 pharyngeal recess 36, 38, 40
marginal sinus 156 pharynx 32, 34, 36, 40, 42, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57
masseter 42,47,49,51,114, 116, 118, 120, 122, 124, 126 pons 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 152, 154, 156
mastoid air cell 124, 128 posterior ampullary nerve 20, 22, 24, 26, 83, 85, 87, 89, 138, 140, 142,
mastoid antrum 89, 91, 93, 95 144
mastoid emissary vein 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 posterior auricular artery 6, 8, 10, 12, 20, 89
mastoid fontanelle 18, 97, 99, 101, 103, 108 posterior auricular vein 6
mastoid process 95, 97, 99 posterior cranial fossa 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 85, 87, 89, 91,
maxillary artery 36, 38, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 126, 128, 130, 132, 93, 95, 118, 120, 122, 124, 126, 128, 130, 132, 134, 136, 138, 140,
134, 138, 140, 144, 146 142, 144, 146, 148, 150, 152, 154
maxillary nerve 20, 24, 49, 51, 150, 152, 154, 156 posterior osseous ampulla 20, 22, 24, 28, 91, 93, 95, 134, 136, 138, 140
maxillary vein 24, 26, 28, 38, 40, 55, 57, 59, 126, 128, 130, 132 posterior semicircular canal 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30,
medial pterygoid 36, 38, 40, 42, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 136, 138, 140, 142, 9~ 9~ 101, 103, 118, 12~ 12~ 12~ 12~ 128, 13~ 13~ 134

144, 146, 148, 150, 152, 154, 156 promontory 24, 26, 28, 32, 34, 75, 77, 79, 81, 83
medulla oblongata 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42 pterygoid canal 49, 51
mesencephalon 156 pterygoid process 34, 36, 38, 40, 51, 53, 55, 148, 150, 152, 156
middle cranial fossa 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, pterygoid venous plexus 30, 32, 34, 36, 47, 49, 53, 55
61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 85, 87, 89, 91, 93, 95, pyramidal eminence 22, 24, 28, 89
108, 110, 112, 114, 116, 118, 120, 124, 128, 130, 132, 134, 136, 138, rectus capitis anterior 36, 38, 40, 42, 71, 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 85, 87,
140, 142, 144, 146, 150, 152 150, 152, 154, 156
middle meningeal artery 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, rectus capitis lateralis 40, 42, 99, 101, 103, 136, 138, 140, 142, 144,
34, 36, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 69, 73, 112, 114, 128, 134, 136 146
middle meningeal vein 6, 8, 10, 12, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 61, 69, 73, 95, rectus capitis posterior major 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 138, 140, 142, 144,
97,99 146, 148, 150, 152, 154, 156
modiolus 65, 144 retroauricular lymph node 10, 12, 93
retropharyngeallymph node 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 156
nerve of the pterygoid canal 47,49, 53, 55
saccular nerve 18, 20, 79, 81, 138, 140, 142
obliquus capitis inferior 144, 146, 148, 150 saccule 18, 77, 79, 83
obliquus capitis superior 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, semispinalis capitis 36, 38, 40, 42, 132, 134, 136, 138, 140, 142, 144,
105, 126, 128, 130, 132, 134, 136, 138, 140, 142 146, 148
occipital artery 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 81, 83, 85, 89, 91, sigmoid sinus 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 38, 99,
93, 95, 97, 99, 101, 103, 105, 122, 124, 126, 128, 130, 132, 136, 138 101, 103, 105, 112, 114, 116, 118, 120, 122, 124, 126, 128, 130, 132,
occipital bone 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 40, 42, 83, 85, 87, 89, 91, 134, 136, 138, 142, 144, 146
93, 95, 97, 101, 103, 105, 134, 136, 138, 140, 142, 144, 146, 148, small occipital nerve 122, 124, 126
150, 152, 154, 156 soft palate 47,49, 51, 53
occipital bone, basilar part 36, 38, 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, 69, 71, 73, 75, sphenoid bone 51, 148, 150, 152, 154, 156
77, 79, 81 sphenoid bone, anterior clinoid process 156
occipital bone, squamous part 38 sphenoid bone, body 12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 26, 28,47, 49, 51, 53, 55
occipital condyle 85, 87, 97, 99, 146, 148, 154, 156 sphenoid bone, greater wing 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32,
oculomotor nerve 8, 14, 16,47, 156 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 110, 112, 114, 116, 118, 120, 122, 124,
olive 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30 126, 128, 130, 132, 134, 136, 138, 140, 142, 144, 146
Subject Index 161

sphenoid bone, lesser wing 8, 148, 150, 152, 154 temporal bone, ~quamous part, vertical portion 6, 8, 10, 14, 16, 49,
sphenoid bone, pterygoid process 47, 49 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 85, 87,
sphenoidal fontanelle 108 89,91,93,95,108,110
sphenomandibular ligament 128, 130, 132, 134 temporal bone, tympanic part 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40,
sphenosquamous suture 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 42, 61, 63, 65, 6~ 69, 71, 73, 89, 91, 93, 11~ 118, 120, 122, 124,
110,112, 114, 116, 118, 120, 122, 124, 126,128 126, 128, 130, 132, 134, 136, 138, 140, 142, 144, 146
spinal nerve Cl 148,150,154,156 temporal bone, zygomatic process 57, 110, 112, 114, 116
splenius 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24, 26, 28, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 99, temporalis 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63,
101, 103, 105, 116, 118, 120, 122, 124, 126, 128, 130, 132, 134, 136, 65,67,69, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 108, 110, 112, 114, 116, 118, 120,
138, 140, 142, 144 122, 124, 126, 128, 130, 132, 134, 13~ 138, 140, 14~ 144, 146
stapedius 24,26,28,83,85,87,89,91,93,95,97, 118, 120, 122, 124 temporomandibular joint 18, 20, 22, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 63, 65, 114,
stapes 20, 22, 24, 26, 77, 79, 81, 83, 85, 124, 126, 128, 130, 132 118,120, 122,124
sternocleidomastoid 8, 12, 14, 18, 20, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, tensor tympani 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 124,
42,87,89,91,93,95,97,99,101,103, 105, 112, 114,116, 118, 120 126, 128, 130, 132, 134, 136, 138, 140, 142
stylohyoideus 61 tensor veli palatini 34,36,38,40,47,49,51,53,55,148,150,152,
styloid process 34, 36, 38,40,42,61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 154, 156
81,85,87,89,91,93,95,120, 122, 124, 126, 128, 130, 132, 134, tentorium cerebelli 73, 75, 79, 81, 83, 85, 87, 89, 91, 93, 95, 120, 122,
136, 138, 140, 142, 144 124, 126, 128, 130, 132, 134, 138, 144, 148, 150
stylomastoid artery 22, 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 87, 97, 99, 122 torus tubarius 38, 40

stylopharyngeus 42, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75 transverse facial artery 116
subarachnoid space 6, 8, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, transverse sinus 11
36, 38, 40, 42, 89, 91, 93, 95, 97, 99, 101, 103, 105 trigeminal ganglion 10,12,14,16,18,20,51,53,55,57,59,146, 148,
subarcuate artery 99 150, 152, 154, 156
subarcuate fossa 6, 8, 10, 12, 83,85,87,89,91,93, 95, 97, 126, 128, trigeminal nerve 8, 10, 12, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 150, 152
130,132 trochlear nerve 47 ,
subarcuate vein 10, 99 tympanic cavity 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36,
suboccipital nerve 144 38, 40, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 85, 87, 89,
suboccipital venous plexus 42, 144, 146 91, 93, 118, 120, 122, 124, 126, 128, 130, 132, 134, 13~ 14~ 142,
superficial temporal artery 6, 10, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 144, 146
36,38,53,55,57,59,108, 110, 112, 114, 116, 120, 122, 124, 128, tympanic membrane 26,28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73,
130, 132, 134, 136, 138, 142 75,77,79,81,83,85,87,89,118,120,122,124,126,128,130,132,
superficial temporal vein 6, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24, 26, 28, 40, 53, 55, 59, 134, 136, 138, 140, 142
112,114, 120, 122, 124, 128, 130, 136, 138 tympanic nerve 30, 32, 34, 36, 79, 81, 83, 146
superior ampullary nerve 77, 79, 126, 128 tympanic sinus 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 95
superior bulb of the jugular vein 32 tympanopetrous fissure 120, 122, 126, 128, 130, 132, 134, 136, 138,
superior cerebellar artery 10, 12 140, 142, 144, 146
superior cervical ganglion 81, 150, 152 tympanosquamous fissure 24,26,28, 30, 32, 61, 65, 67, 69, 81, 83, 85,
superior ophthalmic vein 12 87,89,91,93, 114,116, 124, 126
superior orbital fissure 150, 152, 154
superior osseous ampulla 77, 79, 81, 83 utricle 77, 79, 81, 83
superior petrosal sinus 24,26,28,30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, utricular nerve 18, 77, 79, 81
71,73,75,77,79,81,83,85, 148, 156 utriculoampullary nerve 75, 77, 79, 81, 130, 132, 134, 136, 138, 140,
superior petrosal vein 8, 10 142
superior semicircular canal 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 85,
87,89,91,93,116,118, 120, 122, 124, 126, 128, 130, 132, 134 vagus nerve 28, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 85, 87, 89, 91, 93, 95, 146, 148
vein of the lateral recess of the fourth ventricle 14, 16
tegmen tympani 6, 38, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 85, 87, venous plexus of the hypoglossal canal 36, 38, 85, 87, 89, 91, 93, 95
112, 114, 116, 118, 120, 122, 124, 126, 128, 130, 132 vermis 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18
tela choroidea of the fourth ventricle 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 vertebral artery 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 101, 103, 105
temporal bone, petro us part 20, 22, 32, 36, 38, 40, 42, 57, 59, 61, 63, vestibular ganglion 14, 16
65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 85, 87, 89, 91, 93, 95, 97, 99, vestibular nerve 14, 16, 20, 75, 144
101, 103, 105, 110, 112, 114, 116, 118, 120, 126, 130, 132, 136, 138, vestibular window (oval window) 20, 77, 79, 81, 83, 85, 128, 130, 132
140, 142, 144, 146, 150, 156 vestibule 20,22,24,26, 77, 79, 81, 85, 87, 89, 91,93, 124, 126, 128,
temporal bone, squamous part 47, 51, 93, 112, 114, 116 130, 132, 134, 136, 138, 140
temporal bone, squamous part, horizontal portion 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, vestibule (saccule) 75
18, 20, 22, 24, 28, 30, 38, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, vestibule (utricle) 14, 16, 18, 75
77,79,81,87,89,110, 112, 114, 116, 118, 120, 122, 124, 126, 128 vestibulocochlear nerve 12, 14, 16, 18, 73, 146
temporal bone, squamous part, retromeatic portion 22, 24, 26, 28, 30,
32,89,91,93,95,112, 116, 118 zygomatic process 12, 14, 16, 38, 47, 49, 51, 53

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