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I ECEE OD-2025-B

Edition 1 .2 201 6-06-01



I E C S ys t e m o f C o n f o r m i t y As s e s s m e n t S c h e m e s f o r E l e c t r o t e c h n i c a l

E q u i p m e n t a n d C o m p o n e n t s ( I E C E E S ys t e m )

CTF - Cu stom ers' Testi n g Faci l i ty

CTF Assessm en t R eport

(CTF Stages 3 and 4)

I ECE E OD -2025-B: 201 6(EN )

C o p yri g h t © 2 0 1 6 I E C , G e n e v a , S w i t z e rl a n d

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I ECEE OD-2025-B

Edition 1 .2 201 6-06-01



I E C S ys t e m o f C o n f o r m i t y As s e s s m e n t S c h e m e s f o r E l e c t r o t e c h n i c a l

E q u i p m e n t a n d C o m p o n e n t s ( I E C E E S ys t e m )

CTF - Cu sto m ers' Testi n g Faci l i ty

CTF Assessm en t R epo rt

(CTF Stages 3 and 4)

< R epo rt n u m ber>

CTF n am e

C TF a d d r e s s

Date o f assessm en t: yyyy-m m -d d


CTF Stage 3/4 < Report number >
Assessment Report

To be determ ined.

Document Owner
CMC WG 3 "Utilization of Custom ers’ Testing Facilities"

History of chang es

Date Brief summary of changes

The following sub-clauses have been updated: 1 . 2, 2. 4, 4, 5. 2, 8
201 6-06-01 The following sub-clause has been deleted: 5. 3
A new Annex 6 has been added.

Effective date Targ et revision date

201 6-06-01 201 9-06-01

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C T F S t a g e 3 /4 < R e po rt n u m ber >

As s e s s m e n t R e p o r t

1 As s e s s m e n t d e t a i l s

1 .1 T yp e o f As s e s s m e n t

Initial Assessm ent (I A) Annu al Assessm ent (AA)

Scope Extension (SE) Follow-up Assessm ent (FA)
Re-Location Assessm ent (RLA) Re-Assessm ent (RA)

1 .2 P ro d u ct C at eg o ri e s co v ered b y th e asses sm en t



Refer to Ann ex 1 Scope of CTF for a com plete li st of the scope of the assessment

1 .3 P r e v i o u s As s e s s m e n t R e p o r t s – R e p o r t N o . an d D ate

1 .4 CTF Stag e

Sel ect th e appl i cabl e stag e(s)

Stag e 3 Stag e 4

1 .5 CTF Con tact I n form ati o n

Contact Person
Em ail

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CTF Stage 3/4 < Report number >
Assessment Report

1 .6 Assessment Team
Lead Assessor Assessor
Nam e

Title and
Org anization

1 .7 Assessment Base
IECEE 01 – Basic rules
IECEE 02 – Rules of Procedure
ISO/IEC 1 7025
OD-2006 – Gu idelines for assessors
OD-2048 – Third Party U tilization of Custom er’s Testing Facilities
OD-2034 – Operation of a Local Technical Representative (LTR) for the I ECEE CTF Program
(applicable in case the assessment is conducted by an LTR or the CTF is used by an LTR)
The above assessm ent base docum ents are to be the l atest publish ed editions

2 Organisation
2.1 NCB and Manufacturer/Applicant undertaking the responsibility for the CTF
(One assessment report per NCB)

Responsible N CB: Responsible Manufacturer/Applicant:

Address: Address:

2.2 Responsible persons present during the assessment of the CTF

(Other than the assessment team)

Responsible N CB* Nam e of Manufacturer/Applicant representative:

Nam e:

CBTL requested by the resp. NCB* Nam e of CTF representative:

Nam e:

*Whenever applicable

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C T F S t a g e 3 /4 < R e po rt n u m ber >

As s e s s m e n t R e p o r t

2. 3 B ri ef h i s to ry of th e CTF

I n cl u d e i n fo rm ati o n abou t th e l eg al statu s o f th e CTF an d own ersh i p (see I SO/I E C 1 7025, cl au se 4. 1 . 1 an d OD-2048,

cl au se 4. 1 . 1 )

Co m pl ete th i s secti o n for I n i ti al As sessm en t an d fo r o th er Asse ssm en ts com pl ete o n l y wi th u pd ates si n ce th e l ast

assessm en t .

2. 4 O rg an i s at i o n of th e CTF (refer to An nex 2 Org anisati on Chart(s) )

The testing laboratory is owned by Manufacturer/Custom er Yes

I f " N o " , expl ai n h ow co n ti n u ed co m pl i an ce o f th e CTF wi th th e rel evan t req u i rem en ts o f I SO/I E C 1 7025 an d OD-2048,

cl au se 4. 1 . 2 i s m ai n tai n ed .

3 Perso n n el Stru ctu re

3. 1 E m p l o ye e s

Num ber of people working in the overall CTF testing area:

Num ber of people involved with the p ro d u ct testing activity of the CTF
within the scope of this assessm ent

3. 2 C T F M an ag e rs re s p o n s i b l e fo r Te s t i n g Faci l i t y

Position Experience
(title) Years of checked and To whom do they
Nam e and field of relevant appropriate report?
expertise experience Yes No

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CTF Stage 3/4 < Report number >
Assessment Report

3.3 Principal CTF staff involved in testing

Position Years of checked and
Nam e (title) relevant appropriate To whom do they
and field of experience report?
expertise Yes No

3.4 CTF staff involved in the Quality Management System and Calibration activities
Position Experience
(title) Years of checked and To whom do they
Nam e and field of relevant appropriate report?
expertise experience Yes No

3.5 Assessment of the CTF staff competence

Briefly describe how the staff competence was assessed e.g. interview, CV check, demonstration of technical
decisions, knowledge of the standard, reviewing of the Test Reports, etc.

4 CTF Testing premises

Total CTF testing laboratory area m²

Total CTF testing area in the scope of the assessm ent m²

Is the power distribution system sufficient/appropriate in Yes No

the scope of recognition?
Annex 5 CTF Power Suppl y Capabilities to be com pleted and attached.

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As s e s s m e n t R e p o r t

5 Q u a l i t y M a n a g e m e n t , Te c h n i c a l an d I E C E E R eq u i rem en t s

5. 1 Q u a l i t y M a n a g e m e n t S ys t e m

Is the CTF Accredited by a reputable Accreditation Body?

(if availabl e, append the Accreditation Certificate as Annex 3 "Accredi tation
Certificate(s) rel evant to th e CB-Schem e/CB-FCS")
I f th e CTF i s accred i ted , ch eck th e sco pe co vered b y th e accred i tati o n . I f th e Yes No
CTF is n ot accred i ted or if th e CTF d o es n ot m ake th e accred i tati o n scope

avai l abl e, th e q u al i t y m an ag em en t s ystem of th e CTF sh al l be exam i n ed in

d etai l .

The accreditation covers the product categories/standards Yes No N/A

covered by this assessm ent

St ru ct u re o f t h e Q u a l i t y M an ag em en t S ys t em

Brief description

The following elem ents are in com pliance with the referenced I SO/I EC 1 7025 Su b-clauses:

D o c u m en t c o n t ro l , Su b- Cl au se 4. 3

Yes No Reviewed evidence:

R evi ew o f req u est s, t e n d e rs an d c o n t ra c t s , Su b -Cl au s e 4. 4

Yes No Reviewed evidence:

Su b co n tracti n g o f t ests , Su b- Cl au s e 4. 5

CFTs are not perm itted to subcontract testing

Pu rch as i n g s e rvi ce s an d s u p p l i es , Su b-C l au se 4. 6

Yes No Reviewed evidence:

I d en ti fy appl i cabl e pro ced u res. Pro ced u re n am e an d /o r ti tl es can be pro vi d ed as evi d en ce.

Veri fy al l appl i cabl e con su m abl es su ch as ch eesecl oth , ti ssu e paper, th erm o co u pl e wi re an d

g l u e, sol ven ts, etc.

Veri fy reco rd s, su ch as pu rch ase o rd ers o r recei pts.

S erv i c e t o t h e C u s t o m e r, Su b- Cl au s e 4. 7

Yes No Reviewed evidence:

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As s e s s m e n t R e p o r t

C o n t ro l o f re co rd s , Su b -cl au s e 4. 1 3

Yes No Reviewed evidence:

Com pl ai n ts, Su b -C l au s e 4. 8

(ve ri f y co m p l ai n t res o l u ti o n p ro ced u res rel a ted to l aborator y o perati on s)

Yes No Reviewed evidence:

C o n t ro l o f n o n c o n fo rm i n g t esti n g w o r k, Su b-Cl au se 4. 9

Yes No Reviewed evidence:

I m p ro v e m en t , Su b- Cl au se 4. 1 0

Yes No Reviewed evidence:

C o rre c t i v e a c t i o n , Su b- Cl au se 4. 1 1

Yes No Reviewed evidence:

P rev en t i ve a c t i o n , Su b- Cl au se 4 . 1 2

Yes No Reviewed evidence:

I n tern al au d i ts, Su b-Cl au se 4. 1 4

Yes No Reviewed evidence:

M an ag em en t revi ews, Su b-C l au s e 4. 1 5

Yes No Reviewed evidence:

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As s e s s m e n t R e p o r t

5. 2 Te c h n i c a l R eq u i rem en ts

The following elem ents are in com pliance with the referenced I SO/I EC 1 7025 Sub-clauses:
Descri be wh eth er pro ced u res fo r sam pl e h an d l i n g , com pon en t acceptan ce, perfo rm an ce of cri ti cal tests, ,

cal i brati o n of eq u i pm en t, m easu rem en t accu rac y /u n certai n t y, trai n i n g an d o th er rel evan t i tem s from

I SO/I E C 1 7025, cl au se 5 are avai l abl e an d appropri ate.

Perso n n el , Su b- cl au se 5. 2

Yes No Reviewed evidence:

Ac c o m m o d a t i o n an d en vi ro n m en tal con d i ti on s, Su b-cl au s e 5. 3 (See also Annex 5 CTF Power Su ppl y

Capabil ities)

Yes No Reviewed evidence:

Test an d cal i b rati on m eth od s an d m eth o d val i d ati o n , Su b- Cl au se 5. 4

Yes No Reviewed evidence:

Eq u i p m en t, Su b- cl au se 5. 5

Yes No Reviewed evidence:

M e a s u r e m e n t T r a c e a b i l i t y, Su b-cl au se 5. 6 (See also An nex 4 Application of Measu rem ent Uncertainty


Yes No Reviewed evidence:

Veri fy th at th e cal i brati o n certi fi cates i n cl u d e m easu rem en t u n certai n ty val u es.

Sam p l i n g , Su b-Cl au se 5. 7

Yes No Reviewed evidence:

H an d l i n g of test i tem s, Su b- Cl au s e 5. 8

Yes No Reviewed evidence:

As s u ri n g t h e q u al i t y o f t es t re s u l t s , Su b- Cl au se 5. 9

Yes No Reviewed evidence:

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As s e s s m e n t R e p o r t

Rep orti n g th e resu l t s, Su b-Cl au se 5. 1 0 (See also OD-2020)

Yes No Reviewed evidence:

5. 3 I E C E E R e q u i re m e n t s fo r C TF S t a g e s 3 a n d 4

The following elem ents are included in the CTF’s procedures as appropriate for a CTF an d
im plem ented in practice:
I E C E E R u l e s o f P ro ce d u re & G u i d an c e

Yes No Reviewed evidence:

I E C E E O perati on al Do cu m en ts

Yes No Reviewed evidence:

CTL D ec i si o n s

Yes No Reviewed evidence:

U s e o f a p p ro p ri at e I E C St an d a rd s

Yes No Reviewed evidence:

C u rren t D e ci s i o n s

Yes No Reviewed evidence:

6 . P r o f i c i e n c y Te s t i n g Pro g ram m e s (Compulsory for CTF Stages 3 & 4)

I n d i cate th e l abo rato ry’ s parti ci pati o n in an y co m parati ve testi n g pro g ram s an d fo r n ew l abo rato ri es, l abo ratori es

seeki n g scope exten si on , read i n ess fo r taki n g part i n th e I E CEE CTL PTP.

I n d i cate wi l l i n g n ess to parti ci pati o n i n CTL m eeti n g s fo r I E CEE Sch em es.

Al so m en ti on an y rel evan t i n fo rm ati o n abou t th e staff parti ci pati o n i n stan d ard s acti vi ti es.

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As s e s s m e n t R e p o r t

7 N u m ber o f N o n - Co n fo rm i t y R e po rts ( N C R ) i ssu e d

Num ber of NCRs appended

8 R e c o m m e n d a t i o n o f t h e As s e s s m e n t Te a m

This assessm ent has been a sam pling exercise and thus every aspect of the CTF’s activities
has not been covered. It does not follow, therefore, that non-conform ances do not exist in
areas where none have been reported in this assessm ent report.
Standard Recom m endations:(Please check the appropriate recomm endation)
1 . The Assessm ent Team recomm ends acceptance of
the assessed CTF for the scope(s) as reported in
Annex 1 Scope of CTF of this Assessm ent Report
2. The Assessm ent Team recomm ends acceptance of
the assessed CTF for the scope(s) as reported in
Annex 1 Scope of CTF of this Assessm ent Report
subj ect to clearance of the outstanding Non-
Conform ity Reports
3. The Assessm ent Team recomm ends that the
acceptance of the assessed CTF is postponed u ntil a
further follow-up assessm ent is carried out and is
fou nd satisfactory.
9 Ad d i t i o n a l I n fo rm at i o n

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CTF Stage 3/4 < Report number >
Assessment Report
1 0 Signatures of the Assessment Team

Date: yyyy-mm-dd
Lead Assessor Assessor
Sig nature Signature

Printed nam e Printed nam e

1 1 Acknowledgement by the assessed CTF and Customer

I acknowledg e and agree with the content I acknowledge and agree with the content
of the Assessm ent Report. of the Assessm ent Report.

I acknowledg e the content of the I acknowledge the content of the

Assessm ent Report and we disagree for Assessm ent Report and we disagree for
the following reasons: the following reasons:

CTF Representative Manufacturer/Custom er Representative

Sig nature Signature

Printed nam e and title Printed nam e and title

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CTF Stage 3/4 < Report number >
Assessment Report
Annex 1 Scope of CTF
Provide specific exclusion for or applicable clauses whichever is more practical.

Category Standard Details (see note below)

Note: For clarity and consisten cy, use the foll owing term s in the Details colum n:
“All clauses” – wh ere the CTF i s accepted for all tests under a standard, or
“All clauses except … ” (list the excepti ons), or
“Accepted clauses… ” (list the accepted clauses)

Annex 2 Organisation Chart(s)

Annex 3 Accreditation Certificate(s) relevant to the CB-Scheme/CB-FCS

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CTF Stage 3/4 < Report number >
Assessment Report

Annex 4 Application of Measurement Uncertainty concepts

1 . Laboratory procedure for application of Measurement Uncertainty
Does the CTF have a docum ented operating procedure on application of Yes No
uncertainty of m easurem ent?
Docum ent N um ber: Docum ent Title:

2. Measurement Uncertainty references in the CTF

Does the CTF have access to the I SO/I EC GU M or G UI DE 98-3 "Guide Yes No
to the Expression of U ncertainty in Measurem ent" ?
Does the CTF have access to the I EC G uide 1 1 5, “Application of
Uncertainty of Measurem ent to Conform ity Assessm ent Activities in the Yes No
Electrotechnical Sector?”

3. Competency of CTF Staff in Measurement Uncertainty concepts

Do all the laboratory staff have knowledge of the basic concepts of Yes No
uncertainty of m easurem ent?
Can the laboratory staff select instrum entation and m ake pass/fail Yes No
decisions taking m easurem ent uncertainty into accou nt?
Are selected laboratory staff sufficientl y expert in uncertainty of Yes No
m easurem ent to calculate m easurem ent uncertainties associated with
test equipm ent and testing perform ed?
Nam es of persons:

Were the training records of the select laboratory staff checked? Yes No
Were exam ples of uncertainty of m easurem ent calculations for actu al
tests perform ed in the laboratory by the select laboratory staff reviewed Yes No
and found to be acceptable?
Subj ect exam ple 1
Subj ect exam ple 2
Subj ect exam ple 3

4. Laboratory/Facilities compliance with the Measurement Uncertainty requirements

Does the CTF com pl y with all the above Measurem ent U ncertainty Yes No
Requirem ents? (if No, N CR to be issued)

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CTF Stage 3/4 < Report number >
Assessment Report

Annex 5 CTF Power Supply Capabilities

1. Electrical Power Distribution System for Testing

Is the electrical power distribution system appropriate for the scope of Yes No
recognition according to I SO/I EC 1 7025:2005, Su b-clause 5. 3?

2. Electrical Power Supply Stability

When not otherwise specified in the testing standard, laboratory power sources used for
testing m eet the following criteria, at the point where testing is perform ed under both loaded
and no-load conditions, according to CTL-OP1 1 0:
Voltag e stability: +/- 3 percent m axim um
Frequency stability: +/- 2 percent m axim um
Total harm onic distortion: 5 percent m axim um
The laboratory power supplies m eet additional specific criteria Yes No N/A
required by the test standard?

IEC Standard num bers/titles and clauses:

Com m ents about the laboratory’s power distribution system inclu ding its capacity and stability
for testing equipm ent with in the scope of this assessm ent

3. Electrical Power Supply Monitoring

The laboratory/facilities has/have an operating procedure to m onitor,

control and record characteristics of the laboratory/facilities power Yes No
supplies used for testing to ensure continued conform ance with the
requirem ents.
Docum ent N um ber: Docum ent Title:
The laboratory’s/facilities’ operating procedure requires the laboratory
power suppl y characteristics to be checked u pon initial installation, Yes No
m odification and repair, and periodicall y thereafter

The laboratory’s/facilities’ operating procedures require m onitoring of

critical characteristics specified by the test standard (e.g. voltage) Yes No
throughout the perform ance of the test.

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As s e s s m e n t R e p o r t

An n e x 6 T e s t i n g L a b o r a t o r y R i s k M a n a g e m e n t R e vi e w C a p a b i l i t i e s

(These requi rem ents apply to assessm ent of the capability of Testing Laboratori es to appl y Risk Managem en t
requirem ents of I SO 1 4971 an d docum ent the obj ective evi dence of conform ity requi red by the Stan dard. )

Yes No
1 .1 L ab o r at o ry p ro c ed u re f o r R i s k M an ag em en t

Does the CTF have a docum ented operating procedure on application of risk
m anagem ent?
Docum ent title:
Docum ent num ber:
1 .2 Ri sk M an ag em en t R eferen ces i n th e Lab orato ry Yes No

Does the CTF use the current m ethodolog y of I ECEE G uide OD-2044?

Does the CTF appl y the relevant edition of I SO 1 4971 in requ esting objective evidence
for com pliance with this standard?
1 .3 Co m p et en c y o f L abo rat o ry St aff i n R i sk M an ag em en t Co n cepts Yes No

Were the training records, CVs and other risk managem ent qu alifications of the select
laboratory staff checked?
Do the laboratory personnel involved in risk m anagem ent evaluations have knowledge of
the risk m anagem ent requirem ents in I SO 1 4971 ?

P ri n c i p al St aff I n vo l ved In R i sk M an ag em en t E val u ati on

E xp eri e n c e
Po si ti on (Ti tl e) Years of
C h e c ke d & To wh om do
N am e an d Fi el d of R el evan t
Ap p ro p ri a t e t h e y rep o rt ?
E xp ert i s e E xp eri en c e
Yes No

Can the Laboratory staff select appropriate risk m anagem ent file inform ation and m ake
pass/fail decisions taking risk m anagem ent concept into accou nt?
Do the reviewed Test Reports show objective evidence of com pliance dem onstrated by
comm ents and specific references to m anufacturer’s Risk Manag em ent docum ents?

1 . 4 L a b o ra t o r y c o m p l i a n c e w i t h t h e R i s k M an a g em e n t re q u i re m en t s Yes No

Does the Body com ply wi th all the above Risk Manag em ent Requirem ents?

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CTF Stage 3/4 < Report number >
Assessment Report

Non-Conformity Reports
Non-conformity Report No / Date YYYY-MM-DD

Categories concerned

Clause / Sub-clause of
Non-Conform ity
Non-conform ity description

Lead Assessor Manag em ent Representative

Sig nature and printed nam e Signature, printed nam e and title

Root Cause of N on-conform ity

Proposed Corrective Action(s)

I m plem entation date Managem ent representative

Signature, printed nam e, title and date

Proposed Corrective Action(s) acceptance

Acceptance, no further verification requ ired
Acceptance, further verification of im plem entation is required, without on-site follow-
up assessm ent
Acceptance, further verification of im plem entation is required, with on-site follow-u p
assessm ent
Lead Assessor (Signature, printed nam e and date)

OD-2025-B Ed 1 . 2 17 © I EC – I ECEE 201 6

201 6-06-01
Disclaim er: This docum ent is controlled an d h as been released electronical ly.
Only the versi on on the I ECEE Website is the current docum ent version
C T F S t a g e 3 /4 < R e po rt n u m ber >

As s e s s m e n t R e p o r t

N o n - co n f o rm i t y R e p o rt N o / Date YYYY-MM-DD

Categories concerned

Clause / Sub-clause of
Non-Conform ity
I m p l em e n tati o n veri fi ed an d fi n al c l e a ran ce p ro v i d ed b y Lead As s e s s o r

Lead Assessor signature, printed nam e and date

OD-2025-B Ed 1 . 2 18 © I EC – I ECEE 201 6

201 6-06-01
Disclaim er: This docum ent is controlled an d h as been released electronical ly.
Only the versi on on the I ECEE Website is the current docum ent version

I ECEE Secretariat c/o I EC

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CH-1 21 1 Geneva 20 CH-1 21 1 Geneva 20
Switzerland Switzerland

Tel: + 41 22 91 9 02 1 1 Tel: + 41 22 91 9 02 1 1
info@iec. ch secretariat@iecee. org
www. iec. ch www. iecee. org

OD-2025-B Ed 1 . 2 19 © I EC – I ECEE 201 6

201 6-06-01
Disclaim er: This docum ent is controlled an d h as been released electronical ly.
Only the versi on on the I ECEE Website is the current docum ent version

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