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Introduction to Academic and Research Report Writing

Samir Roy, Professor of Computer Science and Engineering,

National Institute of Technical Teachers’ Training and Research, Kolkata
Block FC, Sector III, salt Lake City, Kolkata 700106

This e-content provides a general introduction to writing academic and research reports.
Among other issues, we are going to discuss the typical structure of such reports and also, a
step by step guidance to write academic and research reports that are clear, concise and
effective. In this text, you will be exposed to the following

A) Definition of an academic and research report

B) Characteristics of a good academic and research report
C) The overall structure of an academic and research report
D) A step by step procedure to write an academic and research report

A) What is an Academic/Research Report ?

What is an academic/research report ? First of all, any report should be written with a clear
purpose in mind, and it should address a particular audience. Relevant data and evidence
must be presented, analysed and applied to the topic under consideration. A report, especially
an academic/research report, should have a structured format with well-defined chapters,
sections and subsections so that the contents are easy to locate and follow.

Report Brief

When asked to write a report, a report brief is usually provided. It consists of instructions and
guidelines. The report brief should outline the purpose, audience and problem or issue that
the report is supposed to address. Occasionally specific requirements for format or structure
are also provided. In this material a general introduction to report writing is presented.
However, the learner must take account of specific instructions given to him/her.
B) Characteristics of a Good Academic/Research Report

An academic/research report is often used as form of written assessment because of the

following reasons:

 It represents what one has learned through study, research or work.

 It helps to develop an important skill that is indispensable in academics as well as at

An academic report presents various facts and evidences relevant to its subject matter. It
should acknowledge all sources and these should be referenced throughout. Plagiarism
is a crucial issue in today’s work. The report writer must take care of this. The language of
an academic report is usually precise, concise and clear. A well-written academic/research
report should have following qualities:

 It should serve the purpose stated in report brief and conform to its specifications.
 It should process and interpret relevant data.
 It should presents the content in a logical and coherent manner.
 It should be consistent with the instructions of the report brief.
 It should present conclusions that are rational and based on the evidence and
 It should contain appropriate rational recommendations where required.

C) The Overall Structure of a Report

Now we describe the main features of a report. The purpose is to provide a general guide.
Therefore, these should be used in the context of the specific kind of academic report you are
supposed to and going to write.

Title Page

The title page contains the title of the report along with the purpose of the report. Other details
e.g., description of name, the date, affiliation etc. are also included in the title page.
Terms of Reference

Under this heading one can briefly explain about the motivation, and methods followed in the
report, occasionally in the form of a suitable or a single paragraph. Moreover, sometimes this
terms of reference are integrated in the title page itself.

Abstract / Summery

The Abstract or Summery is a very important section of the report. It briefly describes the
content of the report, which includes the aim, background, methodology, findings etc. This
should be accommodated in a single page. Detailed discussions are not required. Only outline
of the main points need to be included. Please note that people read the summary more often
than the rest of the report. Therefore, it should be written in such a way that the reader gets a
clear and concise overview of the entire report.

The Table of Contents

This page provides the list of different chapters, sections, subsections etc. along with the
corresponding page numbers. The purpose of the contents page is to enable the reader
quickly scan the list of headings and locate them efficiently. Numbering system used in the
report should be clear and consistent over the entire body of the report.


The introduction acts as a prelude to the main body of the report. It should explain clearly the
aims and objectives of the report under consideration. Introduction contains such important
features as the background, motivation, literature survey etc. of the entire report. The
constructions should be clearly defined. Research methodology, novelty of approach, main
constraints and major conclusions are to be concisely included in the Introduction section.

Methodology / Technique

This chapter/section contains detailed discussions on various aspects of the methodology or

technique followed in the work. Many details, e.g. procedures followed, equipment used,
sources of materials, precautions etc. are included here.

This results section includes the description of the results of the investigation or experiment.
It is augmented with appropriate diagrams, graphs or tables, supporting findings. Results
should be presented in a logical order. While the main findings can be included in this chapter,
the detailed interpretation should be left to the Discussion section. However, depending on
the volume of the work, the chapters on Result and Discussion may be combined together
into a single chapter called “Results and Discussion”.


Strictly speaking, you discuss your materials throughout the main body of the report. However,
the data and results you have collected must be analysed and discussed in the context of the
problem or issue. In case the discussion is long, it may be partitioned into the sections. We
recommend using bullet points to present multiple points in a lucid manner just like the whole
report. All sources used must be acknowledged and correctly referenced.


The conclusion section briefly sums-up the contents of the previous chapter. It shows the
overall significance of what has been covered. No new material is presented in the conclusion
section. It only highlights the main points of the reports. Sometimes, you like to give indicators
on further works that can be done future.


The bibliography lists all references, either in alphabetical order by author, or by the order of
appearance in the report. All published sources must be referred to in the report. Different
styles of using references and bibliography are in vogue. One has to conform to the specific
convention followed by concerned authority.


If you wish to acknowledge the contribution / support of particular organisations or individuals

in carrying out the work, or writing the report, you should provide it at the end of the report.
D) A Step by Step Procedure to Write a Report

Writing an effective academic/research report requires time for planning and preparation. If
planned carefully the writing of a report become easier. We now describe the essential steps
of report writing. Estimate the time each stage is likely to take and then manage the available
time accordingly. You must set aside time of final proof reading and checking.

Step 1 : Understanding the Purpose of the Report

This is the most important step. Success of your effort depends on the clear understanding
of the purpose of your report. Who the report is for? And why it is being written? Ensure that
you understand all the instructions or requirements. Clarify at the beginning anything that
needs clarification.

Step 2 : Collect Data / Information / Evidences

Once the purpose of your report is clarified, you require to collect related data/Information.
There are various sources of information. To what extent you need information depends on
how much details you want to incorporate in the report. A good way to begin is to read relevant
literature, widen your understanding of the topic or issue, then you look for other information
e.g. questionnaires, surveys etc. While you read and collect information, try to ensure its
relevance to your topic and select accordingly.

Step 3 : Organize Material

When collection of information is over, you have to decide what should be included and the
sequence in which these should be arranged. A good practice is to begin by grouping together
the related points in chapters, sections and subsections. The material should be ordered in a
logical and lucid sequence.

Step 4 Analyse

Prior to writing the first draft, consider carefully and make notes on your points, keep the facts
and evidences ready. Ponder over the conclusion that can be drawn from the material.
Consider the intimations or flaws in the evidence. Remember that it is not sufficient to just
present the information you have prepared. It must be relevant to the problem or issue
concerning your report.
Step 5 : Write the Report

Now that you have organised your material as a sequence of chapters, sections and
subsections, it is time to write the first draft of the report. Usually the summary and contents
pages are written at the end, because only then you know exactly what are being included
and where. A direct and precise writing style is preferred. Chapters, Sections, Subsection
etc. should be logically organised. A sample structure is as follows :

 Introduce the core content of the chapter/section/ subsection.

 Explain and expand the core idea, define the key terms.
 Present appropriate evidence to establish your point(s).
 Elaborate on each evidence and rationalize it.
 Conclude the chapters/section/subsection. (This can be done by showing its
importance to the entire report or making a link to the next chapter/section subsection.)

Step 6 : Reviewing and Redrafting

While reviewing and redrafting the initial document you should be prepared to make
modifications according to your review. The most important step is to study the draft from the
reader’s point of view. Is it understandable? Are the points concisely but clearly explained
and supported by relevant evidence? Analyse your first draft from such perspectives and
incorporate the changes that you deem fit.

Step 7 : Present the Contents

Once you have finalized the contents and structure of your report, consider the presentation
of your material. This include checking the wording of each chapter / section / subsection with
respect to clarity, conforming to the accepted format and instruction consistency check
numbering of chapters, sections etc. Ensure that all sources are acknowledged and
appropriately referenced. Proof read entire document, probably several times. If there are
errors in presentation or expression, you may invite criticism and bad impression.

This is a very brief introduction to Academic and Research Report Writing. Our purpose was
to get a general introduction to this subject. In this lesson, we have learnt the typical structure
of such reports. Moreover, we have received a step by step guidance for the purpose of writing
clear, concise and effective reports. It is expected that you will find this material useful while
writing your own academic/research reports.

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