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ITEC 7410: Action/Evaluation Plan

Name: Lauren Pittman Semester: Summer 2021

Goal: Skilled Teachers

During the 2021-2022 school year, teachers will evaluate 4 of their own lessons that
use technology. The teachers will evaluate the lessons and determine their current
place on the SAMR model. These teachers will recreate the same 4 lessons moving
up at a minimum of the Modification level within the model. This will promote the
use of technology beyond drills and multiple-choice assessments.
Evaluation Method: Success Indicator:

● Compare/contrast of lessons before/after 90% of teachers can accurately identify the 4

using the SAMR Model levels of the SAMR model and give examples of
each of the levels
● Survey of knowledge before/after SAMR
training 90% of teachers correctly redesigning current
lessons in alignment with the SAMR model

Strategies Timeline Budget/Funding Source Person(s) Responsible

Teachers will be July 2021 Initial Survey-No cost--using Local School

administered surveys survey Google or Microsoft Technology
based on their current Forms Coordinator (LSTC)
knowledge of the May 2020 Post survey and Assistant Principal
SAMR model and their (AP) overseeing
knowledge after PD technology usage &
experiences. integration

Local school
teacher-tech leadership
team to assist

Participating teachers
Teachers will be July 2021-May 2022 In-house PD-no
required to attend PD cost--administered by LSTC & AP
related to tech ● SAMR model LSTC and teacher-tech
integration and SAMR training within leadership team Local school
the week of teacher-tech leadership
● Evaluation of pre-planning team to assist
current lessons (3 hours)
and tech ● Monthly Participating teachers
integration SAMR/technol
ogy training
● Evaluation of during county
redesigned mandated
lessons and digital days
tech integration (1 hr/month

SU 19
ITEC 7410: Action/Evaluation Plan
Name: Lauren Pittman Semester: Summer 2021

● Modeling of
SAMR lessons
by LSTC and

● Collaboration
teachers during
the redesign

Goal: Instructional Change

To further develop impactful, student-centered lessons, teachers will implement 2 of
the 4 lessons redesigned using the SAMR model. In addition to the SAMR model,
these 2 lessons need to align with the ISTE Standards for Students. These 2 lessons
will be part of the yearly RBES evaluation and administered 2nd semester.
Evaluation Method: Success Indicator:
● RBES Evaluations
● Creation of lesson plans 100% of the teachers participating will create
● Reflection of lessons created and implement lessons using the ISTE Standards
for Students and the SAMR model (Modification
level minimum)

Strategies Timeline Budget/Funding Source Person(s) Responsible

All teachers will attend Preplanning July 2021 No cost--in house PD LSTC
required PD related to (2 hours)
ISTE student standards Teachers
Teachers will attend Monthly (1 hour) No cost--in house PD LSTE and tech team
monthly PD related to
ISTE and other Teachers
technology standards
● Collaboration
● Evaluation
● Creation
Administration and January 2022-May No Cost AP and principal
evaluation of lessons 2022 (RBES evaluation)
Reflection of January 2022-May No Cost Teachers
implemented lessons 2022 LSTC
Teacher Tech Team

SU 19
ITEC 7410: Action/Evaluation Plan
Name: Lauren Pittman Semester: Summer 2021

Survey of PD provided May 2022 No Cost--Google or LSTC

related to SAMR and Microsoft Forms AP/Principal
ISTE training
Goal: Student Focused
During the 2021-2022 school year, students will increase their digital literacy and the use of the 4C’s
(collaboration, creativity, communication, and critical thinking) by participating in the 2 lessons
created by teachers that align with the ISTE Student Standards and Modification and Redefinition
levels of the SAMR model. Students will give meaningful feedback to teachers at the end of the

Evaluation Method: Success Indicator:

● Teacher observation of student ● based on teacher observation, 80% or
engagement more of students are actively engaged
● Teacher observations of ISTE Student and taking ownership of the learning
Standards process
● Student survey at the conclusion of the ● based on the post-survey, 80% or more of
lesson(s) students feel that the lesson was relevant,
allowed for student choice, encouraged
collaboration as well as independent
learning opportunities

Strategies Timeline Budget/Funding Source Person(s) Responsible

Teacher created lessons August -December No Cost Teachers

using SAMR and ISTE 2021 LSTC
Student Standards Tech Team
Teacher implements January-May 2022 No Cost Teachers
and students Students
participate in lessons
created the first
Student Survey upon completion of No Cost--Google Students
each lesson(s) Forms/Microsoft
January-May 2022 Forms
Teachers read feedback upon completion of No Cost Teachers
and data provided by each survey LSTC
students and reflect for January-May 2022 Tech Team
future AP/Principal
Goal: Diversity Considerations
Starting the 2021-2022 school year, Creekland will implement a Girls Who Code Club. While this
group is primarily aimed towards gender equality, our female population also encompasses low-SES
and diverse cultural and racial backgrounds. This club will meet twice a month and the creation of
this organization is an opportunity to demonstrate that females do have opportunities in a
traditionally male-dominated field. The additional access to technology outside of school hours

SU 19
ITEC 7410: Action/Evaluation Plan
Name: Lauren Pittman Semester: Summer 2021

would assist in closing the digital divide between our lower SES students. By addressing this
population, we can empower girls by “recognizing the role of women and girls not as users and
consumers of technology, but also as developers and creators, too” (Plan International, 2021).

Evaluation Method: Success Indicator:

● Girls Who Code Club is established
● Establishment of Girls Who Code Club within the 2021-2022 school year
● Documentation of attendance of students ● Participation for club increases as year
and teachers continues
● End of year survey completed by
Strategies Timeline Budget/Funding Source Person(s) Responsible

Club meets with Twice a month There is no cost to Teacher/Sponsor

female mentors and August 2021-May establish the club
speakers 2022 Hardware is already
established in the
Speakers and mentors
would volunteer their
time to the
End of year survey May 2022 No Cost Teacher/Sponsor
Goal: School Related
Throughout the 2021-2022 school year, teachers, administration, students, and community
stakeholders will revisit the school’s shared vision and the LSPI to specifically include technology
and be more in line with GCPS’s Strategic Plan. We are currently in our infancy with technology
integration and the inclusion of technology in these planning documents would align all stakeholders
on our academic and student goals.
Evaluation Method: Success Indicator:
● Technology Implementation Survey ● Creation of shared vision that aligns with
● Creation of teacher-tech team GCPS’ strategic vision and 21st-century
● Creation & documentation of technology learning ideals. Completed April 2022
integrated lesson plans for 2022-2023 school year.
● Publishing/communicating efforts ● Creation of LSPI that includes
● Teacher End of Year survey technology and aligns with GCPS’
● Administration Observation strategic vision. Completed April 2022
for 2022-2023 school year.
● Social media postings of at least once a
week to inform the public of efforts
Strategies Timeline Budget/Funding Source Person(s) Responsible

Teachers and admin Preplanning 2021 (July No cost LSTC

participate in a 2021)

SU 19
ITEC 7410: Action/Evaluation Plan
Name: Lauren Pittman Semester: Summer 2021

implementation survey
over current usage.
Interest for the
teacher-tech team
contained within the
First teacher-tech team August 2021 No cost LSTC
led by LSTC. The team Teacher-Tech Team
meet twice a month
and move to once a
month once established
PD for teachers over July 2021-May 2022 No Cost LSTC
SAMR models and Teacher Tech Team
ISTE Student
Creation & July 2021-May 2022 No Cost LSTC
implementation of Teacher Tech Team
revised lessons using Teachers
SAMR models and Students
ISTE standards
Administrative July 2021-May 2022 No Cost Administration
Observation and
End of Year Survey May 2022 No Cost Teachers
(end of year tech usage
combined with SAMR
Use of social media for August 2021-May No Cost LSTC and
communication to 2022 Teacher-Tech Team
community and
publishing of student

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